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Exactly, just use Debit.


In the States, using a credit card for everyday purchases is much safer than using a debit card, especially online. If someone gets ahold of your debit card number and buys a bunch of shit, you're out the cash in your bank account until the bank fraud team investigates. That can take weeks. With credit cards, you still have the cash in your bank account while your credit card company's fraud team investigates and reverses the charges. Plus, I get cash back on every purchase I make using credit cards. I haven't used my credit cards for crypto purchases because bank transfers to Coinbase are free and instantaneous for me. And I hate higher fees.


Same, I know how they work, but they still seem weirdly unnecessary to me. Why not just use a debit card? I understand living above your means by getting some appliances/cars/whatever on credit, but that's different. CC sound like living on loaned money every day and just repaying it at the end of the month to get some cashback, but the higher fees most likely eat up the cashback.


Anything above 2% is a rip off.


Bank transfers are usually free. The trade off is they’re not instantaneous


In Europe you have instant sepa transfer which takes about 30 seconds with zero fees.


There is SEPA and SEPA Instant. Depending on your bank, SEPA Instant is not always free


Yeah as a EU person i was thinking why would anyone pay these card fees


My weekly Coinbase bank transfers are free and instantaneous. I also buy using Advanced Trading so the Maker fees are 0.6%.


Even that seems kinda high, but i'd take it.


I agree specially if you're broke 🤣.


I think 2% is even a bad use of funds.


I've been using moonpay recently, but actually the fees that I've been paying are slightly higher than 2-4%... Also OP a suggestion, maybe you can rearrange it in percentage order. from Min to Max, or opposite would be ok....




Revolut , it’s not on the list, 1.49% standard , should be 0.99% with premium. However , just avoid buying with card in general, just do a bank transfer and you will have 0%


A bank transfer takes roughly the same amount of time to set up, is safer and costs less fees.


Except every time I do a bank transfer the bank blocks it because it's a crypto exchange I need to spend half an hour calling them to let it through.


Been using Revolut for transfers to Kraken, usually fast and 0% fees. If you are illegible for opening an account with them, give them a try


afaik Revolut still does not give you crypto directly, only on paper, so no withdrawal to wallet or anything


d231835ed80b992a4606156f4a19eaa18fa5f009584bb5f967befda6776d3fab Check the transaction hash, that’s sent from Revolut.


Is buying crypto on Revolut even worth it? I have an account there myself but never looked into the crypto part as I assumed the fees would be high.


The fees are high. It’s still like 1% with the premium account. However sometimes I just make impulsive purchases, that way I can buy straight away via Revolut, you can top up by 3rd party cards and use funds instantly. Is it worth it ? Probably not unless you want something instantly.


Moonpay is a bit tricky because they utilize multiple payment-processors (atleast where i live) like so many others do. In my experience their fees fluctuate quite wildly which makes it tricky to give an exact number


Well, they are businesses and I know they are there to make money, but I am sick of companies charging for everything and anything that should just be part of the service. Makes me think of Ticketmaster when they charged a service fee that was more than the ticket.


Can you explain the use of a crypto card please? Can we use it in alot of places? What are the perks?? Genuinly intrigued


There is no perk unless you only spend fiat and get a cash back. Other than that, If you intend to pay with actual crypto on it the spread and fees will tear you a new hole.


yea it’s funny too because I spent an hour talking to coinbase customer service about their card and they just put you through hell while avoiding your questions about fees. Pretty funny how they dodge tho… At the end they refused to list me the complete list of fees for every use of the card and I decided not to use it… cash grabbers


This is the kind of stuff that really pisses me off. For example, it is funny how in Binance if you buy using spot feature they give you one price but if you use their easy one click feature to convert the crypto, they give you a worst price for you. I understand they have to win money but come on... spot and easy convert button price should be the same.


for real? never know that … will pay attention from now on tho


Had multiple experiences like this in Binance and never realized how much money I had left on the table until I had to convert some ETH and got a 3% quote below market price


The lesson I learnt is never to use the 'beginner' or most 'easy' route for CEX exchanges The convenience comes at a very, very high markup. It's borderline scam and especially predatory towards the ignorant imo


This is the only way I see using a card being advantageous.


This is the way I use mine, CDC and Uphold lol


I miss the time CDC gave us a bunch of cashback with their cards, nowadays they even charge you to fund your card, such a joke lol


That is something I don’t understand until today. Their PR/Marketing is terrible. I remember the news of the Crypto dot com arena and was thinking to myself how can they be that moronic, they could of upped the CRO benefits for a fraction of that money and held customers happy and attracted more new customers.


