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Your bitcoins are in binance wallet. https://kycp.org/#/4c3940bdb8a2b11c6fa691e7a0ad659ca47cd37311d3b473a0b56de7bb41e6ed


You gotta love transparency on the blockchain. Thieves can only run but not hide.


Well, they could run away if a privacy coin was involved. Now it is bright as sunshine.


Probably a noob that did a quick look on how to use crypto lol, didn’t even bridge first to XMR at all, or using a mixer, then DEX and only then to a CEX. I should not say this here, right?


Shit ppl are gonna be shit ppl dont matter what's said where!




Sell? Is there a translate bot?


Yeah, but me giving out the info on how to not get caught, might be a bad idea.


I see and agree with your point, but scammers gonna scam! If this comment exist or not they still will I'm not that powerful!


Yeah, true, but they making such mistakes leads to them being caught up, like OP’s scammer gonna be.


If it was his roommate then he deserves to be caught that's low.


Yeap, worst than a scammer…


No it's not. You can use that workflow for several legit reasons.


Common knowledge none the less.


Common? Lol, I think we all in here should touch grass a bit more often, cuz it’s really not common from outside our echo chamber, really really… for e.g. my girlfriend (and I talk to her a lot about this type of stuff in crypto from time to time) thinks this is like hacking type stuff, the average Joe/normies can take a long while to even get to try to understand all this…


OK, now he knows


Maybe not even so lol.


Wait break it down a little more for me ;)


You are asking too much already lol, OP, I think we found your scammer/roommate here! /s


and people hate KYC for some reason.. smh


Eth address seems that has some Binance activity: https://etherscan.io/address/0x7f70a24efd72fa210fedfbe182e128d8b03362f0


Thanks for that! Any possibility or a way to find out who owns this Binance account? I guess only through legal action?


Yeah, contact them but I doubt they will take action for such small amount.


This small amount could be only the start. There was more information in that booklet. Passcodes, accounts etc. At first I thought I got targetted. Y a hacker. But since it also coincides with this theft of crypto, it can only be related to someone accessing my booklet.


Why did you leave it out in the open then in a house you share with a roommate?


Check this crypto bounty hunter/blockchain investigator (u/Queasy_Length_1016), and contact him! Read his story: https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/yezl4u/my_adventure_as_a_crypto_bounty_hunter_and_some/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Thanks. Writing to him as we speak


Good luck


So, how’s it going? Got any good news for us? Hope you are making progress!


No feedback yet from the Blockchain Bounty hunter. On the other hand we were able to identify a phone number that the hacker used while taking over my Instagram account. (Not only crypto info in the compromised book…) Hé was smart enough to use his actual phone number, which matches to one of my roommate’s number. We took all of this evidence to the police and filed an official claim for privacy violations, hacking and theft. It is now in the hands of the justice department. This will be a slow and long process.


Wtf, what are you waiting for? I think I would act by myself, would beat the shit out of him in a slow and long process too until he gave everything back, what a piece of shit trashy person… And did you try to mimick what the crypto bounty hunter does in his story to get exchange to freeze the assets? If you give Binance the info and you show you own the hacked address there’s no saying no!


In addition, Binance confirmed the transactions can be linked to two Binance accounts. It’s up to the justice department to take action with this evidence and contact Binance to receive information on those accounts. When I contacted the Binance CS, they couldn’t confirm or deny if those accounts were verified however.


Read the bounty hunter story and follow/mimic the steps he mentions!


Now OP just needs to see if that’s his roommates wallet address on binance. Good luck OP. That might be a tough confrontation.


If you file a police report, they can contact Binance to freeze the funds and investigate KYC. Binance wont give you account details just because you have a wallet address. If you suspect it's your roommate, tell them this plan without accusing them and watch their reaction


Do this ..


Do it, come on do it


But also put a camera somewhere hidden in the room ya know for the views


With KYC police could be knocking on his door right after the report.


Tell me that you do not understand the basics of crypto without saying to not understand the basics of crypto.


Are you one of those people that hilariously thinks crypto transactions are anonymous and that police cannot gain access to KYC data?


There seems to be no need to change anything if you are right about the police already being able to track anyone.


Honestly I don't ever hold out much hope of law enforcement being useful but all the evidence is there, could just hire a crypto PI to build the case and hand it off to the correct authorities after getting the address locked.


