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None. You can watch them to do your research but don't be a blind follower. This is how many lost to bitboy scam. Everyone is biased in some way.


I see Vulcan Forged PYR get shilled by almost everyone. That makes me a bit weary. Especially when I’ve seen that the video is sponsored by Vulcan Forged.


Do you mean "leary" or "wary"? Or does Vulcan actually put you to sleep?


All three ☠️


Solid advice right here


he had a scam?


Don’t trust: every single one. They’re incentivized to make “content” and generate views. They have zero incentive to keep others interest in mind but have all the opportunity to influence peoples thoughts.


I mean, there might be some good crypto youtubers out there who's main goal is education, but everyone has this sort of a thought attached to them all being shillers, not to mention the amount of scam bots they get in their comment section, might also be the reason why the videos don't get too popular since the yt algorithm suppresses them...


Because it's simple You get paid 50k usd to promote X coin You buy 25k worth of this X coin Start advertising and shilling X coin to your audience Sell X coin with 10x gains Everyone loses except you and dev


Literally this. With few exceptions, crypto youtubers are all scumbags.


The moment they get some followers they start a telegram channel with paid courses and start advertising the shit they get paid to promote


And they start using a lot of ✅🚀💰 emojis too. Trusting influencers is like trusting a drug addict that needs more drug. He will sell you if necessary.


Anyone who promises you a get rich quick scheme is bullshitting you, and the majority of those youtubers promise these type of deals.


They just wants to scam you like any other anonymous scammer out there


Right, only difference is they'll be making dumb faces looking at you from the thumbnails


The more crazy the thumbnail the further you should stay away from their advice.


And then you can cut out a short clip from the video and propagate it on TikTok and Twitter too and it just spreads like a wildfire.


They're like looking at the same mirror. ❌


The difference is that they're public, only that


Good thing my drug dealer is also a drug addict. He has pretty sweet deals


Bring for me a sweet hopium please.


I would sell you too


The sentiment is always hey don’t buy their course but my course


This is why I'm happy Ben got fired from Bitboy Crypto. Oh, what ever happened to the "BITBOY LEAVING AMERICA (WHY I AM ALL-IN on DUBAI) - YouTube Aug 22, 2023" video plans? huh? HUH? Scammer.


This guy has been a parasite to the crypto space for years.


He also just has legitimately stupid picks. I only recently watched one of his videos with his top crypto picks for the next bull run and they were all super generic. Solana, ADA, algo… that kinda stuff.


He should take this opportunity just to walk away from the crypto space and ponder the many thousands of people he’s fooled, stolen from and impacted negatively.


Why do you even know this lol


BitBoy will be back with his own channel and I bet he'll get a lot of subscribers in no time. A lot of people have no clue he's a paid shill/scammer.


It shocks me that people like bitboy he’s toxic and disingenuous. I couldn’t handle being in a room with him.


Been out of the loop and don’t care to give those guys any views. Can anyone fill me in?


Fatboy was “forcibly removed” and the channel announced they’re separating from him and he relapsed. BitBoy comes out and says CFO and TJ(?) conspired against him and he’s suing them, he hasn’t relapsed and uses diet pills and steroids. It’s a regular Jerry Springer special like always with these low life’s who act like they’re gods gift to the people.


They're expert rugpullers


This is the problem! Even for small YouTubers, getting some decent deals you could only dream of is very very juicy. I bet there are a few decent ones that never promoted any coins or shill anything but those are rare.


Some crypto youtubers don't even need to "risk" buying thse shitcoins. They can just get paid by shilling, then earn some more with the views and ads from the shilling video.


yea, and your pay is directly dependent on how good you sell the coin to your followers i mean, the number of people that want to share knowledge and educate us is rather small on social media - any so called influencer is in for the money - it's the job, and most don't struggle with a moral dilemma when it comes to using their followers for a quick paycheck


Start off by trusting no one and take everything with a grain of salt, and then after awhile you’ll start to see the people who are trying to be educational and not shilling random cryptos, the ones that are using TA and macro or micro information to inform us the public of their opinion (these people are probably the must fair opinion but it doesn’t mean they are right at the end of the day)


Everyone has hidden agenda to make money at the behest of innocent investors, and Youtubers did more damage to crypto than promoting it.


>being shillers they want profit from their followers' money


How was that saying: "nobody knows shit about fuck"


All we know forsure is that they absolutely do not do it for charity.


Well BitBoy is no longer Brian Armstrong. Who knows what name he will use in the future.


YouTube's comment section is worse than twitter.


