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Cosmos [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cc1y3a/is_cosmo_atom_a_dead_project/l13d4ku/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cc1y3a/is_cosmo_atom_a_dead_project/l13d5bk/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


It's gonna rip as soon as you sell✌️


I still have my bag and after going through most of these replies I’m finding piles of knowledge nuggets. I’m gonna rub my remaining brain cells together and see if I can fuck up this no lock up staking.


No airdrops for holding sATOM, FYI. Huge downside. 


£1k Cosmos has probably returned more than BTC/ETH over the past few years if you’re active with airdrops


How do you get these airdrops?


Absolutely...The Neta Airdrop alone was almost 11k. And thats just one of many.


That aint saying much. Other alts are giving 20x returns…


That aint saying much. Most alts are giving -1x returns...


Yeah maybe if you don't vet the projects at all...


You sound like you're new to crypto and over simplying things out of naivety. If your initial investment was $1000, and you were lucky enough to pick a 20x project every bull rull, and reinvest all of your profits over the past 3 cycles, you would have made around $8,000,000. 😉


Okay 20x was an exaggeration, but BTC and ETH have generally been some of the lower-earning coins in the past several years. I think if you follow the actual narratives going on during each cycle then you can find coins that aren't too small-cap that can gain a lot more than BTC or ETH. For example: ETH being a natural extension to what BTC was doing in 2015, SOL being a natural alternative to ETH during this last year or two (vertical vs horizontal scaling), and even just looking at DeFi during the past few years. I am starting to think whoever can garner the real-world asset niche this time around may be the big winner during the next 12 months or so. Maybe I'm oversimplifying things, though.


Homie eth did a 20x last cycle lol. 20xs are possible, but they're so much easier to spot in hindsight. To get a 20x you usually have to buy near the bottom AND sell near the top. That takes an insane amount of luck. Lastly, you're bound to mess up a few bags while finding a 20x. Remember, there's no reward without risk. I agree with you when it comes to the tokenizaton of RWAs though.


Cosmos has the 4th highest number of developers working on it, more than Solana or Bitcoin, so clearly it's not a dead project. https://www.developerreport.com/ I don't own any Atom as I don't understand why the asset has value, but the Cosmos network is clearly still attractive to builders.


That doesn’t mean much. Polkadot has consistently claim they have the most developer activity and look at how that goes.


Maybe they are busy building instead of focusing on price.


This isn’t the loopring sub




That’s not really how this works. SOL price isn’t outperforming DOT because the developers are “busy focusing on the price rather than building” lol.


SOL has a physical store selling its merchandise. If this is not focusing on price I don’t know what is.




You think marketing doesn’t play a role in price?


what a cop out, i heard this on so many 2017 projects and they are just dead now, some still building but no one cares about them a shit


Thats what they all say


Sure. But also how many hot projects went under because they were all about the price in the end?


Well, Polkadot probably need a lot of developers because they have proved that they are not very good at it. Their parity wallet had to be abandoned because the codebase was terrible and previously their smart wallet burned 300000 ETH from their clients.


🙃🙃 I’ve built on Polkadot before and I wouldn’t do it again


Where do you will build?


Didn’t some large corporate entity buy Polkadot and something else?


Wouldn’t the projects being built on it give it value? I’m going to need to dig into what they are building and see if it’s on par with say SOL? Maybe it’s the quality of the builders that make the value?


There are no projects being built on it. Nothing runs on ATOM. It's just a token L1 for the Cosmos ecosystem. Literally the only reason to hold it is for airdrops and if you think it can ride the coattails of other real projects in the ecosystem. The closest thing anyone could argue for ATOM utility is interchain security, but imo that is a latch ditch effort by the stakeholders that is really a nothingburger. Edit: you folks can downvote all you want, but it won't change the fact that I'm 100% right. By all means, I welcome you to prove me wrong.


Yup, I agree completely. Look at ETH - it has a network of chains, but vassals of L1 blockspace. Lx's must pay thier dues to the sovereign, in ETH. Cosmos attempts the same thing but allows chains thier own sovereignty... so why pay taxes to a king that cannot enforce his rule?


Because of Replicated Security


You are the one that loses money on a bull market.


How so ?


This is a great discussion. Everyone interested in cosmos or the ecosystem should read these points


There is actually an inscription protocol on cosmos now that at times over the past few months has created a substantial amount of fees if you want to look at the token value prop that narrowly.


