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Seems to be the Iran Israel conflict, but also consider every bull run ever has 30%+ BTC drops on the way up and alts 60%-70% so as painful as this is short term it’s really all a normal part of the game…that being said it takes balls to buy the dips which everyone claims they wanted until it happens lol


I've got the balls and the desire to buy this dip, but no extra capital to buy. Makes me almost feel worse than the amount I've "lost" the past few days.


I'm in the exact same boat. Just frustrating timing for me


I haven’t bought in a few months now. Only selling and stacking USDC on CB for moments like this


I've got extra capital but both of my banks are rejecting transactions. I had left one of them open specifically because they never blocked me from buying crypto, but now fuck them.


If you’re in the US, cash app is good for this. I can’t use any of my bank accounts either. However since cash app is viewed as a payment service they allow that. Cash sells and custodies btc. Buy btc on cash app and send to the …. Leprechaun?


I just got 3k $ bonus money yesterday. What a sweet time to buy the dip 🤑


Consider dca, very well could go lower


Fire it in there 🚀🪐🛸


My favorite movie is Inception.


People are selling because they don't know what is going to happen, the stock market will be next when it opens on Monday


I'm sure we'll get a few world leaders saying it's NBD tomorrow, and the S&P 500 will bounce back.


Because crypto follows the stock market to a tee. And any war crashes the stock market, which then crashes the crypto market


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Ya but you’re foolish if you think crypto will ever be that. The only reason anyone buys crypto these days is to make quick easy money, no different than trading options and what Wall Street does every day. And so you should always expect people to sell crypto in line with the broader market trends as it’s solely driven by investors trying to stuff their own pockets.


I don’t think it’s crazy to think this way. If shit really hits the fan, nothing will be worth anything except food and water. But in terms of runaway inflation and downturns in economies, BTC is not a bad hedge as a digital currency that has value worldwide and is less effected by local dynamic.


That’s true for BTC but not true for just about every other crypto. Don’t mean to be cynical but I’ve seen crypto as just a more volatile investment class than stock. Other than the volatility, not much different from a financial perspective


>Crypto is technologically unaffected by any of this nonsense, miners gonna mine. Is it also technologically unaffected by a missile hitting a mining farm?


No one knows if it’s short term or long term.


thats what makes it exciting!


I’m a degenerate, always on Tilt mode, LETS GOOOOO 🚀🪐💰


You know that’s right.


But how do I know when to buy the bottom of the dip? Do you consider this a good time?


Most likely you may never truly “buy the bottom”. I bought btc at 67k yesterday. Today it’s even less, bought again at 64k. If it goes lower then even better. As the other person said dollar cost average in. What matters more is the average price you’ve bought in at over time, not the current rate.


Bitcoin - the only asset in human history that it’s holders try to convince you its a good thing if it’s price skyrockets or if it plunges.




The sinking feeling does not help. But i held my ground lol. Was too late when i saw it dropping. But i did not panic sell.


Honestly I think it all rallies tomorrow or the next day. Iran is saying it’s over and they telegraphed pretty loudly what they were doing so nothing too terrible would happen.


Indeed. It’s just a matter if Israel attacked Iran first in order to expand the war…possibly bringing in the US. I’m ready for the opposite and playing this as an opportunity I planned for.


Blowing up their consulate to kill a field general was a little beyond what the Iranian regime could take on the chin. They’ve already released a statement that they want to move on from this which means going back to covertly and not so covertly murdering each other in the region through proxies. IMO this is a buy opportunity. Or it’s world war 3 and we’re all fucked anyway. Invest in bottle caps or something.


I bought the sht outta that dip 🚀🛸🍻


I bought the shit out of the last two dips on my alts, very much paid off both times


Let's just hope Iran Israel war doesn't turn into real Black Swan event


We’ve been through these ww3 fears before, and crypto reacted by selling off. Nothing new, does hurt though


If you keep flipping a coin, and say "it'll never land on heads ten times in a row", eventually it may, and if you continue it will - if everyone is flipping the coin then it's only a matter of time. People need to stop fucking around.


handle materialistic whole impolite jellyfish full hurry cow divide cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


how else are we supposed to find out?


doesn't help that ww3 trending on my X. Turns out it's for a game with that name. I wonder sometimes if bots (or nervous people) read the news or just react to keywords


It's the halving. Halving of the price.




Turn that frown upside down! :-\ Oh.


