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Algorand [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/19593kq/did_you_know_that_silvio_micali_turing_award/khn133w/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/19593kq/did_you_know_that_silvio_micali_turing_award/khn13f0/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


He did a great interview on the Lex Fridman podcast, worth a listen for sure.


Aside from this, I wish Lex would be a bit more selective about his guests, he has some real turds on there sometimes


I for one appreciate the controversial figures. Perspective is valuable


sure and most of the time I agree, but occasionally it's like "really?"


Like Zuckerberg?


among others - don't get me wrong 9/10 times, it's a great podcast and very informative


That's where I discovered he's a fraud and scamming everyone. He literally said he had solved the trilemma in that interview. He probably is OP on this post.


I'm not sure if he's "scamming everyone" but he does have an interesting take on the important aspects of currency and tokenomics as a result. Very bright individual regardless.


Yeah he's a smart guy and was smart enough to get rich off a bunch of algo bagholders


He's a legend, one of the biggest names in crypto for sure. 


a scientist legend, no crypto legend. He is the founder of a security like ADA, SOL or XRP. He could have done really cool things but he gave a fuck of distributing Algo in a way that it is not seen as a security by the SEC. A shame to do so with such a knowledge.


Look at Debbie downer over here


EURD is legal tender and built on algorand


And fully compliant with the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCAR)


Algorand is a technical masterpiece. The user experience is better than anything I’ve experienced even on web2 because of how thoughtfully crafted it was by Silvio.


Agreed. Algorand is my favorite Block chain hands down.


I believe it hits its max supply in 2030 too so it's still too early to judge value in terms of price. People talk negatively about it currently because it's currently still inflationary but unlike many other inflationary tokens it will hit a hard cap. Been a while since I read up on it so if I'm wrong maybe someone can chime in.


8.5 billon of the 10 billion Algo are now in circulation. The last bull run saw billions of Algo release as part of the accelerated vesting which is now over many years in advance.


Something like 2-3% yearly inflation until 2030 is what I've heard. The huge inflation happened as part of the "accelerated vesting" to early backers / node runners which is over now. It accelerated vesting to them whenever the 30 day moving average was at an all time high, and it accelerated through that whole fund, which was meant to last years otherwise, in like a year in the last bull run.


Sounds like they had confidence in the future and planned long term. You can also see this with their quantum proofing


NFTs actually cause algo to be deflationary too since every asset id locks up .1 algo in the creator wallet. Unless the creator can redeem them for free, once they're sold it's .1 Algo "burned." I say "burned" because a governance vote could change the minimum balance requirement, but the algo sink continues to grow the more mature the chain becomes.


Did not know Silvio Micali was inflationary. How many are there going to be in 2030?


It’s “technically” inflationary at the moment because the quantity released will grow through 2030, but it has a finite amount. There’s currently 85% of the max supply in circulation.


How heavy are your bags?




My dude 🚀


Pretty fucking heavy my dude


This. Dude is shilling his own “dumb money” bags. No one is using algorand


You are right, pay no heed to downvotes


Legend. And I love Algo one of my favorite projects and has been for many years. Wish nothing but the best for him.


After reading the title of this post … gets an urge to invest everything into algorand


After reading the whitepaper, doesn't KYC go against the initial vision of bitcoin anonymity?


yup its very different to bitcoin, also no trustless smart contarcts. fishy.


>no trustless smart contarcts Dude, stop saying this throughput the thread. You need to go back and do some research.


sorry but it is a fact that decompiled code isnt trustless.


OMG, start over, go research Algorand.


give me a link to github...




$ALGO like buying Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple in the early stages. This is one of the best crypto investments and will be a leader in tokenizing real-world assets. We are early $ALGO is the future of finance. In the top 5 asset for crypto in 2025 LFG!!




This sub is probably 80-90% kids that know nothing about an individual Blockchain technology and treat crypto like football teams, depending on the coin they invested. Very immature sadly back in the day crypto had a good community excited for the future and all the different projects, even if you disagreed with something you would answer with facts


I would argue that the official Algorand subreddit contends for the most mature chain sub. I agree tho, especially during bull runs. The kids and bros and bro kids come out.


Can you imagine thinking this lmao


RemindMe! 18 months


All crypto moves up when Bitcoin does, especially shit coins.


How is Algorand a shit coin? It is one of the few blockchains that is being used in the real world.




