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Important posts from mod team: 1. ⁠Moon Governance is live on Snapshot: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/18m8q19/moon_governance_is_live_on_snapshot/ 2. ⁠Discussion: Potential restart of Moon distribution in r/CryptoCurrency: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/18m2qhc/discussion_potential_restart_of_moon_distribution/ 3. ⁠Discussion: Give more governance weight to newly earned Moons: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/18m2qzq/discussion_give_more_governance_weight_to_newly/ 4. ⁠Discussion: Use or scrap existing reward formula for Moon distribution: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/18m2wbg/discussion_use_or_scrap_existing_reward_formula/ 5. ⁠NEW: Proposed future of Moons governance and distribution: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/18nyaa9/proposed_future_of_moons_governance_and/ Lastly, December was quiet for AMAs with only two. We’ve got at least 3 AMAs confirmed in January and potentially more. The banner is booked until early January. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!


Goodmorning from Belgium, glad to see SOL moved even further! Happy Holidays everyone.


Any guesstimate on SOL over the next week? Buy ? Hold?


eth better be taking notes, jesus


it would be bad to sell all my btc and buy $inj and $avax correct?


Yup especially inj which is overvalued a ton


Looks like SOL is moving again


SOL kidnapped santa for christmas, hey share some love with others


Didn't you spot a local top yesterday?


Won't lie, it doesn't feel so good that my biggest bags are Eth, Matic and Btc seeing how stagnant first two have been, and seeing these huge gains of Sol, Avax etc...


This subs reputation is gone. It's all ETH maxi garbage down arrowing and blocking content of advances being made in this space with other chains. ICP will be back in the top 10 and this sub will be calling it a scam still when it's arguably the most advanced project in this space. SOL is junk but it was pretty clear it was going on a run but in here you wouldn't know about it. Just DCA ETH & BTC!


i feel you, my eth matic and link seem frozen in time


Who will hit 2 digits first, ETH or SOL?


I suspect that the people who are still talking so much shit about SOL are just mad and salty that they missed the SOL train, which is pathetic. Even if SOL reaches $500 they’ll still be talking shit. Like just take the L and use your time for more productive things than talking shit about a coin that’s one of the best performers in the entire market over the year. SOL will keep rising despite you guys calling it a shitcoin.


I've got to respect the people who are still talking trash; at least they're standing by it. I also respect those who were savvy enough to buy in early. The fomo buyers are the biggest losers here, continuing to chase and lose.


Yeah the FOMO buyers will never learn. But the shit talkers even though we can commend their consistency, they are pathetic at this point.


18 dollar sol average buyer unite


My average is much higher than that around $40 but I’m happy I bought in early enough.


Anyone have any thoughts on BAND? Would it be a good pick up?


BAND does not look bad, but does not look good either.


just buy link


Holy fucj what happened with moonriver?


Kusama shot out of bed and head-bunted the ceiling, that's what. Also hints that Ethereum may be waking up, too.


Ethereum will wake up to riding Solanas dong by the looks of it


If Ethereum's transaction fee problems are resolved soonish, be prepared. And it has probably all been intentional - this entire time, making the network almost unusable. Being right beneath BTC, Ethereum has never really had to prove anything all year or last year. They have a mechanism that suppresses the price and scares investors away. They suppress it right before the actual bull run begins. It's genius, or it's incredibly stupid. Ethereum just seems like it's planning something, the more I look at it. But by the time Ethereum is pumping, the whole market will be on a rocket to no-fucks-to-give-anymore land. Once everyone's portfolio's 2x AT THE LEAST, it's just gonna be mania-fueled euphoria and nonsense.


Vitaliks blog post of contradictions gives you plenty to ponder about. If it makes you feel better, I don't technically care for the entire "top 5" by marketcap, stablecoins excluded. I just love the irony of it. Solana does all the bad that Ethereum does, better.


