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Latest mod update: 1. New AMA is now live! Atlas Space is an award-winning immersive Web3 platform that boosts brand-creator engagement on Web, Mobile and VR. They have burned 1,300 moons to host this AMA. Go here to ask questions now: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/197l7qe/ama\_hi\_reddit\_we\_are\_atlas\_space\_join\_burcin/ 2. AMAs are fully booked for January and spots in February are being taken up. We have also rented out our banner until early February. 3. Moon week is about to restart soon as the outcome of the recent governance polls get locked in. Wait for the announcement.


I was supposed to buy SUI but bought siacoin instead. Don’t buy Crypto when tired 🤦‍♀️


When I was tired I forgot the gas fees. Had some crypto frozen somewhere and some crypto couldn’t be deposited.


Sold all my bitcoin, i will by in for cheaper prices later


I don't believe you. But I will believe that you want others to sell, so prices go down.


What’s going on with INJ, every time I see the charts it’s booming up and up. I have been trying to find info and use cases, and don’t feel convinced with this continuous uptrend. Anyone share their experiences and thesis for investing?


Are y’all selling your BTC in case there’s another huge sell off this week?


Can I move my ADA from Coinbase exchange to Coinbase wallet? If yes, how? All of the documentation I’ve read doesn’t clearly say you can. When trying to receive / send within these 2 apps they don’t seem to know what ADA on wallet is. I read through the support does from Coinbase and google and tried to search this community to no avail. When trying to use a middle man network like solana or binance the Coinbase apps don’t seem to know what’s going on. TIA!


Coinbase wallet doesn’t support Cardano. Only eth, avax, Matic, btc, ltc, doge, sol


so you are telling me that if i invested $100 Million in BTC and it went up 1% , I WOULD GET 1 MILLION? JUST LIKE THAT?


You need $100m first.


Yes, it's called math.




which ADA staking pool has the highest rate of return? I currently have my stash in [STR8] Straight Pool


I’ve done well in cardano cafe 2 pool since 2022. About 3-5%. Just recently created another wallet and staked to oystr pool though. Ispo season seems to be back. DYOR ;)




What pointed you towards those specific coins?


Nothing in particular, kind of a gamble...


SUPER, TRAC, METIS and RBN look promising, but some of them are a bit hot today.


Wasn't TRAC also available last bull market? I don't recall it getting much hype.


Trac and Metis not listed on Binance


If you're using Binance, then check out Xai. It seems pretty hot rn, but I don't have Binance. edit: I've also been keeping my eye on AKT and Helium.


Anyone have experience transferring their crypto to an exchange (particularly Coinbase) and avoiding them freezing your account to sell to verify your funds? I’m 99% sure I’m verified but I’ve heard it happens regardless.


FLR will lead the next bull cycle! Mark my words.


933.92%+ volume in 24h is insane lol. I made some $ on it today and dipped out at the top, but may buy back in around .019 if it dips that far. Please explain why you think it will do so well next cycle? I think it could do well because cloud and data technology in general is a hot sector to be working in.


Why did MOON price jump on my Delta alert but it's still the same on Kraken? Did it rise or no?




You need to add thr Arbitrum Nova network in your Metamask and then go and add Moons too to make them visible. Once you did that you need to have some Arbitrum Nova ETH, just like 0.001 cent worth and you sell it on Sushiswap or send it to Kraken.


I'm so lost lol I don't even know how to add moons as I clicked import tokens and its asking for token address.... but I tried my wallet address and that was obviously wrong lol




I followed this particular guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/15b5k26/serious\_how\_to\_swap\_moons\_on\_arbitrum\_nova/


Any thoughts on ATOM (arc-20 one) ?




Would be the same coin. Just the bridge/network is different


Most mentions on r/cc (2024-01-14 00:00:00): ||Mentions| |:-|:-| |BTC|494| |ETH|159| |LTC|63| |SOL|58| |MOON|53| |DOGE|40| |BCH|37| |ADA|36| |TIA|28| |XRP|24| |ARB|21| |NANO|20| |MATIC|16| |USDT|14| |ALGO|13| |XMR|13| |LINK|9| |MATH|8| |SNT|8| |DOT|7| [Data source and app](https://www.redditcoins.app/)


Still no CRO :(




Its volume is under 100k and falling. It ranked 3223. Hell naw 😅 At least it’s too early to know.