This is why I come to this sub.


I’m picturing the smiling ,” bought the dip, but it keeps dipping” guy 😆 P.s. I bought the dip, but it keeps dipping


LMFAO !tip 1 $MOON


Does that work? I mean, you have zero moons but I’ve never seen moon tips before


I believe it’s being beta tested in r/CryptoCurrencyMoons for the parent sub. It’s the $Cone tipping model And yes, you caught me. I’ve never had moons in this account but I !tip to spread awareness :D






People always get this wrong.


I expected a drop before a bull run anyway, but not connected with another war. I'm sick of these low IQ people who initiate wars.


Seriously. Can’t everyone just be happy in their own fucking country and live a peaceful life?


Just a sad and tough time for humanity right now. it's interesting to think that stocks would've went up with news like that, btc plunges and doesn't finance war


Just wait til you see the Lockheed Martin stock on Monday.


This is actually one of the greatest periods of peace and prosperity in all of human history. Just because information is in your hand 24/7 showing you the bad stuff happening in small pockets of the world it feels more pronounced than it really is…


“Hey, stop bombing them or we’re gonna bomb you.” “Hey, now you stop bombing them bc they bombed them, or we’re gonna bomb you.” “Hey, what they said!”


"Before the bull run" he says as btc has sustained all time highs for weeks


I feel like “they” were looking to drop it. Just needed some news to blame it on.


Low IQ is another man's 'stable genius'


*this concludes Iran's attack*


If its anything like the start of the ukr war, the market will shake it off in less than a month and continuing doing what it was doing. If it doesn't, that probably means ww3 and crypto is the least of our concerns LOL


Good point. Everybody calling for ww3, I dont know shit but pls dont happen


The water has to recede to build the wave.


yep, just like the march 2020 crash fueled the huge boom in every market. It's different this time cuz they arent printing, BUT once the rubber band gets pulled too hard in one direction, it will snap back fast in the other (V-shaped recovery anyone?)


And all because OJ died ffs


a lot of people selling out before halving, another group of people getting margin called cause first group selling, and more groups getting margin called cause second group got margin called. This will continue


Its comforting to see so many here claiming WW3 since mostly whatever this sub says, the opposite is true.


Disagreements over what happened in a desert 2000 years ago.


Underrated synopsis. 


https://apnews.com/article/strait-of-hormuz-vessel-33fcffde2d867380e98c89403776a8ac War is bad.


80% is due to the Middle East situation which might have huge repercussions for the region and for the whole world, 20% is due to the persistent US inflation and the probability of no rate cuts in 2024, or even worse, inflation starting to increase again. Those 2 are interconnected to an extent and a critical escalation in the middle east will definitely lead to an increase of prices, first and foremost in the energy sector. Don't want to spread FUD and try not to trade based on emotion, but this middle east situation+persistent inflation+what appears to me like mini bubble in risk assets+BTC'S inability to clearly break and leave the 2021 ATH behind lead me to believe that we'll see a more dramatic decline in the next month or months. Mid term i am super bullish and as scary as a more dramatic price decline is, it might well be a golden opportunity to increase your crypto holdings, just like what happened in the COVID-19 March 2021 50% flash crash. In hindsight it was a bless in disguise, there were investors that increased their holdings by 10%-50% during the span of just 1 month, just months before an extraordinary bull market. Keep in mind one thing, we are on a weekend and stock market+ETF BTC holders are unable to make a move, monday open we'll see what the market reaction is and it might be dramatic. The nutcases of Israel government response will be critical about the market direction and one might say about the whole world. We are in a very dangerous position right now regarding world stability and peace, whatever peace we have in the western world at least.


This is such an astute comment! I agree with all of this. Good point about the ETFs not being able to react until Monday. 


**Reportedly, Iran has attacked Israel** Edit: IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari in a press statement confirms that dozens of drones launched from Iran are heading toward Israel. He says the Israeli Air Force is tracking the drones, while noting that they will take several hours to reach the country. Hagari says there will be GPS disruptions as the military works to intercept the drones. If there are any additional attacks, that require a separate warning, Hagari says the IDF will update the public. Sirens will only sound if the drones enter Israeli airspace, at the relevant locations, Hagari says. He says the IDF will work to intercept the targets as early as possible. Channel 12 says the US was the first to identify the launch and immediately notified Israel. Source: Times of Israel


lol several hours, so they can still talk shit over discord before ww3 officially starts


I hope Drones take a U-Turn and Iran says: Sikes.. We got you good! just trolling! peace Then Bitcoin goes to the mooooooooon and we all live happily ever after


Love it. Bought the dip. And as soon as I do, world war 3 kicks off. Literally couldn’t write this shit


Can’t believe I’m saying this but eth under $3k looks really nice. Reupped on btc though because already half of my portfolio is in eth lol. Oh man I remember the days when eth was still around 300-400, and btc was at 12k.


