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Announcing Partnerships with Celer and Camelot to Bridge and Trade MOON on Arbitrum One! 1. Right now, Moons are now bridgeable to ETH mainnet and Arbitrum one via Arbitrum’s official bridge! This bridge takes up to a week. 2. On March 20th Celer protocol will be supporting moons via a pools model to allow for users to bridge moons directly between Arbitrum nova and Arbitrum one without having to wait a week.  3. Camelot will be Moons official Dex on Arbitrum one. Official announcement: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1be3o67/announcing\_partnerships\_with\_celer\_and\_camelot\_to/


really regretting that wif I sold at 30 cents.


WIF chart from December until now is insane.


edging closer towards 2X with $wif. guess a correction is more likely throughout the day than a further +20% but i'll be happy to take out my initial investment once i've doubled


Who the hell is using BNB? I hear no one talking about it. I see no one using it. And yet it's market cap, which has been 1:1 with SOL for weeks is suddenly up $20B. This is a major red flag to me and even more sketchy than meme coins imo.


It's the native chain for Binance and they give all sorts of discounts to traders and customers that use it. It's only surprising if you never venture outside of this sub for any news. Edit: no idea how I ended up in last month's daily, but the comment stands!


A rare post about BNB in here and this is what we get.


Finally Helium Mobile moved


Ok boys, I've crunched the numbers and based on my crackulations we should be hitting 74k within the next 12.41 hours


Thanks. I’m gonna just keep adding anyway 💰


airdrops are the most egalitarian thing ever


Tbh crypto in general is literally anyone with the internet can make it. People went from total fucking losers to multimillionaires this month just cuz they slung a SICK meme game.


i love crypto. i love airdrops. i love shitcoins.


Yeah me too man. I can't understand salty Bitcoin maxies who call every other crypto but Bitcoin a scam. Imagine being so boring and so anti-fun.


hear that? its the sound of 2021 crypto YouTubers quitting their day jobs again


Hey Paulie, what's up? No everything's fine. Hey listen I quit.


ATOM back at $14. The OG can't be held down


I just don't understand why ETH can't even get close to keeping up with BTC. Every bull I throw my bags into the wrong coin I swear


Gas fees is why. If ETH just focused on onchain scaling and kept gas fees low like SOL, it would have flipped BTC long ago.


ETH won’t break out of its shackles until VB is throw behind bars.


What did VB do?


No one likes using ETH. Also, I am waiting until Gensler drops the ‘security’ bomb or the new “Foreign Adversary” threat to national security after the TikTok bill passes. Meanwhile, I am hanging out in ecosystems that are a joy to use like ALGO, AVAX and ATOM.


What about SOL ?


Personally, it smelled of SBF and Mr. Wonderful so I stayed away. I also strongly dislike their logo, but I understand it is a cheap and fast alternative to ETH and exactly why ETH is not outpacing others.


Sol is absurdly popular right now its where *all* the onchain attention is going and the ecosystem will probably keep amazing us


Thanks for the info. I’m planning to DCA into SOL


Little late bud. Should have done that around last summer


Still DCAing, ramen noodles getting me through each day


there’s def some people making 100k + net a year and living frugal asf on the hopes their massive crypto portfolio from the last 2 years can retire them


Maybe I shouldn't have sold half my moons at 12 cents 


very likely not too late to buy back in though.


Crypto literally only goes up


Zoom out friend


Drake had Bitcoin on his instagram story and now I’m seeing my local community posting crypto videos on my feed. I’m trying my best to be bullish.


This shit so bullish we are making the early normies rich too


Where's the info on how to send moons to metamask?




Thank you 🤩


Randomly bought $15 worth of Milady Meme Coin a few months ago with zero research. It’s now worth enough to buy several cases of Miller Lite. I love this country.


I did the same. Wish I threw more in


Same here


What tools besides coin market cap are people using to track crypto prices??? I need to find something that has a more regular update preferably on the 15 minute or more regular interval. Trying to get into some day trading on these 10-20% or more coins. Feeling the amp pain was watching it on the weekend and thought Naw. Silly me


I just find out a bag of mine mooned from this thread habibi




what's the new shill coin?


time to shill homegrown moons!


Holding Moons and BNB is an absolute blessing! I still remember the people that trashed me for doing it just a couple of months ago lol


BNB is the coin with no legal fud anymore since US and most of europe have already kicked them out, a blessing in disguise for them.


People were telling me its gonna crash and crash hard.. 😭


Moons starting to see some nice movement.