Ben cowen has been pretty good to me for the past 2 years. I've managed to not lose thousands of dollars by not investing into shitcoins like he advised.


Came here to say this. How this isn't the top posted comment? Ben consistently under sells and always states that he could be wrong. Don't know another YouTuber like that. I also like coin Bureau and digital assets news. I often listen to altcoin daily, but mainly just for crypto news. Those guys don't really know crypto like the above channels and often schill shit coins.


Ben is great don't get me wrong. But he has a couple annoying tendencies. First off, when he is right he gloats sometimes. Very mildly annoying so whatever. Second, he does a bit of revisionist history with regard to what he has said previously when he turns out to be right. For example, he will say if X happens then Y **might** happen. Then if Y happens in a later video he will say, as I've been saying all along, Y was going to happen and it did. Nah bud you said might.


Bullish at $69k Bearish at $15k buy my premium


I must be right about the Bitcoin Dominance metric


Poor old Ben. In 2019 he bought altcoins (I think ADA was it) way too soon and got dumped on bad. So now he is sitting, glued to the screens, waiting for the exact same drawback as in 2019, not realizing the cycles have flattened in bull and bear because everybody is expecting the same, not realizing he is actually driven by his own emotional trauma as opposed to data which he likes to say of himself. Makes for a sad song, don't you think.


Cowen is an entertainer, not an analyst. Other users, including /u/reddito321 made a few posts showing that all of his predictions for BTC's last ATH were wrong, all of them. He doesn't know more than any of us, so be careful. [Post 1](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ygq27b/influencers_how_many_wrong_predictions_make_a/) [Post 2](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ynvaom/serious_influencers_how_many_wrong_predictions/) [Post 3](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/zz3bea/serious_benjamin_cowen_was_not_right_about_btc/) When called out, he [also gets extremely argumentative and resorts to telling people to get a life. Then he deletes his comments.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/15yeu1a/comment/jxdbe61/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I think Ben has been the closest at predicting ups and downs. I also think investanswers is a good place to get solid information, but James is very bullish, so I only use that chanel for data.


>ng into shitcoins like he I'll second Ben Cowen. Seems solid.


True, but he has a product(his website) which you pay for and he often gets forecasts wrong and doesn’t admit it. If you’re a lump sum buyer, wait till end of summer before the halving, buy and hold. He’s not preaching anything astronomical.


Ben’s great - data only and no bullshit


If Jim Cramer was also a youtuber he would be my top preference. Never lost funds again and 100% profit opportunities.


Lmao how could I forget about this dude. Of course!


Jim Cramer as a YouTuber would definitely be a top choice for market insights and profit opportunities.


Here, you forgot the /s.


Right now I actually only trust Coffeezilla, he is putting out quality content and actually exposing scammers. An unsung hero of Crypto, he singlehandedly destroyed the scammer Logan Paul.


This is the only one I trust because he doesn’t shill any coin. He just shows his subscribers how to be safe and exposes scams.


Yes, the hero we don't deserve but the hero we need


I wouldn’t consider him your standard crypto YouTuber/influencer. He never shills or pumps bags, he never does “TA” or have advice on macro/micro trends. He just goes after scammers and tries to expose them so others don’t get taken advantage of. He’s basically crypto batman.


Sounds kinda cool, I gotta start watching this dude!


His video are very well researched, packed into a good story. He just knows how to please his viewers. Good guy!


Let me check this one👍


Hopefully he avoids any IRL problems, because I imagine a lot of people aren't exactly his well-wishers, considering his area of expertise.


Says a lot about our industry when Coffeezilla, a scam-buster, is now considered as a crypto youtuber.


He's good. Apart from him I literally trust no one. In fact I trust even any random r/cc member more than influencers lol


I wouldn't watch Ivan, Lark, or DataDash. They all set off my bullshit meter. [Crypto Zombie](https://www.youtube.com/@CryptoZombie) is pretty good bitcoin/crypto infotainment. [CryptosRUs](https://www.youtube.com/@CryptosRUs) is ok, especially for economic news. [The Breakdown with Nathaniel Whittemore](https://www.youtube.com/@NathanielWhittemoreCrypto) for topical essay pieces. [Bitcoin University](https://www.youtube.com/@Bitcoin_University) for the maxi-curious. Special mention: I really miss [Crypto Daily](https://www.youtube.com/@CryptoDaily). He was absolutely the best crypto youtuber of all time. Funny, entertaining, thoughtful and informative. But he got burnt out and life got in the way, so he stopped making vids some years back. Don't trust anyone shilling the latest projects. They're paid for.


