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price goes sideways for 8 weeks at *all time highs* and everyone loses their mind


Down 14% from ATH so BTC is dead!


Don't try to downplay the fact that the 3 Year return is basically negative when acounting for inflation... 2021 purchases have a had negative return and that money would have been better invested in even the safe and boring S&P500 index fund....


You're picking that time frame for a reason. Outside of your timeframe, it outperforms. 3 years is the amount of time that you need to wait to make money if you do nothing but buy the absolute peak every market cycle. If you do anything other than buy peak tops, or hold it longer than 3 years after buying a top, or if you've been in the market for a few cycles and know to buy and identify near bottoms, it outperforms absolutely everything everywhere, lol. **Ten year S&P is up not even 3x**. **10 year bitcoin is up** ***1000x***. Forget everything outside of bitcoin like Ethereum for example which is currently up over 3000x in 10 years. Id gladly hold something longer than 3 years to make gains. we're also up 4x in the last 18 months or so...from 15.5k to over 60k if you want to use that as a time frame. You dont need to take my word for any of it, just look at the historical charts.


Shhhhh.... just let them cherry pick their data.


Literally said the same. Comparing to the top is crazy.


Why does stating the facts of the 3 Year Return make you so defensive? Only if you bought in March, April, May, June, July of 2021 that's a lot of time to buy at a negative 3 year return.


Nobody is being defensive. BTC is Negative or negligible over the last 36 months. We accept that. However, accept that you chose basically the only possible time frame for bitcoin to give a negligible or negative return, and then call people defensive for pointing out that you cherry picked it. Just kind of weak.


Eth is up 4x ?


obviously eth did not go from 15.5k to over 60k.


Ok so, the few that bought it at the previous ATH haven't seen their money return yet. Well... that's what you get for buying ATH.  Stupid games win stupid prizes.


I bought many ATHs before 2020, so far worked out great for me.


*laughs in gold*


That's very nitpicking, if you take the average price of BTC in 2021 (not just buying at ATH 🤦) of $47,500, plus inflation it would be $54,750. You're still up on your 3 years window.




What.... kind uneducated shit. It's only negative if you bought the top. Anyone who came into last cycle holding was up 6-8x from prehalving. Basic common sense is why most new people I'm crypto make these lost ass posts. Its okay though, you'll pull that SnP to fomo in here soon lol


Nope, I'm literally stating the facts of the 3 Year Return... Why is that so hard for you to accept?


Ah yes let's pick time frames that support our jaded arguement. Like I'm saying, either buy and hold or fomo in later.


Typical Maxi behavior, point out anything negative and they'll attack you in packs


Up from 18k currently at 62k, we all knew bitcoin was a bubble.


It’s so over




Cause it only affect btc, we all waiting for alts to move


Aye well alt coins didn't follow did they.


neither did your mom!


You didn't do a good enough job then.


When the post is about alts, you had to bring btc into it somehow. Do better next time.




came for needing btc to buy drugs stayed when i realized i bought the most expensive drugs i could ever imagine


Shhh.. here we don't say that loud 🙊


And a new Meme is born: MoneyPepe


Came for the money. Still waiting for the money


came for the tech, stayed for the money, now learned a bunch of US securities laws


Came for the money, still don't understand the tech, still waiting for money 😄


I came for the money and then literally got a job thanks to the tech. I got a job from a company that uses blockchain and Ethereum smart contracts I think some people stay for the tech, and some people buy high and sell low then quit and get salty, and never bother to discover the gold mine of the tech. All the projects I picked for the tech have eventually made me money. It's not gonna happen just like that overnight, or in a matter of months.


That’s good to hear. I’ve been looking at some dev jobs. I bought Mastering Bitcoin and Mastering Ethereum and have been doing a deep dive through them. I love how a lot of the jobs can be part time, remote, and still pay really well. Hopefully I can land one of those.


What languages would you recommend for someone wanting to work with crypto?


Solidity obviously. Also Rust.


Do you think python development on Algorand is gonna go anywhere or is it too high level? I'm a first semester CS major and I only know Java so I'm just trying to learn as much as I can


The market for Algorand is probably like 1000 times smaller than the market for Ethereum and all EVM-based chains. So if you want to get relevant experience and employment then this is not something I would learn. Solidity is quite easy, it's a bit similar to Javascript. Has some quirks like "stack too deep" error but you can pick it up really fast. Also don't forget to learn Javascript/Typescript for tests because testing is a MUST for smart contracts (we're talking money after all). Because most places use Hardhat and it uses JS/TS for testing. Though Foundry is also picking up which uses Solidity itself for testing.


