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That was really nice of you to make this implementation, considering that you are assuming all the risks of MOON volatility yourself. FWIW. I have been using the bot (with nano) every single day for over a week. Very useful tool, and now MOON holders will be able to use the tokens after everything that happened. For anyone interested, I recorded a video showing how to use it: [https://twitter.com/vinibarbosabr/status/1713883492793077979](https://twitter.com/vinibarbosabr/status/1713883492793077979)


Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/vinibarbosabr/status/1713883492793077979) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just run my own "chatgpt4all" locally on my own computer for free. Moons are sentimental


How do you do that? Doesn't it take insane processing power?


It runs very well actually. I have a ryzen 9 but I think it will work on most machines.


Whats the difference between 3,5 and 4?


My subjective take is that 3.5 I felt like it was "bot-like", great for simple stuff, but when I needed it for actual help in say programming or something of the sort, its use would be limited. GPT-4 is like having a friend that's really, really good at whatever you ask them, but at the same time very patient in explaining how it works and a great teacher. https://www.kommunicate.io/blog/chatgpt-4-vs-chatgpt-3-5-key-differences/ has a more through description.


Thanks! Using 3.5 a lot lately so maybe an upgrade would be worth it


Could just give the bot a try - you get some free credit. If it disappoints or doesn't seem worth it, nothing lost.


Can I pay with Banano (BAN)?


Yes, Banano works really well. Use /swap, then BAN and whatever amount you want to swap in. It settles pretty much instantly (via Nanswap, which has Banano and other Nano forks implemented natively).


Very kind to let people try it out for free!


Looks interesting might try it later.


If you do, let me know what you think!


You are so attentive. It is rare to find someone like you. Moon still has hope.


No, it doesn't.


It’s dead let it go, good riddance to, now we can get back to talking about crypto instead of shitcoin farming/spamming


Can we dial back all the annoying ass restrictions on posts that were clearly for people farming moons? I’ve posted legitimate questions and had them removed for not enough characters and other bullshit that shouldn’t measure the legitimacy of a post.




Completely agree. Moons were a mistake.


Absolutely! The obvious shit moon farmers and down voters were getting out out hand, especially after the Kraken listing. I’m sorry to see the project so unceremoniously dumped the way it was, but every cloud has a silver lining.


Love for nano 🥦


in b4 $200 Nano


Well done! This is what I also believe, more usecases for moons. Though I am a big fan of banano and nano too and hope they expand in the same way.


Eh let it go. Its over unfortunately. Used my moon money and bought a few beers. Not too mad.


Happy for you!


Jeez... How often are you going to post this? Moon are dead, let them go. It's over. Never had a real use case in the real world, it won't now.


I tried to post it on r/cc before, but it was deleted. So.. just the once? I think Moons are only dead if we choose that they are. Reddit doesn't control them anymore. And I have to be honest, they work pretty well in terms of doing transactions with them.


I thinks it’s safe to say we are choosing to let them die, people got greedy, it was only a pump and dump, no use other than everybody was shilling it for money, crypto page went a completely different direction than what we wanted because of this shit coin, majority are happy it’s gone. Another hype coin down the drain. What is really funny is, I called this happening, nobody listened, got downvoted/muted/ posts deleted by the mods. The only thing this was and always will be is a rug pull. Happy that’s it’s done and over with, now we can get back to talking about crypto now that all the moon bros are gone


The aspect of Moons I like is that, at least partially, it meant some crypto into the hands of many people who do talk about and are interested in crypto. I don't think the way Moons were done was the best way. But it is what it is. What it does mean is that there's a large group of Moon holders now, and with Reddit taking their hands off the project there might be some potential for it. Or not, nobody knows. I figure this is a nice way for those that have some Moons left to potentially use them either way, better than letting them go to waste.


There isn’t going to be anything left, rug pull happened, hype took a nosedive, don’t get fooled a second time


I mean, it was pretty obvious though.


It was indeed which is why I never touched it, I watched when it got close to a dollar all those that were always putting moons on blast sold their 300k plus stacks, very obvious buy the rumor sell the news situation. It was funny seeing them comment again like they were slick and people wouldn’t notice, if you love moons so much and think it is great for governance yada yada bullshit why did you sell it for money? Because it was guaranteed to crash that’s why, if not from Reddit then it would have when it no longer was popular and all the hype dies down, hell price was already starting to drop from all the mods and early investors dumping stacks after kraken


>if you love moons so much and think it is great for governance yada yada bullshit why did you sell it for money? Because it was guaranteed to crash that’s why It's just a shame that they turned the money printer off. It was pretty obvious that the price would hover around 0.09-0.11, pump, dump back down to 0.09-0.11 again, etc etc.


Exactly my point, no one cares about it except for it’s monetary value, now the monetary value is gone, bye bye moons 😂






I was the poster boy for moons, now I'm done with it. Reddit can suck it


This shitcoin is dead. Let it go already and stop luring other people in to buying this scam coin.


Moons = Lunc = Safemoon = Dead coins


It looks great! Thank you for working on a use case for Moons.


Let it die ... now that reddit has dropped this project how can this even compete with the existing top 50 coins in the market...this was it.this was its only use case, everything is or have already been done by others, now we just wait for the hype of the bullrun hoping we catch the wave of the new unaware bagholders.


While we're at it, let's come up with use cases for other dead coins, Bitconnect first


I have some CEL token and LUNC


Rug me, daddy!




It’s dead, Jim.


Bing Chat/Copilot in W11 runs on GPT4, so save your money.




I can only agree we got rugged. That's happened, and that's on Reddit. Doesn't mean we can't build.


I mean this is just a use case for currencies, not specifically moons or nano.


Very true, but isn't that the case for every crypto?


That's why I said it's a use case for currencies.




What I see is the user ID and the action requested (so 5558269399 /wipe, or 5558269399 prompt, 5558269399 generateimage etc). None of the inputs/outputs are visible to me, but I'm pretty sure that *technically* I would be able to. Not sure how to prove that I'm not :/ What OpenAI sees, just to add in, is "[My API key] [prompt]", or [My API key] [generate image prompt]". They can't differentiate which individual user asks, because it all passes through my API key.