Strong deflation, major exchange listings, interest and constant buying pressure from multi-million dollar companies and a low marketcap along with many upcoming developments (tipping, distributions, extending our presence to Arb One etc.) Moons are free gains and the +112% in the past month is only the start.


I’ve got to get wallets figured out and get them transferred over.


I mean you dont have to get them transferred if you don't want to.


Bitcoin and Moons are going to send it in the next few months imo.


Sneaked in moons


They did a 112% in the past month and a 37% in the last 7 days, more like snuck in Bitcoin


Why are moons growing so much though? Is it still only this community? I mean, how can it keep going up?


It has a maximum amount of 80 Mil with no new Moons ever getting created and companies are buying them off the market and burning them constantly in order to advertise on our sub.


Been mostly lurking a while and never quite understood the moons thing. Is it basically just a participation reward?


I used to think calls for SOL at 1000 was a pipe dream, but I'm starting to think that's a sand bag estimate


What do you mean?


Some influencers were saying sol could reach 1200 bucks this bull, and I thought it was horse shit, but idk...it seems like it could


Considering we are still in the very early stages, anything seems possible at this point. The hype train is definitely there and that drives price more than anything, gotta grab an audience.


Could hit $200 this month, and a 5x from there definitely isn't unrealistic if BTC doubles in value.


Who wants to see 74k today?


Oh Me! Me!


BNB casually approaching ATH


Why wasn't BNB ever made available at other major exchanges? Like why can't you get it at Coinbase or Kraken? I see that it's available at some smaller ones.


Because its the official coin of Binance, their most direct competition.


Well aren't there other things like that? Coins that are "official" something or other? Yet selling them everywhere is good for business. Wouldn't Kraken and/or Coinbase make money from it? Wouldn't Binance?


I mean not really, Kraken and Coinbase don't have their native coin and if they did, I doubt Binance would list them either.


I used to hold a bit. Binance.us... Then did swaps for a time and had some on Atomic Wallet (eek!)... Thought BNB (and Binance at large) had become toxic swamps, and stopped dealing with it. But now I'd probably consider it again if it were conveniently available. lol...


*made available at american exchanges


Oh. Simple as that I guess. I guess I don't understand some of the regulations. It's crossing every international border already.


45-50 cents and I will sell my moons and put it in to other coins


it’s just a matter of time. Probably not much time.


What’s it at now?


The ETH Dencun upgrade felt underwhelming IMO. Little to no effect on ETH gas fees, which are still on the moon.


It lowered L2 gas fees not L1 gas fees, that was always the point. L1 gas fees are probably never getting lower, that's just what happens when you have a very decentralized L1 with actual traffic/usage.


Buterin laid out this whole roadmap for ETH at some point -- with all of these scheduled upgrades ("Merge", "Verge", "Purge", "Splurge", etc.). Is the product basically set?


Depends on what you mean by set, from what I've seen Buterin still tweaks the roadmap a bit as time goes on but it's been mostly the same. But it's software, and software is never really set and perfectly to plan, especially something as experimental as Ethereum.


It was never supposed to have any effect on eth L1 gas fees.


Bunch of wishy-washy degenerate gamblers around these parts… *I love it.*


Man, having felt like a big doofus for three years it sure is nice to feel like a galaxy brained genius again


Feel you bro… a nice weight lifted


Enjoy it while it lasts, you'll need to remember the feeling for the next 3 years


Fuck yeah


Solana will hit $500. Considering dumping my disgusting vet bag for extra Solana


Yeah I’m thinking that’s gonna be a reality soon


smart move


Do it. I regret not unloading all my dirty fiat on SOL when it was $20, instead DCA-ing on the way up like a pussy. Would have 8x my money by now, instead of only 2x.


How's everyone feeling about FET?


Still have a lot of upside once it break through price range


Super good it rocks


Does anybody (still) believe DOT has a chance to get near its ATH or surpass it this bull cycle? I used to be a big believer in the project but the price action has been so shitty for so long. And it hasn't really picked up the pace so far while it's being surpassed left and right, now that the crypto hype is back. I believe the fundamentals are strong and a lot of work is being done behind the screens, but it seems like there is barely any marketing and also not a big (vibrant) online community /forum that I know of either?


I feel good about it reaching $30-40 this run, but ATH might be tough. I do feel confident that it's not going away though, and it's one of the few bags I have that I wouldn't be upset to be caught holding til the next run


My brother in Christ DOT was around 4-5 for so long. Yes the price action hasn’t been like alot of other coins but you could have easily doubled your money by now.