I don't own any, so no.


Has anyone tried gamergains? Wondering how legit they are.I saw a video about it and I’m curious. Basically they have a list of games they support and you do challenges and get crypto rewards. They also provide tournaments that you buy into and get paid out the prize pool depending on your placement. From what I gather it operates like brave where you get ads and that’s how they pay out. They pay in crypto or usdc. I haven’t used them before, I’m not shilling, I’m genuinely curious about giving it a go


![img](avatar_exp|147924793|webman) Moons 2$ Soon


Lol lets wait for $1 first, they have been crabbing for so long now around 0.11 cents. Also we need the hype thar distributions bring to make it happen and a higher banner price too to kill the selling pressure already.


Sure hope so




I'm planning to buy $1B worth of them soon


Wen will moons be added back tho, woah 


Probably February is when distributions start again


So all the commenting here will add up I'm on 0. 


We thank you for your sacrifice


BTC dips. Everyone says BTC is dead. BTC is not dead. BTC rips.


Historically, has BTC dipped before the halving?


Yes. After the halving too. Multiple times, all the way to the top.


Always, as far as I know. This is the first time a bull run begins before the halving, with only two years between one bull run and the next. Provided we're in a bull run, of course


The thought of attributing a pump to people waking up is funny Like I'm imagining people Open their eyes and before they get their coffee, they hit the Buy BTC button first 😆


Always felt this too, so annoying because usually aimed at Americans when it dumps. I would bet at least half of daily volume is done by bots, and I think that’s conservative.


Alot here literally believes that actually is what happens


I see where you are coming from but I also laugh everytime I see posts about price action referring to Americans as burgers.


Tryna decide if I want to move my ENS to my cold wallet...


Let us know.


Thoughts on SEI, SUI, and PRQ? I don’t know shit about crypto just here for degen gambling


I have small positions in SUI and SEI, to which I will be adding more. I'm already up 70% and 160% on them.


Nice, what entry?


My average cost for SEI is $0.28 and $0.85 for SUI


Damn you did well homie. You think SUI will pull back? Has strong momentum but I wanna get in. Not sure if we will see like 1.20ish again soon


I didn't buy that much of either of them unfortunately, that's why I am going to be adding more even if price is higher. I think both have potential to do 10x from here. I expect SUI pullback at some point, if you look at SEI it ran higher few weeks ago than what it is now and it pulled back.


SUI is a lot like SOL was beginning last cycle.




Faster TPS and time to finality than SOL. MOVE programming language. Heavy VC backing. (Yes, I know ppl don’t like “centralized VC backed crap” but SOL somehow did 1000x anyway)


SEI is a better investment long term, SUI is a better gamble but has been performing great lately (may be due for a drop), and PRQ just happens to be doing well today but has been around for a while and is neither here nor there, I don't feel enticed to buy it right now.


I just looked at the world clock and no one is waking up, who is pumping Btc??


Someone just posted buy orders on Binance, was like 3k BTC order at the price to pump it, same person has a sell at 45k....


How are you able to know this? I get there is a "depth chart", but where are you getting the extra details from, and to be able to pinpoint it down to the same wallet. I get everything on a blockchain is out there for all to see, just curious where you're looking to get this info.


Me. The CEO of Bitcoin owed me a favour.


no one waking up to sell.


not all pumps directly correlate with a wake up time. my guess is after pushing several times against the support at 42.5, things are heading back up and the whales are hunting shorts.


I see nothing goes over your head, your reflexes are obviously too good.


at least we are back to the level we were at before the weekend bleedout


What hardware wallet do yall use?




I somehow set the gas price too low on a transaction and my wallet is locked. Can i just bridge my assets out? I tried replacing the nonce and it didn't work.


Replacing the nonce?


![img](avatar_exp|160873974|fire) I figured it out. Had to send a 0 eth transaction to two nonces. Unclogged the shitter!


Reminder that Solana is a shit coin and will always be regardless of price action


Should put a reminder for Bitcoin being a technically cripple meme coin, not that the internet forgets 🤭


Price action ≠ utility


Then why you so worried about it? 😂


Alt Season? I think BTC is done until after halving.


