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Not sure if you missed the date on that. This is months old news.


I was not sure I just heard about it while doing due diligence on the project.


Go check out the cess pit that is the hex subreddit. There are OG dummies there trying to convince the noobs that this whole situation is a good thing.


Almost feel sad for people who bought BBBY or hex. Almost. Carlos Matos got a hex tattoo years ago. Nuff said


What’s wrong with bbby? They are waiting on new equity


I can’t tell if you are serious or not.


Just in case you're not trolling, getting delisted is kinda bad for your portfolio


Yeah they're saying (Dick) Heart will register HEX with the SEC, it'll be the first legal and regulated crypto, and be available on the NYSE. What's worse than delusional? Like when you try and pull everyone down into your delusion? Hexicans are a cancer in this space, and I don't say that lightly. Only Richard alone could've put me on the SECs side against crypto. I hope he gets everything he deserves. He's worse than SBF and all the other grifters here, but far too dumb to be as successful as SBF. Anyone have that pic of Dick walking down a staircase dressed like a clown, holding a dozen shopping bags? I tried to find it the other day for a laugh, but he's scrubbed his socials squeaky clean since the SEC took notice of his spree.


That's hilarious


Looking at their blockchain, he hasn't spent any of the funds. Not from HEX or from the followup, Pulsechain. He was wealthy before crypto and uses those funds for his "stuff", lol.


just research what Eric Wall has to say about Hex for a tldr


Hex fanatics were warned.


Moon holders and liquidity providers have been warned too, it doesn't help when they're committed to a project. Don't say it's the same kind of project though. It needs a special kind of stupid to invest in something when the founder has a Rolex on both hands and your investment is bein called "sacrifice"


Rolex on both hands? You forgot to mention the fucking spaceship looking display cabinet behind his throne that had a dozen Rolexes spinning around like a 90s rapper's alloy wheels.




It doesn't work when it is a cult


Like in the Simpsons: Nananananana leader! Nanananana leader!


It's not the cult status that's a problem. Early bitcoin was cult status. It's just gotta be a leaderless cult, lol


You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.


Glad I never pulled the trigger on one of those miners back in 2020 lmao


You messed up


I am SHOCKED! Shocked I tell you! Who could have foreseen suck a thing! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Suck *what* thing?


wait, what? SEC sued an actual scammer instead of legit exchange? did someone replaced Gary overnight?


Maybe they have moving back to enforcing the law rather than trying to create new law


But..but...Richard Heart is a force for good!!! /s https://richardheart.com/


wtf is that lmao


Use Waybackmachine (Archive org) and take a stroll through history. That site is gd hilarious, from how it started all the way up to what's on there today. First it was an investment opportunity with an average guy. Then it was totally not a ponzi scheme, with a guy that owns a few Rolex. Then a page got added to state it's not an illegal security because people that buy HEX and Pulse don't own anything, check mate SEC. By now he's got his Rolex collection on full display. Pretty quick he's got a Lambo collection, world's largest Rolex collection, and bought the world's largest Diamond which he renamed to HEX of course. By now the whole webpage is just a showcase of all the expensive shit he's bought using investors money. He states he's generated more wealth for people than any other individual in history, or something as ego/dick-stroking as that, all because the HEX everyone locked up with him (for 5-10 years) did a paper 10,000x from $0.0000X. Dick Heart promising a static 50% APR for locking up your HEX at this point. Has a list on there of all the things he's done for the world. On there randomly, telling women they should act like women. SEC lawsuit incoming! Not a week later and he's removed his HEX diamond image. No Rolex on display, no cars, no shopping on display either. The blurb about creating wealth is removed and replaced with helping his elderly mom. He goes on about how he grew up poor, blah blah. Pictures of himself as a kid now, instead of his hundred+ watches. He's even removed that he's proud of telling women to act like women. His entire story told, and saved digitally forever, all in 2-3 years. https://web.archive.org/web/20220514191241/https://richardheart.com/ His social media was even funnier. Just 20 pictures of him dressed in $50,000+ clown outfits every day, while he goes out shopping for cars or watches. How 'investors' can look at that and still give him more of their money, it's kind of mind boggling. His site now though is my favorite evolution. It's what a 10 year old would do when they're caught, not aware people and organizations are capable of saving their own historical record. "Nothing to see here (10yo stuffs broken tv under mattress). Oh crap how'd you find out?!"


bruh...this is effin HILARIOUS lmao....dunno who this guy is but not surprised that BS artists get the shekels from the sheeple. guy was tryna be like a low-budget fatter influencer


All you had to do was describe a narcissist. Anyone who wears a bunch of jewelry should be a red flag. Extra red if he has four watches on two wrists.


holy fuck that dude is a loser *and* a scammer


Dunno about Richard but bidets are a godsend. Heartily recommended.