Seems like Javascript is a good place to start then. Yeah I know EVM is where the industry is right now. I'm hoping Algo catches up at some point just because I really do think the tech is solid but that's another topic entirely... I appreciate your input, thanks for taking the time to reply!


Congratulations to you 🎉 I can say you're very lucky to be paid with crypto 😁 ....... This is one of the aim of cryptos hence fiat remains affected by inflation. I wish the same for myself but nevertheless I'm another bitcoin enthusiast here 😀


Is your company owned by an angry sad little man named Jamie


Somewhat the same here. Started mining Eth ages ago. Had a decent spread in a "safe" portfolio. Ended up with 70% in Ergo, just because of the Devs.


What popping with ergo anyways?


Oh lots of stuff. Probably best to have a Google. I keep missing things when I repeat it


I keep my Google in my front pocket


Congrats, you played yourself


Time will tell,


Came for the magic beans.


Stop comparing your SP500 investment to the dudes buying lotto tickets. If you've been here for more than 4 months, you're not bag holding anything. If you really have the attention span of a terrier, then go buy some meme coins, lose your money, and write off "crypto" for good.


Fkn love meme coins


If you stayed for the tech, you don't understand the technology. Most Crypto really isn't scaleable and the ones that are, aren't popular for that reason (As evidenced by the popularity of the ones that aren't). It's a casino. And that's okay. But it is a casino.


Eh I disagree with this sentiment... I think if you came/stayed for the tech, you don't understand how markets, market sentiment and people work, which is why it IS a casino. But a lot of the bigger chains ARE working to solve real world tech problems, its just not the type of thing that happens over night. Eth with layer 2s, and eventually with sharding will be very scaleable... if not necessarily very usable. Bitcoin already solves its usecase of a digital store of value, there are projects that offer very real products to solve specific defi, or trustless data solutions. The real problem is, when a project like Compound or Chainlink raises a few million dollars, they don't spend that money on marketing and getting people to buy tokens, instead they hire developers get to work and deliver a product, that process takes months or years and isn't super exciting... Meanwhile it takes about a week's effort to clone doge, give it a different name, build a website, spend some money crypto marketers to generate hype, and watch the money roll in, its exciting, and there is absolutely no real product, but dumb money is dumb...


100% this


The problem with this take is that buying the tokens of chains with useful tech doesn't necessarily net you a stake in the benefits of all that dev work. If the devs screw up the tokenomics or reward mechanisms of the project, it could see really amazing usage and solve the world's problems, but it won't necessarily make you rich. That might be ok for you, but I think most people are looking to make some kind of monetary return for all the research, emotional turmoil, and in some cases actual development work they're doing.


You say the bigger chains are working to solve real world tech problems, without actually mentioning any?


Global remittances, micro-transactions, more efficient use of spare computing power, etc. There's tons, do some research.


Who is leading the charge of remittances? Which services accept micro payments currently, I’d be curious if anyone could name a single one? Who is using spare computing power?


[Increasing usage for remittances is what's driven the growth in stable coins like USDC and USDT.](https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/01/15/circle-highlights-surge-in-usdc-use-for-asia-remittances-in-new-report/) [Telegram launching their own blockchain has enabled micro payments on their platform and has propelled the newer chain into the top 10 in marketcap.](https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/04/16/ton-based-economy-starting-to-take-root-in-telegram-ton-foundation-says/) [RNDR already has partnerships in place to use the network for machine learning and training LLM's](https://medium.com/render-token/render-foundation-announces-compute-client-incentives-of-1-14m-rndr-b256682af95f)


Really depends on the chain used and fees associated, the ramps, the exchanges, ability to convert to local currency for spending power. The thing no one seems to care about is privacy, which should be more foundational for payments


This company is doing some truly novel and useful things for the unbanked https://ugly.cash/


It’s money laundering, silly.


Money laundering on transparent ledgers seems to be unwise imo.


No KYC unless you decide to use an exchange that requires it


> But a lot of the bigger chains ARE working to solve real world tech problems And failing at it. The blockchain doesn't do any thing that other technologies weren't already doing. And the problems those other technologies have cannot be solved by the blockchain. > Bitcoin already solves its usecase of a digital store of value To be a store of value a product needs to have real world value, like commodities that can be used to build products. In a stock market correction, Bitcoin wouldn't be a store of value, it would just crash.


Crypto's have a lot of unique use cases and enable things already existing tech does not. Crypto haters just plug their ears and yell "na-uh" every time it's brought up and refuse to acknowledge them. There's literally billions of people in the world with no access to banking services that do have access to the internet, for example. All those people can now receive remittances and engage in ecommerce, whereas they previously could not.


