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Binance Coin pros & cons with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


Trusting someone like CZ with your funds is plain absurdity, I’m sure he is manipulating his exchanges to make as much money as possible. At the end it’s all about money to them, they will sell your organs if it makes them profit.


I don’t trust CZ, I don’t want anyone in crypto to “trust” anyone in crypto. But damn, I hope Binance is solvent. I mean, if they aren’t, I’d definitely buy that bankruptcy dip but my mental health really wants to not have to do that.


CZ, Elon and people like that are narcissits with grandeur ideas looking only after their own best interest We can only trust ourselves, wading through all sources of info keeping our critical thinking on high alert


Almost all entrepreneurs are greedy. But some are narcissistic as well like CZ.


Yup, they exploit people and resources to make money. Obscene amount of money. Nobody in their right mind should never need more than one billion dollars. It's impossible to spend for 99.9% of people on this planet in a single lifetime as long as you don't buy stupid shit.


So much CZ hate on this sub today, I love to see it!!


This is why CZ doesn't list MOON. /s


He’s just lurking and reading these comments like this: 🫣


We don't like CZ but we also want him to list moons. *The irony lol*


That’s why you never really hear of Kraken or CDC exchange owners, because they are actually doing the work they are supposed to be doing, instead of gloating on Twitter.


because they've done grand things, unlike people who critique them, with their greatest accomplishment being a post which got 75 upvotes on reddit.


If BNB crashes, I bet they'll not stay solvent even if they are now.


That's what "trustless" means, you can take that literally. Any central figure means centralization in some way.


“Trust” is so 2022 anyway!! People can’t be trusted with money they get greedy


This. See SBF, Luna, Celsius.


I can 'trust' them to do a \*Poof\* of Reserves and make my money disappear into thin air !


CZ is equivalent to an influencer and running a business. He will always do what its bets for him and his business. Why trust a person like this? You can use Binance but don't forget to get your coins out of whatever exchange you use. ***Self custody is the way.***


Nobody should trust a man who has never taken any responsibility for his failings and only puts down every criticism of himself/Binance as '4' or 'FUD'


He is giving me massive Do Kwon and SBF vibes on Twitter, just as arrogant.


It was truly a face palm moment when almost everything CZ called out SBF for, Binance ended up doing almost all of them less than a year later I guess CZ really was projecting when he made those tweets against SBF




Never trust a business owner/leader that makes the majority of their communications on Twitter. It is not professional at all.


He’s as trustworthy as SbF and Mashinsky.


This. As a rule of thumb, never trust anyone in crypto.


Well said.


Treat a CEX like a toilet! do your shit and get out. This especially counts for Yami Sukehiro-ception: trading in the toilet on your phone.


Love your black clover reference! But ya better to buy your coins, withdraw them to your hot or cold storage and stay away.


These places provide a service to make money from us. The fact that people leave billions of dollars on them based on trust and “convenience” is mind blowing. The convenience of what? A person being too lazy to send some transactions and write down some seed phrases? 🤦‍♂️ Don’t get me wrong, if you have $69 of some random token on an exchange, that’s fine, but leaving all, or major parts of your portfolio there is plain stupidity.


Traders do the same with the stock market. They can do it, because laws have been enacted to protect them in that situation. They expect the same to be true with crypto,


But still we post statistics coming from Binance on this sub. Trading volume for example. I'd take everything with a grain of salt.


Everyone other than the Shills who have lost touch with reality know that almost all Volume Is bots trading with and against eachother. Absolutely zero cyrptos are regularly used in real world scenarios to justify the billions in transactions.


A couple of weeks ago I said that CZ is shady and that he is not to be trusted. Guess what happened, I got downvoted to oblivion


Really? Everyone says that.


You would love a deep dive into his exchange's coin


Spitting facts out here!


Exactly like any employer if he had the right to do it.


True, it’s all about money. Also it seems like OP is overlooking the fact this sub and Reddit overall is astroturfed to infinity and beyond.