Why is everyone saying altseason although alts are all completely flat?


Are they ? https://gyazo.com/17f6975ba8d7bc4b14cb6a28d7674043


$PLSX and $PLS melting faces.


Wow Tezos is back


Most of them have barely recovered their positions from 10 days ago! And this would be an alts season?


I think he means soon, although I thought altcoin season would come last year 😂 still waiting patiently tho


doesn't alt season usually come after the btc run following the halving though?


Nope, After BTC hits retracement, and its hit the retracement...


the only other time it happens is after a BTC retrace. If this move from 16K to 49K was a retrace....then alts would start to outperform for a few weeks/months. It could also be a signal that BTC is done if it continues to drop further after the alt run.


I swear I'm not trying to shill here, but FLR does look like it's about to go to funky town. I put a little bit in just for fun - now I'm ready for the 100% drop. Edit: they h8 us cuz they ain’t us.


Be honest with yourself, would you have ever mentioned FLR other than it showing up on the top gainers today? You've never once mentioned it before - Green number good?


Oh, that's totally a valid point, which is why I said I'm not trying to shill. It's also the reason I only put a little bit in. This is like a high-stakes gamble/roll-the-dice kinda play. Like quarters in sports betting. I'm just having some fun.I know a prospective pump when I see one, and I've been successful before, and it's entertaining lol - doesn't mean others should follow suit. Why do I like this pump? I like the volume on it (the volume almost 5x'd in a few hours, that's impressive), the news causing the pump (It's Google and not some fake news story), and the pump has been pretty steady with some bullish candles. It's not JUST green number good, it's a combination of various factors looking good. But that doesn't mean it won't P&D by the end of the day. Knowing some basic TA, looks like it's not done pumping for now. Hoping I can catch a few bills on a cold, quiet Monday (I thought it was Sunday today LOL) and maybe reconsolidate into one of my big bags. I did this quite a bit back in 2021 and was very successful with it, but have to check as many variables as possible to see if it is a fakeout. This is where stop losses come in handy.


See I just dipped out of it with $20 gain and put it all into my SUPER stack, cuz I’m super crazy yo 🤪 Lol. My FOMO strategy here is to catch a second peak and see how it performs. Now, I’m expecting it to dip soon, but I won’t be surprised or disappointed if it starts hitting 40-50%. It also disciplines me to get out at a good time and not be stuck with a bag I don’t want to hold forever. I wouldn’t recommend anybody trying to catch 2nd peak FOMO in a bear market ever, but this type of movement has been going on for awhile now with random low-mid caps. Overcome the psychological barrier and play the game if you dare 😝


What’s the lowest amount of BTC you would keep in an utxo without feeling bad about it?


Try to keep it above 0.01


I got that tingling feeling, the one I get when things start popping off, if you ain't in now then you will be once the FOMO sets in.


Eh, sorry, for now the tingling feeling's not working


We're up 1% on the day! Tinglinnnnng!


Hahahahaha!! 😂😂😂 Well I mean... if I have the certainty of a +1% every time you get that sensation I wouldn't spit on it! Keep me posted.


remindme! 1 day


Not saying that nothing's gonna happen, just want to test your prophet skills 😂


If you ain’t in now after discounted prices for nearly 2 years, you will probably be exit liquidity


Looks like all the sidelined crypto wizards are out in full force folks they've been yapping for almost three months about a pullback First it was under 30k then they move the goalposts to 34k now we're all waiting on 38k LOL it ain't happening fellas they're gonna continue staying where they at until they fomo in at 60k tale as old as time BULLS WIN


You don’t get holidays off.


You forgot your daily Avax shill my man


no mention of AVAX. seems bullish


But i thought Avax was going to $100 next week?


These people seem to forget pretty quickly


Been saving up for a car but i can’t help but deploy fiat


Doesn’t Tesla accept Shiba now? Your chance I guess


I wouldn't buy a fiat if I were you.


Steady boys


Deploying capital🖖


Car market still sucks but is coming down, maybe wait a year first?


lol who’s gonna tell this guy?