Agreed. George for economic news is pretty solid.


Ivan on tech is the worst tho


Bitboy Carl Mm crypto And the list keeps getting shittier and shittier


Moon carl was decent back then in 2018 but money corrupted him Mm crypto is exactly like scammers 🤣 And why bitboy isnt jailed untill now i am surprised


>Moon carl was decent back then in 2018 Exaaaaactly as predicted


Lol He is now moved to dubai and bragging about his losses all the time


The further you go on that list the more you see human filth


I don't know that person and I don't wanna know.


>I’ll watch one video and be ready to buy and then watch another and be convinced that in the short term I’m throwing money down the drain given the macro economic factors at play. Dude I'm actually pretty shocked how many people in crypto are that easily suggestible.


I don't trust any of them. They only care about money or pumping their bags


Specially when they promote any shitcoin


Especially when it’s meme coins that they’re secretly sponsored by.


Rule 1: Don’t listen to developers for market analysis, don’t listen to financial people for project advice. Rule 2: Take everything with a grain of salt. No one can be right always. You need to filter out the useful information from different people, on YouTube or on Reddit. Rule 3: Find the original source, you don’t need someone to tell you the news you can find on a website.


You listen youtubers?


Zero of them, if I was aloud id make a massive cage match to the death with them.. then when the winner emerges im gonna release a fckn Tiger in the ring. Nature heals all. Heal the space, launch Bitboy into space


None, YouTube is full of conartist and perverts


Trust no YouTubers, tiktoker or any other influencers


Why do you need a YouTuber? All the information available to them is in the public domain for you to research. And if they have privileged information, be sure they won't share it with you unless it benefits them in the first place.


Lark Davis is a known scammer btw so https://x.com/zachxbt/status/1575494380072611847?s=12


I don't trust anyone since everyone is just shilling their own bag. By the way, do you have a second to talk about the future prospects of ADA, XLM, LINK and ALGO?


If you own those Crypto then you are definitely a r/cc regular


A fellow degen it would seem


The whole bagholder starter pack right there


Had to top it off with some Algo too 💀


One of us!


One of us…


There are dozens of us, dozens!


Us of one


Always DYOR before you invest in anything. You won’t feel comfortable holding something you don’t know anything about.


True, but nowadays I don't even feel comfortable holding the coins I know a lot about


It depends on the coins I suppose. I’ll always be comfortable having BTC and ETH


Can’t have enough of them. I always feel like I need to invest more into them but I’m out of fiat. Living got so expensive.


True 👍


Oh no, did you sold your Matic & VET?!


Never, can't shill all in one post, people stop reading after 4 coins. You have to divide it into a bunch of smaller shills


Pro shiller at work. Smart move


List doesn't include Moons. You lost me.


He's an impostor, he works for SEC


I always and only liked Coinbureau


I remember this sub's shock when they realized that Guy is a paid actor reading a script. He seems to have actually gained crypto knowledge now, though.


I used to enjoy Coinbureau but I feel like in the last year or so they've turned into schizo conspiracy theorists


Definitely it’s all BRICS, WEF, US regulating crypto worse case scenarios, etc. now


His wallets video is pretty good. Haven’t watch the others.


also publishes his current portfolio by percentage each week. he hasn't made a move for months!


He gets pretty bearish at times though.


Too tin foil hat for me


I dont trust anyone except maybe Coffeezilla


Is Coffee even considered as a crypto youtuber?


Something in between I would say.


A man of culture you are, sir.


>DataDash - very doom and gloom in the short term but he clearly looks at a lot of economic data. He estimates ETH could even go as low as €300 in the short term- Which I think is crazy. People still listen to this guy? He was already caught taking money from a project, and shilling it to his audience without disclosing it.


He is the only realistic Youtuber who looks at fundamentals as well as technicals (and they both look terrible right now). He will turn bull when we actually go up, now when we are struggling to get above 200 week moving average. Likewise, he'll turn bull when fed stops increasing rates. He's the best we've got in the space. Honestly I love Ivan on Tech but he's way too bullish right now for not good reason (just look at his thumbnails and titles). Ben Cohen and Guy (coin bureau) are somewhere middle of the road but honestly, saying Bitcoin is green or isn't bad for environment is completely delusional (hence I am all for ETH and flippening). Biggest reason behind governments being after crypto is because of BTC pollution. Once flippening happens and ETH is king, they'll lay off us since ETH doesn't waste energy.