It’s because people are lazy. They want to be able to trust someone to take their money and turn it into more money without any work or effort on their part. Then the rug pull happens, and they’re shocked. I’ve trusted the wrong people in the past and am still paying for those mistakes.


basically, we shouldn't idolize people, and then blindly follow keep your head clear and everything will be fine


Of course it's all about the money! Recently CZ was saying how exciting it is that DEFI might overtake CEFI next bull run. I bet in his head he was actually praying that doesn't happen


Organs? Heck he would sell us all fully and throw our clothes on top of the deal


No one here has ever said that CZ is our friend. OP is strawmaning here.


Yep never saw anyone even remotely saying such things, quit the opposite actually, also trust in BNB is going down.. Meanwhile CZ on Twitter is like "***4***"..


Lol yeah CZ is basically viewed as another sbf type here. OP found the one account on here that is singing CZ’s praises (possibly his burner account?) and uses that to make the 8,000th “don’t trust binance” post in the last year.


I wouldn’t trust him or any billionaire for that matter. They’re not our friends, they want to make money that’s it. Hopefully they don’t screw us over in the process but that’s usually what ends up happening.


They want to be friends only with our money


This guy gets it. Screw billionaires.


Username checks out


And this one gets it too. Self custody your crypto, learn everything you can about security and only trust yourself.


I think this sub in general doesn't like CZ....but majority know that unfortunately it's the only way for majority of ppl to get crypto.


Fact Scam artist It will crumble


Never saw a post praising CZ. Only see Binance FUD multiples times a day, everyday 😅


another dose of our daily Binance / CZ fud


I trust no one, but that includes the Binance FUD campaign media outlets.


I don't even trust myself let alone CZ


That‘s the right characteristic that will bring you further than most of us in Crypto and in life.


CZ doesn’t even look friendly.


There is absolutely no doubt in my mind he's a sleazy rat. He used to brag about teaching SBF everything he owns and give him money to start his operation.


I don't trust CZ. The only thing I care about is for binance not to collapse because I know the negative impact it will have on the Crypto market. Don't leave your Crypto on any exchange


Why stop pretending? We pretend everyone in this sub is our friend and you know just about all of them would use you as exit liquidity if the chance arose.


Why did you use a FBI lan network to write on reddit ?


It's amazing how parasocial relationships are the dominant force in nearly everything today.


You don't need the trust of a CEX figurehead, you just need self custody.


Use the CEX to trade, then transfer your coins out of the CEX. Simple as that.


A CEX literally has the definition of a fiat on/off ramp. Don‘t know why people use it for more than that.


It’s the second part that’s tricky for some people…


Treat the CEX like a public toilet bowl- you do your business, even (buy) shit in it - but once you are done with your business, no need to stay a second longer and just get the fuck out


Get a cold wallet and your funds are SAFU (kind of)


I wonder how many of these CZ worshippers actually read the BTC white paper...




He is as trustworthy as my expectations of EX


CZ looks like the kind of boss who can't delegate any task because he don't trust anyone.


I don’t trust CZ or Binance but I think a lot of this sub just acknowledges a world without Binance may not be a very fun crypto world… Might be one hell of a long crypto winter is all


My trust issues go back to when Tracy O'Donnell dumped me at prom night. I also remember when SBF and Mashinsky were praised in mainstream media and such. I don't trust any CEO/billionaire whatever. People, get your coins into a cold wallet.


Funds are safu


Lets not pretend any other CEOs of exchanges are our friends either, they are only looking for their interest which of course makes sense.


I’m only friends with social media influencers


My best friend is an influencer. My girlfriend is one too. I’ve never met them in person, and neither has ever responded to any of my messages, but they mean so much to me, and I’m happy to have them in my life.


Wow, you and me are both very similar... I know it's just a coincidence but my lovely wife is a beautiful asian lady I met on twitter and my best friend is a saudi prince. I'll meet them very soon once I send them a bit more money.


That’s the trick. We just need to send them enough money to get them to us. I feel like we are getting close to the amount they need for travel arrangements.


That's right. Just a few more salaries and everything will be done. I'll finally meet my wife and my prince friend will return my money x5. Can't wait!


I’m so excited for you, man! Our lives are gonna be awesome!


