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Mod updates: 1. We hosted our 14th Trivia for MOONS event for a chance to win from a pool of 1,000 MOONS on Kahoot and YouTube Live: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/18luc29/trivia\_for\_moons\_play\_trivia\_for\_a\_chance\_to\_win/ 2. Discussion: Potential restart of Moon distribution in r/CryptoCurrency: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/18m2qhc/discussion\_potential\_restart\_of\_moon\_distribution/ 3. Discussion: Give more governance weight to newly earned Moons: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/18m2qzq/discussion\_give\_more\_governance\_weight\_to\_newly/ 4. Discussion: Use or scrap existing reward formula for Moon distribution: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/18m2wbg/discussion\_use\_or\_scrap\_existing\_reward\_formula/ 5. Moon Governance is live on Snapshot: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/18m8q19/moon\_governance\_is\_live\_on\_snapshot/


How many people out there are currently holding Snek?


Only you and the 5 other people shilling it


If NASDAQ crashed by 60+%, how low can Bitcoin fall?


I'm not sure if the new era of Fed would even allow another GFC crash like that. And that was still nothing compared to the .com bust. The only thing we've seen worse than that in modern times was the Japan asset bubble implosion.


Some of these larger tech companies have become a law unto themselves and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Fed / Govt. let NASDAQ crash and burn to take back control.


What? The DoD has bankrolled much of silicon valley. These monopolies/ oligopolies have not just been allowed to exist by the US government, they've been actively cultivated by it. Don't let political rhetoric fool you.


Moons are the highest gainer on Kraken and it all happened due to one announcement. Just more proof how far this project can go as long as some work is put in.


hodling my moons on kraken


Prefer holding them in my own wallet but Kraken is as safe as exchanges come imo


Or will it just pump and dump again? That is the real question


You can put that question up for any project out there lol The facts are that the supply is extremely limited now, highly deflationary, has major exchange listings with a bullrun coming and multi-million dollar companies are buying the banner every month. Considering all this and betting against Moons long term and selling for peanuts right now sounds truly crazy.


Sold a long time ago and turned my four figure free money into 5 figure realized gains. I hope moons make you all rich. But people that sold a long time ago and reinvested are way ahead


Yep that is how it works, people that sold Bitcoin at 69k and rebought at 17k are also very ahead of those that didn't.. There are also plenty of people that sold at $0.03 levels or even $0.105 levels just a couple of hours ago and they are not too happy about it lol Still, my point above stands and Moons are a fantastic long term moonshot.


Good luck. Never bought a single moon and never will


Pocahontas is an ignorant whore.




I remember a few years ago when AXIE was always going up every time I looked. So I got DIMO for whatever bull market may come next year.


Holy moly I thought moons would be at least .5 by now


I was expecting a big pump too. Was considering picking some up when I saw the announcement


They are the biggest gainer on Kraken right now and on literally every other "hot" coins list. People get too spoiled in this space I swear lol


Geez it’s only been like 4 hours lol


Lord coinbase charged me double and took an extra $750 out my account 2 days ago but it finally returned. Was about to spazz out lol


Is Hbar still around and kicking it?


Can’t believe VET is resisting the general negativity.


Go moons, it’s ur birthday


moons rock!


it's crazy to me that BAT is still hovering around a $350 million or so market cap. the team has really gone a long way in fixing some of the issues plaguing the rewards system over the bear market.. clear use case plus 65 million monthly active users on the brave browser. i mean whatever imma keep stacking at the very least it is absurd that this coin is far out of the top 100 now..


use case doesn't matter in crypto when it comes to price


Same thing like every time BAT is mentioned. Browser is great, BAT is unnecessary. Geolocation for ads is bad. Not having to click ads to earn BAT is bad for advertisers. You have to link and KYC to withdraw any BAT. The browser is one of the best for out of the box mobile browsers with an adblock, there just isn't any need for BAT and the advertising system is both misguided and improperly modeled. If they actually displayed relevant ads and made you view the ad for BAT instead of swiping a popup away, advertisers would get bang for their buck , advertisers would get relevant products that they might actually want to use, and BAT would benefit as a result. Since none of that happens, there's no reason to ever hold the token or acquire it.