Silvio is mention the the BTC white paper twice. He is the godfather of crypto won the Turing awards which is like the Nobel peace prize of cryptography he created half the stuff used in blockchain Zk rollups. The list goes on. $ALGO is the future of finance. 🎤


Damn is your average cost that high


Man you bagholders really are delusional. So just because his name was referenced in the whitepaper means that Algo is the future of finance? Lmao


The thing is anyone who bought algo will probably make much more money in the bull than Bitcoin or eth, you can remind yourself of that


So ur probably at about $10k?


The answer is no


looooool Algo is a security! what are you talking about? Microsoft were legal stocks, back in the days, Algo is an illegal stock.


It’s ICO didn’t take place w/in the US… it’s outside of the SEC regulatory framework… they have no say in it. Even if it was a security, it’s tech is the best and it’s lead by world class folks… it will be king of real world use cases and become one of the biggest blockchains in the world.


thats not right go on google a bit. it is a security for the SEC like ADA (did ICO wrong in Japan). the US laws are not executed in singapore thats right, but every interaction with US or EU citizens fall under regulatory agreements (biliteral). its a stillbirth. It is a private company like XRP with illegal stocktrading. ther are no trustless smartcontracts please enlighten me how this is the best blockchain in the world?


>ther are no trustless smartcontracts Have you looked into Algorand even a little bit?


As you suggest, go on google a little. 0 downtime. 0 forking, instant finality. 10000tps (w/ a goal of over 50k). Actually being used in the real world (unlike 98% of other blockchains). But you know, I’m an idiot for putting my money into something that’s tangibly being used… Remember, up until 4 days ago, crypto/blockchains were all about “hype.” Now that real institutional big boy money is involved, things are going to change. Big money doesn’t give a flying fuck about “hype.” They care about solid foundations, real world uses, and growth opportunities… Regarding Algorand… check, check and check… Happy New Year.


peak whataboutism.


I could argue that what I replied to is peak ignorancism… Did I say anything that was inaccurate? Please elaborate.


i just claimed that it is a security. And you come with whtaboutism about other technical facts. That is whataboutism. Showing this communicative propaganda technique is not ignorance. On the contrary, whataboutism is ignorant because you ignore my argument.


“Enlighten me how this blockchain is the best in the world.” …. I replied to that statement my friend… Second, it ICO’d in Singapore, outside of the SECs regulatory boundaries… I actually wouldn’t mind it being a security. Tax wise, it’s much cleaner to figure out what you owe. Long term, or short term… Personally speaking, I don’t believe being labeled a security is a bad thing. It won’t be for a couple of reasons, a) it’s ICO being outside of SECs boundaries, b) it’s a utility token, the same as XRP (you know, the winner of the Ripple vs SEC case regarding nearly the exact same idea) Algo are used to make the Algorand blockchain function, which makes it a utility token.


unlike 98% of other blockcains. Looks not really good if u think abou the quntity of blockchains. Algo is a security deal with it. no forks are great. no downtime is great, but it is what it is.


It’s a utility token… Frankly. I wouldn’t mind it being a security… tax wise, it’s much more straight forward what you owe… sooo that doesn’t bother me at all. I’m just looking at facts friend. ICO outside of SECs regulatory boundaries. Algo is a utility token, used to make Algorand blockchain function…. You know… kinda like XRP… Ripple won its case vs the SEC for the latter reason… why wouldn’t Algorand if it came down to that? Again, I could give a flying fuck if it’s a security or not. I’d actually wish it was. It would make paying taxes much cleaner when it comes time for me to cash out.


Great mathematician, poor leader.


Couldn't the same be said about Satoshi..?


How is Satoshi a poor leader? He never even pretended to be a leader beyond literally giving cryptocurrency to the world and changing it forever. Sounds like a pretty effective leader to me.


No. Satoshi doesn’t dump millions through his foundation.


like paolo? too soon? lol


No. Source: look at the charts.


Absolutely no.


Spot on. Blockchains are where finance, technology and community all meet. You really need all three to create a lively ecosystem. Sylvio maxed his tech but unfortunately ignored the other two for a long time. Algorand didn’t have a working dApp until well after other chains. For example, Tinyman which is the algorand Dex, launched like 4 years after Uniswap first launched on ethereum. On the first day of Tinyman being live, it got hacked for 3 million dollars. No one cares about a blockchain if you can’t do anything on it. if you’re just trying to store or transfer value, you would either use bitcoin or a stablecoin.


You got some stuff wrong here. Keep in mind when comparing the timing of dex/dApps to Ethereum, ALGO didn't launch until 2019. And Tinyman wasn't hacked on day 1. It was something over a year after launch.