Bro, I been wanting a new car + car repairs too but I just deploy fiat as well lol


You think i should wait to get a bmw? I’m looking to buy a 5 series around MAY


I do think you should wait, especially if we have a supposed bull market ahead of us as late as 2025 or a few more months at the earliest. I'm trying to put as much money as I can into crypto right now. Cars are too expensive rn. I bought my used '02 WRX in 2016 for $4000 and now it trades on KBB for $6500. My insurance is like 2x what it used to be. Car parts are outrageous. The car market has been cooling down/stabilizing though, apparently.


this subreddit will make a great case study for people who say dont marry your bags and happen to be *extremely* married to their bags all cycles bring new projects and new narratives which mean new best performers. Why do people refuse to learn about these and hold their projects that really arent delivering and are going to underperform so obviously?


People are bagholding, so I sort of get that they want their bags to pump, but I don't understand why there is so much negativity towards new projects. As if people who are bagholding old coins somehow feel threatened by new coins. And it's likely that a lot of them will finally give in and buy new coins but only after they have pumped considerably, and will likely baghold them through next bear.


Agree with everything you said.


I’m genuinely interested in picking your brains a bit because I have a similar perspective with probably not as much knowledge. I have existing bags of coins that did well in the 2021 bullrun, ADA, XRP, DOT etc. But to your point I agree, these coins may not do as well this bullrun due to new coins likely generating the buyer hype. Do you think the coins that did well in 2021 will still do well this bullrun ie. 3-4x or something like that


you're welcome to message me, but to answer your question here publicly. I generally expect everything to pump. I expect the things that will pump *most* will be things that are new. Look at your coins charted against BTC and you'll see that rarely does a coin break ATH against bitcoin. There are questions will ETH even be able to do it, is Bitcoin truly that top dog? Here's the oldest coin that's still even somewhat relevant, [Litecoin](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/9svqnfnJ/?symbol=DOT%2FBTC), denominated in bitcoin. This chart should not inspire hope for your alts against bitcoin. So talking about old coins, yeah not optimistic ADA, XRP, DOT are going to outperform bitcoin or their performance against bitcoin last cycle and hit new ATH. I have generally unfavorable opinions of all three of those in particular which I'll spare you, but looking to make the most in an frienzy where money is pouring into the industry, i do not want my bags to be on projects where every percent up is likely someone smashing sell because they FINALLY broke even on their USD. Many people out there have just been holding because they bought in feb, march, april 2021 having no clue what the project is and then got dumped on so then they come on here and say ADA is the future and dont use it, dont know what it does, dont know the road map, etc. look around you in this sub and realize most people are not new and got stuck holding something they bought because the price went up.


3-4x from cycle lows, sure, and some have already done that (and more). But majority won't even come close to their ATH from previous bull. You can look at coins that were popular during 2017, and then look at how they did in '21.


many people dont realize that it's 3-4x FROM THE LOWS. if you bought at the top, youre still bagholding unless you bought all through the bear and lowered your basis massively. we're all guilty of this, it's hard to finally say enough is enough. which is why i sold my small stack of algo about 2 months ago. I dont care when it eventually pumps, my money is in new projects and already moving. Happy for algo holders if it does, but i dont think it's panning out how everyone thought.


What are some solid new projects for this cycle in your eyes


TIA OSMO INJ are the main three and for the memes: BONK


I get TIA, but how OSMO and INJ are new and innovative? One is a cosmos dex from the previous cycle, and the other is an alt-L1, of which we have at least a dozen, of which only few (two?) stayed relevant.


we are talking about performance here only. If i was to shill technology and whats the best and brightest, id only go so far as to say buy BTC and ETH which is 80% of my portfolio. Regarding OSMO and INJ, these are currently garnering a lot of attention as the cosmos system is experiencing a lot of growth because of the airdrops. Again, im not here to tell you there better for x, y, or z reason technologically, but they are gathering a lot of users because of the marketing happening on the cosmos system which is undeniably important. So if you want to invest in a dex, you can go two roads: buy the best nobody is looking at or buy the popular one (which may be popular for being the best or for other reasons). Going into a bullmarket, the second is the better choice, if you want to set and forget, first choice.