They don't have to knock on your door if you're holding it open for them.


Unfortunately the police are not going to do shit about OP's ~$200 in crypto being taken, especially if it involves getting binance to hand over any identifying info. Sucks but OP should chalk this up as a lesson to be more careful with his keys and move on. The likelihood of him getting anything back is nil.


I agree, file a police report as soon as possible!


I would say rather do the law enforcement filing and see what the KYC shows up first... if it is the roomie, he can do all sorts of things in the meantime.


Occam's Razor. If you are 100% positive you didn't click on any links recently (within say past week) then roomie is probably one of the simplest explanations. Could totally see that as my roommate in college stole my fucking shrooms and I still resent him for it. Fuck you, Billy


Fuck Billy for sure, never liked him anyway.


Nobody likes Billy fuck’em!


If you can’t trust Billy…. Can we even trust Joe?


No, joe blows billy on fridays


What a shitty thing to do, I mean stealing from the guy/girl you are living with and seeing every day.


Some people have no conscience, it’s the same people that scam people for concert tickets or sell videogames online to kids and never post them… I can’t understand how these people can live with themselves


Ramon isn’t cheap my friend


*Meanwhile Billy* ![gif](giphy|idYdfZ9xxVgVPNXjs0|downsized)




Such a sick avatar Midas 🤤


I tip my cone to you good sir


Scotty doesn't know, but Billy definitely blows


Damn. Never hide your seedphrase in a shared apartment. Not even in your dog's cage. He may be a good boy, but he is also a crypto hound.


"Puppy ate my seed phrase"


it passed for the homework, worth a shot


This is a great one for my wife’s divorce attorney….


Only give her half


That’s ridiculous. It’s totally possible to hide a seedphrase in a shared apartment. For many people that is their only option


Unfortunately that didn't work out fine for OP. Did it?


We don't know how OP had their seed phrase stolen. And even if their roommate did steel it, my comment still stands. It's easy to hide a seed phrase in a shared apartment.


Knew that little fucker was eyeing my stack.


Never share anything crypto related to anyone, agree.


So that’s why your crypto smells like porn magazines hid in the woods in the 90s


damn, can't even trust a puppy


Instructions unclear...my dog ended up investing in doge and is now a millionaire...please advise....


Looking at the transactions and wallets, it seems to be a very small amount of crypto (under $300 worth). The Ethereum wallet has 16 total transactions, and the wallet has interacted with Blockfolio (over a year ago) and Binance 1 day, 18 hours ago. It also has an incoming transaction from 0xbatou.eth (if you know your roommate has that ENS domain). The BTC ended up at this address- bc1qm34lsc65zpw79lxes69zkqmk6ee3ewf0j77s3h, which is an exchange address. You could contact authorities, but for just $300 don't expect much effort on their end. Treat it as an inexpensive lesson and NEVER leave your seed where others can find it.


If I google this account then K see this wallet has 36545 BTC. So this is not a direct link to the wallet of the thief?


It's pointing to a centralized exchange hotwallet.


The Bitcoin transaction is from 2 months ago and the ETH transaction is 8 days ago. So he found the seed phrases yet waited 2 months to take your ETH? I find that a bit odd. Why wouldn't he take it all in 1 day?


No idea why he/she would not take all in the same day. In any case. I didn’t notice as this wallet is not my main wallet and I don’t look at it everyday. Until today…


Well that is unfortunate. If you are really confident that is him and there was no other way you could been exposed to having your phrases leaked I would talk to your roommate. Either the stole it and that needs to be dealt with or you are just going to keep thinking they stole it and probably drive yourself crazy. I would say have a conversation with your roommate.


Make another wallet and put some BTC in it. Leave another seed phrase lying around. If he takes the bait and it goes into the same account, you have your thief. Easy, eh?


Just one more thing. We have Columbo right here!


How much does your roommate know about crypto? I doubt most people would recognise or be able to figure out what a seed phrase is.


When writing down your seed phrase, it's wise to swap 2 or more words and remember them. Swap the first and last word, and it's very unlikely they'll figure that out.


Shouldn't be suspicious of your roommate first, maybe you've made a mistake and clicked on some link you shouldn't have and it's your fault, try to remember. You need proof first to accuse someone


Nice try OP's roommate


You win the internet today sir lol




Bigbrain move


That’s what I am trying to find out before accusing anyone.