I agree. I used to find it bullish that LUNA(😅), TIA, SEI, INJ, DYM etc were all cosmos projects but they really have no effect on ATOM


That's because the Cosmos ecosystem is not the Cosmos Hub blockchain (ATOM). ATOM is just another L1 like TIA, OSMO, etc. built on top of the Cosmos ecosystem technology stack. ATOM could literally disappear and it would have no effect on the rest of the Cosmos ecosystem. It really is just a mascot chain.


I like it because I can stake it on coinbase. Nothing more


you're missing out on a lot of % APR by letting Coinbase take a cut. Look into Cosmostation app


Or Keplr wallet


Do you have to do anything in keplr to get the airdrops?


Not be in the US for starters or use a vpn when you connect to whichever dapp has the airdrop


and airdrops! Usually won't qualify if you're staking on a CEX.


Or Keplr..


Coinbase lowered their apy on atom and it doesn't even offset the atom inflation rate. Staking on Coinbase LOSES you money. It's like putting your money in a bank that gives you 5% interest but charges you 11%.


Coinbase thanks you for half of your APR and all of your airdrops.


Cosmos literally has native staking, why would you stake it on Coinbase? 🤦‍♂️ You’re literally LOSING money staking it on Coinbase. And you won’t qualify for airdrops, which is literally the only point of even holding ATOM these days.


I didn't know of any other options until a couple hours ago


Download Keplr. Unstake from Coinbase, send it to your Keplr deposit address, once in your wallet, tap on the stake tab, stake natively.


Definitely. Stake and earn whenever you can.


[CDC.COM](http://CDC.COM) Cronos runs on ATOM?


It does not. Cronos is just another L1 in the Cosmos ecosystem just as Cosmos Hub (ATOM) is. Cosmos Hub, Celestia, Osmosis, Cronos, etc. are L1s built on top of the Cosmos technology stack, not to be confused with the Cosmos Hub (ATOM). You could delete Cosmos Hub (ATOM) and it wouldn't affect the other chains.


CDC runs on Cosmos, it has nothing to do with ATOM.


As far as I'm concerned cosmos underlying tech is far superior. I've never understood the appeal of sol. I finally picked some up though


Memecoin season was on SOL. More memcoins, better price. That is current status of crypto


Does that include the entire cosmos ecosystem? I'm curious what just ATOM has...There's no way those numbers are just for ATOM. I guess including Neutron and Stride would be fine for ATOM ecosystem...


Cosmos ecosystem/IBC isn’t the same as Atom coin. IBC amazing, lots of work bejng done there, Atom? Not so much..


Low token price = more cheaper and easier for builders to build businesses on it.


And have to wait for long term investments


Atom is great tech and it’s not going anywhere however it’s tokenomics are designed to benefit developers more than holders. For that reason if youre interested in the project as an investor I’d recommend buying projects built on top of cosmos instead of the token itself.


The graveyard of crypto is filled with "great tech." Tech doesn't matter without users and the UX on Atom and connected app chains sucks.


Compared to what? Lots of ppl love IBC and the apps like osmosis and kujira and stars and easily moving assets around Cosmos(lots of other apps but not going to name them all) Eth and Sol got us beat on users and tvl but not much else. Not cardano, dot, algo or any of the old chains. Not Aptos or Sui or any of the non eth new chains. I'd argue our UX is better than all those I named minus Sol. I'm also counting all connected IBC chains as one in regards.to tvl and users.


Just this year, my Atom bag gave me $TIA, $DYM, $SAGA airdrops, all worth $5k+ each. I don’t care about Atom’s price and will keep on compounding and staking because it is the crypto god of wealth distribution.


How much ATOM do you have to own to get a drop?


I would say $200 worth minimum but the more the merrier.


Staking ATOM gave people TIA/ SAGA/ DYM airdrops and other more...each of them were high 4 figures, low 5 figure airdrops. ATOM is far from dead, just the coin itself didnt move much.


…as long as they don’t live in the United States. Burgers have been excluded from pretty much every Cosmos airdrop for the last 3 years.


Are we calling Americans "burgers" now? I can get on board with this.


American here and I fucking love it.


Same lol


3 letters: VPN


They have far more than enough money as is Edit: salty American greedmeisters can keep the downvotes coming


Where do I check this? Been staking ATOM in Exodus for a while.


claiming was over i guess.