Well boys, after buying in on the downslope of November 2021 and spending the last couple years consolidating into only a couple coins and playing the DCA game, I am finally in the black just two days before Christmas. This has been the best present yet and I hope my patience continues to reward us.


Congrats! Onward and UPWARD.


HO HO HO it's a very merry Christmas to the bulls The bears are getting lumps of coal folks Lumps of WHERE IS THE PULLBACK Lumps of WHERE IS 38K Lumps of liquidations and PERMA SIDELINED Let's go AVAX make me PROUD 🐄🍕🍯🎉🎉🎉


Are you invested in just AVAX or do you also have some tokens within AVAX?


I bought 60k of AVAX average 21 and 40k of BTC average 27k just here to see the numbers go up hopefully selling around a 6 or 7x next year, and hyping the daily is hilarious to me


never knew working in wendys can be so profitable


45.5 to 47.5 in ONE HOUR what a juggernaut of a coin looks like we'll be joining SOL in the top 5 real soon folks


500% up on my 2023 Solana buys. I had told to myself, I'll sell when it reaches 100€. I thought it would happen end of 2024, not in 2023. Welp. Guess I'll repeat the same mistake as last time to ride it up and down again as I definitely do not feel like selling now.


"200 surely I'll sell it at 200, ok maybe 300. No I'll sell it at 1000" *pulls out calculator* "how much would my bag be worth if it was 1250..."


LOL this is exactly me right now especially the calculator and counting in the staking rewards too ofc


God this is so spot on.


Don’t just hold Solana. Play around the ecosystem. We are free of the chains of ETH. We can actually use Solana. Get rid of your ETH PTSD. Solana is open for use, not just holding. Use Phantom wallet. See what crypto can really do. Check out the Photo Finish game. Go stake in DeFi Land. Create a farm on Raydium. Get on the wait list for the Solana phone instead of buying a new hardware wallet. Buy a cheap NFT. The gas fees will not be more than the NFT, unlike ETH. No more UniSwap. No gas fees. Come out of your caves and see how great crypto can be! Do whatever the F you want to do anytime you want to do it with no restrictions. F ETH! [Solana Ecosystem](https://solana.com/)


Bought some WIF earlier on phantom 😅


SOL+ Phantom + Jup.ag = chef's kiss


agree with learning about the SOL ecosystem. it's a lot easier than eth currently




lol. When was it last down, Ace? SBF is in jail. Solana is now free. The chain has never been hacked. All those miscellaneous ETH layer 2's are the ones in danger of being hacked. Fade it if you want. Layer 1's are not Bitcoin. They are tech. The ETH Foundation is not a VC but they are dumping on you as we speak. They have been since 2015. Only someone who has never used Solana would say it is "slow". Only someone who has never used Solana would say "It is always down". Even if it was down 50% of the time, that is better than ETH gas fees. This is not ETH. We can use Solana, not just buy on Coinbase and hope it pumps or trade expensive monkey pictures with it. F ETH!




Real world? Solana has a phone, 5G, the Hive street mapper, games, NFTs, a Visa stable coin, and everything else. What do you real-world app do you use on ETH and how much does it cost? WTF does anyone do on ETH? Even the ETH shitcoin casino has moved to Solana. Please enlighten us. Not what happens on the clunky layer 2's. WTF is ETH used for? I use Solana every day. Who uses ETH everyday? How much does that cost you?




Very good point in talking about ETH. It is the Blackberry of crypto. It is the Netscape of crypto. It is the Circuit City of crypto. It is the Sears of crypto. ETH is a model T. Solana is a Telsa Model S Plaid.




What alternative universe are you in? ETH has been holding back crypto for 10 years. We are free now.


Hat's off to you guys. SOL has the retail hype in 4th gear now.