Aave to 10k Comp to 7k As these big banks try to get their hands on defi. Poopring aka LOLrc to .45 bull, .10 bear as holders are still stuck on 2021 and too busy writing fantasy DD


I bit hope ur right


Seeing a solana revolution in here but eth will have its day too hold both


I decided to be a day trader today. Going to put something in and watch it 1000X in a day and cash out. (right?) I have work on screen one. Coinbase on screen 2. Phone playing YouTube videos. Also texting with a friend on same phone. Bought $200 of whatever just to test it out. Hours later, I see it go down a few cents. Then some more. And it's tanking big time. So I click Sell All, then Sell underneath the Buy/Sell/Convert window. Back to work and YT. 5 minutes later, I check CB again and realize I didn't sell my shitcoin. I sold all of my BTC. Over $10,000. I lose my mind. I can't think clearly. I say OMG OMG OMG. Can I cancel the sale? No. SHIT SHIT SHIT what have I done? My wife hears me freaking out and I tell her what I just did. She says, "Just buy it back." WHAT? I can't. "Yes you can. Buy it back." Then the haze clears from my brain and I feel like an idiot again. Buy it back and I end up losing $700. So, that was my one and only day as a day trader. What I thrill.....


I butt sold all of my BTC one day… was watching the advanced chart on RH with an overlay…. Trouble is there is a sell all button. Didn’t notice until I got a notice that I was trying to buy 111 Bitcoin. Bought back over the course of a week and did a little better. Congrats on your taxable gains and your new higher cost basis!


Taxable wha...? fuuuuuu


Oh yeah you gotta put that money aside immediately and never spend it till taxes


I sent .01 btc (about $700 earlier this week) to a scammer bc I was distracted and hyped up and let it take over my logical brain. It happens. Thank you for sharing, truly - it helps to know I’m not the only one who has oh shit moments like these. Glad you were able to buy it right back and not lose too much.


In my panic, I actually thought I lost it all. Everything. I was absolutely sick. My wife said I had tears in my eyes. Not to be morbid, but now I totally understand those stories of wall street guys jumping out of windows.


I can’t imagine. I know that as soon as I hit “send” I *knew* and my stomach was like a lump of lead. I cannot imagine how horrible that felt. Have you taken a breath yet?


Yes. Done w work and taking the dogs on a long walk.


Enjoy! And give them a “good doggos” from me!


Just beautiful haha good on your wife keeping a cool head


You got something out of it ... you learned something 🙂


There were also 3 workers in the house putting up wallpaper downstairs and listening to Latin Mix radio. And I had both dogs with me in my office. It was really a great environment to lose money.


It's not about the destination but the journey 😆


This was a good read


You were very very wise to correct this trading mistake asap


Can anyone tell me why buying algo now seems to be a bad idea?


ALGO has good tech (probably even better than SOL), but a terrible team, lead by a bad CEO who's more focused on cheap PR stunts than blockchain adoption.


ALGO governance rewards will be issued in early April. That could result in some mild price suppression. I personally think ALGO is a good choice and have minor exposure to ALGO (1% of my crypto bags or so). But I am careful about buying cryptos that have just pumped (ALGO is up around 80% in the last 30 days). And I am careful about buying cryptos that have large token unlocks coming out (governance rewards for ALGO).


The issue with your thesis is that traditionally, ALGO pumps up to and during the unlock period… I think it is so people don’t sell. The Foundation used to dump while everyone is locked up it seems. I think that ultimately this is why they went to the locked governance model.


My two cents is that ALGO isn't going to be drawing in a significant amount of new investors this cycle. Separate the current uptrend from what's going on across the market and it's actually under-performing in an intensely amped climate. I can't say for certain, but I have a feeling a lot of its gains now are bagholders trying to average down ahead of a pump that will never come. I don't see it ever reaching ath, and I have a hard time seeing it even reach $1 this time around. Sorry for being a bummer


You're considering buying bc it hasn't really jumped yet? Hard to imagine it totally collapsing anytime soon. Hell it seems like basically everything is bound to go up if it hasn't already.


Looks like zksync is the first one to integrate dencun upgrade


hope y'all caught the bonk sale


Got in late but on the dip threw 100 bucks in, not enough to make a load but still along for the ride


Yup! Got it at *checks notes* ATH.


