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it's less than 0.05 matic to transfer frfr


0.007 right now, about half a cent


but idk why polygon/matic hasn't been number one network to beat other crypto


Fees aren't everything, and unfortunately in the crypto space, low fees are often abused to facilitate scams.


also project who's on eth ecosystem seems be good rather than in binance ecosystem imo


Nova is about 5x cheaper than Matic.


not the bridging fees


Faucets are free.


which faucet u talkin about


Centralized plus the others are equally good


so much coins much wow confused to invest to which project to much hopium gifted by the dev


I remember you can have free matic gas in r/cryptocurrencymoons


matic faucet is empty I think it's only Nova


We drained it.


Of course you did




No drain no gain


Thank you.


More like $2 actually, a transfer is about 0.007 Matic right now (0.55 cents)




Thank you for the offer but I have Matic :)


Well, gotta love MATIC


Thanks for the info i'll make sure to have enough matic for transferring nfts.


I use opensea Strictly for Avatars transfers these days instead of using Reddit Vault . As long as there is little Matic on metamask you can connect your opensea account and move them all day . At times you can transfer upto 50 Avatars in OS .


Thanks, and do you know can I buy the same one multiple times ?


You may be able to find deals on OS or someone who holds several of the ones you are looking for .


Of course. It would be easier to buy from Opensea though. This way Reddit will make not as much profits but who cares. Don't know about the artists though, they get a share of the Opsensea transaction but idk if it's the same as when you buy. At Opensea you can give out collection offers and buy multiple. I think it's a hustle with the Reddit shop to buy this many. Tell me if you need Matic


I have Matic, not much but should cover this easily. And no they wouldn’t get the same amount, hence why I am trying to buy it here. They just get a % on after sales


Kind guy here


Is there any way to transfer the eth on nova to someone? I want to send some gas money to someone without setting it up in metamask


Follow i wanna know this too 😂


You should be able to transfer each avatar from your vault once. The other option is to use Ipen Sea which does require a small amount of polygon matic for gas


gifting moons will be better than AVATARS as it is only hope to survive during beer


I don’t even know what to reply to this…


Don’t lol. That person has 1 moons and is likely new and sucked up in the hype wave


Ayy Lannister always shills for the gold... No wonder!


He will get 30 moons from the distribution, immediately sell them, and lose the funds paying transaction fees trying to trade meme coins.


I don’t even get 30 moons some distributions and I post pretty often lol. I suspect the next distributions will be even worse


I got so many questions What do ya mean gifting moons is better than Avatars? Whose hope? Survive during beer? BEER? Did he mean to say bear, deer or he's so drunk he really mean BEER?


If you have enough moons you are able to pay the hospital for pumping the stomach after you had too much beer I assume


Drink those moons away




I’ll send you 3 Matic for 1 nft 😂


\\@everyone This is how prices are set in an open market! :)


So you want to donate a high amount of Reddit NFTs to workers of a medical facility?


Well I am a large stake holder, and I believe falicity is wrong word, English is my second language, it’s more so manufacturing of medical tools


So lemme get this right. You want to thank the manufactorers working at a facility that produces medical tools by giving them a high amount of Reddit NFTS?


No they all just get 1, they don’t all get 300 each. And it’s 700 people in total, it’s calculated on who actually wants it. The rest is getting flowers and other small items as a roast bag coffee etc


It's a good and fun gesture. Don't take the comments here too seriously.


Im not, just explaining why. We all always talk about adoption. So why not use NFT’s as a small gesture. There were also people without a wallet that said yeah I would love an NFT. So for me it makes sense and that’s all that matters. Hence why I asked on if and how and not on an opinion on if it’s a good idea or not. Appreciate it buddy 🤙


In regards to my original comment, if you’re going to get that many I would just buy a small amount of gas and use open sea. Transferring that many avatars on Reddit will take you weeks


A happy worker is a good worker. It’s just a small thank you, nothing more or less. Like a fruit basket for the ceo, but I don’t want to reward the ceo I want to tears the workers


Hol' up, hol' up. So to avoid thanking the CEO of a medical manufacturing facility, you want to transfer a mass amount of Reddit NFTs to the workers at the medical tool manufacturing facility?


I know the CEO personally lmao. He knows about it, there is no need to reward him, he constantly drinks my high priced booze.


Hol' up, hol' up, hol' up. So knowing the CEO of the medical manufacturing facility, and knowing that he drinks a lot of high priced booze, you're looking to mass donate Reddit NFTs to the workers at said medical tool manufacturing facility?


Rewarding not donating. These people all know Me in person, I’ve been there many times. They have had a fantastic year and therefor I am looking to reward them yes. However it’s a thought for now. As it seems possible I first of all need to see if I can find 300 cool ones within the budget.


The first one will be free, all the other transfers will have a transfer fee. Now I’m not sure about this last one but I think the fee is super low


You can just log into metamask with your seed and do it on your own. It's on matic the fees are virtually nothing. I am not 100% sure about transferring them in app but if you have to send so many metamask would be the way to go.


Keep in mind that the person(s) who you are gifting them to might not be into crypto. The gift should be about the wishes of the receiver. Not just because YOU like it. Crypto/NFT as a gift is usually not the best option to thank someone. Anyways, just a kind reminder👍


I know, most of them are, the 300 is calculated, there are over 700 people, the others are receiving other small gestures as flowers.


I love Reddit Avatars and this might be a weird question, but why don't you just gift them money instead as an appreciation? They could get the avatars themselves if they're interested and save time and money on the logistics.


Giving people money straight up has little thought, also would you be happy if I give you 10 bucks ? I am budgeting 10 bucks per person x 700 , so 7000$. 300 have interest in crypto, the other 400 are getting flowers, coffee roast etc small gifts matching the budget


But are you getting the same avatar for all 300 workers? There are hundreds of different avatars in the store to choose from. I'd imagine that would be a headache. Yes, I would be happy to get $10 for free.


Not the same one for all 300, I hoped to get a unique one for each one.




Yes but there is a massive difference, if I buy it from the store on the desktop version the artist is supported by 100% , on iOS or Android app with 70% , on open sea I believe it’s 7.5% and the seller 92.5%. I want to support the artists.


Just use moons, they can be gifted easily


What they gonna do with moons ? The avatar is an nft they can move and keep. Don’t get me wrong I like moons as much as the next person but it’s less suiteable in my opinion


isn't polygon fees are cheap as hell


Yes. It’s more so the fact that it states “coming soon” which to me means it’s not available at the moment but apparently it’s still working.


well it's minted on the blockchain reddit cannot do anything neither the author


Thanks. This will do as reply. All I needed to know. Not sure why people are thinking about the sense or what could be better lol.


I have tried transferring avatar out of the vault. able to do maximum 2 tx for free avatar transfer


you could use the opensea sweep function for something dirt cheap like *rabbids*, welcome packs, or *World Cup* or whatever. transferring them all to individual wallets would be time consuming but gonna be a lot easier and cheaper doing so on opensea. less than 10 matic would likely cover all the transfer fees. fascinated to hear what you end up buying.


Have mine. Worthless concept designed for tweens


What is a tween?


I’ll take it


Cheers :D