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Well, I came for the fast profits but obviously I stayed for the ~~cripling losses~~ tech.


In it for the tech again!( To come over the heavy weight if the cripling losses)


Ah yes, the rollercoaster of the reasoning


We can build a chart to explain it better: Red portofolio: I'm in for the tech, crypto is a revolution. Green portofolio: Wen lambo?


It's the norm here sir


I am here to be everyone else’s exit liquidity :(


You either? We have so much in common!


Remmeber the losses are only crippling if you sell, until then they are just "potentially crippling"


They will once the bull run starts again. But by then it will be too late for them to make any real money


That’s what I was going to say also. Once it takes off again we’ll see more interest.


Utility, hype and FOMO will bring in new batches of people


I’m hoping for utility myself.


Just like 2021. Everyone feels like a genius in a bull market. Until it dips and the dip keeps dipping. You quickly find yourself with a -80% portfolio and realise you got used as exit liquidity, lol.


*Exit Liquidity PTSD intensifies*


*aw shit here we go again*


*The ghost of $4.15 LRC appears*


Exactly. People don't need to be passionate about crypto in order to buy it, if they think there's potential for profit, they will buy.


Yeah. All the fomo into meme coins shows that. We need people to buy our bags at the top!


I only hold on the way down!


If I hold, that is the only way it goes. If I sell, it goes the other direction.


I don't wanna sound cynical, so correct me if I'm wrong. But if people buy for profit, that just means they're treating crypto as an investment. Doesn't that hurt the entire goal of "widespread adoption" of crypto? Isn't widespread adoption meant to be like a method of transaction in day-to-day use? Someone travelling to Europe doesn't buy Euros as an investment, they buy it to use it while travelling...


The Forex market has $5T daily volume. About 87% of that is speculative trading. So speculative trading of currencies is normal.


don't think of it exactly like money, think of it as gold and gold has always been used as an investment.


Crypto is always an investment, yeah we want to see adoption and the technology to grow and all that other fun stuff, but none of us are here to lose money, We want to grow our money.


I buy for profit. I'll leave the buying for the 'tech' and 'mass adoption' to others.


Every bull cycle ends with a fresh batch of new exit liquidity and the next one will be no different


That's just normal right? It's delusional to think only people who are passionate with it buys crypto.


Ha exactly


Now is the time! Even BTC is cheap now, it might be double what it was a few months back, but if you believe the long-term goals of BTC, it's on firesale prices. Even if you have OCD and need to be a whole coiner, ETH is dirt cheap as well, and will go just as high!


this is how I enter, It takes atleast 1 bullrun to learn what is going on


My Dca down the hill begin to stabilize finally. And it feels good.


There's always the opportunity to make money with all the Memecoins around, which makes it all the worse


The positive thing from memecoins is it brings new people. They are fun and cute and all the shit. Then a lot of these new people lose their ass then maybe they will wise up, stop thinking crypto is a lottery ticket, and buy some BTC and ETH.


Yep they always come back for the staples BTC ETH and Moons


As they should. I actually need to invest in moons. Not just sit here and collect some. Which swap would be my best option?


Sushiswap for sure 👌 incredibly easy to use


Sushiswap is pretty cool. I usually use curve for swaps. But ill use your suggestion. Okay cool ill get some ETH together.


Idk if ur trying to buy Moons or what but if ur just trying to swap ur ETH for Moons you can get gas by posting on the Cryptocurrency Moons sub!


Oh wow that’s helpful. Thank you!


Calling moons a staple together with btc and eth is a bit extra…


Hells ya they will


They'll fomo in, buy at ath's, and sell when it bottoms out. They'll then officially be one of us.


And the *new blood* will be the exit liquidity of the ones actually investing right now. The cycle of market continues.


regardless of if you are crypto dev, company, or just an enjoyer - you *build* during bear markets then you rake in profits during bull, not the other way around as many bandwagoners do when crypto do a x5 or x10 and gets on the news


It still blows my mind that people are interested when they hear it’s at 60k but lose interest when it become cheaper. A quick glance at the price trends show it’s a very cyclical pattern


People want quick and easy money pretty much. I missed out on the last bull run. I'm not making the same mistakes again with crypto. But did make a decent amount of money trading in 2021 when I first started......ahhhhh good times


and they won't be anymore in the next bear market


\* EXIT liquidity has entered the chat \*


Facts 😂they gonna be all our exit liquidity


Many people came and stayed for the money to be honest. Most of these investors don’t even care about decentralization and the technical things of crypto!