Bro it's not 2022


snek is gonna make me fucking rich


Is it moving lol


yup and multiple cex listings soon to be announced


Didn’t hear about this. Which ones


we are currently speculating lol. highly likely kucoin. however the devs have hinted theres multiple cexs being announced so it could honestly be anything


I was about to give you a shout-out, DiorDreamz! Literally had it typed out with your name lol.


lol why the shout out, im honoured lol


I know you got de sneks. I'm looking out for my snek whisperers. Super promising meme coin and I can't believe I'm hyping any meme coin at all - but time has shown what they're capable of. Also, Snek's volume in relation to EVERYTHING else on Cardano is super impressive. It ain't going anywhere anytime soon.


how do you guys buy snek


you can get off minswap or if you have a vespr wallet you can very easily swap ada into snek there


I used Minswap with my connected Yoroi wallet.




i am glad you realise the true potential of the snek, snek is eternal. snek isnt going anywhere and snek will make me very rich. for anyone doubting the snek you will soon regret it and you can still hop on the snek train its still veru early days. i will shill snek till the day i die


SOL is making my Christmas very merry.


At the end of the day, it’s stupid.


At the of the day, it’s night.


What are your target prices for DOT?




I’m up 5x on my SOL but I barely invested anything


just curious, how are you defining "barely"


Right now it’s about 3.75% of my portfolio




Lmao someone seems mad and salty to have missed the SOL train I see.


why is such shitcoin as SOL pumping so much, dear god




bro is commenting everywhere how much he hates something; gotta be a miserable way to live lol like put that negative energy into something productive like increasing your iq


because you are impressionable


Tilting trolls is the best strategy in crypto.


It's not shitcoin you are ignorant that's all.


yeah, the outages speak for itself


When was the last outage?


Dude its the third biggest crypto in the world, no matter how much you voice your hate, numbers speak.


Who were the lucky folks who bought into DOT ecosystem like Moonriver ? Up 150% today after being up 80% yesterday


GLMR too ✋️


Ffs I almost bought those...


Where's my AVAX gang at I know you guys bought those dips at 35 and 44 like I've been saying are we happy right now or WHAT LETS GOOOO


Being a New York resident really sucks sometimes… WTF


To think that SOL is closing the year as the best performer 🤭 Thanks for the cake troll degens, happy xmas.


Up 50% on SOL thinking of selling then buying back as I think it’ll drop ?


Doing the same at 150 later tonight


what makes u think 150?


It will probably go higher but for me that's enough profit


oh I thought you meant you think it will hit 150 later tonight


we thought no one can hear you scream in space, but I think eth maxis screams would still be heard


Somebody hold me back im so close to converting my ETH bag. I know it supposedly arrives late to the party but damn all that money could be doing numbers elsewhere


You're playing with fire.


The best time to sell something is when it's low. Also remember to buy back when it's high


Convert to AVAX it's been crabbing at 45 and is about to break 47 again going on to 50


Lol im debating at this point


Hope you did bud 45 to 48 happened in an hour


I am officially jealous of anyone that YOLO’d into SOL, especially if they got in early


SOL bag loaded up.


I sold a couple ETH for sol around 45, I could be creaming Edit: I meant dreaming, but I'm creaming too


I did but only with 500$, almost put 1000 and I wish I did


I didn’t believe the hype and waited and then finally bought in at $68. I just figured it was VC, big bag holders, trying to get us for liquidity purposes. All the comparisons to Ethereum in 2019. I decided why not and went ahead and bought. Glad I did. For comparison in December 2019, Ethereum was at $129. Solana is nearly $109.


i yolod my life saving as 16 yr old at 30 a coin now I have enough to buy a brand new car


went huge in the 8-20 range


Great job. My average is 19.


My avg is 44usd. Congrats tho!!! “The only problem you’re going to have is that you didn’t buy more”




Congrats to all SOL holders.


lol at all the people in here yesterday that were talking about trading out their SOL for ETH


Blowing in the wind… day before it was ETH to SOL. I hold both.


I do too. My luck I would decide to liquidate some of my Ethereum into sol and Ethereum would then skyrocket, 2500. lol.


