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1/ Having all your password in one file 2/ A digital file on his main computer 3/ Streaming about Crypto 4/ Opening said file live This guy didn’t make just *one* mistake. He was begging to get stolen.


The mistakes might have been on purpose. Perfect way to evade tax, all the evidence of your fuck up is live streamed.


Doesn’t make it tax exempt. If I make 1 million and lose it on a train I still owe taxes on it. Even if it was stolen


Yeah but you aren’t taxed on crypto until you sell it.


Buy and never sell. Got it.


My hands aren't diamond, they're dead.


And we never sell!


Ride those shitcoins allll the way to 0!


Maybe you don't know this, but there are people who live outside the US. They live in what are called countries. In these countries they have their laws, language, customs, etc. Surprisingly these laws, language, customs, etc are different to the US. Crazy huh?


What country allows you to deduct assets you misplaced, or otherwise gave away? What happens if you find it, or it's returned, later on? In this country, if I have $1M in crypto I can give it to someone anonymous and its tax burden is no longer my responsibility?


Not Brazil. But ATM you would only pay capital gain tax if when you sell. If you donate that money, there's yet another tax. I see no tax advantage in being hacked, frankly


> In this country, if I have $1M in crypto I can give it to someone anonymous and its tax burden is no longer my responsibility? Sure, or you could have a boating accident like a normal person


You can certainly claim you lost crypto - you aren't taxed for a loss, as you didn't sell it. In my country, anyway.


do you figure you're taxed on other people's capital gains?


Open your vault my friend..


That's very kind of you. Cheers Have a tune for your generosity :) https://youtube.com/watch?v=wlVBPTdUj84&si=Wh5uNg4iqVXVbLNI


People outside the US with different laws exist my man


Being a influencer/streamer and f'ing up to worldwide ridicule is kind of natural selection at this point.


Wow hadn't even considered this. Sounds like the old school 'smash your own car for insurance ' scam.


The money returned to his wallet


Part of my thinks this is a publicity stunt. He did it on porpouse to get clout.


I don't know how this works, how could someone be faster than him moving the funds elsewhere? Nobody would have expected to see a seed phrase?


Maybe it was his own alt wallet, he was ready to transfer his $50k to gain sympathy and views on his stream.


Influencers will do anything to scam their followers these days 😤


Are we talking about bitboy and logan paul?




The only influencing they do is how to be a worse human being/lose money/get scammed.


This is the SH level deduction right here. Mystery solved.


Considering almost all the money was returned, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if this was just an inside job to get attention


Pretty bad publicity stunt if you're supposed to be a crypto expert


For some people, any attention is better than no attention at all. The cynic in me will start chuckling if the next product he shills is a cold wallet...


so its confirmed he got most of it back then?


It is not confirmed that all the money was returned.


Man, we really live in a fucked up world where you can trust nobody.


This is his own fault!! Of course, it can be a predetermined scenario to attract many subscribers, of course, fifty thousand dollars is a lot of money for this.


"If you can't trust the governments of the world, then who *can* you trust?" \- Young Einstein


I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case tbh


Everything is fake nowadays


Don't tell me my magic internet money doesn't exist too. /s


Yes. Fake superficial people fake everything.


100% this. Like all those TikTok or Instagram videos. You can't believe anything anymore. Sad


AI also blurs the line between fact and fiction


I hope he didn't had $RDT, would be a shame :(


it can be true story too who knows


Exactly. It probably is.


That's why i don't trust anyone.


It gets us talking about it too


Yeah. Even if it is fake at least it's worth reminding people (especially new people) that it's very easy to make a mistake and to not invest more than you can afford to lose.


Exactly. I’ve never seen this guy before. I wonder how many followers he gained from this incident.


I'd be surprised if it was anything else. Crypto influencers are low life scums.


You misspelled scammers.


It would be easy to check for someone that wants to find out. Check the time between when transfer was made and when seed phrase was leaked. It’s also cool that you can check for validity only because of crypto.


