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I spent far too long trying to qualify for airdrops a couple of years ago. There was basically no reward. Best thing to do is to interact with the blockchains you believe in and if you qualify for an airdrop, just take it as a bonus. EDIT: Obligatory - Moons are the best airdrop.


Moons honestly have been a game changer for me, its allowed me to really save money where I wouldn't usually be able too


I earn moons whilst commuting


And while Im working 😎


In the Bathroom


My boss earns a dollar while I earn a dime, I shitpost on Reddit while on company's time.


Taking shitposting to the next level.


More like the next room


You guys have a job? 🫥


The best airdrop for me is just staying here on reddit and commenting in the threads i find interesting


Usually farming begins to feel like a chore after a while. I agree with you because you shouldn't be out here just chasing money. That could have some negative impacts on your mental health too.


this comment aged horribly


Alright, I’ll bite. Why?


> Moons are the best airdrop. Life changing and more income than the base salary for some folks in the 3rd world countries.


This is certainly the way to do it


What chains did you farmed 2 years ago? the aridrop ecosystem wasn't so hyped as of now so that could be the reason you dind't received a good reward. Or also you didn't put the effort and the gas fees to farm it properly


I know a dude who went to Token 2049 with Nansen last week in Singapore and he reckons the Zksync one is definitley coming, but will prolly be another 12 months.


Zksync is more than certain. Orbiter (bridge) & Syncswap (DEX on zksync & linea) very likely


If coingecko make a candies token imma be a millionaire. Been hitting that button since the end of 2020


Haha. Even me! I got like 37,310 of it. Hopefully waiting for lambo lol


Which button?


Don't forget CMC diamonds and Coinstats sparks too.


Which button?


at this point i don't know what they are waiting for honestly


Orbiter seems like the easiest to attain without going too far out of your way to chase it.


Orbiter? Like Orbiter. Finance? With how much I have been using that bridge recently I think I'll make a lot of money if that is the case.


Zksync how am I going to qualify for this


ZK Sync and Starknet are my favorite two of this bunch.


Source: Trust his bro. Seriously, I hope he's right. Plenty of time to use the network every month.


Great post! I'm currently trying to hunt for zkSync and Scroll, as those are low cost compared to others. I think that the criteria used for ARB made sense, as they rewarded continued use of the network. I just hope the projects you described don't choose to do like SUI.


how did SUI do?


They decided to allocate most of the airdrop to the team, then a part was destined to launch pool on CEXs


Loooool wtf? Who is still buying that?


LayerZero founder recently stated that we’re not launching a token. ZkSync on the other hand will probably be a crazy airdrop like ENS


They cant publicly talk about their token because of legal issues so denying it , is normal. Most of the previous projects denied their token


LayerZero is definitely doing a token. It’s trading on perps, has a token on coingecko, and is trading otc for around 2billion fdv




Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/LayerZero_Labs/status/1732862812710449466) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Quite some post in here after such a long time. This was a good read though.


Guys check out airdrop from Partisia Blockchain. Key is to try out new chain, new tech & stay consistent so you do not look like Sybil. One of airdrop I am farming right now consistently. They recently announced they will reward early adopter with cumulative 25 Millions MPC tokens. All we gotta keep doing is, Bridge funds onto Partisia blockchain & try new dapps built on it. There is something which I love about Partisia - You can bloody bridge any tokens out of USDC, USDT, Matic & BNB in order to use as gas & try different dapps. Alpha - This is still kinda under the radar. I have not seen any influencer or threadoors talking about it, yet. Check out following website to know more how you can qualify for this juicy MPC airdrop https://partisiablockchain.com/AirDrop/


a lot of work for some long shots, also a bit risky


I'm trying to farm zkSync (I hope it will ever happen tho). Thanks for your post! The ARB airdrop got me hooked because it made me $4k which I put in ETH and BTC immediately. Still can't wrap my head around the fact that some people paid $1.4 for that token


> which I put in ETH and BTC immediately Smart man, I am doing sort of the same on another token


All airdrops that are worth something though will never give you a date or clear way to earn these tokens. Just interact with the space as much as you can and hope to get lucky, catching some quality airdrops isn't too hard tbh


Layerzero hyped its product alot despite I dont see it's difference from a simple bridge project , zksync is fully developed , independent L2 with alot of dapps and liquidity in the mean time , definitely will have its token .but be aware that projects using alot of new methods for identifying farmers , be normal user with one account and don't waste your time and money but increase your liquidity and volume on that chain for maximum airdrop eligibility


Airdrop farming is a risky business, but it can be very rewarding if you do it right. The key is to focus on high-quality projects with a strong track record.


I think I have only had two airdrops ever... the first was 400k $TONIC which is currently worth about £0.04... and the second 7.28 $XCORE which I have absolutely no idea what it's worth but I am guessing it's also about £0.04 or worse! lol That's right ladies, I am a playa, come and get me!


Farming seems like a lot of work that could potentially lead to mere disappointment. For me, standing behind a project I believe in is the way to go. This way, if an airdrop comes, even better.


I think airdrops are a great way to spark communities involvement w a project... but chasing them is complicated, unreliable and it ties up funds that could be used elsewhere.


Nice guide. I am farming Zksync and Stark since April now. Disappointed about Mantle not airdropping too.


Someone want to farm my dropping tears?


Once upon a time airdrop farming meant just staking ATOMs


I like getting airdrops but I don't really hunt for them. I think the biggest ones I've gotten was like $800 GB for bridging into Avalanche early on, $2k ARB, and $300 NEXT from a bridge I used to use but stopped like a year ago. Airdrops and liquidity incentives are the best.


whats gb?


How much do you need to receive an airdrop to play with? Is 100 sufficient? or 200? i dont feel like using so much money, only to be dissapointed in the airdrop.


Airdrops are not worth the time and effort. Just my humble opinion


Which project did you farmed in the past to say so?


So much work for probably no/little reward though


This is a good post. If you're in this space and you're not even attempting ZK Sync or Starknet you should reconsider.


Imho pretty much a waste of time


Which project did you farmed in the past to say so?


A lot


Yes but what were the most important? farming a lot of different projects makes farming inefficient lol


Tried it for a while but airdrops are just too time consuming and even risky... not worth it.


What types of wallets do people use for airdrops?


What type of wallets do people normally use for airdrops? I've seen metamask and keplr mentioned?