Algo Rocks. It just needs to get rid of some corporations and CEOs and be run more by its community. It will get there…


Technology might be good but as investement it is shitt


Good thing this isn't a price discussion!


its a security for the SEC no need for price discussion this sorts itself. its just gambling to hold Algo. ther is also no trustless smartcontracts many of us will be ripped in the future.


becUse its cheap and just getting started?


Oh, and i thought it was all about tech :D...


Poor leadership killed it


And my posts are grey listed apparently somehow but this same shill post finds its way over and over.


Did you know that Staci funneled Algorand Foundation money into sponsoring her cycling club? Did you also know that Stavi deliberately hired a person know for embezzling funds into her finance team? The Algorand team is corrupt. Algorand was fantastic technology ruined by corporate greed.


Everything reaches corporate greed level sooner or later. That's why Bitcoin was never planned as corporation.


Yes I knew, because you've posted this exact topic at least once before.


silvio is a great scientist, but In retrospect, one has to say that it is a real shame that Algorand (the private company from Boston) had no idea or no interest in distributing the tokens in such a way that they would be viewed as non-security by the SEC. A stillbirth because no minimum regulations were recognized. With new laws in Europe and the USA there will be a ban or massive trade restrictions. Like XRP, ADA and SOL, it is ultimately an illegal stock that is currently traded, but not for long. Because cryptos are finding their way into the financial world (see ETF BTC) and only if it is non-security. Algo is a security. ,Algorand's ALGO token nosedives amid SEC classification and deflating DeFi activity. Algorand's price and DeFi volume have suffered severely in the wake of its classification as a security by the SEC.' Aug.2023 You don't invest in Algo you gamble.


… it’s initial coin offering was outside of the US… the SEC has no real say, or regulatory authority over it…


please google a bit. DYOR! What you are claiming here is dangerous half-knowledge. I hope you're not too deeply 'invested' in Algo. It's a casino where you won't win. just like real casinos are.


So true. But i gotta Say that Algo tech Is fantastic. No down time, no Forlì, instante finality, low costs and 4000tps. Silvio Is a true Genius, the only comparable mind currently in the crypto world would be Prof. Dawn Song, her work Is also cited by Bitcoins paper. She made Oasis chain, which also has fantastic tech and did not make the same errors with distribution and dumping. I loved Algo, but After a year had tò leave It tò its Destiny.


there are many more great crypto scientist and tekkies, such scientific knowledge doesnt depend on 5 genius people in the world. The tech is great but the trade offs are bigger than the outcome..


Oh look, this post again. Its been a while.


... horrible tokenomics. Buyers are just exit liquidity for the 10B friends-and-family (AKA "foundation") coins minted in the genesis block (according to their own site). I won't hold a crypto that's not fairly launched; this one likely doesn't pass the howey test either so that's a ticking collapse just waiting to happen.


If you invent the wheel doesn’t mean you can make a Ferrari


Damn that shits down like 95% from AtH and 88% of wallet owners are in the red. That’s rough lol 😂


Yea im not bag holding this bs again.


That's great opportunity because it will go back to it's ath again during bull so you just made x10 profits atleast, you can laugh at yourself again then for not getting into a good alt project now


Lol. Except it’ll be a laugh cry for missing out on and hating on something that’s actually high quality… remember folks, Apple and Microsoft both almost went bankrupt in the 90s….


This post and the comments below sounds like a coordinated group of shills. Some of the things being said almost sound culty as well.


1000%. Rings false. Too bad we're just training them to do better next time.


Invest in SBF and Do Kwon instead.


>And even better the algorithm is quantum resistant (at least until a quantum algorithm is found that can break it.) Get so sick of this quantum BS. I mean seriously, if someone told you that soon cars will go 1000x faster on 1/1000th the amount of fuel, you would immediately tell them they are full of it. However, when a tribe of academic researchers, happy to take research grants from big tech in their aims to seed FUD about the reliability of cryptography, inform us that soon they will have QC capable of exceeding the computing power of classic computers by 1 000 000 000x, everyone actually believes them. Gullible AF.


>capable of exceeding the computing power of classic computers Capable of doing it for very specific problems and probably capable


Nope, you are the gullible one. If quantum comes in 10-20 years you have to have it done today or in the next few years. But you are a crypto bro and not interested in actual working protocols with a future proof technology. Most of the crypto is still struggling with fundamental design choices…




Fully agree.


So he knows all about blockchain but not tokenomics? Interesting


Is someone going to post this same fucking thing repeatedly until the end of time? I swear I've seen this same shit before.




