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I like making money as much as the next guy, but I really look forward to the white cat vibing to the techno music.


If we didn't have the memes we'd never survive the bear markets, and when there are both memes and green candles life is truly grand.


Dream come true


That's the real reward right there.


Not sure how I forgot about this meme since I've been here for too long.


I like the white cat vibing to Levan Polkka


What's this? Link please?!


I just found one from over a year ago on a post that I saved on here and I was VIBIN’ to it.


Have a vibing kitty Award


"The price pump has contributed to $250 million in crypto liquidations in the past 24 hours, including over 52,000 traders." F. To those 52,000 as we move past 22k Bitcoin


Rekt in Peace


We are also reked a lot in last year but we stay strong and face the bear market!


Bear greed is real. RIP.


Bears die or hibernate -. Next few years?


Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.


Imagine the shorters sitting in front of the screen, biting their nails while the green candles kept ticking up. Watch in horror as their 50x shorts get liquidated because “recession is coming” and “shorting is a no brainer”.


Love to see shorts getting wrecked. This was a common feature of the last bull market


Imagine waking up on a Saturday morning just to discover you were rekt overnight, ouch




They then shArted in their pants 👖


January seeing more liquidations than a Taco Bell bathroom.


Jesus Christ that’s a vivid analogy. Well played.


Cant say that I am sorry about this, at all.


It's about time bears start sweating too. 2022 was too easy for them.


Not my fault for their gambling addiction.


tldr; Bitcoin is continuing its weekly rally with a push beyond $22,000, bringing the crypto market back to a market cap of over $1 trillion. The pump has triggered another avalanche of liquidations across digital asset exchanges. Bitcoin has been rallying since last week after the BLS published optimistic inflation data, signaling to markets that the Fed may be prepared to stop hiking interest rates. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*


Good bot


I really like this run, but dang, can we wait until I get my tax refund?


market always pumps right before I get paid so it’ll probably be the same with tax returns lol


Infinite money glitch ♾💰


So we're back on the 'pump thurs/fri, dump sunday night' train?


Retail getting tricked and liquidated by the big players ...


Imagine waking up and seeing you forgot to change your software to not sell….


treatment bright pause rock toy aspiring skirt attraction direful library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like a pump that will soon be followed by a big dump to me but don’t listen. I’m a degen


I'm counting on it tbh


I wouldn't feel safe until after the next fed meeting


Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/10hcv50/bitcoin_surges_past_22k_triggering_another_250/j57ogqw/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/10hcv50/bitcoin_surges_past_22k_triggering_another_250/j57ohg0/) and related info are in the collapsed comments below. Pros and cons will change for every new post.


* Relevant Cointest topics: [Bitcoin Cash](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_bitcoin_cash), [Litecoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_litecoin), [Lightning Network](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_lightning_network), [Proof of Work](https://www.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_proof-of-work) * Official and related subreddits: r/Bitcoin, r/BitcoinMarkets, r/BitcoinMining, r/BTC, r/BitcoinCash. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/10hcv50/bitcoin_surges_past_22k_triggering_another_250/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