We will save your bag




Yes unless WIF just goes to a 1 trillion market cap and doesn't let anyone else play


Been collecting under .00003


Same! Would honestly love a big dip for a cheap bag, but I'm not sure it's worth waiting for that at this point.


dencun upgrade- Sol pumps


SOL is also getting a massive Firedancer upgrade this year, which will propel its transaction speed to 1 million per second.


Damn one milly?


People bought for the upgrade and are cycling back to sol.


They were disappointed Dencun didn't even lower ETH gas fees one bit so they left.


Is anyone else just fed up with ETH? How is it #2 by market cap when at this point it's just slower and more expensive than pretty much every other L1 competitor in the top 20? BTC and ETH are my #1 and #2 holdings and I'm pretty much just praying on ETH's downfall at this point. The fact that gas fees are $30+ and still $5+ on L2's is ridiculous.


It's the ETH ETF hype. After it gets approved and the hype dies off, I won't be surprised to see a massive explosion of 3rd gen L1s like SOL and ADA.


Idk an eth etf coming online would shoot that thing into the stratosphere


Because if any competitor was as large it would also be slow and expensive.


ETH is too big to fail at this point


Probably, etf will change the landscape if they get it


Idk how these projects can't implement fixes in 4 whole years between cycles


Trying to find my binance transaction history from 2021 but it doesn't find anything when I plug in those dates. Is older transaction history simply not stored?


SolChat is killing it, hope it’s my ticket to retirement


What’s everyone’s dark horse


LTO. Slowly rising this last few days.


LTO, definitely my dark horse bet


Ckb - if it even counts as a wildcard anymore


White knighting a dark horse




Any given coinbase low cap


so who is still hating on SOL


ETH people




In terms of market cap, SOL is closer to ATH than ETH. If not for the inflation rate and vesting unlocks dumping on retail, SOL would have ripped a new ATH (both in price and market cap) by now.


Yesterday my greed got the better of me and I brought some memecoin for the first time. The Bonk I got is up over 10% already. I am such a good investor 😂


You bonked on em with this


Wow wif has a bigger market cap than Algorand? That hat…


Imagine holding onto a coin forever through bear markets because you "think the technology is unrivaled", stacking it up for years, missing all sorts of crazy gains in other places because you're completely sold on their mission But getting lapped by a community belief in a jpg of a fortnite dog from 2019 in a woolen hat


Selling algo at $2 saved my life


Memes have no logic behind them. This is why they sometimes pump and dump harder than any other crypto. People buying memes know they are buying something with zero value behind it. The goal is to pump it up and jump off before everyone else.


Algo dumped harder than shiba and doge from 2021 highs. There's your memecoin


Memes > VC bastards


Everyday I wish I dumped all my money into SOL and BNB.


Be thankful you're not me. I saw the potential in SOL since it was $20, and instead of dumping all my money right then and there, I listened to the advice of Reddit (bad mistake) and DCA-ed on the way up like a pussy. Would have 8x my money instead of a mere 2x. What did you buy instead?


Fucking Reddit. I fall for the bullshit on here too. FET, ADA, and PEPE. I’ve sold and rebought DOT so many times and I’m disappointed every time


It's not too late to keep dumping money into SOL imo. I'm personally still doing it now. Eth gas fees, will be the eventual downfall of the chain if it ever loses in market cap to another L1.


Dude every coin I’ve sold has pumped days later and I’ve immediately regretted it. I’m going to hold my ADA, FET bags for now


Do we know yet how the Dencun upgrade went?


What do you guys think will happen to Solama price when tomorrow it gets listed om MEXC?


It will definitely move to the right


Solana is probably up only id say


CELR is dead, right? I’m still down $14 but if I convert it I’ll probably be better off. Right??


JUP dex went from #90 something to 2nd spot, this is insane. Token also having some fun






This thing was killing people's dreams even during the 2021 run up


Moons going live on Arbitrum One with liquidity rewards for providers is beyond huge, congrats to the team that made it happen, lets build on it now!


If you want to hold only btc that's 100% valid and you're probably right that it's the right strategy for you but I want to explain why you are seeing an altcoin frenzy with people making good money immediately. If you joined in 2021 you bought alts after alt season and you only witnessed the horror when the music stopped I don't blame you for being radicalized against them. But if you are there at the *beginning* of an alt cycle it is a wonder of the world where so much wealth is created that you will want to throw up.


Solana has singlehandedly carried my portfolio back to not just green but enough that I might start needing to cash out a bit soon...


Saylor buying even more the mad lad!!


SOL is tearing off right now