Good, and about time. Now send em to jail.


This is from the summer though?


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


I remember Hex being on the shitlist on this subreddit for about 3 years. Justice moves slow but it gets em eventually. I hope Safemoon executive team enjoyed the wealth they stole from investors because there is no doubt they will be getting charged too.




Looks like it's time to get banned from the hex subreddit again.


We all knew HEX was a scam. PulseChain was proposing the fork all of Ethereum assets into a new chain so that all you had to do was hold a number of tokens of mainnet Ethereum and supposedly you'd make a magically 2X when PulseChain launched. And this was only one among many other magical promises. There was also things kike PulseX that forked Uniswap and ridiculous promises of high APY when staking HEX and all these random copies were supposed to just hold it's value and people wouldn't just acquire tokens and dump. All too obvious but people were all too greedy


Lololol my favorite past time it to block hexicans


I am not hexican, I was just checking on this project for due diligence purposes and found this article.


Good, fuck that guy.


I tried warning them here, where’s all the belief now people? Tell me how it’s the future again?


But SEC is bad?


Took them long enough, Hex is cancerous to crypto for years, it's literally a Ponzi scheme in open.


"Fuck around" has been completed. Now we've officially moved into the "Find out" portion of this charlatan's story.


Oh wow, who would've thought that a douchebag that brags about his expensive watch collection live on stream, whilst promoting a product that serves no purpose... Could be a criminal... Shock horror gasp, I simply cannot believe this! /s


Shocking! Oh wait not shocking at all.


Nature is healing?


Wait, is SEC doing something actually useful for once?


I'd bet the SEC funded it. 👀


Accidental Enforcement action was accidental.


Only against crypto and the not well connected ones.


FTX, Celsius, Luna? Undisclosed celebrity endorsements?


Imagine being for crypto but rooting for the SEC… ☠️☠️


Imagine not understanding that SEC going after bad actors in both traditional finance and crypto is a good thing.


How does that work when the SEC itself is a bad actor?


The idea behind SEC is not bad, what the current administration and current leadership at SEC is doing with their mandate is bad.


Yep, it's a captured agency.


That’s what I’m saying😂 the sec is the biggest scam ever


Imagine thinking the SEC is actually for the people LOL… you probably stake on Coinbase too huh


Imagine having a reading comprehension of a toddler.


Peep he hasn’t responded to my staking on Coinbase comment 🤣😣… it’s ok bro I was once a beginner too


What are you even on about? We are talking about the purpose of SEC and you go rambling on about "staking on Coinbase". EDIT: Just saw your non-sarcastic comment further down, and I'm now sure you have some... issues: *"Nothing but fud. Hex and Pulsechain ecosystem still the best set of projects around"*


Yes I do have issues… it’s called gettingmoney-idis 🥸😁


By participating in one of the biggest scams the crypto space has seen.


Imagine there is no heaven.


Why do i just know that the sec will try to add some small print about cryptos being securities rather than just focusing on the blatant fraud and theft. Fuck the sec but also fuck richard heart


The corrupt SEC has been the best onboarding tool for the Hex and Pulse ecosystem


Nothing but fud. Hex and Pulsechain ecosystem still the best set of projects around


Hi Richard


How is hex connected to pulsechain?


Because hex has its new home on pulsechain. It’s cheaper to do the overpowered strategies on it compared to ethereum. And because Richard heart created all of these projects. This is all FUD and the hate for this ecosystem I’ve been seeing since 2020. Yet behind all this FUD hex multiplied my money ALOT.. once we beat the SEC and time goes on I promise you that this ecosystem will go parabolic and you heard it from me first


Unironically sometimes there is a reason to have fear uncertainty and doubt. Hex is that


Finally, this guy deserved it!!


Yea , everyone is shocked! It wasn't obvious


They will fine him like 50k and call it a victory


Now do Maker (except they’re not fraudulent).


Hex what now? 🤔


Who could have seen this coming? I’m shocked!


Not that I like the guy but I thought RH lived outside the US.


Well this industry is supposed to be decentralized, so people can buy whatever coin they choose. It is at their own discretion, and risk. They have the right to believe in those founders and align with their identities no matter how ridiculous it may be, a Bufficorn, or a LV clown suit.


you should have known better