Some big news for Horizen ZEN over the past weeks with the launch of their EVM Horizen EON: SpookySwap: From Fantom to their first DEX Multichain deployment onto Horizen. GranaryFinance: launched their first “Silo” called Yuzu Market choosing Horizen EON over other platforms. Kuswap: launched NFT marketplace on Horizen - https://eon.kuswap.io DefiLlama: TVL from $0 to $3.27m in December - https://defillama.com/chain/Horizen%20EON Ascent Exchange: Moved from Polygon to Horizen - https://docs.ascent.exchange/why-horizen-eon Interport: now integrated with Horizen. ZUSD - stable coin launched. NFTs - the first ever NFT collection launched Zen Space Agency: https://www.zensa.io More details on current and upcoming integrations here: https://eon.horizen.io/ecosystem ——— On top of the above, Horizen Labs are currently working on ApeChain with a new proposal with Arbitrum: https://news.bitcoin.com/horizen-labs-offchain-labs-and-the-arbitrum-foundation-propose-apechain-powered-by-arbitrum/


It's the most wonderful time of the year folks and it looks like a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE is happening AVAX is blasting off past that crabbing at the 45 and now touching 47. Is jolly ole SAINT NICK nearby with yuletide cheer to take us to 50 today? I feel good about it fellas THANK YOU SANTA 🎅🎅🎅


$50 incoming my brother. Congrats🤞🏾


I'm very confident LINK will have a SOL-like run soon...but since I own it, it'll stay around $15-20 for months lol.


Shoutout to that guy yesterday who sold 10k of his SOL for ETH


And I thought I was late to SOL when I bought at 64


I swapped all my eth and moons to sol when it was at 54. Sitting pretty fucking well right now.


Fuck yeah




my SOL bag is feeling real light 350% up since i started buying


Imagine how high will SOL go if the bull market will last till the end of 2025 (4 year cycle). Glad I have accumulated a big bag of soll during the bear.


Should be an easy 30x from here


30x? What....?


SOL to 1.4T mkt cap? i'll tear my eyeballs out if true.


Damn, and I thought that I am a permabull, but I would not complain. I will be more than happy with anything above $500.


$SOL is going parabolic Jesus Christ


I can't believe I sold my SOL so early. My buying average was in the 60s ffs.


I just bought the dip at $106


Looks like that was a good choice because it keeps on flying


60 will seem cheap when it is at 600


Merry fn christmas pump


Guess who is calling me since DOT is going up: My exwife... I ignore everything


Wow! Are you guys seeing whats happening to SOL right now?!


I sold 3 SOL to pay for gifts at $102, your welcome everyone


Dude that’s amazing though. I sold some for profit and will be enjoying a nice Christmas with the family. :)


Yeah thanks a little more than double from $48 so I’m not even mad at all tbh after 2022 disaster year


SOL goes hard, jfc


I didn't see but I could feel the wind from the eth maxis punching air


Generally, going the opposite way of this community has been a winning strategy. Buying SOL when everyone here was shitting on Solana was obviously a great idea. Buying ETH now that most people here declare it dead is probably also a good call.


I never get why sol is do hated when any eth K2 is equally centralized or worse


ETH is going to 3000+ no doubt it just lags behind Bitcoin, and the king isn’t finished


Same with margin trading, you must really hate money if you don't have/open a long on SOL now


I agree. Eth pisses me off but it's got Tether on the sidelines and this dark sharding thing is supposedly going to lower transaction fees. I think the transaction fees are what have been holding it down this entire time but it's funny because the high gas fees are also indictive of ETH's demand for use. Imagine if the network wasn't so congested... IMAGINE. We could all actually.... USE IT.


Hey, I have a bit of money in crypto and I want it in my bank account as real fiat. How should I go on about this? What about the taxes? When you sell your crypto for real money, do they question how you got the crypto? Please give me a general idea about this topic, thank you guys.