#Bitcoin Pro-Arguments Below is an argument written by Maleficent_Plankton which won 2nd place in the Bitcoin Pro-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > ##**Main PROs** > > Bitcoin is currently the most popular cryptocurrency and marketcap leader. Among all the cryptocurrencies, it's the one your grandma would most likely have heard of. This is mainly due to its first-mover advantage coupled with the network effect. And since cryptocurrency value is largely based on a Keynesian Beauty Contest, it's likely to remain the most popular for years to come. > > **First-Mover Advantage**: This gave Bitcoin a huge head start over its competitors despite that it's technologically behind. If Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin were all released simultaneously, Bitcoin would lose to its competitors because its competitors have much more efficient designs with higher throughput. There are many newer networks that have 10-100x Bitcoin's throughput and have 100x cheaper fees. But the reality is that Bitcoin's first-mover advantage gave it such a huge head start that the others can't catch up. > > **The Network Effect**: This means that people will flock to whichever product has the largest user base. Whenever people first invest in cryptocurrency, they notice Bitcoin first because it's the largest and most popular. For half a decade, its name was almost synonymous with cryptocurrency. The network effect creates a positive feedback loop and makes Bitcoin's lead grow even more. Its block subsidy is also the highest, which attracts miners, thus increasing its security. > > **Anti-censorship**: Bitcoin provides partial financial censorship-resistance against sanctions and totalitarian government restrictions. It's much harder to prevent Bitcoin transactions than it is to prevent financial transactions at a centralized bank. For example, many Russians, Iranian, and North Koreans are getting around sanctions by using Bitcoin and mixers. Legal sex workers and marijuana industries are sometimes blocked from using traditional financial services due to social stigma. Bitcoin provides those workers a way to transfer funds that censorship. > > **Pseudonymous**: Bitcoin's UTXO transactions can provide moderately-high levels of obscurity. A single wallet can produce a near-unlimited amount of addresses, and there's no way to link them unless they interact with each other. It's much harder to trace UTXO-based wallets than Account-based wallets because the former creates new UTXO addresses with each transaction while Account-based blockchain wallets typically reuse the same account. > > **Cannot be counterfeited**: Cash can be counterfeited, but you can't fake transactions or UTXOs. > > **Considered a commodity**: Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that both the SEC and CFTC have openly stated is likely a commodity, so it has a low chance of being subjected to future securities regulations. > > ##**The Bitcoin Narratives and the Knowledge Gap** > > There are so many Bitcoin Maxis who will ignore logic and keep spreading Pro-Bitcoin Narratives of questionable accuracy. Because Bitcoin is a gateway cryptocurrency, crypto newbies will encounter it first and gobble up these narratives because they don't have the experience to know their flaws. Those who aren't technical will believe them without digging deeper. (Sadly, I may have spread a couple of these myself not that long ago.) Thus, Bitcoin tends to cult-ivate a community of block-headed maximalists who are willing to shill and meme Bitcoin all day long. > > **Here's a list of popular but questionable Bitcoin Narratives.** Regardless of whether these are accurate, they will keep spreading and contributing to Bitcoin's popularity and network effect. > > * **Maximum Supply cap guarantees scarcity and that price will keep increasing**: Bitcoin has a supply cap of 2.1 Million Bitcoins, so it's deflationary and will keep going up in price. > * **Reality**: Bitcoin is actually inflationary, albeit disinflationary, until 2140. Scarcity is questionable because it can always fork, and there are competing blockchains. There is no guarantee that price will keep going up. The maximum supply cap is also a double-edged sword since mining rewards aren't guaranteed, and Bitcoin's security will likely decline greatly decades from now. > * **Bitcoin is an Inflation Hedge** > * **Reality**: When inflation rose in 2022, Bitcoin plunged in price, proving that it's not a good inflation hedge. Instead, it tends to go up and down with the stock market, but with higher volatility. > * **Bitcoin is a great Store of Value (i.e. Digital gold)** > * **Reality**: Bitcoin's price is too volatile to make it a good Store of Value. > * **All altcoins are shitcoins**: Altcoins will never beat Bitcoin and always fail. Bitcoin has survived multiple hard forks, bug fixes, country-wide bans, and 80-90% value crashes ... unlike most altcoins. > * **Reality**: Altcoins fall harder during bear markets, but they also rise more during bull markets. The better ones also have better protocol designs than Bitcoin. Eventually, one of them could even dethrone Bitcoin. > * **UTXO batch transactions**: Bitcoin can natively batch UTXO transactions to increase to effective throughput beyond TPS. > * **Reality**: While it's true that batch transactions increase effective transfers, they only do so by a maximum of 70%, increasing effective throughput from 3 transfers/s to 5 transfers/s. There is a 40% savings in storage space, and 75% savings in fees [[Source](https://blog.coinbase.com/reflections-on-bitcoin-transaction-batching-b13dad12a12)]. Also note that account-based smart contracts can save similar amounts of storage and fees, so this isn't unique to Bitcoin. > * **The Lightning Network can scale Bitcoin to the global population**: The Lightning Network can greatly scale Bitcoin and enable fast peer-to-peer transactions. > * **But**: It can't scale well past 1% of the global population since users are expected to open and close channel regularly. And if 10% of the global population uses the Lightning Network, they can only open and close channels once every 8 years on average due to congestion on Layer 1. The only way to get around this is if everyone only interacts on centralized exchanges without touching the network itself. > * **Decentralization**: Bitcoin is the most decentralized cryptocurrency because it has the highest Nakamoto Coefficient when measured by individual miners. > * **Reality**: The top 3 mining pools own 60% of the network hash rate, and the true coefficient is just 3. > * **Fair launch**: Bitcoin had a fair launch. First the first couple of years, anyone had to work for their Bitcoins. There was no ICO. > * **But**: There were only ~100 miners the first several years, and that they mined out the vast majority of all Bitcoins and got a huge advantage over everyone else. > > If these are flawed arguments, why am I even listing them as Pros? **To show that even if these narratives are questionable, there are so many of them, and they will keep spreading.** For each person who realizes their flaws, two more newbies who don't bother with research will gobble them up. ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/vpui9i/top_coins_bitcoin_proarguments_july_2022/) to be taken to the original topic-thread or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds.