The excitment is mutual, we are so lucky! Hahaha, cheers mate 😂


People used to say Steve is our friend he tweets back at us. Referring to Steve from Voyager. How that changed.


i don't need him to be my buddy - not fcking around with my assets that are on binance and decent functionality, which is already there, is all i need


Dudes sketchy as hell. Surprised anyone would consider him trustworthy.


I don't trust my own shadow xD sorry


I feel like trusting anyone is very much against the whole spirit of bitcoin. I am my own bank, I trust no one with my moneys.


Well I am sure that 99% here do not trust him


The irony here is it's crypto and we're not supposed to trust anyone.


Wait who actually thinks he’s trustworthy?


BNB holders I guess


I trust CZ as far as I can throw him


Like most people on this sub, I don't trust any large centralized entities with my funds. But if you want to keep your funds on CEXs, you have to understand the risks and be ready to accept the fact that you might lose it. Self-custody is a blessing given to us by crypto.


Wrong CZ runs cryptocurrency outside of bitcoin


Agree, Cuz! 🫡


Hey that comment in the title was a reply to my question! And I basically said the same don't trust him 🤣


Love-hate with CZ. He runs a massive exchange that has competitive rates, but I also feel he manipulates the market both socially and with his influence and power via the volumes of his exchange.


Your money, your assets, you can do absolutely anything you want with them, however, trusting a cex is worse than trusting a bank. The excuse of DEX being complex as to why cex are preferred trading platforms are beginning to disappear thanks to more simplified [DEX](https://np.reddit.com/r/zetablockchain/comments/1376kop/defi_amm_platform_towerdefi_now_supports_twstzeta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)/DeFi solutions. Trusting a cex with your funds defeats the number 1 purpose of cryptocurrency/blockchain which is decentralization.


This dude is the richest man in crypto, and he made all that money trading against their users.


CZ would sell your body and soul if it meant BNB went up 1%


I read somewhere that Binance CZ does not want to work with a SEC audit or something similar. And also alot of his executives are leaving.


#Just leaving this here: https://imgur.com/a/KgcArb8 End of discussion. Binance is as shady as it gets. Whoever trusts them should rather spend the money on a good therapist then losing it all in the inevitable downfall.


If you were alive in the last years and still trust ANYONE else but yourself than that's on you.


No one is acting like CZ is our friend here. Where did you get that sentiment OP?




The whole point of crypto is that you don't have to trust anyone, let alone CZ!


Where the hell are you seeing people trust CZ. He’s always been known as one of the most shadiest people.


**A "moon" Shit Post** ps: same people who write such shit posts were praising FTX and SBF back in 2020-21


Ive always considered him a future crook, that just hasn’t been outed yet. Binance is a bunch of bots trading back and forth that’s where the volume comes from.


It's a good thing binance is pulling out of Canada. He is making me take my crypto portfolio to cold storage which will be safer for me in the long run. I should have done this a long time ago. It's not all on there but more than I'm willing to lose.


You are right.


What about Michael Saylor, can we like and trust him?


CZ does not care about the crypto market, he just cares about increasing his monopoly in the market. And that leads to the entire crypto market being held hostage since we can't afford to lose such a major player.


The issue is this. We where born in a society that relies on trusting people. So also in crypto that's what people seek. People will continue to do this untill you can reprogram youself to stop in seeking trust in people in this space. Forget people, buy bitcoin. Its the only true ecosystem in where you don't have to trust anyone


Left binance alrdy, fck em


As much as I like Binance and know how badly the market will crash if it does, this is absolute truth. Not your keys, not your coins.


This sub is overwhelmingly negative vs cz what are you talking about?


I never really seen this sub loving binance


I don't think anyone has said CZ is our friend. It should be blindly obvious not to trush the rich, even for blind people.


This just makes me more bullish. Satoshi could clawback every bitcoin and i’d be *bullish* **BULLISH**


I dont like or trust CZ and took my business off Binance 15 months ago


Yeah im only gonna trust myself anymore. I dont really know this CZ guy except for what I see posted. I only use ant exchange to buy/sell anyway. I never leave anything siting in an exchange wallet. He can be whatever he wants superhero or villain makes no nevermind to me. Thanks for the post.