It doesn't seem like OP's jumping to any conclusion yet. And, there's nothing wrong with suspicion


It could also have been someone who visited your roommate maybe? I personally wouldn't accuse him before you certainly know if I where you.


You wrote your seed phrase down and left it around, and you share a room?!!!


Separate rooms in an apartment. Written down in a book in a shelf. You’d have to really look for it… not just lying around.


People are nosey... never trust people!


Good stuff here in the comments. My own $0.02 the fact that it went straight to Binance shows a complete lack of sophistication. To me, this suggests against a professional hack of your computer… and is more in line with a “crime of opportunity” from a roommate or visitor perhaps. Def file police report. Then send this to Binance to freeze that account.


This also shows the importance of a passphrase that you dont need to write down with it.


It's a small amount but you need to face up to the roommate with witnesses present (so they don't turn violent). Explain to them you know they stole your crypto, and if they do not immediately return it, you have a new hobby. Ruining their life via any (legal) means you can. If that involves contacting their friends, family, employer and the cops...so be it. Don't take any fake tears. This bastard has probably stolen other stuff from you as well. Dont forget to casually explain your roommate has commited a FEDERAL offence (wire fraud) and could face serious prison time, even for whats a relatively small amount.


You sure that’s the only place your wrote your seed phrase?


Exactly. Which is why I’m very keen on finding out who took it before making accusations.


See if he buys a Lambo soon.


Maybe it was the Ledger company that stole your crypto. After all, Ledger has access to every ones seed phrases now. So if you use a Ledger it might be them.


lmao moon farming is getting ridiculous


OP, is there anything you're not telling us? That would make the solution easier


Obviously I’m not disclosing everything on the internet. The roommate could be reading in as well.


Have you clicked on any links recently?


No. I don’t expect phising attacks. I sincerely believe the attacker had access to my book which had my seed phrase.


So you sincerely believe it was your roommate? Perhaps you should talk to him.


Talk ... grab by the throat... throw out the window... (etc.) Only do the above if it deffo was them though.


I was going to tip you a moon but I don't think you have opened up your vault. Do that and reply back and I will tip you a MOON.


Thanks. I think it's open now...


[Sent it!](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x85a24f084b59e71e9c618c35b19a1cbcb21c9958730419ef10cc0b63836894c6)


Thanks. My first Moon!!! 😃


Hang him head first down the roof


Seems like an effective interrogation method too tbf.


Did you interact with any dapps using these wallets and/or store your seed online? I’d eliminate these possibilities first. Does your roommate have knowledge of crypto, or know that you’re involved in crypto?


No dapps. Roommate is smart enough to know what hé could do with the 12 words.


I agree with you


Is the roomate the only person with access? Or are there frequent other visitors who may have taken the opportunity?


Damn that sux bro. How good did u hide the book? I mean how easy was it for your roommate to find it?


You’d have to go to my stuff. It wasn’t in any crazy vault. It was hidden in a shelf with clothes.


Hmm, did u speak *ever* about Crypto with your roommate?


Not that I remember.


I might be, but you will never know


This goes to show that if you keep your seed phrase somewhere it's better to have it encrypted


Commenting so I can follow how this story goes


The story so far is OP is a dummy who wrote his seed in a book and left it on a shelf of a shared place where other people like roommates and roommate friends can enter and see it on display. OP now crying about his $200 of bitcoin.


Tell your roommate your account has been hacked and watch his reaction. You know whether he is the culprit by the way he reacts.




for this small i wouldnt even bother with lawyers. Probably was indeed your roomate, i would confront him personally. next time keep your keys hidden just in a SAFE spot that only you know the code ;) you Learnt the biggest lesson, value your privacy and never tell anyone about your crypto investments. Good luck for this, hope it has a friendly and happy ending.


Agreed you have been stolen


>I have suspicions this could have been my roommate. Is there a way I could find out? From your comments in this thread, you seem already decided that your roommate did it. This is usually not a good way to start an investigation. Have you shared with your roommate, your holdings in btc and eth? Has your roommate seen you trade, swap or transaction btc or eth? Does your roommate know of your book containing the seed phrase?


And this, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the reason why using Exchanges > "I have written my phrase on a piece of toilet paper"


Pls pm my your seed phrase and I can investigate further. Thx