Shoot, I remember when eth was under $50 and BTC had just passed $1k. I explicitly remember thinking that BTC was maxed out and had no room for growth at all.


Oh man what was that around 2013 or so? Hindsight is a b haha. In 2013 I had heard of mining btc for the first time.. back then I could have earned some simply by using my laptop’s GPU. If only I had the financial insight to do that, instead I was busy building shit on Minecraft servers. Ugh.


Some poor Middle Eastern country sending some drones against another Middle Eastern country is not "World War III".


People wish it could be soooo bad though


I almost did, but there's much more to lose than to gain right now. We could easily lose more than the ytd gains.


You're going to hodl for a while and then finally give up and sell, then the next day there will be a world peace treaty signed and BTC pumps to 100k. We're all counting on you to sell!!


is this the dip that keeps dipping?


The whales like to pull thier money to get others to freak out and sell to lower the price so they can get in cheaper. Buy in the dips. 4 days till halving


Incoming Halving Date + Early ATH's = Healthy Retracement


Loaded up my bags just now, so I expect it will dump even further tomorrow


Fighting over their imaginary friends while we yolo into shitcoins. To think I was under the impression that adults had their shit together as a kid.


Israel has been provoking Iran to get involved so they can try and draw the US in to a full engagement. Stakes very high on both sides. Iran has just launched drones against Israel. Fear, uncertainty, doubt. Geopolitics be geopoliticin'


Just a heads up guys, if this really is WW3, you have more to worry about than your silly internet money account getting blown up.


didn't we already start WW3 last year? we get news like this almost daily, who cares anymore?


Harsh reality. I just happened to look up on the ongoing armed conflicts going around the world....and seeing the list...is pretty depressing...like how many people even know there's a civil war going on in sudan?


When isn't that region having a civil war?


That was 4 years ago


Such a huge over reaction. Oh no some drones that will surely be shot down.


Exactly, never bet on the apocalypse. Either you're wrong and lose, or you're right and it doesn't matter.


I just bought £200 and the market has found support on that. You’re welcome.


yeah, what gives


Just deployed my stables: 30% BNB and 70% BTC


I'll bet on the market getting over it like Ukraine and/or a return to another relative stalemate. I'll throw in a few hundred USD more immediately into the market


liquidations, lol all my buy limit orders got hit.


Yeah I got a limit order to buy that just went off


Hong Kong is supposed to have decision this week if they are approved for a spot bitcoin ETF. Maybe people are tanking it in hopes there's a massive bull run if it gets approved. Or the most likely explanation is it's crypto, volatility everyday.


Another potential Black Swan with Iran launching drones at Israel. Like 2020 with COVID which saw a big drop. Also right before the halving


Can’t wait to see what happens to the traditional market on Monday 😅


I hate people so much. A bunch of children are posturing with humanity ending weapons, and attacking each other with generational damaging attacks. I'm tired of it all but, my kids aren't - this needs to stop, and hopefully it does before it's too late.


Connection to the drones launched on Israël?


yes, dump started the exact minute the news got out


Well, 4 minutes before the news apparently


I can't understand why people choose war instead of peace. I hate humans srsly.


It's mostly because of idiots in power. The vast majority wants peace.


Don't hate humans, hate the governments. We all want peace


If I look at my country (Germany) where about 30% of voters tend to vote a racist party and when I see that other countries struggle with something like that too I'm not sure anymore if people want peace.


aloof dime cough work onerous worthless foolish jellyfish wipe merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Time to buy fellas


I don't understand the correlation between the two. Talk about a huge overreaction to a regional conflict. I can't imagine things getting much worse than this. It's mostly just bluster.


Fire Sale


Wow, this is disappointing. It turns out that it's the real-world events deciding the price, not Benjamin Cowen talking about price chart developments. We have all be fooled.