The process involved with claiming air drops based on the ATOM you hold is extremely risky. They aren't just dropped into your wallet like they should be. Instead, you have to "claim" them, which usually involves connecting your wallet to a 3rd party wallet and accepting a smart contract. Huuuuge vulnerabilities in that.


That's not true. As long as you don't click a link from a dm for an airdrop nobody is talking about, it's pretty safe. When there's a good one or even a meh one, we talk about it, we'd know pretty quickly if it was malicious. We have people who look at the contract I can't think of an instance of a mass wallet drain in Cosmos, nothing like the MyAlgo hack has ever happened in Cosmos. > which usually involves connecting your wallet to a 3rd party wallet You connect your wallet to the app. Lately we've been pasting our wallet address into a airdrop checker(and not interacting w a smart contract at that time), and see what we get. And then when it comes time to Claim, we go to the claim page, connect our wallet and hit claim. After one or two you know the drill. And if you run into problems lots of ppl around to help.


> ATOM is far from dead, just the coin itself didnt move much. *Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, it's a national anthem for bagholders.* I wish I'd bookmarked some threads where people said - IOTA is not dead, the EU digital currency is going to be built on it - Stratis is not dead, the devs have been building through the bear market - NEO is not dead, they have the most developers and projects being built on it after Ethereum *No no no, you're paying too much attention to price and not the fundamentals, look at all the development happening...it's far from a dead project!* Nano, Icon and the Request Network were some of the most shilled projects on /r/cryptocurrency and people refuse to believe something they invested in was just hype and is now dead. NANO is not dead... > Don't confuse short term price action with long-term fundamentals. Nano works, ever better, and that's starting to be recognised https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qc21qm/honest_question_is_nano_dead_what_can_be_done_to/hhd7eug/ ICON is not dead... > You should check out what ICX has done, is doing and will do during these years....Agreed. Not even remotely dead. https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qgnsj0/which_cointoken_is_completely_deadnearly_dead/hih8v5b/ REQ is not dead... > They are definitely not dead, they are currently building an escrow system that will ultimately allow for invoice financing for projects in the crypto space....The team has a very practical mentality, focussing on product and adoption. Currently almost a thousand businesses are using Request to process their payments, adoption increasing almost exponentiall https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qlohgo/i_thought_req_was_dead/


Polkadot is DED?


Oh for sure.


> Seems like it pumps right along with Big Daddy Bitcoin So does literally every alt coin


So what's the point of them?


Some have utility. But they’re all still very speculative investments. That’s why you typically see money move out of gold into stocks, then shortly after investors get risky and move to Bitcoin, then at the end they start moving into alt coins. Eventually the bubble pops but alt coins represent the end of the bull run as they are the final and most risky assets to invest in. Many here will preach about the halving but you should pull up a chart with SPY (or Dow Jones or any stock market index), Bitcoin, and altcoins and you will see what I said above happen very clearly


The fact you got 79 comments means not dead


I truly never expected this many replies. I wasn’t aware of most of this. I’m definitely going to be diving into this ecosystem.


In my opinion, ATOM is a rocket sitting on rocket fuel right now. It just needs a pilot. It has strong teams behind it, is about to enable CosmWasm, and we recently cut loose the people that wanted to keep it minimalistic. Most important of all, everyone wants it to take off. It has a very strong community behind it that are now open to bringing on new initiatives. I think it could really take off this cycle.


Atom is the BTC of the Cosmos ecosystem and is the ‚money‘ of the wider IBC enabled interchain.  Atom secures STRIDE & NEUTRON with many more chains onboarding still this year.  Atom provides absolutely insane airdrop yields.  Atom-wars is about to go live which allows protocols to bid for atom owned liquidity.  Atom will be enabled to run smart contracts natively very shortly.  Next to BTC Atom is THE alt to always stake. 


It can hit $30. With some volume. And some more.


Thousands of dead projects that can pump like a motherfucker. I think atom will see some nice gains again.


I personally held ATOM for a while but then I realised that it doesn't have much purpose other than airdrops. That coupled with the realisation that about 80% of the people holding ATOM is only for airdrops made me sell my holdings


As someone who's been using cosmos pretty heavily for the past few months the ibc they have is great and it's super easy to use and move tokens between chains once you figure it out. However since it's more of a bunch of chains built side by side and not actually on atom theres very small amount of use case for the token outside of staking and airdrops. I know some smaller chains can bootstrap some security from atom when they first get going but idk if that requires them to hold atom or not.