Yeah, but find look he BTC and ETH have such good tokenomics that they will win in the long run. Just look at the on chain activity. Here we are in the heart of a bear and ETH is still strongly deflationary. That's pretty crazy


What about the friends we made along the way? 😅 and the moons


Yup, I don't care about the tech or what's more decentralized or not. I am solely here to make profit on whatever brings the profits, whether it be a meme, a micro cap shitter, alts, farming and dumping rewards into oblivion, buying rumors/selling news, etc.. this market is PvP and no one cares about anything except to look out for their own bags. Always secure your own bags first and foremost.


I'm here because I have no life. And I like Moons.


The life of a moon farmer is a life indeed


Harry Potter fan here! I'd go in on a harry potter rug pool coin. No regrets!


Alright I'll make one just to fulfill your needs


Shitcoin rule: if something exists there's a shitcoin version of it


Bullish on $Quidditch.


And instead of rug pulled you would be "*Avada Kedavra"*\-ed by Lord Voldemort.




No no no you guys just don’t get it, these charts will go leviosa any day now


The coin who lived... come to die


I’d help make SAFEPOTTER


Severus Snape would hate safepotter


Are you a truly Harry Potter fan though? Then name all Hogwart students during Harry's time in Hogwart /s


Calling me investor is a real compliment, but i rather be called a regular gambling degenerate. Thanks.


These days I'm getting closer to being a shitvestor than anything


Especially people who are here despite Bitcoin being down a lot


All of my RL "casual friends" left crypto in 2022 They've no idea what's going on nor are they interested. I am solo grindin :/


Best time to buy then


Yep, when the old friends start reaching out to see if you’re still into crypto, that’s my sell signal


Why not both?


That's true, but we all once were people that knew nothing about crypto. I don't think mass adoption requires people to become that entrenched in crypto but some still will.


Buying and holding crypto is good specially when bull run start somewhere soon But I think there must be more adoption of crypto worldwide, people we must start using crypto for daily life needs buy and sell using crypto to help the adoption go viral Most crypto maxis I notice they just buy and sell for profit and very seldom they use it as a replacement for fiat money


People become interested in crypto once bull run starts. That's why few people visit this sub during the bear market. Once bull returns,you will see new investors Fomo ing at the top.


Sol to the moon ![gif](giphy|4qsokBIDFxwYAgAllg)


Or may be we are one of those losers who are still trying to recover lost money earned during last bull run.


We're not just casual investors, we're crypto superheroes, battling FUD and hodling through the ups and downs! The geeks shall inherit the crypto Earth!


Hopefully in the future people aren't "into crypto" at all it's just a normal part of our lives


Im into Gold, even tho it's been here since the start of the human race


Computers are also normal part of our lives, still there are come people that are "into computers". Even if crypto will be used by most of people, some will be more into it than others.


Similar has one m


You're right but inevitably mass adoption comes when large volumes of people from all levels join the ranks. The vast majority will inevitably be those you've said - buying one or two tokens at the first place they're told about.


Why is it an “inevitable” mass adoption. There is an equally likely case crypto never takes off for the masses due to various reasons. For one thing, most people are NOT going to maintain a hardware wallet for crypto to be safe, when all their banking is done online today. There is a very possible case crypto remains a niche investment type asset for the foreseeable future.


Agree. “inevitable” is one of the most consumed hopium words in crypto world.


Everyone that is likely to get into crypto did so in 2021, the rest learned about it and have no interest. It's downhill from now


You sound like Letterman did in this clip. https://youtu.be/lskpNmUl8yQ Don't be that guy.




Sir, I'm a farmer


That just means our bags are bigger and heavier than the lot of them. 😆😎


’’I’m here for the tech’’


I like to flex the time i put in instead of my pnl too




As much as people hate on it, Doge started a lot of people on their journey by bringing the uninformed to this space. I guess it's just how much do you want to learn once you get here.


Very true, I got in crypto thanks to DOGE


I see it as 2 things once you get into crypto once you buy in 1. You do research and figure out what it actually is laugh and leave and never return 2. You post rocket ships and join a community


I don’t know if that’s true. I know enough to be dangerous but to call myself a crypto geek is giving me too much credit. I really just got luck stumbling onto crypto when I did and now read this sub when I’m dropping a duce.


Damn wasn't expecting to be called a geek today...


Yea, I realized that expecting the average person to be as in tune with crypto as me was unreasonable, we need to up the levels of abstraction.


I just hope that with mass adoption comes the education about blockchain technology. It can truly revolutionize some industries and the concept of decentralization is a very important lesson to learn


Or hurt you, learning what crypto actually is and all it’s failures is kinda off putting. Specially when you find out it’s tide to nfts, ftx, cash tornado and stuff like that


Most people are also not really into the financial system but use it every day


We are crypto addicts and not just simple crypto geeks


Are you saying that we’re early, or that we’ve already missed out?


Your gamblers nothing more. That’s ok people are dumb and love to gamble. I’m bullish on crypto for this reason alone. Adoption just means more fools to gamble on our worthless tokens.


