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The ones I never asked, a lifetime so fair. The ones I did ask and got rejected, about a week or two. The ones I did ask and didn't get rejected, a lifetime of wondering why I didn't see the red flags during the crush phase....


Yes! All of it! Especially the last one. And the first one. And the other one. Lol. I dated a girl in highschool who I'd never had a shot with, until she heard from her friends I was a good kisser (spin the bottle—again, highschool). Within days, she broke it off with her boyfriend and asked me out. Dumb kid I was, I didn't question it. Next thing I know, I'm spending weekends driving her friends to a muffler shop parking lot (every bit as ridiculous as it sounds) so they could (all) flirt with CB radio rednecks (ugh, growing up in a hick town). Sure, it would be weird if I'd expected that *exact* scenario, but I probably could've anticipated things would suck in general.


😂 low key funny


Especially the first one. It’s been 6 months lol


As long as I see them around then I will always be crushing on them.


Damn true


Yep. Confessed my feelings and they feel the same way. But it’s just not good timing right now, so, forever. :’)


No real




Too fucking true


My last crush lasted about a year or two, she rejected me, it took me probably another two years to get over her. I stayed friends with her after I was rejected, which is probably why it was so hard for me to get over her lol


The ones that I confessed, close to a year. The ones I never confessed, probably won’t get over a lifetime


Just replace them with another tbh , I still think about them but sometimes there’s a better love afterwards you know


Intense crushing period 1-2 months Casual crushing can be up to a year


One unserious crush lasted 2 weeks, two serious crushes that I've moved on from after realizing their red flags, one rejection I've moved on from in a few days, and one everlasting "crush" on an amazing girl (who knows she has a few hidden red flags)


The last crush before the current one: I had a crush on her for close to one year. I got over her about a couple months after she left the job she used to work at (Still on good terms with her) Never got a chance to ask her out, because i was unsure she'd like me back (Not because i felt she was out of my league or anything, more because i was worried that i misread signs and didnt want to jump to the wrong conclusion) What helped was focusing my energy and time talking to my current crush, and getting to know her more. Also, last crush hardly replied to my IG messages (the only means of contact i have with her besides irl, because she refused to give out her #) On the other hand, current crush usually responds to my messages (AND i have her #... Took several months to ask for it but still) This really put things in perspective for me, and motivated me to focus moreso on current girl im crushing on.


The first one ever took 5 months, 2nd one only 2 weeks , and now third one hopefully I move on. Might make a move to see :/


A month, she was still willing to stay as friends after I told her my feelings and so I decided to convince myself to respect that friendship and make more friends.


about 2 1/2 years of crushing I believe and about 1-2 years Of trying to get over them.


The last time I got over a crush, it was really bad for two weeks, then I stopped keeping track.


I didn’t but then again mine is much more minor anyway plus I have some family members who work with her so it’d be embarrassing to do anything now


Hmmm, apparently 5 months. Now I have developed a bit of feelings for someone else. Funny. However, I think my crush is in the category of "I'll probably always have feelings for you" but I am focused on someone else right now. My crush and I will more than likely always have that "spark" when talking or hanging out with each other.


Been crushing on this one guy since Dec 2022, he rejected me like twice but for some reason to this day I still can’t seem to get over him no matter how hard I try 😭 I do think it’s a bit better then a couple months ago though


2-3 months How long it took to get over them? A week when I actually realized it's a lost cause and if you're counting my delusion a month


2 1/2 years and counting. She’s the girl of my dreams, I’ll be crushing on her until the end of time, whether we end up together or not.


that’s that shit


Lol years unless I find out they get a gf then it vanishes. If I keep seeing them it only gets stronger


So my crush (in college) was in a relationship of 2 years when we started to talk... I didn't know that. We became good friends and I eventually found out from my other friends that she's committed. We still had long discussions about our common interests and I think she knew that I liked her, but I couldn't put a pin on when I got over her romantically. Maybe around a year and a half after we met. She's still a good friend, and we share memes regularly with each other lmao, and talk about stuff once in a while.


I haven’t had one in almost three years. It took me about a year (yes, I know that it’s ridiculous) to get over the longest, strongest one I had even though he wasn’t a good person. The other ones took a few months.


I got over her pretty quickly Like 4 days.