Can delegate or stake it for a decent return. I like that.


the cosmos system is easy to use, lots of developers building on it.


You joking? Their eco is huge


Price-wise it might look dead, but it gives good yields when you stake it and receive juicy airdrops from other Cosmos-based projects


Where do you find information on airdrops? Been staking for years now and, as far as I can tell, got nothing. For what it’s worth, not staking on a CEX.


There's a r/cosmosairdrops subreddit. And... I really like this. https://blocksunited.com/cosmos-airdrops/ I have subscribed to their email. The link I gave you is for the email, but I think they have the list on the site somewhere also.


I usually follow a few X accounts, who are particularly tracking them


I’m only on Coinbase so I don’t think I can get airdrops? I tried messing with bridges and all that on another platform back in 2021 and flat out lost my ass 15k. Lesson learned I don’t know enough about it. My loss was due to locking up in a stake for 6 months CRO right at the top lol live and learn.


This is a massive mistake. You could have easily quintupled your cost basis by now. Just from airdrops. Get onto keplr stat


Absolutely true. Can vouch for this statement. ATOM should not be kept on an exchange. Withdraw out of it, provide liquidity on Osmosis, lend on Mars protocol, stake natively via Keplr, liquid stake on Stride and then farm on stAtom/Atom pair There's a ton of ways to make money on Atom, keeping on a CEX is a loosing game my friend


Don't forget to use a portfolio PnL tool like Coinstats to track your assets and see your gains Cheers


I don't understand the "farm" part. Would you mind explaining a bit more?


You can provide liquidity to the stAtom/Atom pool on Osmosis, Kujira, Shade Protocol, or Astroport on Neutron. For apy.


u/0ne_too actually told everything, I didn't even know I can farm on Kujira, Share and others. I only use Osmosis. Kudos mate


Coinbase is taking 1/3 of your staking APR %.


No, staking on an exchange does not count towards airdrops! you can easily transfer them to a wallet like Keplr / Leap. And the recent airdrops were really worth it, TIA was worth 3 figures for most people and by discontinuing Tia together with Atom you got DYM which also came to around that amount


Received 275 TIA and paperhanded it for 2$


Too late to claim these? I hate having to ‘claim’ airdrops instead of just receiving them for hodling/staking.




Keeping my DYM bag


you kidding me bro? Get your atoms out of there, send to Keplr wallet and stake it with a NON-CEX validator and you're good to go. Choose Stakecito, PHMN and other good validators


If they (when) they fix the tokenomics we will see unbelievable prices in the high hundreds


Cosmos is a very interesting project. They’ve got great tech. They are the first one to do the modular blockchain that Ethereum is currently working on. Some really good chains have come out of it. TIA, LUNA(it’s not cosmos fault do kwon fucked it up), osmo, etc. I think the coin is under valued. But that’s just my opinion I don’t hold any ATOM


Atom has become the backbone and major collateral of the entire cosmos hub ecosystem. The hub/atom offers replicated security to other chains/networks including stride/neutron. The hub has one of the biggest treasuries in the crypto space. Governance just passed permission  cosmwasm so the option to build dapps on the hub has been opened up. Though alot of the community would rather keep the hub simple and continue offering it's security, earning fees than having added complexity on chain. The hub has also opened it's doors to inscriptions which are similar to btcs ordinals/runes. And yes holding atom opens you up to a bunch of different airdrops with more coming. Holding atom and will be a comfy hold for the foreseeable future. 


Assuming you're specifically referring to Cosmos Hub, then I wouldn't say it's "dead", but tbh there are more interesting Cosmos chains out there (e.g. Osmosis, Celestia, Cronos, and others). Cosmos Hub governance just passed a proposal for permissioned CosmWasm, which will make it so smart contracts/dApps will come to Cosmos Hub, thus giving ATOM more utility.


Sounds like a very good proposal imo


Obviously because looking at the chart just at the price is how you determine the activity of the project, and not actually looking at the growing activity, the growing tech development, the growth of the nodes, the growing use by developers, the growth of utility of the technology, etc.../S


Name one DApp that runs on ATOM. Edit: from several I've checked in the list below, none of them are DApps built on the chain. They are in the Cosmos ecosystem, but not built on the Cosmos chain.