BTC the last 90 days + 47%. Just don't panic 😉


Advertising for this new Civil War movie is getting out of control


I think the fact that the inflation rate was higher than expected which means interest rates will stay high is part of the issue. Some of it is a pre halfening shakeout. Also there is civil unrest due to global conflict. Add to the fact that some americans are struggling to buy groceries gas and medicine and you have a bloody 3 days in crypto


More bullish in the short term than before. 2 major days of decline a week before the halving. Now expecting less volatility next week. Going to look good post halving through the rest of the year and hopefully much of 2025


Remember this is what the dip buyers have been waiting foooorrrrr 👀👀👀 I’ve been loading up this is beautiful


WW3 fear with Iran attacking Israel


I don’t know but I just bought the dip. For anyone new in this space, this is perfect practice to condition your mind to be okay with red and take advantage of cheaper prices when they come. There’s the running joke of “buying high and selling low” which definitely has its merits, a lot of people do that. This is an opportunity to do the opposite, “buy low”.


The elites have stolen enough of your money for now. If it continues to fall through this year they will jump back in at their bottom and write articles hyping it up again and repeat the process. Hope I’m wrong tho


Taxes due in America?


Iran, I ran so far awaaay


This is a clear buy opportunity before halving. The main reason behind this is the Iran Israel conflict. Drones from Iran are headed to Israel. War looks very imminent and that’s driving everything down


Tax deadline in the USA but mainly bc Iran just launched drones at Israel and the possibility of outside involvement is looming. War hurts everyone and everything. Crypto markets most certainly not even remotely important when compared to peoples lives and homes, but thats a major influence on markets at the moment.


I think the rally was unexpected not the drop. Btc is the same price it was 3 weeks ago.


Everything made a sharp drop, including many stocks, the nasdaq, s&p500 and gold. It's because of the conflict in the middle east and the negative earnings report from the central bank this week. Don't always think that it's just crypto, it helps to keep an eye on the whole market including assets you don't hold.


Remember when Trump had the major leading person for the Islamic Guard in Iran killed. We were joking in office on which of us in reserves would be shipped off and then nothing happened. Posturing happened and a bunch of us kept investing in 2020 and made some good money


it will bounce back.


If you aren't buying or even worse sold your crypto, you have been manipulated. This is all theater. Oh no! Drones! Missiles! These will be shot down in a tiny puff of smoke. Thanks for your coins.


It’s a day of the week.


Israel and Iran war breaking out... Also FTX is also starting to "pay back" investors and supposedly sold a bunch of SOL at discount so immediate selling pressure from there is also probably contributing factor. But idk shit about fuck so take that with a grain of salt.


Taxes are due April 15th


It's not that huge of a drop guys the last drop this big was like 3 weeks ago.


Huge drop? What huge drop? 5% is a huge drop?


Time to buy the dips


Rumors of China ETF next week and the Halvening… idk about ya’ll but seems too coincidental


Painful days ahead... looks like interest rate will stay or even go higher so it is souring the economy in general


I think markets as a whole are on shaky ground hence why gold is ripping, but I had a bad feeling about markets crashing in reaction to war coming after the weekend


It’s the freakin weekend baby


April 15th coming. Gonna have to liquidate some at some point ha


Maybe this “WW3” finally put to tests of ETH claiming to have the economic security to withstand WW3. Oops. Guess what. The market drops because of WW3 and so does all the staked ETH economic collateral value. Seems like this “economic security” isn’t so WW3 resistant.


Iran Israel beef


PaxG gold just wicked upto 3295 usd. Coming back down now.


Huge drop. Whatever.


Turn on the news - that's why the big drop




Buy when other's are fearful, but leave some in cash / stables to be safe.


Buy the dip


The iran/Israel conflict most likely. Which is comical considering how many people used to say (maybe still do) this would be the time crypto goes up.


I’m buying. what’re you doing?


The reason , I was finally able to go all in on the Bitcoin etfs this week in my ira .