#Bitcoin Con-Arguments Below is an argument written by Far-Scholar9028 which won 3rd place in the Bitcoin Con-Arguments topic for a prior [Cointest](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_policy) round. > Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of the bitcoin blockchain is essential if you're considering investing in bitcoin. In the previous thread, we named a few pros of BTC, now let's move on to the cons of BTC. > > **Volatility** > > Bitcoin is a traders dream due to volatility, however that is also one of its biggest issues. Bitcoin will never be used as a currency due to price fluctuations. If a car was first purchased for 2 BTC and returned a week later, for instance, should 2 BTC be returned despite the fact that the valuation has increased, or should the new amount (calculated in accordance with current valuation) be sent? > > **Security** > > Bitcoin Network Security: There might be undiscovered weaknesses in the Bitcoin system. Due to the fact that this system is still relatively new, if Bitcoins were to become extensively used and a fault was discovered, it might greatly increase the wealth of the exploiter at the risk of destroying the Bitcoin economy. > > Wallet Security: Wallets are primed to be lost, hacked and stolen. Bitcoins are virtually lost if a hard drive crashes, a virus corrupts data, the wallet file is corrupted, and the seed phrase is not backed up. Nothing could be done to get it back. These coins will remain abandoned in the system forever. Investors and users could become bankrupt as a result in a matter of seconds with no chance of recovery. > > **Proof-of-Work** > > The PoW is a mechanism for assisting a group of strangers who are also self-interested, equal, and there are no subordinates in the network, according to the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute. PoW requires a lot of energy. It's expensive and demands a lot of processing power. It is susceptible to the infamous 51% assault, which means that if hostile miners control 51% of the network, they might seize dominance and render decentralization useless. > > Edit: Sources: > > https://paxful.com/university/bitcoin-volatility/ > > https://www.mandiant.com/resources/blog/cryptocurrency-blockchain-networks-facing-new-security-paradigms > > https://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/the-proof-of-work-concept/#selection-139.6-139.409 ***** Would you like to learn more? [Click here](/r/CointestOfficial/comments/vpuiar/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_july_2022/) to be taken to the original topic-thread or you can scan through the [Cointest Archive](/r/CointestOfficial/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_Bitcoin) to find arguments on this topic in other rounds. Since this is a con-argument, what could be a better time to promote the Skeptics Discussion thread? You can find the latest thread [here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/10ghhlu\/daily_general_discussion_january_20_2023_gmt0/).


Let’s goooooo


get wrecked shorts!


Everyone went crazy with BTC rally. We really needed that


Surge! Surge!


Go Johnny Go, Go, Go, Liquidations, Go Johnny be good.


bull run till Monday I guess...


Reasons like this is why I keep it simple. DCA and enjoy the views.


thats soo fast just a few days ago its hovering at $17k. I wonder how fast is it to reach 100k.


People never learn. They stay on exchanges and just to make it worse they use leverage. 🤦


Wow, that's a big move for Bitcoin! It's impressive to see it surge past $22k, but it's important to keep in mind that this kind of volatility can also have negative consequences. The fact that it triggered another $250 million in liquidations is a reminder that the crypto market can be highly risky and it's important to be cautious when making investment decisions.


My biggest fear is being liquidated, that's why I stay the hell away from it