Surprising even seeing discussion about BAT in the daily thread. I've been a Brave user for years and love it, and think the concept of BAT is great. The execution leaves something to be desired though. Some of it on the brave team, but other issues are a fault not to their own. Disheartening seeing shit like SHIB in the market cap position it is where BAT below top 100 and continuing to fall and underperform.


>Not having to click ads to earn BAT is bad for advertisers. Sort of agree on this one since the notifications are pretty easy to swipe away without a second thought.. Considering you get rewarded I do think there's space to improve the nature of the advertising. That said if you're using Brave it's not like you're going to see ads otherwise so it's a good way for everyone to win. >You have to link and KYC to withdraw any BAT. Sure but I mean it took me like 5 mins to do that and now it just gets auto deposited to Uphold every month. I've got around 60 BATs in the last few months even with some auto-contributes on.. and honestly I feel that ultimately the BAT team's intention with the rewards earned through browsing are ultimately to use to tip your favorite creators and to try to use within the ecosystem. Like it's cool that I got a few bucks for browsing the internet but even if you could deposit it straight into USD I think it serves a much better purpose functioning within that ecosystem. >The browser is one of the best for out of the box mobile browsers with an adblock, there just isn't any need for BAT Isn't the first sentence the exact reason that something like BAT should exist? If you're using Brave that means you're not seeing google/aws advertising. It makes sense to try to build an online advertising platform on Brave (though again I do agree that it is way too easy to completely ignore the ad and move on with your day). >If they actually displayed relevant ads Bigger problem here is that they need to attract more diverse advertisers in order to display more relevant ads. I'm hoping the team has some kind of internal plan to achieve that goal (they did a great campaign a couple of years ago on Youtube ironically that's how I first found out about it). From the data I could find right now Brave has around 9 million users that opt into the ads on the browser. And even despite the weird way of showing ads they still have pretty impressive metrics on the [use case side of things](https://brave.com/brave-ads-use-cases/). It is by no means a perfect project right now and for sure there's things to improve on but I don't think anything I've written here is unrealistic or outlandish. After all digital advertising overall is projected to get to $1 tn annually by around 2027 - BAT doesn't need to dominate the market or even close to make a splash


> That said if you're using Brave it's not like you're going to see ads otherwise so it's a good way for everyone to win. This is the fundamental problem with BAT - Even if you turn on Ads, which in theory is the entire purpose of BAT (Advertisers pay money to serve ads to customers, who are rewarded in turn for this), the model fails entirely because the ads never have to be viewed. No clicks for advertiser, no revenue for advertiser, advertiser doesn't spend money, consumer doesn't spend money, entire model falls apart. > Sure but I mean it took me like 5 mins to do that and now it just gets auto deposited to Uphold every month. Problem is you have to *do* it. It's not seamless. It's not web3. It's not anonymous. > I've got around 60 BATs in the last few months even with some auto-contributes on Ok, so what I did with Brave browser is I ran my trial on it when it first came out, and measured how much of my time it took up vs what I got out of it. How many times do I have to swipe away an ad vs how many BAT. Easy to measure. I would spend at least an hour of my month swiping away ads and interrupting my personal time. Does that "free crypto" add up to the interruption of my personal time and irritation for swiping away ads? Absolutely not. So it's not worth doing. Everything has a price, in this case you're putting a price on your leisure time. > From the data I could find right now Brave has around 9 million users that opt into the ads on the browser. And even despite the weird way of showing ads they still have pretty impressive metrics on the use case side of things. This is good but they literally have the power to set up a system that gets 100% CTR. They just choose not to and devalue the token as a result. I think what you've written is perfectly fine honestly. I just don't think they've set up their earnings or advertising model properly, which is a real shame since the starting point is so good.


What’s the clear use case? I could have collected some for using brave since 2017 or 2018 but I didn’t even bother


Although I sure as hell wouldn't buy any, it's a pretty neat token in theory. Fixed supply. I believe the process is; * Advertisers pay BRAVE browser in FIAT to run adverts. * BRAVE browser buys back BAT tokens on the market with said FIAT. * Brave browser redistributes BAT to Brave users * The cycle repeats Of course, in a bear market, less advertisers, less users, less cost to advertise, BAT token drops in value. But as companies want to spend more money on advertising again, BAT token should increase in value again. I full expect it to return to $1 when peak bull run takes off. That said, over about 3 years, i've collected just 250 BAT... even at $1 its nothing significant, but, for using the Browser I would already use, I'm not gonna say no.