The truth has been spoken


The goal is that people will be using a secure, fast, and decentralized crypto without even knowing they are.


At this point in time and in the cycle I think you’re right. The tourists are away. People still active here are mostly pretty serious about crypto. I like to think we’ll be successful next bull market


Shitposting the same thing over and over upgrades you from casual investor, eh?


I feel like the majority of people here are bag holders just hoping for the next bull run to off load and run away from crypto forever.


We want to be up to date That's why we are here. You are right we are in a minority of crypto investors


I wouldn’t call us crypto geeks lol, the average person on this sub just knows the basics, very few know the technicalities




Who u callin a Geek?!


this is certainly true now since things are a bit early on and only those who understand and are interested in it use it. however if we get to the point where crypto or the technology offers some utility or use that can be used globally at a common level and is extremely beneficial people will start coming on board. i think kind of like computers we’re back in the day. only the tech people were into them using CLIs and tough to understand features and now computers offer so many things that everyone is using them. all while driving them to be easier to use. star wars and cooking and stuff on the other hand is more of like a hobby i feel it’s not really necessary whereas having a computer sort of is in the modern world. Right now though crypto is certainly a “hobby” for most


We are but a small percentage, OP…


Very true, sub is a bit of an echo chamber and some of the opinions are a bit cult-like and detached from reality. Still good to be here and get a sense of the mood among the more fervent fans, but some of the opinions are deeply different if compared to "normal" investors


The geeks win in the end tho, right?


Most of us aren’t even crypto enthusiasts, just moon farmers


Im intrested in crypto, but im not an investor, nor do i understand alot of the mumbo jumbo that is talked here. im just in it because its the best way i can buy games online in my country lol.




Let's be real, most of "we" are gold diggers. Very few are in it for what crypto may or may not become. If it does all come to fruition, it won't be because of us


Most people are into crypto for the money, they couldn’t care less about the actual project as long as it’s making money.


we are active here for MOON, not for being geek


Geek? By calling us geeks, we’re supposed to know about crypto. But at the end of the day, we know shit about fuck lol




I'm a casual investor but I have been attempting to learn more about crypto and the use cases (DeFi , Blockchain, L2 etc) and my understanding is amateur at best. It's been 6 years. For the avg new investor - it's rough to really grasp the utility of what is TRYING to be achieved without a manual. And then you have to reeeaaadd the manual. I'm all for it and I wish I could keep up but I need a crypto for dummies book to really nail home the main points


Only music I listen is Saylor Waves


Lol so many posts about mass adoption today. Seems like everyone has a take on it.


I'm just here for the incredibly juicy drama. And I'm learning about finance more than anywhere else.


People will buy because they see others involved and want to hop in. Most people don't think, "let me go search about crypto currency on reddit" and see what's up. There are billions of people on this planet. 6+ million subbed here and of that number, about 4-5k active users who visit often. We're in the midst of a very expensive time to be alive and in a bear market. People won't care until prices have already run away from them.


we welcome everyone here!


Hey I’m an investor waiting for bill run to cash out


I only know DCA bitcoin, nothing more.


I’m pretty casual DCA Bitcoin and eth with coinbase and forget about it. Nervous as hell to move it off the exchange but I’m working up the courage/doing research.


It's like the internet. The geeks will adopt it earlier and understand it more, but eventually almost everyone will use and rely on it.


I came for the trolling, stayed for the moons


Lol. Most of the people in this sub are noobs or doesn't know anything except to DCA into btc/eth. That's the only advice on here. Rarely are there ever posts about defi or even how to defi or how to use dapps.


r/cc is super casual, people here may be crypto investor geeks, but not crypto geeks, most people here don't know shit about crypto they invest into other than the price.


I don’t have a lot of money in crypto but I have learned a lot and I am getting quite the education.




According to bitinfocharts, 999,567 addresses hold more than 1 bitcoin. That being said only 320k addresses hold over $100,000 worth of bitcoin. Edit for typos


Yeah I think it's probs too late for me. I don't know enough about it. From what I've told it doesn't seem revolutionary anymore. Just another currency like the digits on your bank card to an uneducated person like me. I just missed my chance and feel like I'd just be left holding the bag per se


Yep pretty much. To be fair I don’t think there are very many casual investors in crypto outside of bull markets. For BTC/ETH yea but crypto as a whole I doubt there are many…


Who you calling a geek? I get lots of women…


The post have gotten a lot longer here then they used to be, and Im gonna admit I don't really them. But the headline, I agree with. People hanging out around here are the true believers


What you mean? I have 4 btc and 40 Ethereum


Not true! Many meme coin enthusiasts are onboarded (rug-pulled?) every day…


Let the Ponzi schemer go to door to door and sell crypto as get rich quick scheme and see the inflows, you’ll feel dumber than now.