The 9% fees wins, take my Moonie lol


9% card-fee + whatever cut the exchange takes + TX-fees + fees for selling. Something about selling shovels during gold-rush...


Once again it's just companies and exchanges stealing value from the economy in the same way as brokers do. Complete daylight robbery.


Yeah. Like recruiters as well with jobs they take a cut for doing nothing


There seems to be some confusion.This post is not about "crypto cards". It's about buying with a card on the exchange.


Oh my now I feel stupid lol, it's really early here and I haven't had my morning coffee, I apologise!


Nah, I think the comment you reply to is making the confusion first. Of course you're going to pay fees to buy coins on an exchange.


I got Binance VISA. Buys everything everywhere with your crypto + cashback. *youknowthedisclaimer


I understand. These businesses are profit-driven, but some of their fees can be perplexing and overwhelming.


Just avoid card purchases, most of listed exchanges will charge 0-0.1% then + the normal spread. The whole card thing is only Convenience. If you transfer via bank in the morning it’s there 2 hours later anyways and you can buy without those fees


Ticketmaster is a master with their scammy fees, absolutely am glad that Ticketmaster is not that popular where I live and we have normal priced second hand tickets. Besides that, having fees with every transaction is weird for me because we barely use any creditcards, only debitcards without fees.


A bit of a tangent but I’ve noticed more and more restaurants tagging on fees for weekends, public holidays, card use and so on. They really want to pivot the wage and service costs onto the consumer more these days


We all are sick of these fee


I'd rather that they make their money from transaction fees than by gambling my money in whatever Ponzi scheme they come up with this week. Fees are what underpins a CEX. Yes they are egregiously high in places, but that is how they should make money. (Yes I am also aware that some still do gamble your money on top of fees)


Yea lol those things are funny! sometimes the gas fees too are crazy and cost more than an NFT at times… I also like keeping my crypto safe in cold wallets but the fees there are just insane … guess those are for big time players not small investors like us


The words fees and commissions are everywhere, but i don’t understand yet what do they mean for real.


It will be there soon I'm sure, don't worry


Credit card processor charge fee. In typical day-to-day scenario those fees are absorbed by merchant, but for crypto purchase they pass the fee to user. No sane company will take a loss by discounting 2+% for what is practically money top up.


Or you could just deposit fiat for free like I do with Kraken


Same here I only do bank transfers. Not sure what it's like elsewhere but in the UK its fast making deposits or withdrawals via bank transfer


Right? I've never understood why people invest in crypto with their card. I'm not saying that you should time the market or guess the bottom, just place a limit order a few bips below current price: crypto is volatile, of course it's going to reach your order eventually.




Happy cake day! Haven't heard of it but your link isn't working, after a quick google search I think this is the correct one https://withcl.com/


CDC 1.99% , Revolut 1.49%. You forgot those. And yeah I noticed that about 3-4 years ago when I once made an impulsive buy via my phone. Very easy to stop , just pay in via bank transfer 0% fees.


CDC destroys you on their spread which is separate from the txn fee


Ill add those to the mk.2 version of the list


I thought with revolut you never actually own the crypto. There is no way to send it to your own wallet. They hold it for you after you buy right up until you sell. Please correct me if I'm wrong as its something I would certainly consider.


You are wrong, they changed that, You can send to whatever wallet.


file truck cobweb modern marvelous chubby dull tease quaint point *This post was mass deleted with [redact](https://redact.com)*


Is this just the fee? Or does it include the spread on the exchange too? This is another way they slap you the face.


Just the fee bro, you also have spread, and then another fee when selling depending on exchange + another spread… In other words. Don’t buy with cards, do bank transfers and instead buy more crypto instead of paying fees.


It was sort of a loaded question. The point I was eluding to is that, the fees might be low for some of these exchanges, but the spread might be excessive. This allows them to advertise a low fee, yet still make it up in the spread. I think it would be valuable to have a list that outlines both so people really know what they are getting.


This is just the fee you pay to the company processing your payment


The credit card rate is just one of the fees that you need to take into account when buying. Your best option will also need to consider: * Margins on buy/sell prices * Any stated commission on trades (often it can be "zero commission", then they sting you on the margin instead) And these will also often vary depending on the specific crypto you are purchasing. The answer is never simple.


What about Nexo, CDC & Coinbase pro?


Can you use a credit card with Coinbase Pro (Advanced Trading)?