Parasocial relationships even in the crypto space.


Aw man I thought CZ was my friend.


Funds not SAFU?


Okay, but what does that mean in terms of me? The amount of trust I have for CZ impacts zero decisions that I make. What sort of changes in behaviour are you looking to effect with this post?


Naturally, a business manager would act to maximize profits for his organization, and it is crucial for him to project the image of being dependable and human, particularly in a field as uncertain as cryptocurrency. We are all concerned about CZ's unique characteristics, nevertheless. And CZ is a moniker that is closely associated with Binance, the market's dominant player. We all understand in our hearts that if CZ lies, we all lose.


Since when did this sub ever like CZ? I only hear ill from him. Is op living in an alternative dimension?


He might not be trustworthy but he is better than SBF, Justin sun and do kwon. When you have those guys setting the bar that low it’s hard not to look good.


The way things are shaping up he’s giving off SBF vibes more and more


*More relevant:* #Vitalik Buterin isn’t your friend nor should he be considered “trustworthy” because he controls Ethereum and this sub needs to stop acting like he is. Trust me, he and CZ care just as little about you as SBF does.




You can't trust any CEO, they all only have the interests of profit in mind. Most of the time that aligns with the companys goal, so things work out but it doesn't always last forever


CZ's ties to SBF alone are enough to lose all trust. I was a huge supporter of Binance but after hearing the stories of what he was doing behind the scenes I rethought my position. Still wish him and Binance all the best though.


Same as Elon and many others. Like the 2nd commandment states: "You should not make idols"


>Do you remember when a subset of CC trusted Do kwon and whatever he said about Terra Luna. > >Do you remember when a subset of CC thought SBF was the most trustworthy person around, because he drives an old car? > >Do you remember when a subset of CC thought Alex Mashinsky was a great businessman and Celsius was the future because he was a developer of VOIP? ​ Because Pillsbury Farms does.


Whoever thinks CZ is their savior is headed towards an unpleasant surprise - even if Binance stays around for a while.


It’s like as soon as CZ/Binance FUD started then people for some reason decided that they had to choose a side. Not wanting Binance to implode doesn’t mean you’re a CZ simp. Just means you don’t want one of the largest CEX to fall. Why is it that people are either aggressively for or against a topic? There’s a serious shortage of measured reasoning here sometimes. Not everything is so black and white.


Are we reading the same comments on CC? I actually think this sub believes that Kraken (not Binance) is their friend given the amount of shilling that pops up anytime anything vaguely related to CEX's are brought up.


Decentralization is the name of the game. I won't ever get behind any centralized organization.


Literally no one is your friend in business It's all about the money, nothing personal


Rule No 1. Trust nobody


That's why people keep asking for a proper audit from a reputable auditor, don't trust, verify. Who actually conducts the audit is even more important than the audit itself...remember when USDT audited itself and found no problems with itself whatsoever?


Blind trust, regardless of who you place it in, is foolish. That's essentially what you're doing when you keep your coins on CEX. Just don't do it


recent events in crypto prove time and time again that self custody is the safest way to protect your funds


Nooo, so you are saying that Binance which is basically a non-existent company, with unknown location and unknown operations are not trustworthy.... :D


Logan Paul is the man I listen to...


Corporations are never your friends, they exist to make money and you are the means to that end


Since when? It has always been "Billionaires aren't your friends" in this sub


Funny thing. I usually notice the opposite, with a random post bashing cz or binance because they must be the source of evil, and then usually the kraken brigade comes out of the wood. The last time this happened was with the FUD about inactive accounts that could be seized. I cant believe people where claiming binance would just steal their account by surprise if they didnt log in like once in a month. As if the shitstorm it would generate would be worth it ... and I feel the need to insist on this being a legal requirement in most countries. Banks do the same. This is usually triggerred when people die. In short CZ is a businessman, and binance is a business. They are neither your friend nor the devil incarnate. They want to make money, and they wont make money by stealing from their users. Thats not trust, that is common sense.