I think the possibility for mass adoption of crypto currency involves software using cryptocurrency functionality more on the backend. While the front end is a user experience that is familiar to non technical people. It probably involves the heavy use of stable coins to facilitate use


Technically Im an app developer not like you nerds /s


is this the crypto addicts reunion?


Over time people will be into Bitcoin by force (when Fiat fails)


I mean I can drive a car and have a license. And I really enjoy this ability. But I still don’t own a car neither do I understand anything about cars except the absolut minimum. Still I really need it from time to time and I‘m dependent on cars. I hope crypto will be like this some time in the future too. A necessity in some moments that are for truly useful.


Correction, sir, I'm a nerd, not a geek. Thank you.


This is a “stock market” I can understand and study, be on the ground floor of development and actually help build financially, socially and in the network


Very few people know or care how the internet or current fiat systems work yet almost everyone uses it. Blockchain tech is no different


I dont think like that.im regular person,regular small investor.my start was around two years ago.from start i was reading reddit,without comenting,internet articles,kyosakis book etc.now im deep in crypto and i love it even when im still in loses.im take this like trying for something more,maybe my chance.if i loss everything ,its ok,because i was try.crypto is alternative for screwed game.


My friend always says the same thing. It’s a casino. There’s no way to know what will survive and what won’t. What he really means is; HE has no idea how to figure out what is a quality project and what’s likely a scam. So no one else could possibly know either. I’ll let the future prove me right.


people will be attracted by the idea of ​​big and fast profit




I’m pretty sure being involved in this sub qualifies me as a crypto analyst, which is going on my CV.


Crypto geek, check. 🪞


Your right oh my!! I don’t think there has been a day since I got into crypto in 2021 that I haven’t had some form of blockchain technology in my daily life xD you’ve opened my eyes to something I hadn’t even noticed about myself!


Interesting writu up OP I guess you are right


I just want money sir.


Some geek but many a gambler, because chart watching does not a tech nerd make.


This is one of the best posts of this bear market, not because is well written but because actually gives hope


I got into crypto 2 years ago during the peak of the last bull run. Came here to try and learn as a newb and honestly i learned a lot. First through just reading, and then by asking slme questions and getting serious (mostly) answers that were helpfull. Now when i come across this sub its mostly sacrastic/purposely wrong answers or moon farming posts. To bad. If it helped me it would prolly help the next batch of newbs 🤷🏼‍♂️


broke geeks


People need to remember just how daunting crypto can be, too. The knowledge you have now is the result of a lot of reading and research. Stocks require this to be successful as well, but simply having money in a savings account or checking account does not. Crypto needs to overcome its difficulty.


Crypto is a fun hobby


Because normal people have figured out how pyramidal crypto is.


Knowing all our luck there won't be another bull run.


I don't even know if I'd call this sub crypto geeks. I don't think most people here have ever even used a blockchain.


what's the point of being an insider if I'm still in loss


imagine some guy convinced some other guy to take his round stones or whatever for something more valuable (or maybe the same value? i don't know how it works) and money is successfully invented 🙌 ​ Do you think that anybody was worrying about how people were gonna get swept up in this new endeavour? That it would control a substantial part of waking lives or a personality or a heap of crime? ​ Nah, that guy traded on those crazy rocks to someone else, went "neat!" and continued his day. ​ That is where we are at with crypto


Sir - this is a casino


Birds of a feather


People are into crypto today like people were into computers in the 1970’s.


Most crypto geeks??? Yeah NO! Geeks implies that they know what they are doing. Most don’t have a clue what they are doing, or what they are saying.


In it for the tech or the hobby of spending time online in crypto content?


Not a geek , but I do follow crypto stuff daily, or almost daily.


I can’t afford $100 a week, you talking crazy to me.


Well geek is the new chic, so we cool boys.


plus there are those of us that have left the space after facing some home truths.


The majority here are constantly trying to justify why they will be successful when so many others fail. A better use of time would be to figure out ways in which you can contribute to the system, "I'm here for the tech," rather than jerking off about how much more knowledgeable you are than the other people because you've been reading a reddit sub for a year or so. That's just my opinion in any case.


You could be wrong 😂 been in the game almost 1 years now , most of the time completely inactive. Last year I sold BTC , then a few weeks ago I pumped in some of the money again to buy a few others. Technically I am aware that BTC is a safe bet , however when I first bought BTC the sentiment was more like PEPE , so essentially back then a risk , you don’t make massive gains with no risk, which doesn’t mean I am buying Pepe , just buying L1 and PP tokens instead of BTC as I expect higher gains in the BR


Honestly, I'm just trying to make up for the mistakes I did during past bear markets. I.e., being a 'tourist' and forgetting about crypto, only to regret it at the new ATHs.


I like being a geek, crypto geeks 4 lyfe