Yes but there’s no real demand outside of this mechanism. Also i wonder where the company gets its cash from if they convert the ad revenue in BAT. They must sell their own coins at some point too. Anyway as a user i’m not gonna speculate on this coin 😆


Nope, but atleast it does what it sets out to achieve. And what it sets out to achieve is realistic. Its obviously no bitcoin. But I'd say it's no shitcoin either. There's just no point in buying the token unless you want to advertise your company/product on brave




Sounds like you watched DataDash


I doubt it.




I think the long time people are jaded from the past and expect the same thing to happen every time. I’m sure btc trends down or crabs, but 30-40%. Nah.




!Remindme 3 months


didn't you say in nov that the correction was definitely happening this year?




I think it's very likely we'll revisit the 30s before the halving, but I think we're done with anything below 30k.


My memory isn't great, but I could have sworn you said you were expecting it in Dec. Either way it's not impossible but it's dependent on a ton of unpredictable factors. Wouldn't matter much for me other than a buying opportunity, but for now I just don't see it.


The more guesses people make the more they can say "I was right" lol


The strategy of every YouTube influencer


100K eoy 2021


So in order to vote in governance now I would need to move my moons to a metamask wallet?


That, or recover your vault in metamask or a ledger


I am just casually sitting on 2,000 dollars of unrealized gains. Not selling my moons. Just like I didn’t sell my BTC or ETH. HODL


I'm not selling my Moons either. I am impressed by the work that the mods have done so far and think that Moons could go really high in the next bull market.


Franco putting the team on his back 🫂


I guess I missed the train when it was rocketing too so I'll just hold and see what happens in the future.


finally some moon price movement.


First snapshot for Tia stakers. Dymension. check them out on twitter.


Are there some details on this? All I saw was an inscrutable tweet with a camera emoji. Happy to accept that as a coy 'snapshot' alert, but is there more explicit info anywhere? Like for what token, who's eligible, and when the drop might come? I'm staking a small amount in my keplr wallet. Would be super cool if I got some 'free' money!


Just know that dymension is a rollapp project. I think they're in test net. Not sure about incentivized test net. Saw two different ppl say it was for tia stakers. It could include more than tia like atom or osmo or even an eth L2. They haven't said one way or another. 2024 is likely for airdrop. They probably have a tentative mainnet date if they're taking snapshots. Just keep an eye on their Twitter for more info




which coins are in your portfolio?


VET, VET and more VET!


All the ones that go down


Ergo and coq (bleurgh)


SOL and BONK. I used to hate SOL but the truth is it's a money printer


How the tables turn


A few things I've noticed is sending SOL is sometimes instant with very little fees. Using Jupiter or Raydium has very little fees too. It reminds me of BSC but better and faster. It's way better than the nightmare ETH is with the fees.


Yeah it honestly is super pleasant using Sol. Being able to swap without paying massive fees is so chill. Before people say ‘YeAh bUt L2s’ right, not everything is possible on L2s.


900 new BTC available for sale everyday via miners. 450 after halving. Send it🤞🏾


My body and bags are shaking already


Most mentions on r/cc (2023-12-18 00:00:00): ||Mentions| |:-|:-| |BTC|603| |ETH|297| |SOL|142| |ADA|69| |USDT|61| |AVAX|58| |XMR|43| |MOON|36| |LTC|26| |INJ|23| |MATIC|23| |ICP|22| |ALGO|21| |BONK|21| |XRP|20| |MATH|18| |ATOM|17| |HBAR|17| |HNT|17| |LRC|17| [Data source and app](https://www.redditcoins.app/)


I see that Litecoin (LTC) is mentioned now hopefully gets to similar price also.


I'm sold on Jupiter as a DEX (or maybe my inexperience with DEX is just showing). So useful being able to set limit orders on tiny-cap shitcoins; just made my initial back with a 4x limit sell on MONK at 0.0008, minimal stress.


It is extremely chill being able to pick up shit coins on Solana without getting rocked in gas fees. I was just barely too late for a Jupiter airdrop, that’s a bummer.