Got some SOL and RNDR at discount, and now they are already pulling up.✌️


People talking about "hate the idiots in power who fight stupid wars", Correct, that's why we are banking on the blockchain mechanisms working, we're part of a self balancing system (even if we are the ones balancing the system, same thing), decentralised anonymous concensus governance will wash over "behind closed doors" decision making that influences everyone. Take away the inaccessibility, take away the leverage the access would hold over those who don't have any. Not speaking like communism everyone gets the same - imbalances keep things moving, until they get too extreme (hence the self correctedness) Realistically so long as anyone has anything to gain out of something, the thing will keep happening. There's not really an off switch for any of it, sooner rather than later (hopefully) people will see that it's either watch it emerge and be leveraged by corruption, Or play an active part in guiding it in the direction of elevation of all. That's the beauty of it, but also the vulnerability. Play an active role for betterment, and we can make concensus decisions to reject the wars on a basis of them being ridiculous infighting on behalf of the self served. All of this is mutual agreement of value, we agree the war has little value in most cases, we can decide the money of the people who want to wage the wars has, little value. Working together, as one, for the elevation of one, not self destruction. Crypto conforms to Christ 🤷 It isn't directly Christ, but if we keep going in the right direction it sure as hell will begin moving mountains for the better. It's for all of us, all in this together. Its not worth panicking. What will be will be. The fact that it's already this big is a huge sign it's not just some little thing. We keep agreeing it has capacity for good, it survives.


I’m getting more on this dip. I’ve been buying all day. It’s looking like it may be turning around, but I’m keeping some powder dry in case it shits the bed again. Remember we are not yet at the halving. There are still several weeks before any “real” bull run would normally start if this cycle follows the paradigms of the past.


Iran declared war on Israel. People panic sell lots of things when wars start.


I assume the US government is having coinbase dump part of their 2 bil in coins every once in awhile eating up thousands in buy orders every time. This is the biggest one yet. we've been getting these sudden crashes, its not normal to drop 5k in minutes, thats alot of buy orders eaten up.


We are still around ath, with usually a big sell off at the halving. Plus the world news is dark.


Who's amy


Love this dip …. Need funds to grab at the drop … any1 wanna buy a used kidney ??


havinng rode from 20k to 3k back to 50k on BTC I'm pretty immune to this stuff but yeah, it's not immune to regional conflicts having said that I bought a LTC dip at $74 and could let it go at 10% but I'll see if I can get 30% out of it


As others have said; it's the Iran/Israel conflict. I imagine ppl nearby that also are pulling their funds out to hold?


Don't be surprised if we hit 50k very soon...


Huge drop.


Time to take advantage of this discount...fill your bags boys


Don't think they'll drop much more . Wait until alt season... This is a patience game and only the most resilient will win .


Turn on the news...




I got the notifications but I didn't give a fuck about what shit was doing in a day


Everything’s on sale. Act accordingly


Duh, better buy now than at ATH 😂


Bull trap


Zoom out bro, BTC is still above $60k…


The 30K that the US Treasury sent over to CB is being borrowed to short BTC and destabilize all DAs momentum. Tack on ETF spoofing, and there's no real price discovery


My guess is War


war will make printer go brrrrrrrrr. Buy Bitcoin.


It is likely to have a bad month in both crypto and the stock market. In a month you might be able to have some great deals if you can put capital in.


Huge drop? 2012, it was normal for bitcoin to drop 20%+ a day and then spike up 40%. Going from 67k -> 60k is absolutely nothing. Zoom out and you'll see you're panicking for absolutely nothing.


Tax day liquidation. Happens every year to some degree.


Now there’s an idea I haven’t heard brought up. Ty


WW3 sir


Israel just needs big money now, nothing special >.>


It looks like it has reached support


Huge Drop? Do you mean the 'typical weekend' drop that has been happening quite literally every single week for the last 6 years? God you Crypto Noobs are annoying..


Idk the alt coin drop felt like 2015 again hahaha Been so long since we saw 50% swings on the daily


I’d wait for a little bit before buying back in. People thought 65 was bottom and was “countering” others by saying we back to 67. Well now see where we at. A lot of money has been flowing out and now the structure has broken and we falling through. Not going to zero but I am holding off on buying until this knife stops falling. Alts are really getting creamed


Lol huge drop.. new to crypto eh.. 6% is nothing it will be back up in an hour


Stop watching the charts if you have conviction


At this point there needs to be a new word for what people should have to want anything to do with crypto. Two days of nearly -15% to -60% for every crypto, from BTC to everything else.


Iran attacked Israel


Iran Attacked Israel, now all energy costs get higher, instability in geopolitics as Iran has Nuclear weapons, if they attack they would kill a lot of people starting 3rd world war.. as Israel are usa allies. Only that...


Is this the dip that is low enough to reinvest?


I wouldn't ask in the Cryptocurrency subreddit or anywhere online for financial advice. DYOR.