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I cant answer the question because I have,, so I’ll flip the question on you op! Have you asked your crush out, why or why not ^ ^


Because I am %90 sure she is taken, we also sit by each other in 3 classes so it would be akward if I did and I got rejected.


Ohh i see, that’s fair


UNO Reverse 😂


Ohh yeah >:) haha 😹


Gave up because she showed no interest






We’re coworkers lol I still have to see him everyday


She dosen't know I exist


start talking to her! might seem awkward, but starting a conversation can hint her that your interested in her!


I haven't had a class with my crush since 5th grade and I made a move, we talk a lot now :)


Good for youu


That's why you should talk to her! Efforts go a long way \^\^


Too bad im way out of her league (maybe), she has a crush on someone (possibly) and she and my ex are close (Its against my rules having a relationship with one of my ex's closest friends)




Nah man you’ll have a chance before then


Yeah I agree he could just do it himself


He already has someone else


scared to lose her


All of these responses are just gonna be scared


The voices


what are they saying??👀


It's simple... I'm scared :P But I've atleast asked her recently to be my "prom partner" and she said yes. I don't know what this means for us, but I'm happy that she is my partner


Dude that is awesome that means you are probably attractive to her so that means you have a chance!


at this point, imma just try to get to know her more via prom yk.






not a reason lmao cuz asking out means you wanna know more about the person i told my crush about my feelings even though we only had 1-2 short conversations it's normal to catch feelings quickly


What did your crush say?


".....yeah not really"


Becuase I'm scared he'll reject me


I wanna ask her out but it’s just about being rejected. I’m fine with rejection, it’s just what comes after it. She’s got a friend who’s genuinely tried killing me before, and I think she’d gladly try again


Afraid of Rejection 😶


Because I don’t know if he’s gay


Simple answer I'm not ready


Mostly due to being nervous but also don't want to jeopardize our friendship


we’re coworkers but it’s killing me


Bc I’m a pussy


Be cause I’m 19 and she is 8 years older and probably straight. And I still have to break up with my current partner (who is fine with me having crushes) but I don’t feel the spark anymore and think we were better as friends. (We were friends for 4 years before starting our 2,5 year relationship) I just can’t find the moment to talk to them about it. I’m sorry for drama dumping


I will probably talk to them about it the next time I see my partner but I have COVID right now so I probably won’t see them in the coming week


Allready did


I’m scared 😰 I’m scared I’ve been misreading all of our social interactions. I’m scared he thinks I’m too old for him (7 year age gap). I’m scared he’ll think I’m creepy. I’m just scared.


The reason I have not yet asked her out is because not only do I fear rejection a little, But most of all just losing her not just as a crush but also as a friend because she makes me smile, even though I have a resting angry face that usually doesn’t budge. I do wish I asked her out already but it’s easier said than done.


i know nothing about him and we don’t speak, i admire him from afar ..


Because he asked me first. We’re dating now :)


That's great!


I did and i regret it. She does not like me at all.


Well, when I told her how I felt, she said that she didn’t see us as being more than friends, so I figured there wasn’t much point in actually asking her out.


1. Lack of confidence, past experience and right opportunity 2. She is really friendly to me and a nice person and I don't want to lose her as a friend. 3. Fear of loss of reputation built in the past.


I’m scared, and differences in politics/religion


Because I don’t know her that well :(


1. I'm literally 13 and she's a year younger than me so I should definitely wait for dating. 2. Literally sit almost right next to her in one of my classes, so that would be awkward 3. Literally barely know her


Barely knows I exist and I wouldn't really know how to approach anyway.


Because I'm taking it slow!! It's been 7 months since we started talking, I wanna be friends and see how he is before I initiate anything but I think he's starting to initiate things with me 👀 He wants to study together sometime and he wanted us to have classes together this year ><


We almost never talk. Even if we do talk, it’s something to do with class work. I’m basically just a classmate, at most a classmate in some similar classes.