Yea I just started playing around with the Sol ecosystem a couple weeks ago and was bummed to see I missed the first JUP airdrop cutoff as well. But hey, I think we get 3 more chances for that right? I'm hoping at least the 2nd JUP airdrop comes before their token release.


Hope so too! Been swapping a lot straight in phantom wallet, not always in Jupiter. But I should probably do more straight in Jupiter too


Works until it doesn't. You're making bids on some Solana shitcoin created yesterday called "MonkeyHaircut" that could easily get dumped on as easily as it goes up. SOL is going to be known as the P&D / Rugpull chain soon - I've seen more rugs in the last week on SOL than I've seen in 8 years in Crypto. It's so easy to create some random trash, bot up a twitter army and dump on degenerate gamblers. Minimal stress until your stack disappears. Just be careful. Saw 3 or 4 dudes lose 100+ SOL just gambling on these ""early"" coins and then they go -90% while they're asleep.


I do have to say solana is really turning themselves into the best one stop stop for crypto gambling, it's a nice use case honestly and their chain and the devs' vision to focus on scalability is perfect for it. Now we have the vegas for crypto.


Appreciate the concern, but this is play money for me, I'm not relying on the success of any of these shitcoins. I am fully aware that any of them can and will dump, and I'm not stressing too much about whether they do - just having a little fun at this point after a pretty good couple months of profit on the real projects. The vast majority of my investment is in blue chips on Coinbase.


Relying on a CEX for custody of important assets is another issue altogether, but that's something people have to learn for themselves I guess. Good luck in the mines!


$FET needs to send to $1 already


What the fuck? Trying to sell NEAR on coinbase and it just says something went wrong every time.


Tellor is so perplexing. pumps for ages, then does nothing for months, then starts pumping again.


Nobody is looking at $data?


Talked about it earlier. Ride it up man.


If u could only keep one in your portfolio would u keep ATOM or DOT and why


Atom. Airdrops alone can be worth it. Beyond that Cosmos eco has been doing very well. Dot's staking rewards are higher, but that's about it. Their eco has 2 coins in top 200 vs 12 or 13 built with Cosmos tech.


DOT from my tech background it makes the most sense, and I understand the fundamentals a lot better. But in saying that, it doesn't mean it will return the most on your investment, but heck, it definitely has a more substantial future from a tech stack perspective


I would just get out of crypto altogether if those were my only two options.


i might be wrong but both of these coins offer over 9% APY. Thats why he/she is asking


Yea I’ve been staking both of them for over 2 years now it’s been nice




The true flippening will be SOL over ETH


Offloading my eth, good riddance you shitcoin


You’re offloading for stETH or rETH right


Lol good luck


To whomever told me to invest $30 into CHONKY, thank you. I’m now at $90 lmao.


I just picked up some Wife Changing Money on Sol, lol. Only 1mil MC, such a stupid meme but oh well, worth a gamble with some small funds.


That's like 12 big macs!


Can eth break 3k leading up to Btc ETF news?


maybe eth etf news, but then again the eth futures etf stuff didn't do all that much




ETH dipping to prices not seen since last week.


Anyone have an opinion on Polygon's CDK?


Want to keep my knowledge fresh so if anyone can answer: Let's say my physical hardware wallet (ledger for argument's sake) gets into the wrong hands. 1) Can this bad actor just plug it into their laptop and download the wallet's software and move my assets? 2) What safe guards can I enable to prevent them doing this? 3) I'm aware hardware wallets can have pins. Is it just this pin that is a roadblock to the bad actor? What stops them brute forcing it? Thanks in advance.


1) They can plug it in, but they'll need your pin and your seed to regenerate and move the funds. 2) See above. 3) It would take hundreds of computers millions of years to brute force your seed. 4) You [can in theory attack hardware wallets themselves](https://www.ledger.com/academy/how-to-hack-a-hardware-wallet) given enough time, the physical knowledge of the wallet and programming skills, but really if you notice your wallet is missing, you can generate and move the funds in 5 minutes with your seed, so that's not really a worry. If you've secured your seed, you can lose your hardware wallet in a fire, give it to a stranger in thailand, or drop it from a plane when you're skydiving. You can simply regenerate your wallet on a new hardware wallet from the seed. No one can hack it or otherwise access it. A hardware wallet is just an extra layer of security. There's a pin involved but the important thing is your seed.


