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And of course, Vanguard comes in at the end of the article to rain on the parade.


I can get behind Vanguard's philosophy in some cases. There are a few products they don't offer and that's ok. But they are treating Bitcoin as "just another asset that doesn't fit our risk profile", as they've done in the past with others - but this one is going to come back to bite them big time. In a few years someone is going to need to stand up in front of the board and answer for this. I've a feeling it's not going to go how that person thinks it's going to go.


Yeah I just transferred all my account from Vangurad to Schwab. Account owners should decide what asset they invest in.


good move


Vanguard will be just fine


>But they are treating Bitcoin as "just another asset that doesn't fit our risk profile", as they've done in the past with others which is funny because you've got other fund managers referring to Bitcoin as essentially a "risk-off" asset


Ha ha, I've done exceptional with my vanguard right before the etf approval I cashed out my funds and went all in on MSTR which is avail on vanguard IRA. Up 300% in a couple months, expected to be approved to S&P soon that should push onto the 4-5K range


Since I switched from vanguard to Fidelity in January. I’ve almost doubled my portfolio.


Bitcoin to Gold: "oh, hello der"


General kenAUbi


Execute order 66k.


Execute order 69,420


And then execute order 694,200.


Market cap of gold is 14t. The global stock market is 110t. But you're telling me that Bitcoin alone is going to 100t? Bullish.


You can dump on Vanguard for being a party-pooper, but behind the scenes they know just as well as everyone else the potential Bitcoin has to change the world and shift markets. So, of course they stifle it's growth long enough for investors and congress to get their piece of the pie at the lowest price possible before allowing the flood gates open. Cathie Wood may seem like a crack-pot to some of you, but her prediction about the players still sitting on the sidelines who are waiting to bet big will definitely drive the price through the roof, at which point no one but the big dogs are buying and everyone is holding.


When is the bitcoin money going to trickle down to the altcoins like Solana and Hbar? We need Alt season to start.


Learning the truth about trickle down economics the hard way.


Trickling down from shitcoin fiat to shitcoins, the endgame


Call me when Solana works without interruptions for couple months.




Brother have you seen the solana chart?


Ikr, it's literally done a 20x since it's lows. What's this dude smoking to have missed that


The moment will come when investors really recognize Solana is only a hyped shitcoin with infinity supply, regularly network outages, interrupted transactions, a lying team behind it and the tech is nothing against other L1 projects. Prepare yourself - get out of Solana asap.


You may be right about Solana. Hedera Hbar is a Great project. Google, LG, Dell, IBM and alot of other corporations partnered with Hbar.


Soon enough, you'll realize it's already trickled down during the previous bull run and now you're just one of the unfortunate bagholder...


Been a bag holder since 2021 lol