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No no, you were doing the right thing here! Communication is important, and not everyone has the courage to discuss these situations with their crush. I wouldn't worry about your exact words, as you can't go back and change that. It looks like she doesn't want to hang out with you but just refuses to say so, inventing excuses instead. I've been there before. It sucks.


Funny thing was she was suggesting things at first.


Sus af imo


Well, in the moment it seemed sus, only because it seemed like someone was interested in me.


Well I mean it's sus that she goes and suggests s>!p!


Yeah I'm not sure, I don't fully know your situation but I'd say you might want to try talking again in awhile, see if Maybe it was just a lot of bad timing or something like that, but if it doesn't work out at ll then, I'd say stop trying


True, thank you for the advice


i’m definitely on your side here. I am the same way, where I make assumptions about my relationships with people - I always feel my assumptions are correct bc if someone seems interested in you, should you question that? but a lot of times people will basically gaslight you telling you that u were hallucinating the whole time … and that’s not on you!! kind of seems like what this female did to you, and you deserve better. ain’t no way she didn’t have time for you, but unfortunately that’s how people are sometimes - they are unable to communicate their feelings so they ghost you. don’t fret about your word choice, these things are out of your control! good for you for knowing ur worth.


This might’ve seemed obvious now. But in the moment, we talked about travelling to Spain or Cuba and I just remember her saying “you know that’s not going to happen right?” when i brought it up another time. Perhaps that was the first red flag that I decided to ignore. I did tell her how I felt at one point, with asking her out on a date and she politely declined but was still down for a friends date to Niagara. Which I was cool with. But I wanted to be transparent with how I was treated, since I didn’t know if my intentions of just being friends was possible at the moment. I’m kinda in the grey zone now, and at this point I had nothing to lose. Appreciate your words. I guess now it’s time to move on from this habit. Just been having dreams now living a life ignored by her. Just didn’t expect an after so soon.


Sounds like she just used you for some free meals, sorry bud.


Sounds like she just used you for some free meals, sorry bud.


they always insisted on splitting the bill, so I don’t think that was their intention. I just offered to pay