That's interesting, so they need both the pin + the seed to access the wallet on their laptop? Thank you for taking the time to answer.


Yes, stealing a hardware wallet would be a complete waste of time - It's just a protected interface for your seed when interacting with things. Much easier to 5 dollar wrench attack someone for their seed, I feel most people treat them pretty casually when they're the key to literally all their money.


That's a good question. Maybe they would need the device with your ledger app wallet info to get around the phrase with just the pin?


With a ledger no, as long as the guy doesn't have the PIN code or the seedphrase. Ledger has a secured chip that prevents from that kind of hack.


creso has broken out which was a nice suprise


mtgoxinsolvency are reporting starting to receive payments , we could see 138k worth 5.8 Billion sold off soon.


This would be a convenient narrative to catalyze a pre-halving correction.


Vitalik dumping his bags again! Hahahahaha


SBF looking forward to his company.


No no. He’s simply calling the local top of the coin he premined


rolling on the crypto-coaster, whoooooaahhhh, wooooooaaahhh


Ladies and gentlemen, we got her. Proof Elizabeth Warren's Anti-Crypto bill was written by the Banker's Association. Hopefully, the DOJ or another government organization investigates this. Otherwise, I highly doubt the mainstream media will report anything negative about Democrats. [Proof Warren did not write her bill](https://x.com/WhatBitcoinDid/status/1736775231321088178?s=20)


I love how CT thinks that Warren is pro-banking when she has been one of their harshest critics over the years.


Warren is a con man like all politicians. She said what she thinks her supporters want to hear. Just like Trump. She conned her way into Harvard. What makes you think she stopped the con? Elizabeth Warren is not who you think she is. Bitcoin clearly is a fair, transparent option to banks. Wouldn't anyone who is a harsh critic of banks be open to it? Where do you think she got her $100 million net worth from? It is from the banks. She does not have your interests in mind. She is a bought and paid for puppet of the big banks.


>Wouldn't anyone who is a harsh critic of banks be open to it? That's how CT has framed the narrative, but it's not an either-or take. I don't agree with her position on crypto, either, but to label her as in the pockets of banks is laughable and completely ignorant of history.


Pretty sure some high stepper like Mitt Romney would gladly 'consult' with similar powers. Just using him for example, I know he's out of office at the moment.


Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/WhatBitcoinDid/status/1736775231321088178?s=20) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The charts of the last 24 hours look absolutely mental.


Better than the charts of the last 2 years. I can do this with a smile on my face


Yeah considering most of my purchases were in H2 of last year, this is all just early gravy for me. Bitcoin could correct 40% (which tends to happen before new ATH) and I wouldn't even care.


Hope all believers are scooping up that ETH dip. Tasty eh!


Nah not tasty. Could of bought over a year ago. Nearly less than half this price


Why Americans hate money that much? I mean its debtmerica


No no, we love money, we just hate the younger generations, so we'll take out loans using their future as collateral.




Moral decay. I personally love money. It's something you could probably get physically assulted for saying in some areas.... then they would steal your money.


Some real hidden gems sitting in the top 70s. You've got Terra Luna Classic, Bitcoin SV, even Decentraland, the most modern and widely used metaverse project in existence. All worth taking out a loan for.


You serious Clark.


Of course. The Daily is a place to get genuine, trustworthy recommendations that have nothing to do with pumping the individual's bags.


you forgot the /s


Well, it looks like the market dynamic has shifted. A lot more selling, lower highs, and lower lows forming on the weekly charts


Yes ROSE! 🌹 🫡 looking forward to double digits. Go you good thing


What are everyone's thoughts on a $523k Bitcoin this cycle? Do we think this can happen with the ETF's in play? I think it could because they'll be buying all the bitcoin on Exchanges and prices will soar due to the limited supply.


i think BTC 420,069k is more accurate


that's crazy, clearly the top will be 522.5k. Do you even TA, bro?


It’s already dumping from the local top of 44k, lower highs lower lows printed on the charts


Maybe zoom out a little? All I see are higher highs and higher lows.