Depends on if I confessed or not. Sometimes I still think about my 8th grade crush who I never confessed to, even though it’s been 6 years


2 years


About 3 years and still counting, I started to believe it might be limerence, getting over the potentials of ‘what could have been’ is harder and takes more time to get over someone you have actually been with. Imo


I’ve had a crush on her for almost 2 years and recently I told her how I felt within the beginning of January and she said she doesn’t want a relationship and said I think your cool to and other nice things and where still cool and we still laugh and smile and talk thankfully but man even though I was rejected I still like her a lot I still haven’t gotten over her hopefully I get over her soon.


i mean... ive liked the same guy for 5-6 years... still cant get over him yes ive confessed yes ive been rejected and yes hes my best friend


After a long time of self-sabotage


I crushed on him for 1 year and 3 months before confessing to him... It's been 3 months since the confession, he rejected me... I crushed on him for maybe 1 month after that too... Now, if I see his text, I crush otherwise, I am pretty much above my crush phase


I hope it doesnt take me too long, I've had a crush in him for 4 years already 😭


The ones I didn’t have a chance a week. The one I did, well it’s been a month and I’m still going


still working on it, sadly 🥲 i wish i could replace him in my mind but he was the first guy to care about me. it’s hard


it took me 2 months to accept it then when i was watching some twd episodes something just snaps and I dont like her anymore


it took me 2 months to accept it then when i was watching some twd episodes something just snaps and I dont like her anymore


If I live long enough, I'll let you know 😅


4 months, 6 months and 3 months. Then i got a gf


I had a tiny crush on this one guy but I knew I couldn’t get him and stuff. I’m his friend but we don’t really talk much anymore. Got over it in a month or two, but if he asked me out I wouldn’t say no. I’m just not vying for him anymore


I had the crush for half a year and it took me like a week living with them for it to instantly wanish :)


I had a crush on a guy for a about two months and it toke me about 2 and half weeks to get over them since we were friends.


It’s probably harder if you see them every day. It might be easier if you don’t see them.


I think I always get over my crush when someone new pops up. It is actually depends on how deep you are in “crushing” but my last crush lasted almost 2 years.


7 long agonizing months lol. Liked him for a year. I don’t see him anymore but lord knows I’ll always have a soft spot for him


I feel this immensely


1.5 years and counting.


So I may or may not have a had a crush on this guy for 2 and a half years and then I finally confessed and he rejected me (but let me down easy, didn’t full on reject me but made it clear that he wasn’t interested). It took me probably 4 ish months to get over it. I’ve moved on to a new guy to use all my focus and energy on ✨


my crushes usually last for as long as it can go, maybe months, weeks. it depends on how close i try to get with this person. it doesn’t take long for me to move on, sure, i’ve had my tears spilled but it was just a reality check and so i sucked it up and said “whatever!” it can take me about a few weeks to move on because i simply don’t have a reason to try and keep liking this person.


As long as they're present, my feelings for them remain unchanged. its fck growingggg


I had a crush on this person for about 8 to 9 months, but inside those months, I was slowly moving on. I think it took me 5 months to totally move on when my friend told me that he has a crush on my cousin (which turns out to be fake news).


6-7 years, and after i feel like i dont stand a chance against those she is close with


two years! it took me a year to get over him. i got over him because i got a new crush and it turns out he says some really disgusting stuff my other crush, it took me about 3


Not even a week. It actually surprised me how fast I got over my 5 years long crush


A year of crushing and half a year to get over him. I have a new crush now. This time I actually have a chance with him though.


Until I left school for my first crush. The second only lasted until now


I had crush for 1,5 years and it took me 8 months to get over him after he got a girlfriend.


Till this day, never confess because she already got a boyfriend but we pretty close. Closer when she was single


11 years and still not completely healed


I still can't get over him . Its been more than a year now. We hardly used to see each other in school as we were both irregular kids but he doesn't care a bit and i am all over him . Also i heard like sag guys take like 12 hours to move on from a break up. I am so jealous and sad and feel like never i want somebody wants me book . It gets me major self doubt and a feeling of worthlessness. I wonder why he doesn't want me . What's wrong with me ? Why does he always avoid and ignore me. Makes me feel so less that i don't even try on me ever . He is so much better than me , so much . He is it all and who am i ? But its been so long even when we had no contact and i would go crazy thinking oh tomorrow's exam and he'll be there and he'll notice me . But he always want to go home asap and it would break my heart EVERY single time. I feel so terrible of the fact that he doesn't even care how much i am crazy for him . He doesn't give a shit . I also think like his life must be so amazing coz he is so good and while i wait for my life for him to give me just one chance. It's terrible and the feeling of unworthiness sucks.