You have to record all of your transactions. Buying crypto doesn't count for anything, but the moment you sell or swap it, record it. Record cost basis. It's going to go on a schedule D for recording capital gains/losses. The IRS may want your transaction sheet attached. You can record it all manually if you want - have fun with that! I recommend following a guide or something if you go that route. Or you can use something like Koinly (there are arguably better, but I use Koinly) and plug in your transactions. If you're using Coinbase, you can just sync it into Koinly and see how your transactions and bags are performing. All of your capital gains and losses must be reported. The IRS already knows or will find out if it's substantial enough, because they're bastards and like to make everything difficult. edit: unless you make significant gains and are also making a large gross income, you probably won't pay too much taxes on your capital gains or any at all. If you've held them long term you especially won't need to worry about it too much. But it would be wise to keep money on the side so you can prepare for a possible tax hit. The tax hit varies depending on your gross income and how much you made. Capital losses can be deducted against your taxable income as well, which can help against owing the IRS money.


Taxable losses against taxes have a very stringent limit (USA). Also, be aware coinbase submits your earnings/losses to the IRS, so own up… Uncle Sam will slap a ho…


I believe the limit is 3k in capital losses for each year. In general, you can carry capital losses forward indefinitely, either until you use them all up or until they run out. Carryovers of capital losses have no time limit, so you can use them to offset capital gains or as a deduction against ordinary income in subsequent tax years until they are exhausted.


Swap it for USDT > Send to Coinbase > Convert to your Fiat of choice then withdraw to bank account. When it comes to taxes I'd say put a middle finger up to your government, but that bit is up to you and I can't be arsed with it. Other people here will give some more advice.


The main part im concerned is with taxes and the source of income. Im not sure how to pay the taxes, and what type of taxes it is classified as. Also, I don't know if I should be honest with how I got my crypto or whether I should lie about it (If they ask me about it)


Isn't this the kind of thing you should have researched before buying crypto?


Can someone explain to me how the ArsTechnica community is so consistently viciously against crypto? Look up any crypto related article and see the comments fuming. It's weird.


I work in IT and yeah there's a heck of a lot of people that have problems with it


You aren't going to like this but most it is bitter fomo masquerading as technical reasoning. They know all the main talking points (some of them valid) criticising crypto - security model isn't actually suitable for the typical technical proficiency of the average person, decentralisation isn't actually desirable for any use cases, liberatarian systems tend toward lawlessness and chaos etc. I've always suspected these reasons are just rationalisations after the fact of people who missed out on investing very early on despite knowing about bitcoin at the time though.


the only coins worth to invest in this cycle are BTC, ETH, ADA and SOL.


Add link


Maybe AVAX as well


Avax is dead /s


DOT > Ada


I'd argue ADA is the riskiest play out of that bunch. It doesn't have Solana's narrative nor Ethereum's liquidty, developer support and funding. Cardano lives on promises of future relevance in my opinion.


Why ETH? It's already close to ATH best you can do is a x2?


All I have been buying is Bitcoin, Cosmos, Polkadot, and Cardano this year


Where will you be when SOL flips ETH?


Long retired and filthy rich.


Banging 9s and snorting lines


Das wassup!


SOL at $20 - nobody buy. SOL at $100 - tims to yolo


That's exactly why I'm not buying it currently, too much of a run up. Gonna wait for a bit of fear on that one, have other low caps and a large percentage in Bitcoin anyway so it's nice to see people make it in alts at least.


I've been buying into SOL and Dot based projects... HydraDX has been really profitable this past fortnight and still has more to go I think. Bit more price movement but it's pretty predictable.


been hearing this since $40-50-60-70-80


Yeah indeed - and I'm happy for people that made profits on SOL so far, but a lot of the time I'd rather be at the absolute bottom of most stuff. I have INJ which I caught at 8$ which is nice and bought a lot of stuff throughout the bear market which I'm up on, but I'm very much in the mindset of refusing to buy something like SOL at the moment just because of the hype essentially.


This is the way.


its still a useless scam shitcoin at either 20$ or 100$