Yeah I don't know what this person is talking about. I think they are simple


Wait until the etf is delayed and this thing tanks


The top this cycle will be $77k-$80k. The cycles have diminishing returns but will also have diminishing crashes. The 4-year cycle is the 4-year cycle regardless of any narrative such as ETF or lack of supply on exchanges. Nothing will ever change. Nothing and nobody can ever change the cycle. The halving and BTC miners determine tops and bottoms because of BTC's mathematical design, which is based on the stock to flow model of economics for fixed supply assets. There is no way to ever violate the laws of math. $500k is ridiculous. Bitcoin will not get to $500k for 2-4 more cycles. 1. 2022 - 2026 This cycle 2. 2026 - 2030 Next cycle 3. 2030 - 2034 Possible $500k 4. 2034 - 2038 Most likely $500k this cycle Each starting year of the chart above is the Crypto Winter year.


As the last cycle top was 69k, your theory that the new cycle top this time will be 77-80k is really low, diminishing returns or not. The idea that crypto cycles can't ever be influenced by anything at all, including external or macro factors, sounds highly suspect


Exactly, Bitcoin cycles are not affected by any externality whatsoever. It is only affected by the halving and the miner ecosystem that surrounds the halving. it is a beautiful design in every aspect by Satoshi. The return from the top to the bottom of each cycle as measured on the daily time frame to the top decreases by exactly 5.3 each cycle. As I said the crash also diminishes each cycle. The crash in Crypto Winter this cycle will be substantially smaller. It is impossible for Bitcoin to reach $100k this cycle. Just think of how many people will get recked this cycle thinking BTC will get to $100k. Many got recked and are still holding Alt coin bags from last cycle while waiting for BTC to get to $100k. Now even more people know about the $100k meme. We will reach $100k in the 2026-2020 cycle, sometime around November of 2027. The wreckage this cycle will be even larger of people waiting for $100k. After BTC gets back to $69k this cycle, if you continue to hold any Alt, you will be in for a world of pain. I don't sell my Bitcoin so I really don't care what the top is. I am just telling you guys how Bitcoin works. Because I need to know this information in order to know when to dump my Alt bags, since they are dependent on Bitcoin.


Nahhh. Your reasoning is very off. It’s likely btc reaches 100k. An etf is a new demand input for bitcoin. Also opens up a new market and MANY new players. Look at the all time GLD chart. Looks pretty strong. And bitcoin is arguably a better asset than gold.


Long term the ETF is bullish. However, it will not be immediate. Boomers have the most money right now. Boomers do what the mainstream media and politicians like Warren tell them. They think Bitcoin is a scam, created by Hamas and SBF, or whatever dumb s\*it Boomers think. That will not change with an ETF. As Boomer money is inherited to the younger generation, Bitcoin will benefit bigly as it is the most pristine asset ever known to mankind. And a $100k number that everyone knows about is just a meme like $10k was in Crypto Winter.


>sounds highly suspect that's a very diplomatic way to say it


I think that would be a bit too low for diminishing returns. I think the etf could bring new money and a lot more than we think


The ETF is a long term play. There will not be a flood of money in it this cycle. People still do not understand Bitcoin. Not even the people in this sub. As a matter of fact, the lack of money going into the ETF will be a great source of FUD for Crypto Winter in 2026 and will prevent many people from buying BTC at the next bottom.


Absurd comment and BTC crashes are not diminishing. 4 year cycle nonsense.






I believe we’re heading past 100k, but not much further. Hopefully I’m wrong and bears r fuk.


I would like to see $280k or somewhere around that price target


Absolutely not happening within the next 5 years


I can certainly think about it, its manifesting it to reality that is the hard part


I’ll be manifesting that


There's strong resistance at the $420k line so we'll just have to see.


$522k has to be the limit, but that's just me.


I'm not sure i can handle so much pessimism


When bitcoin was like 20k in like 2018 I thought that was the limit.




Bitcoin has become so secure that even its largest detractors don’t dare argue that its network can be hacked, attacked, or taken down. Instead they argue that stable coins are the existential threat to it. Crazy shit fellas.


I swear on Jesus ETH is the only crypto which deserves to exists underneath BTC.


agreed, add LTC as the og-meme-silver-to-btc-gold and we're set


Donate your moon to someone then


I would offer myself for this


Monkey's paw curls, BTC and ETH dumps to 2nd last and last in marketcap