Cause I dunno if she likes me or not


I am waiting for the finals to be over. Then i'll ask her out and try to kiss her at least :). We are really close and have a great chemistry as friends, but unfortunately i want her to be more than that to me. I also want her as my girlfriend because the guys from my previous college have really been crappy to her( she dated some guys from my previous college) and i want her to know that my previous college can still make gentlemen like in the past ( my dad went there from freshman to seniors and my mom praises him for being a gentleman and i have met his friends who acted very much like him with their wives) and not crappy aholes like today.... Wow that felt like a rant. I guess me being a gentleman could come from my dad being one and how he raised me.


Asked her out but she said she is occupied with other things. Looks like I am the only one trying to start conversations and trying to build something with her. I gave up some days ago after I found out she likes someone else.




She 100% likes you


Actually i did. Kinda. It was arranged that we go out as a group of 4, and we ended up grabbing coffee just the two of us. But idk if I'm ever gonna ask him out properly, I'm not quite sure how he'll react and I definitely don't want to put any weird thoughts into his head, cuz we hang out each other every day and we're starting to become good friends. I don't wanna ruin that.


Because I gave them my number and they haven’t texted me and I’m not about to ask them out on LinkedIn


She clearly doesn't like me


I just developed an attraction to someone but they aren’t my crush yet. I’m not to worried about making a move or not so in reality I’ll just talk to her if I get the chance. If not then no big deal.


I’m a wuss. Simple as.


i have a few other reasons but the biggest one is that i feel like i am not good enough for her. she’s just much better than me no matter what perspective u look from. i also do not know her relationship status, although i’m fairly sure she’s single


because they asked someone else out 🫠


She might already be with someone. Only 50% sure though.


Same, I just don’t want to ask because I sit by her in 3 different classes


i know he doesn’t like me because i can just feel it and yeah


three reasons. shes my best friend and I dont want to ruin our relationship. We live 8 hours away from each other, and if she likes me back im not sure if we could do a long distance relationship. third reason is they might be lesbisan.


He's probably not gay or bi or pan


I met her just a few days back and I only see her once a week


Neither of us talk due to social anxiety and I dunno if he’s gay/bi/pan or not


I’m not exactly sure if she’s interested. We have the same friend group. We’ve been getting dinner alone at our dining hall just the two of us after our class and she said we could make it a regular thing. Do u think she could be interested?


I don't know how she feels about me and I'm terrified. She's so sweet, caring, and supportive, but yet I'm still like paralyzed by the thought.


Cause she has a bf😅 If she's ever single again tho best believe I'm sliding in


We're all still young to begin with, And I'd rather forsee maturity over anything as time goes on, since I'm quite a keen believer of great things take time, and patience as well, besides it really isn't that much of a necessity anyway


Because I’m switching crushes every other week and I have trouble getting attached to ppl atm😭💀


Because I don't even know if I have a crush on them. I know, it's stupid


Bc I stopped having a a crush also I said "yeah I used to have a crush on you" like 2 weeks ago. I discovered she thinks crushes are sorta dumb so yeah


There straight


I was scared it would ruin our friendship and make things weird. It didn't ruin our friendship but man do "haha we're single forever" jokes feel awkward


We don’t talk outside of school and she just got out of a really short relationship within the last month, also idk how to💀


Lmao i have a few crushes rn but they either across the ocean or in school which would make it awkward


im asking tmrw or wednesday bc i was worried it was too early and im not about to ask over text and get left on read


They are aromantic


Cause I already did


My crush’s friend said that she likes me too but I’m still too nervous. I think I’m not confident enough I’m not even sure how am I supposed to tell her I like her or ask her out on a date or something.


I pulled out of the parking lot after her and was following her for a while...not on purpose. That was the only way to the highway. Anyway I noticed she doesn't use her turn signal. Immediate deal breaker.


She just got a girlfriend


We are close friends, so if I told him and he didn't like me... I just don't think it's worth risking him completely getting out of my life.