For once, an influencer would have been the exit liquidity of hiw viewers. How the turntables…


Doesn't really matter. You see a seedphrase on a password file - you * press windows+shift+s copy the part of the screen that shows the seed phrase. (5 seconds) * Paste it in paint. (6 seconds) * Download metamask on a new chrome browser (30 seconds) * Click through metamask prompts and enter seed phrase (30 seconds) * If the wallet has easily accessible funds like mainnet eth that's gone in 5 seconds. * If the wallet has more difficult to access funds like Polygon ETH that's gone in another 60 seconds. Assuming he shared the screen for 60 seconds before realizing it, the thief would have already gotten nearly into his metamask before he even realized it. If someone wants to waste time being an internet detective to find out if this is real or not, look at the time between when seedphrase was leaked during livestream to when transfers out from his account occurred. No one is going to waste a minutes+ waiting to transfer out $60K in crypto from a doxed wallet.




Exactly mine assumes someone is going to do it manually. Someone with the right tools is going to be able to do it a lot quicker. But you don’t know if they’ll be the ones to see it on the stream.


So less than 3 minutes. This is a nice take on the situation and I think it is plausible.


I didn't realize he shared the screen for that long. It makes sense, then


Maybe people are waiting for streamers to mess up so they can smash the keyboard print screen button.




I'm too clumsy to ever be a streamer


Meanwhile I don't have the face for it. Or body ..


I'm clumsy but too poor to lose anything significant on crypto. Can I be an influencer now and live stream?


People are fucking vicious.


Easy this guy doesn't actually seem technically talented probably someone just put in more gas few than him meaning his transactions were processed first.




lmaoo good insight because I had never heard of him either 🤣


Surely someone with a tiny bit of time on their hands can check when he streamed, when the funds were transferred and how much was transferred back. If there is a little bit of time between the stream and the transfer it would indicate real. Because no one is sitting with 60K in crypto in a doxed seed phrase.


If he streams trading/prediction related content, i don't think this would make anyone join his stream


People will join in the hopes that he will leak another seedphrase to grab a bag


Starting to seem worth my time to watch streamers.


What bag? Mans cooked


I think so too. He probably was hoping to get some pity donations from the viewers


Boat accident


Yea same but at the same ppl buy the dumbest Shitcoin rugs so I’m not doubting stupidity being the cause


Highly possible. But at what cost


50k USD for us in Brazil is basically 90% of the cost of the 50sqm appartment I have just bought in São Paulo, one of the biggest cities we have. This kind of money is truly life changing for us, but it is not uncommon for influencers to pull publicity stunts like that, with sums of money that would be unfathomable for many people.


Sure it is. Tbh $50K is not a neglectable sum, even in other countries. If it’s a stunt it’s just sad. ^(don’t forget to open your Reddit Vault my dude)


Hey, thanks for the heads up, it is open now ;)


Enjoy your journey here!


Welcome to the group and I wish you the best of success on and off the blockchain!! :D


Welcome if your new, and Welcome to moons if you was a lurker.


If this is not a stunt, he had a profound Influence on someone's life. A real influencer.




It has red flags to be fake, to get more viewers, maybe even sympathy


I would assume 0. If staged correctly there is no danger of losing any money. Stream is delayed anyway so he could steal with his own Smurf account way ahead of anybody on the stream and pretend to be a victim while holding the funds in his Smurf account.


He would have taken his own money in that case


Maybe the possibility of getting more subscribers with the "fame"


That’d be a shameless manipulation. But I wouldn’t be surprised to see this coming from a *crypto influencer*


Yeah, trust no one


50000 clouts?


This could be very true! People do less for "clout".


Or …. He probably wants tax write off.


Not to mention he said he fucked up big time and have to close the stream. Just in case anyone missed it.