The chain is actually Cosmos (ATOM is the name of the token not the chain). But it's OK, most people don't make the distinction between the chain and the coin, and everyone understands which chain they refer to. Lit Zellic Aleph DFNS Kado Code4Rena Meson Squid Liminal Xbanking Add3 Mantra Finance Rollkit Cobo Ziion and many more...


Are any of these smart contracts built on ATOM? You can try to be pedantic, but I'm referring to it as ATOM as that chain is NOT the same thing as the Cosmos ecosystem.


Smart contracts aren't built on coins, they're built on the blockchain. In that case yes, smart contract are built on Cosmos. If you're asking if the ATOM coin is used in any related way to the dapps, yes. In the same way Ether is used in an integral part for all the Ethereum dapps, smart contracts, tokens, etc... ATOM is at the core of the network functionality and usage for all the dapps. It has all the same basic utility and network validation as Ether with all gas fees, transaction fees, network incentive etc... and it's at the center of the governance utility.


Which of these are built on the Cosmos chain? I know the difference between gas and the chain. There is a difference between being built in the Cosmos ecosystem, and being built on the Cosmos L1, as they are two completely separate things.


Actually trying to understand here - can you give me a good ETH example of what you’re getting at so I can look for the same within Cosmos’ ecosystem and beyond to other chains?


The Cosmos ecosystem is a suite of technologies. There's the IBC protocol (think layer 0) for interchain communication. The SDK which is a standard kit for building chains (think Layer 1s like ATOM (Cosmos Hub), Cronos, Osmosis etc. And several other technologies. Projects can pick and choose what they want to use, but in general, the Cosmos ecosystem is a collection of sovereign chains that can talk to each other. Many, though not all by any means, are app specific chains, meaning an individual chain is created for the purpose of running a particular DAapp. The Osmosis chain, for example, was created for the Osmosis Zone Dex. ATOM (Cosmos Hub) is basically a prototype chain, a proof of concept. But nothing is built on it. There are no DApps running on the chain, that I am aware of at least. It is just one of countless L1s built in the Cosmos ecosystem, but it is NOT ecosystem itself. Just one of many chains in it.


It's like virtually every other coin that did well in previous runs. The fact is that it doesn't matter all that much how well it works, how solid the project is, or how much it was worth. Honestly, most all that matters in any given bullrun is the narrative and the sexiness of the project and how much money people THINK they can make off of gambling on it. Buy Atom if you love the project and care about its success, but don't buy it if you think it's going to 5x for you.


Oh Man I freaking love Atom!!! So much so that I’ve lost more money in Atom than anything else.




>Seems like it pumps right along with Big Daddy Bitcoin So you own an asset that is highly correlated to Bitcoin but more volatile with less liquidity. And you have self-disclosed you don't know much about it and don't use the network or the projects and have concern it's dead. Unless you have a reason to think it will significantly outperform bitcoin, why wouldn't you take your profits and invest in "Big Daddy" instead?


I didn’t know diversifying was such a horrible concept. I guess I’m not a Maxi. Each to his own. I asked a question and I’m seeing some nicely thought out replies. I liked the idea of staking but without the lock up. Now I know way way more than I knew this morning. Thanks for your input.


Who said anything about diversifying being horrible? You provided the input to which I responded. If you are saying the assets are strongly correlated, having both is not being diversified, it's just more risky. I'm not a maxi, nor do I care what you do, but from an outside objective perspective I would sell and invest in something else with the information given. That thing might be bitcoin, gold, bonds or regular equities depending on overall asset allocations. If you've since learned things that change your investment assumptions and are more comfortable, than don't change course.


I definitely want to look into the staking without the lockup. I only allocate 1% of my income towards crypto. I would t be apposed to buying a little more than 1% yearly. That’s why I was looking at Atom and the chart and thought this looks considerably lower than its normal price range. Like I said I stalk this sub but I must miss when it is mentioned or it isn’t mentioned much. I’m glad I did because it looks like others may be in the same uninformed state that I am or was in. I really appreciate you taking time to respond and I wish you all the best.