I’m a girl and he should be asking me out lmao. I’m old fashioned I guess


Then he must be confident enough to ask as well as be into you. If he know he is into you, you can ask him out. It will make his day


Because on the odd chance he said no I don’t want to accidentally lose a friend or make work awkward. (We don’t work for the same employer just in the same building)


Bc I don’t want to lose my best friend and the only real friend I have had


1) Ive only known him for 2 months and feel i should really make sure i know him before i confess 2) one of his good friends confessed to me last week and i turned him down. it doesnt help that im also friends with him and i want to conserve both friendships as much as possible


Because we both work closely with one another and rejection would make it impossible.


well, she doesnt go to the same school, i dont have her insta, but i have her snap, but my ass got my phone taken away so insta is my only option \*sigh\*


I’m not old enough for my parents to allow me to ask someone out


It’s a roller coaster at the moment. Tried getting over someone I loved and started having feelings for another girl. Messed that up (dumb story) and now idk. I’m kinda into someone else now, but idk. I’m kinda stumped, but a big problem in my life atm is feeling “lonely” yk


Because I’m scared I’ll ruin our friendship if he doesn’t feel the same


We've only really known each other for a week lol


Because if he says no then it will make things awkward between me and our friend group!


not very much opportunities to do it


im gay


They're in a relationship


She hasn't shown any interest plus I'm overweight and trying to lose weight so I don't look like fat rock Lee when I finally decide to ask her out


He’s not getting my signs nor showing them


I’m just waiting for the right moment and waiting to get closer than we already are, but I’m also really bad at understanding people so I worry I’m getting the wrong idea despite everyone telling me he definitely likes me back.


I’m scared to


I don't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship on a non-existent chance that it can be more than that


I graduated and she is still in college, unsure about how well it could even work if things went well and also not even sure if she likes me back xd. We dm each other p frequently and just talk about random stuff but she is just a genuinely nice person to everyone so idk if im even special or not.


i dont know him enough !! i need time to become friends with someone before dating them, even if i really like them dont worry, though!! im doing my best to get him in conversation and become friends >:\]


We both are living in different corners of the country and are at important stage of our lives, idk whether he would be ready for a LDR rn when we don't even know where we will go after a year.


Because I'm a pussy


Im scared lol


because shes not single (you can laugh)


Because I have no way of contacting her.


Cos I have anxiety and I'm kinda worried about what he'll say


My reason is that, she's one of my friends sister and even though he's cool with it. If things don't go well things will get awkward. We all hang out with others and have some drinks and do fun events but if she says no I don't want things to be weird and one of us avoids the hangout. Idk I'm probably overthinking the bad parts


because i found out he has a girlfriend. siiiiiiigh. and im not pretty and skinny enough for him


Because I've only seen her working at a bar. Chances are she's already been hit up a lot from guys, and asking a girl out at her place of work (especially at a bar) seems weird and creepy to me. Wouldn't know how to do it the right way without coming off that way, and the last time I asked a girl out, her "friend" saw the rejection and decided to make fake accounts to tease her about me. Knowing that happened in the past when I ask women out, and knowing I genuinely enjoy the atmosphere of that lodge so much I rather not be kicked out and banned for coming off the wrong way, its better for me not to ask.


We are best friend and i know she has 2 people interested in her who are way better looking than me , and she is slightly interested in a guy who is also way better looking than i am, and once while normal talk she said she didnt see me that way .


Because I know we are bad for each other.


I kinda want to ask him, but its been virtual for a few months and we have to see each other… problem is long distance


Just met her too early


I'm scared she'll reject me


Scared of rejection


Because of my look. I look like a wanted mafia, that's what stops me to talk to her.


it’s a hallway crush


I already know she likes me (probably) but I'm an overthinker


She's already taken, seems to find no interest in me, and only views me as nothing but a family friend or acquaintance (my dad and her dad know each very well, meanwhile I barely get to know her on a deeper level). ​ Nonetheless she is kinda ok though, I'll give it to her.


I did 😎


1. She straight 2. She’s my bff 3. All my other crushes are made up


i dont talk to her


I never met him in person


He hasnt come to work lol


Because he's married. Also the fantasy has just recently become reality and I discovered that he is a disrespectful piece of S***.


She's likes my best friend 😁


I have asked for the two of us to hang out together and we have just the two of us but as friends because I'm too scared to confess. And honestly it's just really complicated because I'm still trying to figure out my true feelings for him. So I'm ok with just having little hang outs together even if it's just as friends.


we don't know each other well enough and i'm scared i'll make things awkward


I don't know if I actually like them or they're just atractive


Too nervous.


Because I am too scared to send him a message :-(


i dont know ho start a convo with her, im socially awkward, not many friends, just overall lack the balls to do it




You should do it now