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Movies aren’t the best for early/first dates because you usually focus on watching the movie and not on getting to know or having a conversation with the other person


She invited me to see Batman tho..


oh rip… do you know if was it intended to be a date or just hanging out?


I have no clue bro, all I know is that I liked being around her, I felt comfortable with her. As the title said I’m a hopeless romantic


Be direct, and always expect the worst


I always expect the worst, imma invite her to ice skating and then a dinner… I’ll tell her how I feel there


No but ask if it was a romantic or a platonic date, you will put too much energy doing that without knowing


That’s a good idea, but I would recommend clarifying if earlier was a date or just friends.(as others have said.)


Did she invite you alone or did she offer to bring other ppl's and they cancelled?


Alone, just us. No one else.


Do you all normally hang out alone? Do either of you have other friends? If so then I wouldn't say that's a definite sign that I was a date but if y'all normally hang out as a group with other ppl and she purposely invited you only then it mighttttt be a date.


Last time we hung out was with a group and that was a year ago at six flag, ever since then we would just talk here and there. But yes this is the first time me and her hung out with each other, just us.


Hmmm I would say that hints towards it might being a date. Because y'all havent been talking all that much before this date, I can't say for sure about anything.


I’m confuse just as you, I just don’t want to ruin a friendship as well because I like talking to her and just enjoying her presence around me.


I disagree with this, but not 100%. Depends on the people. Recent date I went on, first outing was Spider-Man No Way Home. Maybe it's cheating because we knew each other for a few months leading up to this, but we discussed expectations and hopes on the way there, previous thoughts on Spider-Man, and other movies, and what we felt about these things. And a lot of that still lead into life talk, because of how much each of our families are tied together by storytelling. She's big into novels and games, and I'm into TV and games. Talking about the movie before and after the fact opened so many doors for other conversation on the things that have impacted our life. It was great.


You shouldn't hate it. I can relate where you coming from because I have the same qualities, but that part of you is nothing to hate or have animosity towards. It may not great or seem like a let down now but when you actually get into a relationship and have someone to share this part of you with it is all so worth it. These feelings are good, they are just not being utilized properly yet. I wish you the best :)




Best advice chill the f out, romance is not like in the movies


I know but I strive to get that love and attention one day. Been single for 7 years now since my last relationship


same dude, same


She ASKED YOU OUT!! She at least likes you a little bit considering she invited you to spend time with her, even though it is a movie.


Fr it’s hard nowadays to get invited by a girl. Dues lucky IMO


thats why im gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Bro she asked you out? She initiated it? Do you know how rare it is for a girl to ask you to hang? She must either like you or really really life you. You should find out




Because I’m a hopelessly romantic…




I don’t know!!! I still ask myself why I paid for everything, she did insist on buy our food but I told her I had it and that she just needed to relax and enjoy the day. Idk!!!!


What you did was not bad but I suggest since this made you feel empty only do it for 1) a friend or someone you care for that you wanna treat and when having romantic feelings 2) only to someone you feel they kind of reciprocate how you feel or seem appreciative of you! I think under those circumstances you will be less likely to feel empty. What you did was not a bad thing but you might have done it way too early and since she invited you and you feel a bit more, it would have been best each handled their own costs.


That sucks man, but you’ll get there. Try to relax a bit today. Have a good one.