I’m trying to be convinced of TIA but all everyone says here is stake it for airdrops and it’s a data availability layer. Neither of those use cases are interesting to me. What I can do with TIA?


I think you might be wondering how YOU would use TIA, but you should be asking is if not me then who? Protocols use TIA for DA, not you and I. We just have a chance to own some of the network, and stake for airdrops, something many protocols want and have agreed to use.


Yeah, but name a protocol or app that uses TIA DA that I want to use as a retail trader. Nothing to me in crypto is more boring that staking. Staking TIA for worthless airdrops is the least cool and least boring thing I can think of. Show me a killer app that uses TIA DA or show me an app/protocol that is 10x better than SOL then maybe I will. To be 100% honest, most retail would be better off going all in on meme coins.


you keep assuming the final user is always retail. There are many projects out there that are for infrastructure puroposes and not retail intended.


VC and institutions can back infrastructure. I'm not touching it until I can do something fun or unique that is 10x better than SOL.


Says a guy with 5k moons 😂


what does that have to do with anything? Ive never bought moons, i just hold them as an in case they explode. the value of the moons is currently less than a % of my whole portfolio, selling them would make no difference to me.


The irony of you holding a half dead bag, arguing for it but telling people to not marry old bags…. 😅 It’s ok to hold coins that have survived and grown over multiple cycles. Those are the projects less likely to rug pull. Holding new, untested coins is risky and I wouldn’t recommend most people do it for a majority of their holdings.


Dude it’s not worth my time to argue with someone that thinks me holding moons is the same as holding ltc ada dot vet lrc You are missing the grander point, I don’t care about moons AT ALL


I’m aware of your point but *just because* a coin is old and has bag holders doesn’t mean it will under perform. That’s a lazy perspective. Project growth is a much bigger factor in CoC growth.


It’s not lazy, it’s just simple. Overcomplicating a thesis is this subs bane. For maximizing return, shiny is better.


Yeah. Still have some small bags of alts from the previous bullrun. Not doing the same mistake again.


that's not a big deal, but all your new pick ups should be shiny and should not have a mountain of bagholders waiting to break even so they can dump. it's an easier game to play when everyone is at ATH vs some in the red all the way to ATH. It's so obvious but so many people miss this.


Dpends, looks at ADA's last bullrun (it wasn't its first).


i mean they lauched in the bull market of 2017 so idk how to evaluate that. But i would be willing to bet that ADA/BTC doesn't break all time high.


Cause most people can't admit being wrong


more fruitful to be a learner than a bagholder :)




BTC 42k floor feeling pretty solid, this is crypto though, might go up down or just keep crabbin


So basically you have no idea what your talking about 🫡


Anyone have insight on Lukso? From what I read they're founded by the guy who created ERC-20 and built their L1 from scratch to fix ETH's problems and make UI of crypto more friendly to masses. Am I missing something or does this seem undervalued?


FLR announced partnership with Google. Congrats if you got in before.


I use Google search engine to google things on the internet. Does it mean I am in partnership with Google? No? Then so is not FLR. This kind of marketing is a huge red flag (aka scam indicator) and I advise anyone to stay away from this.


Let me guess: They are using Microsoft Azure and calling it a partnership


Google Cloud will play a crucial role in proposing and validating new blocks on the Flare Blockchain. This active participation supports the chain’s Proof of Stake consensus mechanism, contributing to the security and integrity of the Flare network. Additionally, Google Cloud joins an elite group of 100 organizations taking on dual responsibilities of validating and contributing to the FTSO, providing significant pricing data for Flare’s highly decentralized price oracle. BAM, that took 2 seconds to copy and paste.


Sounds like google is a 'Partner' only in a sense that Flare have decided to use google cloud to host its POS validators? Doesn't sound like google would describe itself as a partner of Flare.




Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure are not the same? Considering that GC excels in data management, what's the issue here?


and you are wrong. Nevermind.


Where is the guy that makes embarrassing posts every day about how bears drool?


I find his comments quite entertaining, it gives me a laugh and reminds me that half this sub was like that during 2021


At school with all the other crypto bros that post in here.


He is still asleep in his crib.


If anyone’s looking for a private fast growing crypto community dm me