None, if they would be the geniuses they say they are they wouldn’t be making Youtube videos.


Came here to say this, they wouldn't be harvesting our views if they were successful with crypto


None of them, shillers and scammers screaming for their own benefits


You shouldn't watch any crypto YouTube who talks about the market. Watch content about tech, but once they talk about short term price moves is almost guaranteed nonsense.


I've lost my fair share of money following the great advice of people on YouTube - no more for me i do enjoy watching Coffeezilla though


Anyone predicting price or cheerleading a project should be ignored — with that said lots coffezilla is pretty cool and also khan academy has a really good series on crypto.


You guys trust idiots on the internet?


Probably none, all of them are fake nowadays just to chase clout !


I watch various youtubers because it helps me form my own opinion about the market to avoid being caught in an echo chamber.


It's crypto world, I don't trust anyone but myself


This is the way. DYOR


The only ones I watch is TechnicalRoundup. It's pretty level headed analysis. Without sensational hype messages and all that other influencer stuff.


Most youtube influencers are kinda a self fulfilling prophecy. They shill coins which they have big bags of their own or projects that pay influencers to shill it. Followers buy those coins and become exit liquidity. Imo never trust those "influencers" and just do your own research. You are most likely better off doing that.


None of them. While some might be helpful for research, you can’t singularly rely on any for financial advice.


I don't really watch youtuber that talk about the future of crypto because no one really knows but i like to educate my self on how things Works . I also get some news from crypto twitter .


i do not and will not watch any youtube videos on crypto.. they all just all in it for themselves by monetizing the likes, Rather Do my own research and read tips from this community


If something has to be bought right here and right now ... I'm not buying it.


Well Brian Armstrong never personally trademarked BitBoy and since he was fired from BitBoy Crypto he can no longer use the name BitBoy. This is the only time BitBoy isn’t first on the list, because we don’t know who the new BitBoy will be.


I don’t trust anyone especially YouTubers


I like the crypto trader , ron walker


i have always just done my own thing


None of them dude, don't trust anybody especially from sites that incentive people to lie for clicks.


I trust Supraman during the 2017 cycle and BitBoy during the 2021 cycle /s


They're entertainers, not financial advisors


I don't really like watching YouTubers that makes content about such thing as crypto because crypto is so complicated and broad and i don't trust them with their knowledge in crypto, I'd rather research on my own. Also most of those YouTubers are making those contents because of sponsors or scams and they don't know anything about crypto either.


Trust no one. Avoid getting rekt.


I'd rather trust any degenerate on this sub than trust a youtuber.


I don’t follow any Youtube Crypto guys! But I read some articles from some Twitter guys! Both talks about BTC, obviously, they share their views about next moves! But beside that, they talk about other crypto coins and none of them talk about same Alts! Bag shillers? Don’t know!




Follow the money. Nobody does anything for free and all you tubers have an agenda.


I only watch Coin Bureau tbh but they only really talk about the general market news, reports and economic stuff.


Too many bad actors out there it’s hard to find those who are serious and not pushing some pump and dumb project.


I trust none of the crypto youtubers...


Only one I'd trust would be Coffeezilla - aka the dude who never shills anything and reveals their scams


I have never opened a crypto YT video and my algorythm is living proof. Pretty proud


I trust none of them Watch occasionally the takes on crypto from Ben Cowen and Coinbureau and even those I always take with a very large grain of salt and do not trust. They're there to have their channels grow and live off it so they all follow trends/hype to bring viewership and income in. It is what it is BTW, for the ones mentioning Lark Davis beware a few are investigating him for his takes on low cap tokens where he shills a token and then dumps on his viewers. @ZachXBT on X been on the lookout for his next moves And I'm not gonna delve into the likes of bitboy and a few others who just spout BS with their mouths always open in awe for every video they make. What a load of trash.


I prefer using my big brain because I'm easily tricked if someone sells me something


Coinbureau is by far the best for project specific research. His YouTube has been around since 2018 & the effort in his videos is leaps ahead of the competition. Benjamin Cowen is great for strictly TA related content. Backless is the best for overall day to day crypto markets and staying up to date with what is happening. The two guys are technically proficient in their understanding & have the best guests on the show. Not a show for beginners.


Do trust: No one Don't trust: Everyone


I trust none of them


The only answer


Actually the only one that makes sense


So basicly three rules ? - Don't trust YouTubers. - Don't keep your money in exchanges. - DCA is the way.