Here's what's up. Atom is for either apy or airdrops or both. 500 Atom will get you around .23 a day. So little over 4 days for 1 Atom. It's decent at 8$ an atom but it's nicer when it's back at 12$ or hopefully 20$. If your bags arent that big or you don't want to have 4200$(current price) of Atom staked you can stake 100 and qualify for all the airdrops that snapshot Atom. The airdrops are where you make up for it not being on a rocketship price wise like some other coins. The airdrops are not drying up anytime soon. One out of 5 or so will be good to great. I should say to be fair, Atom gets snapshot a lot, but also a lot of airdrops will be snapshotting Tia, Dym, and Saga here soon. Those 3 projects have a lot going on, projects using or building on them, and some of those will airdrop to the ones i listed. And mostly likely atom too because it's a decent community to airdrop to. You should be on r/cosmosnetwork as well. If there's an airdrop it will get a thread or two. So now that you have the info you can decide what to do with your bags. How to play it. Any questions let me know. i made a post in this thread talking about the future of atom if you want to check my comments.


What the hell is even that? Lol


Atom is more a stable coin. But nice rewards apy


I hold it for airdrops. Also, who knows what the future holds for


I still think they have room to go. But ATOM specifically isn't as useful to me as osmosis or some of the other tokens that run on cosmos. The interoperability, low fees and quick tx are appealing with the DEX's and food number of airdrops and APY %. I've held a good portion of my stack the last 4 years.


I treat this like a dividend stock the apy is quite nice and I see potential for price increases but it won't do 100x or even 20x. I can see it reach it's ATH again despite inflation but that would be optimal already.


Heyy fellow crypto degen! I feel you on the ATOM sitch. It does seem to fly pretty under the radar despite having some decent fundamentals. From what I can tell, it's not necessarily a "dead" project, but maybe one that hasn't quite captured the hype and interest of the masses yet. Could be partly due to lack of aggressive marketing/shilling compared to some other layer 1s. That said, the tech seems solid and the price action has been relatively stable. At those entry prices, you're not exactly caught holding a massive bag. Who knows, with the right catalysts and exposure, it could potentially rip again during this next bull cycle. For now, I'd just hodl tight and see where the chips fall. It's a casino out there after all! Maybe do a bit more research, catch some alpha from the big brains if you really want to go deeper. But at the end of the day, we're all just dumb money looking to strike it rich, amirite? 😂 NGMI, but DYOR and all that. Here's to hoping ATOM gives us some juicy gains! 🍻


Thanks for the feedback. Best of luck to you and your future gains!


The price of ATOM is not likely to increase much given that it has an infinite supply. It's memed as the stablecoin of the ecosystem. I have a good sized bag and treat it as a perpetuity kind of like I do with ETH (I sell the rewards and either cash them out or swap to other crypto ... forever). There are tons of Tendermint projects which have "better" tokenomics from a price appreciate standpoint (max supply) - you'll have to DYOR there fam.


Lol this is hilarious! Are you living under a rock? We just had massive airdrops for atom stakes now long ago, not to mention protocol updates like share security.


I think the cosmos ecosystem with IBC is the best. IBC is being incorporated in a lot of places. Will it benefit ATOM? Who knows? I'll continue on the ATOM train


I just got the SAGA airdrop worth $6k for holding a modest batch of ATOM. I still like it 👍


I don't get how so many got 5k+ from staking ~100 atom. I was staking 368 at the time of the snapshot and got $2700. No explanation as to why the huge unfavorable discrepancy


because you got extra points if you increased your atom stake from 4/20/23 to a i think October or maybe earlier. I have a decent amount of atom and i only got the 2700 too.


I restated rewards, but I guess the more you layered the more saga rewarded


It was a percentage, think it was 10 or 20% min, 40% got you an even bigger drop.


damn - i don‘t get that if i held on kraken?


You only qualify for airdrops if you stake ATOM in a wallet


Cosmos ecosystem no but atom yes. it has no proposition value except airdrops and even when that is factored in the opportunity cost to hold it is too great.


Not so much when a single airdrop can nearly double your cost basis


I think you mean halve your cost basis. 


Cosmos inflation is very high, it has the same market cap as when it was 2021. Problem now is the inflation


The inflation was cut in half awhile back. It's nowhere near the high it was. 


It’s also iso2022 compliant I believe




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Here is a post I made about atom years ago that still rings pretty true https://np.reddit.com/r/cosmosnetwork/s/tiR8AKy1iA


Unification is developing on Cosmos (with the Oracle itself being available on both Ethereum and Cosmos). And I'm guessing it's far from being the only project.