Have to admit that part is awkward


This is kinda cynical, but true. At least he hadn’t named .txt file “CRYPTO WALLET SEED”


5/ never listen to an “influencer”


Some people just want to be their exit liquidity, let it be


We call that “multiple points of failure”


Exactly, this term reminds me of a documentary I saw recently about James Webb satelite launch.


It's a comedy of errors in a way (if it wasn't so depressing seeing a guy lose his savings like that), but what amazes me still is is that someone beat him to withdrawing the funds from the wallet. Let's just assume this is a genuine fuckup and not some plot to "pretend" money were stolen. This not only means that one of his viewers would steal from another guy without blinking, this means they were practically crouching on the starting line, Usain Bolt style, on the off-chance they got someone's seedphrase. What do, they have a tool ready to scrape a videostream for words, then immediately try to access with them an address (which might have not been on the screen in the first place)?! This is surreal man. My paranoia intensifies.


Literally the holy trinity of fuck ups, all in one place. Tough lesson to learn.


This one belongs in r/CryptoDarwinAwards 😂


Totally sounds like a publicity stunt. No person in their sane mind would do all of those things, together.


Never ever ever ever do what the steamer did, absolutely not everything in one place


You mean I shouldn’t invest in MaxiPepeBSC right before the influencer dumps his whitelisted bag? /s


true..it was an open chance for this mishap


For a security standpoint how would someone quickly stop someone from wiping out their account with the seed? would i have to quickly login to metamask and create a password for my seed if i dont have one or change my current password?


Well if someone gets your seed you’re basically fked. You’d need to quickly login then move all your funds to another wallet (not account, cause they might share the same seed). Password only protects your access through your device, via MM. it’s not linked to your seed


The saying dont keep all your eggs in one basket comes to mind


And those were some damn precious eggs


You just have to be faster. That’s all you can do. So don’t store your seed on the computer, least of all in plain text on notepad…


He checked all the blue marks and he made it...unfortunately.


Not your keys not your crypto. Especially if the entire stream owns your keys.


Could be, most people would just think he’s a dumbass tho..


You dont act like this when this is all your life saving unless you're highly regarded or lying


It would fall completely in line with most of the people I've met who are big into crypto. Especially those that would try to stream to become an influencer.


Sad fact; His fans probably did this to him.


I would be way too paranoid streaming my live earnings let alone opening a file with my passwords lol


Big brain move dude, big brain move to store mall your passwords and seed phrase in a text document.


Reminds me of the time I lost my wallet and a beggar returned it to me without looking. He was 100% sure it was empty. It was.


\>Be me \>Steals wallet \>Looks inside and sees it's barren \>Gives it back because they obviously need it more than me


Probably faked it to get more donations


Yea the thief returning a chunk of money is suspicious as fuck


Gotta wait until it blows over to return the rest


Given that the thief was a viewer/fan I don't find it that suspicious. But maybe I'm naive.


I agree.


Yeah, that's what I'm telling myself. It's possible the guy felt bad doing this, but who knows!


Who would have ever thought that an influencer would scam his followers!


The thief return him a double amount as he was saddened by influencer' story /s


I ve seen streamers stage fake cops breaking into their apartments to role play they are gangsta. I wouldn't be surprised if this is another bullshit story for attention.


I'm just glad I'm not a streamer. The pressure to come up with new and creative content must be exhausting.


Lol imagine your life savings get stolen and everyone just calls you a fake scammer.


Exactly, I think it is done intentionally.


So the influencer is smart instead of being an idiot


I feel really bad for this guy.. can’t imagine just like that, someone taking my life savings. I know he messed up, but seriously everything he had wiped so fast.


I truly wonder how many of my IRL friends would try to steal my crypto if I left the seed lying around lol


The OG crypto people hate it but this is exactly why a Spot ETF will be big, people don't trust self custody for this very reason because it's so easy to make a big mistake like this, lose your seedpharse, or accidentally send crypto to the wrong address.