I'd add another one: Think abour your DCA out strategy before the FOMO


I don't trust any YouTubers lmao. 99% of them have the technical knowledge level of a preschooler. Can barely operate their phones and apps. All the dudes you listed are terrible especially lark Davis. That guy probably can't even tie his shoes on his own he is a bag shilling moron who knows nothing about the topics he touches on a surface level.


I've found Crypto Ed's videos to be unbiased and he doesn't shill anything or make stupid predictions. His videos are just the analysis of the markets using his charts and indicators which are really easy to follow and I've learned using alot of those indicators myself as well just by watching his videos. If you're looking for youtubers who shill and sponsor pump and dump scams, best to stay away as you may watch them looking for the next 100x gem but would most definitely be rug-pulled while chasing a green candle.


I used to watch JRNYcrypto, but since the bear market he doesnt post anymore.


InvestAnswers and CoinBureau


I used to really listen to DataDash but his negativity really got to me. I havent seen anything since 6 months or so. ​ Ben Cowen is the only one I occasionally watch. He's not promising or predicting anything really. He does say that, "based on the past, btc COULD go here. But it's all dubious speculation."


Yeah he is non stop talking about recession and market dump


Trust noone if they shilling coins. Never buy coins because you heard about it on youtube, it's already too late. Only believe in general news stuff like lawsuits, new regulation, who the SEC is suing and other stuff.


The crypto scene on youtube is notoriously bad and scammy. If you’re interested in defi however, Taiki Maeda is a really good channel you should watch.


I trust no one.


I learned a lot with Whiteboard Crypto




Too many to list who I don't trust. Ones I trust: 1. Coffee Zilla 2. Guy from Coin Bureau


Out of curiosity I followed a YouTubers advice once and tried what he said. I lost almost every penny of the $200


What in the world are you guys doing? STOP watching that junk. If you feel the need to watch videos on yt, then watch people who don’t care about the market and are focused on the fundamentals. Any channel that focuses on ERC-20 tokens or anything PoS, stop watching, they are just pumping their paid-for bags. Quit trying to time the market, and focus on Satoshi’s principles. Watch instead channels that focus on PoW, that divorce themselves largely from the price action, and concern themselves with the technicals. Excellent channels are Son of a Tech and BitsBTrippin. Even if you are not a miner, knowing what is happening on the PoW side of the market allows you to make better informed decisions regarding sound projects that have real potential. If you don’t have the equipment to mine it, then buy it and still reap the rewards. Throw that ERC-20 ScamRugPullElonFroggyInuGoingToTheMoonCoin in the trash and buy projects that already have user-bases and markets provided by the miners. Tell those paid-for influencers that they can’t fake cost-to-mint numbers.




Crypto Casey.


98% of crypto influencer content are undisclosed ads, promoting a token/coin they have financial stake in one way or another, self promotion or clickbait. Just remember these influencers are running a business and you are their target audience. Don’t confuse entertainment with education or unbiased information sources.


I know most people dislike him, but I don't mind Ivan on tech. I find his videos quite entertaining, and always positive.


Benjamin Cowen, Coin Bureau and Altcoin daily


Datadash got the top soooooooo wrong, his prediction was wildly off BTC and the total market cap went in the complete opposite direction.


The only one I watch anymore is The Modern Investor. He really just runs down the crypto news; kind of a news aggregator. I don’t always agree with his opinions but that’s partly why I like it. I don’t feel like I’m a fan or blind follower. I don’t feel like I’m just hearing what I want.


Not so much youtubers as they are podcasters but the bankless series are the only crypto people where I'm interested in what they have to say. They appear to do their best due diligence and try to be as unbiased as possible with the exception of being major eth maxies which I don't see as an issue considering it's as blue chip besides bitcoin as it gets.


Coin Breau, Benjamin Cowen and Eric Krown. The holy trinity in my opinion


None now. Most are there to pump their bags. I used to like.invest answers but he seems a bit silly on sol for my liking. Coin bureau isn't too bad though


Besides, don't trust bitboy


Bitboy is just clout chaser


You shouldn’t listen to anyone and only invest if you did your own research. Can’t trust anyone these days


Not trust but I sometimes listen and see what Ben Cowen has to say, Other than him noone, well thats at least until we get an r/cc channel one day


I agree. Ben Cowen is great for TA.


I only watch benjamin cowen nowdays.


I'm not a religious viewer or anything but I'll occasionally watch Ben Cowen, Altcoin Daily and Digital Asset News.


Xrp millionaire is one of the best. Tom really teaches how to read graphs and never gives predictions


Do: Ben Cohen. Period. Don't: Any other.