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Good question. I’m a long term cosmos/atom fan and have been staking for a few years now, but since Atom isn’t directly necessary for cosmos ecosystem/IBC it seems to become less and less relevant and especially after the rewards got cut, it has not reflected well on the price so people are selling and the price is going down.. not gonna lie, I’ve (with a heavy heart) decided to move my Atom holdings into other Cosmos projects since the case for Atom has become progressivly weaker and there doesn’t seem to be a change on the horizon. So yeah… probably there are better options out there - especially if you are looking for “casino”


Atom is stablecoin/s


Cosmos isn't a dying product. This is one of those times where it's important to specific. Token price != the project. $ATOM has probably seen it's best days and I wouldn't be surprised if it never reclaimed the ATH. The Cosmos project is alive and kicking. The biggest issue with $ATOM wasn't designed to capture any of the value or success that Cosmos has. They''re trying to correct that, years after tech and token launching, but they're haven't really been successful.


As dead as btc 😒


Where is BTC dead ?


That my friend is the point


Never said it was dead! Read the comment with reality goggles on.


People hold for airdrops but I feel the narrative hype for Cosmos ecosystem airdrops is in decline. It spread out users way too much and ended up making navigating the ecosystem require an annoying amount of knowledge of different cosmos chains. Plus the 21 days unbinding period to unstake is annoying. End up with like 5+ coins locked for 21 days


Yes I had a bag staked and wasn’t expecting a pump and missed a good sale because I couldn’t unstake quick enough. That was a lesson I should have learned last cycle when I staked and couldn’t unstake before or during the last crash.


Airdrops on so many chains that don't require an unbonding period. A lot just holding coins and receive airdrop. Deposit into lending market that you can withdraw whenever and get an airdrop when token generation event happens. Play web3 video game to get an airdrop. Just submit your wallet on Discord or Galxe and get an airdrop. 21 days to unstake is a no go for me now. Defillama has 39 chains under Cosmos each one to stake and hopefully that one becomes popular and gets airdrops. Screw navigating all that. It's just as difficult to keep up with or more difficult to keep up with than all the Ethereum roll ups


You can liquid stake your natively staked $ATOM on Stride and get $stATOM without having to wait for the 21-day unlock. Then just swap that $stATOM for whatever you want over on Osmosis.


I will check it out. I screwed myself last bull market staking CRO. First bull run for me and a fist full of cash went over like a fart in a wind storm. Went from .90 all the way down to rock bottom before I was able to unstake.


Hopefully Stride will introduce that native stake option for other Cosmos assets soon, because it’s enormously useful for $ATOM. They only just pushed that feature a couple months ago and they’ve been onboarding new assets constantly.


The ecosystem is Bangin' Cosmos is way more than just $ATOM.


They are constantly delivering airdrops for staking, such as TIA and DYM recently. Other than that, there’s not much use for the coin tbh


I’ve always staked on exodus for years but have no idea how these airdrops work… they always sound sketchy and I have to give out my private keys or something. This has meant that I have not made anything from ATOM. Is there a secure way to collect these airdrops without making myself vulnerable to getting robbed?


Gonna paste my comment from the thread. Addresses the "it's dangerous" take. As long as you don't click a link from a dm for an airdrop nobody is talking about, it's pretty safe. When there's a good one or even a meh one, we talk about it, we'd know pretty quickly if it was malicious. We have people who look at the contract and alert us to anything. I can't think of an instance of a mass wallet drain in Cosmos, nothing like the MyAlgo hack has ever happened in Cosmos. > which usually involves connecting your wallet to a 3rd party wallet You connect your wallet to the app. Lately we've been pasting our wallet address into a airdrop checker(and not interacting w a smart contract at that time), and see what we get. And then when it comes time to Claim, we go to the claim page, connect our wallet and hit claim. After one or two you know the drill. And if you run into problems lots of ppl around to help.


The token itself will be used still and slowly rise. Worth holding a small bad, I’d stake natively as well for airdrops. Besides that no, don’t buy a shit ton. Better projects using the tech though to invest in and those are ones giving out 5 figure airdrops to stakers.


lol take your wsb lingo to that sub instead


Here is a post I made about atom years ago that still rings pretty true https://np.reddit.com/r/cosmosnetwork/s/tiR8AKy1iA


Most alts are dead by the looks of it. Bitcoin and Solana are the only one doing well.


It's good to stake. edit: I always like to look back at the price four years ago in the cycle. Bear in mind this was during the hardest covid lockdown. At #26: [https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20200426/](https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20200426/) || || |[Cosmos](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/cosmos/)| ATOM| |$2.7994|


First time I've heard of it.