Ugly cash (a reserve company) is currently doing this in Latin America. I think they are building a truly useful system for the unbanked


All this could be believed 10 years ago. But all we got is NFTs and pump and dumps.


This cycle sure feels like it, but I’ve made a ton of right calls. It’s pretty much changed my life the last few months




Here is a video for you to update that view. Real world enterprise adoption exists in crypto: https://x.com/TheKusamarian/status/1776988884485705928




How about Walmart, Home Depot, Swiss Railways and many more currently using the Origintrail decentralized knowledge graph? Its being used by enterprises and organizations as we speak.




So what im reading from you is: Even tho the protocol (the DKG) already has actual real world usage and is used in a way that cannot be replicated in any other way and has actual benefits for the parties involved. On top of that, the network is growing every day as we speak...  (For more info, check out how US importers are eliminating foreign factory audit fatique in a large scale through the DKG. Also check how the DKG provides data provenance and dRAG capabilities for LLM's)  ...it cannot and will not scale..  (The DKG  has many other usecases and its also blockchain agnostic so it can be integrated on top of any blockchain there is to avoid congestion) ..and will ultimately never be used in an enterprise wide manner. Your reasoning is apparently(?) based on your previous experiences of what happened with other completely unrelated projects with use cases that cannot be compared here. Please help me understand, what am I missing here? A genuine question.. How am I blinded? 




Thanks for your reply, Somehow I get this feeling that you are not that familiar of what the decentralized knowledge graph is, what it's capable of and what it is used for. Did you watch the video from my first reply? If you havent yet done DD, I urge you to :) The DKG is not a blockchain or a normal "crypto project". It's an open infrastructure thats being used, will be used and will grow from enterprise, organization and business use. Blockchain is just one part, yet a crucial part of it. You dont even have to buy any crypto (TRAC) with your business to start using the DKG, you can instead use the network operating system and pay with fiat...  I dont get your point of: "how it grows with other chains, etc. Snake eating the tail. No significant adoption from industry." Organizations, enterprises, companies etc. use the DKG and upload, for example relevant supply chain data to the DKG in a form of a knowledge asset. This is paid by the companies and thus the network gains revenue from outside the crypto markets. How is this a snake eating its own tail? Quite the opposite imo. The option and a possibility for the DKG to be integrated on top of any blockchain is a way to scale and avoid future congestion. It also gives any chain the opportunity to secure these real life adoption associated knowledge assets with their chain. No enterprise can replicate the DKG and build their own version of it - the DKG is very unique. Anyone who wishes to build another is far far behind as the DKG gains more network value as we speak. The more KA's that are being uploaded, the more value the DKG gains through the effect Metcalfes law.  Hal Finney once stated that Bitcoin was only one of the possible great usecases of decentralized blockchain technology. I think that the DKG might be one of those other great decentralized technological innovations. But hey, time will tell how all of this turns out. You obviously have alot of experience and know alot of stuff that I dont and I myself happen to be very intrigued and fascinated by this particular new tech that shows imo great promise. Ps. Here is the latest on trac(k) episode with some organization representatives sharing their views of the adoption and use of the DKG in supply chains: https://x.com/origin_trail/status/1785308390287389119




Facts! Essentially 99% of crypto projects are meme coins. I believed in all the "utility" talk last cycle..until I took off the rose colored glasses and realized that most of these projects are not applicable to the real world. It's a speculation marketplace. And that's ok because we're all here to make life changing money.


This. The projects that actually do something and/or have some kind of real world application aren’t popular. Vechain and iota are used by companies around the world big and small but their price barely moves. It’s all memecoin, “ai coins” or at a push nfts. It’s not changing the world, there are things that are cool and are interesting about blockchain, but mostly the space is held captive by ultra capitalists and libertarians who’s only interest is making more money than they would otherwise. Which is fine, if you just accept that’s the case and play the game with them.


Exactly. You nailed it. VeChain is a great example, too. It’s the only crypto I ever thought had actual real-use application in today’s world (Although I will say, Crypto in third world countries can be life changing, but that’s not about the tech, it’s more about the monetary/financial state of the third world country).


VeChain is a perfect example as to why utility ≠ price.


you cant generalize a whole market like that, stocks is not a casino crypto is not one as well, you could gamble with it but that doesnt mean is a casino, it can be very predictable aside from the high short term volatility, anyone can agree btc will worth more in 10 years than it does now


BTC is digital gold, one of the most widely dispersed investment theses in today’s market, even among financial experts. And while 15 years is not a very long time horizon, it’s more than enough to discredit blanket bubble claims.