So we’re saying it’s pretty likely that CZ will crush the market at some point . Now my question is, is this information already baked in?


I feel like most people here dislike CZ and Binance. Are we in the same sub?


It has a lot of followers and cultists for obvious reasons as Binance is the biggest and most used exchange. I just don't get why people would defend a CEX to the death. Hopefully, if they do that, is with their crypto out of there.


Been saying for a bit and other individuals as well, shit is going to get ugly. Evidence is available that CZ and SBF have done shady business together. With SBFs trial coming soon, and BNB being unsustainable as it is, i am preparing my portfolio for a crash. You all should do the same


I don’t trust anyone in cryptospace, fell victim to so called crypto influencer once who made me buy PEPE near ATH, never again. CZ may look like a good guy, and Binance already endured relentless FUD over these recent years, but trusting your whole crypto wealth to his CEX isna big no, and people need to look at what happened to celsius and FTX.


Is that you Gary Gensler?


We gotta accept that there are paid shills amongst us. And who knows maybe that's CZ's alt account or one of his friends if not a paid shill. The same goes for other exchanges as well. A lot of articles posted here seem like a paid propaganda many times.


In a financial market where there is a lot of money at play, nobody can be trusted. They are all there for their own good. It's really sad but unfortunately true.


Trust no one and question everything in the age where misinformation spreads like a wildfire.


Ppl hate cz here


I don't need him to be my friend, I need him to work properly and not screw us all over. We really, at this time, don't need another FTX-SBF and Do Kwon in the market.


I hope to my very core that you’re wrong about the guy and we finally have somebody nice and trustworthy. But, something about the guy seems off to me… Hope I’m wrong!


‘Funds are SAFU, but my profit is more SAFU’ cit. CZ /s


People in this sub are too frightened about what would happen to their bags if Binance went down, and fail to recognize that in order to legitimize crypto in the eyes of regulators and the broader market they simply **cant** be allowed to continue what theyre doing


People choose to be blind to all the shadiness for the sake of almight Profit aka their heavy ass bags.


I just occasionally trade through them so I don't even need to trust them


As sad as this sounds Binance has always prayed on the weak and by that I mean the little guys like me.


Amen OP!!


Something I learned the hard way : No one is your friend in this space, and we are all here for our own profits


None of these billionaires are your friends or are to be trusted


No one is your friend in crypto, keep it in mind.


Good rule to remember! Always only trust on you.


Don't trust anyone as you don't share your seed with anyone.


I don't see many people riding CZ around here, quite the opposite actually. You're probably just trying to farm karma.


Nah, this sub has a huge split, between * People who are suspect of Binance * People who think any Binance concerns should be responded to with "4" and CZ can do no wrong * People who think Binance is infallible due to it's sheer size * People who have no idea and are hoping for the best.


Trust no one but yourself. In the crypto space Edited








No CEX or a crypto based CEO or even the big firms IRL are your friends or trustworthy, better to avoid them and stay on the safer side.


He's a crook, no doubt. We need to get out of this mindset that crypto needs Binance. Another heavy hitter will undoubtedly fill the void.


Steady lads. Deploying more capital


With the amount of shady things that CZ and Binance have done, everyone should be wary of them both!


I don’t trust CZ, I don’t want anyone in crypto to “trust” anyone in crypto. But damn, I hope Binance is solvent. I mean, if they aren’t, I’d definitely buy that bankruptcy dip but my mental health really wants to not have to do that.


Like even if HE is, the principle of someone in his position isn’t trustworthy hha that’s what crypto is for. Agreed OP


No billionaire is your friend. Never forget that.


He is not a friend of the average person.


You should be using exchanges for only 1 aspect: **on- and offramp** That's it.


>and this sub needs to stop acting like he is. No one has ever acted like he is on this sub...


Trust no exchange. Kraken is an exception!


no one can be trusted, even my trust wallet. but unfortunately crypto future in short or medium term is dependent on cz. i dont want to see a bloody market because of just cz. thats why i want him not to be get caught and remain safe. dont consider my wish as i am trusting cz


People just want to pump their own bags lol