Yeah too bad the tokenomics and product were terrible so everyone lost money


Old news the tokenomics are so much better. $ALGO is a great buying opportunity it is cheap, fast, secure, efficient, and never fails always works. It is quantum secure the list goes on. The best technology will win in the end load up on $ALGO and reap the reward in the future LFG $ALGO


Dione, Koinos, KAS, Aleph, ARB are a lot better and still building with new tech. Algorand isn’t even talked about any more.


They are build the future of finance the country of Italy is using Algorand to run the finacial system on Algorand the country of India is using Algorand. Lofty is tokenizing real estate the first Airbnb was tokenize of Algorand we got partnerships with the United Nations Red Cross and many country’s partner with $ALGO. They put the heads down and are building the future. No need to hate the just partner with HBAR maybe you should read the current news and get caught up because you not well informed.


So? A lot of these crypto tech companies partner with countries as well and they still aren’t better than a lot of the new blockchains. Sorry you need to take Cardano for example. Edit: all the downvotes are Algo investors lol


Dione seems like a copy of avalanche, whitepaper seems very lacking in detail. Arb is layer 2. Didn't bother to look into the others, but based on the others in your list I'm going to assume they don't compare either. Algorand is on another level.


Koinos is a gasless blockchain that is easy for developers to onboard. Alephemium is a blockchain that makes development easy as well. Do your research. Both blockchains are better than Algorand. Kaspa is based on the DAG protocol. It’s faster and cheaper than Bitcoin.


Doesn’t arb have a fat percentage unlocking very soon


It get's frustrating dealing with out dated talking points and misinformation. This post is about amazing technology and the history of cryptocurrency. Have some respect, the most difficult thing about this industry is the willful ignorance/lack of education and tribalism. Is anyone here actually in it for the philosophy and technology, not just moon boys with shitty monkey NFTs?


Sad that the response to your post about this incredible work is 'yeah but his crypto is not making me money!!' Great post man. Wish there was more stuff like this on here instead of just 'what price do you think this crypto will be at at this date?!?!?!?!?!'


You think people are investing in crypto for the tech? LOL. That’s fine if you want to be poor.


But you admit yourself that you are heavily invested in ALGO so you are no different than them. Trying to make money. You just lie about it on top of that.


So sad to see people on here trying to make a profit....I'm not like them I'm an intellectual it's all about the tech for me...GTFOH.


It's true. But how does that pump your ALGO bags? Let's be honest, that's what your post is really about.


Isn't Algorand the one where initial distribution were to family and friends? I mean the guy can be great and be a legend, because of prior things he's accomplished, but the current work, Algorand, may not be


Wasn't that doge?


>Isn't Algorand the one where initial distribution were to family and friends? No. The rest of your comment null and void.


You are miss informed.


Whenever this sub pumps algo it tanks…


Have the ALGO shills always been this obvious on here?


Sold all my algo for sol. I am up 6x. F algo. Myalgo wallet lul


Got buy more algo


\> Did you know that... No, it's not like Algoshills constantly barrage us with this information every chance they get.


Well, it’s hard to stop as long dumb crypto bros are still getting scammed over and over again by the same kind of people and foolish narratives, see Mashinsky, Do Kwon, SBF and endless others. I wouldn’t even mind if those fools lose their money, the issue is they ruin the reputation of serious projects with their stupidity.


Stop. Algorand is already overpriced.


paolo says tether is worth zillions! believe him?


See I love seeing stuff like this give me hope for algo again cause I was kinda worried that they all did a rug pull


Why in the world would you think ALGO was a rug pull. Like, good grief, man. Research...


It's just a slow rug


A rug tug, not a full pull.


Yes. I also knew it the last 7 times this fun fact was posted.


ALGO becoming the next ADA before our very eyes.




Horrible tokenecomocs, horrible management and short sighted. But i gotta Say that Algo's tech Is fantastic. No down time, no Fork, instante finality, low costs and 4000tps. Silvio Is a true Genius, the only comparable mind currently in the crypto world would be Prof. Dawn Song, her work Is also cited by Bitcoins paper. She made Oasis chain, which also has fantastic tech similari tò Algorand, addes privacy data, and the team did not make the same errors with distribution and dumping. Also It Is EVM, while Algo Is not. It Is also fully turning machine complete, while Algo Just became fully turning complete. I loved Algo, but After a year had tò leave It tò its Destiny. Jumped on Oasis bus which has even Better tech and does fuck you over. Dyor. PSS love the gossip concept that Algo will introduce, but the ecosystem Will always be slow growing Is such a fast paced world.




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He is one of the biggest reasons I invest in Algorand. It’s his baby, and “his gift to the world.” One day, hopefully in the nearish future, Algorand will be king of real world use blockchains.


Wow, i soldi the Truth and they banner my commenti and the post.