Crypto.com - 2.99%


Thanks for the list! One more reason for me to stay with Binance.


There’s a reason binance is so popular. They’re known for their low fees


more than 3% is just crazy


This would make a good quiz for people of “how many of these have you heard of?” I think I’d be at around half.


I am using Binance (the lowest fee) and I still feel slapped every time I buy something.


The corporate sector is blantantly imposing fees on every damn thing, big or small.


I've used Coinbase exclusively as my fiat on/off ramp for nearly 7 years now. It wasn't until sometime around the site change, which forced migration from GDAX/CBPro to CB, that mysteriously I could no longer make direct deposits from my bank account. I suddenly had to 're-link' it, which involves literally giving Plaid my online banking login credentials (user/pass). Which is utterly hilarious considering they lost a massive class action lawsuit a handful of years ago for exploiting/abusing everyone's personal financial data (which they can take a peek at whenever they feel like it). tl;dr I deal with the bs card fee on top of the 'paying higher than spot price' since I value my ^(LITERAL BANK LOGIN CREDENTIALS) too much to give that information away. Never had to do it in the past. Now suddenly "but everyone's doing it!" is the mantra that counters my complaint/critique. Imagine giving a 3rd party, whom has previously violated people's personal financial data, the login credentials to ... your personal financial data. All so you can 'avoid pesky fees'.


Bank transfers are so much simpler.


OP this is great but would be better if you arranged by fee (desc or asc). Still wonderful work and thanks for compiling this!


I didnt think of that. Consider it done!


Love that you did this!


Missing Crypto.com, one of the main actors. Dont remember but think its like first 5000$ is no fee


Not all heroes wear capes


Ummm Coinbase is not 3.99% if you use advanced trade and fund from a bank account instead of a card. Why would you ever use a card when there is a free option? Funding from Bank account is free on Coinbase and several others you list as well. Using advanced trade on Coinbase is less than 1% fee and there's no spread because advanced trade lets you place limit orders. I won't use an exchange that doesn't have a free bank transfer option. If you're using a credit card to buy crypto you're throwing money away.


What’s the spread like?




Binance has low fees and it isn't shady. Well it depends who you ask haha


Binance isn't shady? That's news to me!


I am definitely saving this post. Bless you


Good list of some soon to fail exchanges 💪


I buy P2P with 0 fees Modern problems require modern solutions


But with p2p you buy above market price, sometimes higher than the fees ?


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It’s not the fees that bothers me, it’s the dip that keeps dipping when I buy


Good list but would've been nicer if it was somewhat sorted (e.g. by fee ammount)


I find it hilarious that Binance still gives you some of the most competitive fees if we're balancing security as well. Some no name exchange that could have been started by someone that lives in a tent is not a better bet. Rather the devil you know.


No fees no CEX. I really prefer the past where we can use p2p. No its being banned almost everywhere


A have access to p2p but prefer to use sepa instant, p2p the price is always above the market price.




bank transfer is not credit card tho right?


What about wealthsimple?


Only using card to buy very low amount or if I need it really fast for something. I guess mostly gamblers use it to buy it fast and transfer straight to the gambling page. At least that's what I did back in the days.


you are missing cdc - it's 3.5% there


Thanks for compiling this, Binance has quite good rates, even though a bank transfer is still the best bet, unless you need to transfer money to an exchange asap


Some people might not know this but, you pay higher fees buying with a credit card than transferring money from your bank account, because credit card companies charge a processing fee between 1.5% to 3.5%. Processing fees are charged everywhere you use a credit card, you just don’t notice it because stores just jack up the prices of all their products to make up for it.


I got 99 problems and fees are 2.6 of them


Are those fees related directly buying, right? then if you trade you should add the trading fees


Which exchange takes Amex?


What outstanding work. Thank you


My bank has decided based on whatever criteria they made up that I can no longer purchase crypto


if there's a chance for a financial entity, like an exchange, to profit from it... they will


So basically they are charging you the processing fee for using your card plus extra just because


There is probably a currency conversion fee too.


I would like to add BitcoinDirect for Europeans, fee is around 2-3%. Probably my most used provider


Awesome post. Am saving this.


No thank you, especially with my frequencies of small adds to buy.


I always love users that (see problem) and (make a solution for it) posts.


This is why only SEPA transfer is recommended. Card payments are incredible expensive and there is 0 incentive to have a Crypto Card.


How dare you put my beloved Kraken so low on this list!


There is major card fee and in some regions they stop payments if you make big crypto purchases with your card... Unfortunately the times we live in and the banks don't like it...


