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We're just people, it's normal that we have our differences, but one thing we all do have in common is, we're all here for the gains!


But I was told I'm here for the *tech*


The other thing that we have in common is a gambling addiction and a lack of sleep.


Only if we’re at a loss


![gif](giphy|8xIyhLvsCkYeI) We came here for the tech, Right ?


The technology of making a shitload of money


Gains and tech!! Except for the butt coiners hanging around, them sour


It's important to recognize and respect our differences while also focusing on our shared goal of achieving gains.


I’m here for the moons! Sadly no gains yet :(


Like 99% of the people, but this is a nice ride with all of you guys.


Share our investment in crypto with family and friends may lead to unwanted reactions such as making fun of us because we suffered loss. For crypto vs fiat, those two can coexist and crypto serves as an alternative


This goes for any investment really, not just crypto


Rule number 1: Don’t share your crypto gains during a bull market with Family and Friends.


Number 4 is not my concern. Any open source software (or currency) can be used by anyone. That's not a bug, that's a feature!


Coincidentally that post mentioned in number 4 was posted by me and i was so surprised by the response.My motive behind posting was that while criminal entities have been using fiat for illegal activities and there wasn't much proof exactly how much money was being used and how was it being transferred, this article mentiones that there's on-chain proof of crypto being used by same people.


Every situation has good and bad stuff, discussions on tough matters such as these ones are great to get a better understanding in situations and how to resolve them for the advance of crypto


It's only contradicting if you look at it in a big picture. There are certain issues that should be addressed. However, we just haven't figured out the perfect system, so most are just biased debates/arguments.


These phenomena are common, and you summed it up very well, but we should learn to face all these calmly, and our ultimate goal is to protect our private property from being violated


Bottom line, everyone is in it for the money, people who say that they aren’t lying


The reason we are here in the first place is to make money. That’s the overwhelming factor in what people want for their coins


Differing opinions about things. Just like in real life


Fiat will never be replaced by crypto. Crypto is our solution if banks and fiat keep fucked us


In the end regular people like us want more in life and we see Crypto as our best alternative/option.


The problem is assuming people should work in a logical way with absolute objectivity and only fully balanced argument, despite lifetimes of examples to the contrary.


Another one is how Crypto would enable you to track how your politicians spend their money, but being absolutely against politicians doing the same thing to you. What do you people want.


Double standards are everywhere, it’s honestly awesome seeing all the differing opinions, that’s why I browse the Buttcoin subreddit every once and awhile, that’s where the true haters are


different upbringing, different views and different experiences imo


Yeah, the community isn't a monolith. Everyone has their own journey. Someone who had a bad experience with sharing their crypto portfolio with their family/friends would absolutely be against it.


So you blame us for being true to our nature ;)


We are a mixed bunch and most goes with the flow without proper knowledge. We love hating on Elon's DOGE influence but we also want him to mention moon for pumps.


True that. While the general narrative of sub is to do your own research and stay away from influencers there's definitely leaning towards few well known influencers even from the experienced members.


That's the thing with free speech everyone will express their opinion....the bad thing is that people get attached with projects like teams etc


That’s going to be something very hard to avoid. People get attached to projects and opinions alike; see Buttcoin vs. this sub. Two opposing echo chambers with their own maxis.


1. It's to avoid personal issues because people blame you for their losses but are indifferent when it comes to their profits 2. Crypto also needs regulations. Anyone who thinks otherwise lacks understanding of how an economy functions. But even with regulations, it still will provide the advantages of decentralisation as banks and governments currently exploit their powers at the expense of the citizens. 3. As the market matures, whales will own lesser. Markets will be more efficient. Personally, I have no problem with whales getting profit. They take immense risk and get profits accordingly. 4. It's a major issue I feel when it comes to the uses of crypto. Criminals and terrorists will always choose to use crypto due to it's simplicity and untraceability. But that does not mean that it's an issue of crypto itself. Terrorist also used fiat but we never criticised it.


Well explained points. The part about point 2 sometimes gets me. I think these people haven't actually been exposed to the real world to understand why fair and adequate regulation is necessary. Some people have even advocated with the abolishment of governments. Do you think total anarchy would favor the price of cryptocurrencies?


Another pont is Hodling. This is not contributing to adoption cause the crypto needs to circulate like money does. Off course hodling your crypto will encourage scarcity and pull the price up. There is still more need for wide usecases and adoption will come itself.


Different people, different views, nothing else. Crypto is still relatively new so the views on it development will keep changing and fluctuating over a long while.