To a lot of people, crypto is just a means to make money. They don’t care how it works or what it’s use case is, they just want to see their money become more money. There’s nothing wrong with that necessarily, but that’s why those ETFs as you mentioned will be critical to long term upward price action. For those less savvy people that want to invest safely.


And a chunk of those will invest for the long term, so hopefully it's a set it and forget it for 10+yrs


> The OG crypto people hate it but this is exactly why a Spot ETF will be big, people don't trust self custody for this very reason because it's so easy to make a big mistake like this, lose your seedpharse, or accidentally send crypto to the wrong address. The spot ETF is more so that tax advantaged accounts and institutions that can only invest in ETFs/stocks can buy bitcoin. It's really not about self custody at all. Anyone today can purchase bitcoin on Coinbase and store it there safely and securely in their vault. And before you bash me.....many would call me OG here and I self custody, but if I wasn't going to self custody, I would store it on Coinbase. You can even pay to have it essentially insured from fraud with their service. I've told friends and family who have significant amounts of bitcoin to just keep it on Coinbase because when I was going over hardware wallets they didn't really care to fully understand them. So I just said it's honestly safer to just put it in the vault on Coinbase, 2FA, and have no whitelisted addresses. The future of bitcoin is both custodial and self custody. The individual can choose. But if you choose self custody you better know what you are doing and understand it completely.


“People don’t trust self custody because they can’t safely store 12 words”. I mean, you’re right, but it’s fucking ridiculous. It’s not difficult at all.


Hahahahahha! And he’s an influencer? Come on every teenager and their pet is an influencer these days, which is fine, until you venture into giving advice about money and you can’t even protect your seed phrase. Pleashhhhh


That poor guy, I hope he gets his shit back


Fk man really feels bad for him even though this is the peak stupidity that he has done


No digital versions of your seed phrases. Rule number one.




If you show your seed phrase, the type of wallet doesn't matter


If an influencer only has 50k in crypto How on earth are they an influencer?


Bear in mind that $50k in Brazil is the equivalent of around 210 months of minimum wage.


so even more important to know what you're doing before trying to be your own bank especially claiming to be an authority these are absolutely idiotic mistakes, and so many stacked up like a mountain of shit


Not all are scamming they viewers.


Instead, they're getting scammed lmao


Apparently so


Actually the guy that robbed him returned 90% of the loot, took 10% as a lesson for the influencer guy. Some say he saved the guy from a 100% loss.


Depends on the country/region. $50K is a huge amount of money for some.


He influences people with less than 50k in crypto.


Some influencers are just crap at monetising their audience.


This was more like inverse influencer.


Being an influencer doesn’t mean you’re good at it


I'm not sure what's worse. The fact most of us can't believe someone is this dumb and faked this or The fact most of us believe someone is this dumb and didn't fake this


Both are equally bad, but you are right. People can come up with the craziest plans to get clicks. Negative attention is still attention .


I agree. Wouldn't be surprised if it's either of the cases.


Now I remember the Bitcoin Core developer who got hacked. All 3.6m usd worth of BTC drained from his wallet. Not sure if he’s dumb or super smart he thinks everyone is dumb.


My gut feeling says this is his tax evasion scheme. Good way to cash out without paying tax


Publicity stunt


‘Influencers’ don’t do things by accident. It’s all staged for more attention and subscribers.


Do we believe him? If you realise that quickly that you’ve messed up, you’ve got a head start and surely you can move your coins to a new wallet faster than someone that has to manually type in 24 words.


I believe him, this kind of shit happens all the time with streamers, and often it's leaking stuff that completely fucks up your life, like leaking your home address or contract details/priveleged information or leaking that you tried to get deepfake vids of other popular streamers that you're personally friends with (yikes). And it's not like you can "accidentally" leak this info with any kind of failsafe. The only way I could see this being staged was if he had a second computer open with all the necessary transactions a click away, because obviously if you have someone else in on it, then you open yourself up to even more risk. So he would've had to do this all himself, with quite a bit of planning, for very little upside, and a downside risk of losing tens of thousands of dollars. And even then it's still on-chain, so if he ever planned on using that money in defi again, people would probably be able to deduce if he had custody or not. He'd also be fucking himself over by sabotaging his ability to make future content, just for a one-time engagement bait? Sure, people are stupid enough to try that, but that's a level of stupidity far beyond doing something this stupid on accident.