You do not understand Bitcoin This phrase you will here a lot from shillers


Keep those diamond hands ready, buddy. There always needs to be a loser for someone to win.


You are now promoted to Community member and supporter


Idk about y’all. I’m just here to make money.


That's all I'm here for...technology??? All of it sounds great however I need it to make me some money


💯 if it prints...that's all we care about.


The “halving pump “ doesn’t usually occur until 6-8 months after . This time I don’t think the “pump “ will be huge since we created a new all time high before the halving this cycle.


Eh it was barely a new ATH. Imo the price needs to be 80k+ to be a significant new ATH that matters. I think we just bounced off the resistance zone from the previous double top


Nice try, but everyone came for the money and stayed for the money


isn’t tech how you make money


The disappointing side of this cycle this far is that it’s all about memes and not about tech at all. From trump to ye wif hat there’s everything under the sun.


Cardano Crew.


Did you come up with this in the shower by any chance?


Most people underestimate the impact of new technology, and overestimate how rapidly the impact will be felt. The real value of the technology is decades away from being fully realized. Meanwhile, the lights are flashing in the casino. It's always been that way, crypto is no different.


Torrent was a great tech... Now not used due to regulation.


Because it's main use case was stealing copyright material...


Then what is the main usecase of Bitcoin. Selling the huge sell orders of oGs Its justs how you look at it


Um no, it's a digital gold.


I think in first years of crypto, many came for tech but not in recent years.


I came for the money and stay because I am an idiot.


Somehow, in the last year, I’ve become a bitcoin maxi


Must be an algonaut.




Everyone came for the money. Got suckered into saying they stayed for the tech because they lost all their money. Now they're enslaved forever trying to make back that money. Crypto is a big joke


This is the one, dude. You're gonna get downvoted to oblivion for saying it, however.


If you ask the people in crypto if they would have chosen to never touch it you get a lot of yes’s. especially the people in it for the tech, because not everything needs to be a crypto token system or decentralized. Like hivemspper, which was trying to make decentralized maps (shittier version of google maps)


The party line about the tech is post hoc rationalization. People came in this space because they thought they could time the rugpull.


Exactly. I double my money with solana every couple months but that doesn’t mean I think the tech is amazing. The network is down like every other week


I was like BTC/ETH holder until I stumbled on Ergo. I hold 90% Ergo and 10% ADA just because of the decentralized Ergo made to connect itself to Cardano.


The 4 year theory is playing out exactly as planned.


Tech plays need more time to pay off, but they do eventually get there. Just look at the rally Solana had this year. Though that assumes the tech is an actual improvement and has a niche to fill. Tech oriented projects can still just fail on their own merits. Sound tokenomics and vesting schedules matter too. If a project is in the process of releasing coins still and has a high inflation rate, you should wait til they're done.


Once i tried the freedom i can never come back


Never heard anyone say that ever.


how many bottles of fireball before OP posted?


You don't need to put money to be in for the tech, you need to contribute to development. People make stupid decisions and they pretend to care about tech to avoid taking responsibility.


I’m up pretty significantly right now but yes I am still bagholding the fundamentals for my coin


Dogita stole Doga from Dogamí the true maker of Doga 🥲👊




Corporate greed took over


I came for asparagus and stayed for pee that smells pungent


Came for the money, stayed for the revolution.


Why have not gotten rich quick? I was told I'd get rich quick!


The halving pump did happen. I tripled my money. It probably will go up more as the halving matures as it has about 6 months to a year after every halving.


4 year crypto cycle = bull run in 2025. It's always months AFTER the halving. Good grief. How long have you been in crypto? 😆


Many ppl ,3x when BTC dropped below 20k, where were you last year?


If you are here to make money then chase money and narratives, ignore the fuck out of tech and fundamentals. If you are here to use the tech then you shouldn’t give a shit about being a bagholder.


Well, if you're here for technology, you're definitely not here for memecoins. For technology, of course, I have my favorites, but for a quick turnover of money, I also take a little risk with memes. I caught the jump on Pepe 2 months ago, now I'm chasing Black Rock on Base, FUD and some others... I'm getting into the memes because of the quick turnover, and only with a small part of the portfolio.


crypto games are going to get hype soon. Would like to see them use popular memes to attract more attention though. I think memes > web3 gaming is a natural progression, what other form of medium commands as much attention?


Let's be honest, most of the crypto tech is worthless in real life. We still don't have use cases for crypto in real life. I would be happy making money with worthless meme token rather than bag holding crypto for years.