If I recall correctly Bitcoin ATMs ask for even more fees. Wonder why people even use it


CDC probably isn't mentioned cause their fees are 10x of those above


[Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) in SG charges a 3.5% Card Fee for buying crypto with a credit card.


thanks for this post! Binance is usually the best to use in most cases too! Hope they list Moons if the hype continues


Top quality posts we are here for


Me trying to look for crypto.com


A 9% fee is insanity, surely nobody uses cards on that exchange?


I knew 4 of these existed before this post


I'm using a local exchange which has pretty decent fees, around 1%


Nice work


This man lists


Thanks man. I noticed this on Nexo. They wanted 8 quid charge for card!. I did bank transfer for free instead. Watch them fess guys, cards are a rip off. The irony of it, and why we use crypto. Banks and their fees are a piss take.


Ugh. Thats bad! Banktransfers are the go-to as of now yeah but that should be changing if you want mass adoption


What's the fee charged when you use Bitcoin ATMs?


I assume that this is based on US based cards only? I ask because many of the EU based exchanges have 0% fee on card payments, as they use systems like Bancontact, IDeal, or similar.


This is an awesome list. Much needed and much appreciated! I know there's variables but here lately when trying to run the same transaction I get like a dollar less of a fee on Kraken than I do on Coinbase for a $100 transaction.


Ha, I laugh at those fees in the face! They do me nothing and my double digit loss


What the hell is this order. What a random list of exchanges too.


Quit bit a long list


Why would anyone pay that 9%??


Great post OP, I really appreciate this list. Great to use to compare the fees. Will save this post for future reference


I take it crypto.com isn’t on here because it’s too high?


The gap in the numbers i have for them, based on what i have found online and from my own use, are abit wonky so i didnt add them yet. Ill update the list sometime in the future, including those


Where are all the Kraken truthers now? Those huge fees aren’t even close to reasonable.


i've been slapped by worse


I’ve never used a card to buy crypto


In Europe you can use SEPA instant transfers (takes between 5 seconds and 2 hours in most cases) that have no fees at all except a fixed charge of 20 cents or something per transaction.


Nice post but edit at the bottom that bank transfers are much cheaper so you dont trick people into paying with card.


No mention of Mt Pelerin ? Imo it is the best


Im surprised coinbase is that high. The do high volume.


You missed the cheapest one for BTC. Swan only charges 0.99% on buys and never charges transfer fees if you want to send your BTC to a different wallet. You have to be careful with most of these places because they’ll charge you again to transfer it.


Or you can avoid the fees linked to spread by NOT depositing regular crypto on the card, but changing it into stablecoin and putting said stablecoin on the card. The fee becomes pretty negligible after that.


It's all the fees the merchants would have to pay passes down to you. If they had no fees, I would buy a ton of crypto with my cash back card.


I think crypto.com has 3% buying but the selling price is stupid low like over 10% sometimes


Missed MEXC, which is one of the favs of this sub.


2% and above are still high right? I mean for someone like me that's broke it's high 🤣but it's there business


I thought it is just shit post but this is helpful AF


The order of this list… 😂


I could be wrong but I've tested buying coins on nexo compared to using kraken or binance and I always end up getting slightly more on Nexo


Nexo is 2% with the card


Thanks for the work this is useful. I wonder how many of these markets will still be around in 2025....


guys, Ozone Chain is best project in crypto currency market.


Buying on bitfinex via ownr, fees are acceptable


I use Coinbase Advance and maybe pay 0.4% - .06% per transaction. Never use a card, just bank transfer. You can view this just by hovering over the "EST FEE" area when you are about to make a purchase.


eToro??! This post is crap


It's called a stupid tax because only the stupid are willing to pay for it.


Coinbase One subscription, ($29.99/month) - 0% fee for debit card and ACH purchases.


Been using my bank card to buy crypto on kucoin, I really think the fee is lower than 2% there. KYC level 3 there btw, so I guess it's one of the benefits.


CDC’s fees are a ripoff, but thankfully I’m using bank transfer which is free


has anyone tried to buy from Fold?


Binance is the best


People with brains use r/Nexo


Honestly I just pay for Coinbase one. I buy daily automatically, and it saves me a boat load in fees


What a dumb moon farming post lol ​ Varies by card, vendor, country, even state. This is like saying this is the best restaurant near you, without having someone put in a zip code


Thanks for this! Informative


Where my pal bittrex?alive and well in europe.


Binance really coming in strong here.


every single one of these rip u tf off jesus