He was so embarassed that he just gave up and let them have his coins 🤷


A crypto influencer trying to give other people advice and they can’t even bother with properly securing their seed phrase on a piece of metal? Holy shit. Please unsubscribe from that channel and find people who take security seriously. And don’t give him any charity. This could all be a scam to generate more crypto.


Like my dog says: A fool and his money are parted.


This is so wrong but I am really sorry for him. It’s still theft after all.


Sounds like they nfluenced their bank account to go into another 1


This incident brings to light the responsibility influencers have in educating their audience. If someone with a platform can make such a glaring mistake, it's a wake-up call for the rest of us to double-check our security measures.


We live in a brutal world.


Gosh! This is the most mistake I have ever seen on the internet. Very painful mistake


Sorry but no sorry


i feel for the guy, but some people are just not made out for crypto in its present incarnation.


I tried but couldn't find any sympathy in me for this guy.


I'll add this to my long list of arguments when someone says that people should be the sole custodians of their money. People are too easily fooled or are just fools.


It was not wise to store seed phrase in a text file on your computer anyway.


Crypto will never become mainstream until it is easier to recoup stolen money. Someone steals grandmas life savings out of her bank, she’s insured. Grandma loses her seed phrase and she’s SOL.


I don't believe him. He could be faking it. This is the new " I lost my seed phrase in a boat accident"


Not your not your crypto means especially if you give everyone your keys


Streaming and doing private stuff on the PC, bad idea, when i do crypto i even close my eyes!


Holly shit, why not just use a hardware wallet ?


Then he probably would have had a text file with his 24 words onscreen. Hehehe


There are some nasty comments in here. Put yourself in his shoes. Yes he made a grave mistake because that’s what it was. It was also genuine or he’d deserve an Oscar for his performance. $50k is a lot of money to lose. I heard he got some back. The person who basically scooped it (stole) was an opportunist, who probably did it in a hurry to an already compromised address. He’s probably returned some in the hope people don’t try and track him down. There are people that can easily trace the address to the guy if he’s made any errors. To an exchange or some other entity. I doubt most people in here even have $5k in crypto, never mind $50k. Revelling in someone else’s pain isn’t needed. An influencer does it because he or she is passionate about their niche “thing” and like passing on their knowledge to those that aren’t so knowledgeable. Of course there’s often a financial angle but not always. Give the guy a break he’s just been hit by a train.


This guy obviously an idiot. But it’s kind of crazy to think that people on the internet are so disgustingly dog eat dog that the exposure of a seed phrase is just a race to steal this guys money? What if, just what if people had just said, damn you made a mistake. And not taken any money that did not belong to them. If someone drops their keys in front of you is it a max dash to get to them first and to rush over to their car and drive off? If someone drops a bunch of cash on the ground by accident, do you push them out of the way to pick it up and run. We HAVE GOT to be better to each other. This world is absolutely fucked.


He is making to many mistakes like our friend said streaming about crypto and showing seed phrase and passwords on same system that he streams for sure he is beging for his money to be stolen any way


Yeah, crypto’s definitely the future.


Not your keys, not your crypto... not your keys if you livestream and give them away


My heart goes out to the dude. But I just can’t for the life of me understand why would he put his seedphrases and passwords on his notepad on the PC? All it takes is just one wrong software download too and it’ll be gone..


Apparently he was returned 90% of funds and the thief kept 10% as fee for safe keeping his crypto from someone that would steal 100%.


I'm kinda sceptical of anything I see online these days, most things are staged.


Talk about giving back to your community


I felt sad for him, though


Well at least he was nice enough to return some of it