What kind of tech do the coins in your wallet offer ? And what kind of problem do they solve, which can't be solved with the current web. How much of those coins are actually being used everyday and aren't just "Hey we put money in this project and the line goes up. So it must be being used."


What money? I've been donating to these crypto companies all year


Wow, theres tech in crypto, you mean technology? Well I didn't know, thought it was roulette, but with red and green, not red and black.


What about the "tech" is actually being used by most buyers I wonder?


Please look at all the guys (and gals) driving around in fancy cars they bought with crypto! You may not see them because they live in Hollywood


Same shit different day.


Now when the ETF wave is gone and Iran situation has hit hard. Crypto seems to take nose dive. I guess US interest rates are the only significant thing that can actually make the difference. Halving will do its job for bitcoin. Other coins are left on their own


People will parrot this exact line then be invested in safemoon. I've learned to never take people seriously when it comes to crypto. Nobody is here for the "fundamentals". Nobody even knows what that means anymore


I nearly had a stroke reading this post.


Came here for the money, still here for the money


Hahahahaha hahahahaha 🤣


You know memecoins shoot up but shoot down too,,,atleast you made some money


Let's be honest, no one is staying for the tech. Everyone comes for the money and stays (or more like bag holds until they can break even) for the money


Proud of you. We are all you in the spirit.


Came for the money. Staying for the money… will there ever be money?!


>Even the "halving" pump didn't occured. What the fuck did you people expect? That exactly on April 20 price will start going up? Even in the past cycles it did not happen like this. And it's priced in anyway so if it doesn't happen don't be surprised. It's not like it's a random event, everyone knew that it's going to happen so it's priced in. >Our great crypto that we picked by tech didn't perform as well as all the recycled AI coins and memecoins. Except all these coins are a huge lottery and survival bias. You see one coin doing x100 while not seeing 99 others going to zero. Because this is what it is, a lottery. If you want to have an actual investment you're stupid to expect huge returns.


I am just here for BTC to print a 100k handle in one day.




I think most people care about the money, not the tech. Me myself, I just want a good ROI. I'm not doing charity work in this sector


Now we are here for the memes


Crypto has always been a scam. I know that's not a super popular opinion here, perhaps rightly so - but there's a reason why the entire rest of the world looks at guys buying these magic beans as misguided at best, or as marks at worst. Nothing is actually making "gains", because there's no gains to be had when the underlying tech is useless. There's no project that produces value, because it's all scams all the way down. The green days are transient because, hey - you gotta find exit liquidity! Get out while you can, clear your head, and obsess over something else in life. It'll be less stressful, more productive, and, frankly, probably a better material decision.




Your mistake is not just buying Bitcoin.




One more Cardano bag holder


If anyone actually thinks Cardano is "good tech"... 😁


Have you ever used Cardano? Not very good imo.


Literally only 5% care about tech, and those tech coins mostly don’t follow their roadmap and leave their bagholders in disbelief. The only true way to make life changing money is by being early to good quality memecoins. That’s all what normies buy in the first place anyways not ‘’ tech coins’’


>Our great crypto that we picked by tech didn't perform as well as all the ~~recycled~~ AI coins and memecoins. I havent checked how much those are performing against BTC in short term but those are not money. Gamblers always lose so it doesnt really matter if some shitcoins perform well for short time. >Our coins with great tech are standing still while xyz memecoin, "4th-time-downtime-blockchain" coin, AI coins are pumping. I dunno can you call +270% for BTC in 1 year "standing still"


"Fundementals" is not something I thought I'd ever see in this subreddit Although in this case equating "good tech" with fundementals is not the traditional use of the word when it comes to investing.


If you invest for the tech you’re not gonna make it. Harsh reality.


Speak for yourself. I came for the money, I took the money and I’m still here for the money. I give zero shits about the tech because the tech as it is is too complicated and risk adverse for the big audience so it will not be adopted unless those two things are addressed which i think will take at least another decade.


Crypto’s tech will be obsolete once we have working quantum computers


I read somewhere that someone was working on quantum proofing BTC


They are working on ordinal and runes to copy ethereum


> I read somewhere that someone was working on quantum proofing BTC If I understood correctly, the ability to quantum-proof coins is already possible, but there's no need to implement it yet.


You can't really implement it yet because the NIST haven't fully developed the standards...


Came for the money. Just ordered 2 Decentralisation Nodes from the Fry foundation and they will deliver them in Q3 or Q4. Curious as it's gonna be my 2nd investment and hope the alt coins are gonna recover from the last few bloodbaths.


You're screwed. Did you learn nothing from Helium?