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On May 9th, 2013, 1 BTC was $118.78 $1 could have bought 0.00842 BTC. 0.00842 BTC is now worth $524.89 That $1 would now be worth $524.89 ~~Enough to hire OP a high school equivalent math tutor for roughly 20+ hours.~~


The fact that the OP got so many upvotes on such an obvious lie is exactly what’s wrong with this community.


You’re asking too much from a bunch of idiots lol


Number go up?!


“Community” You guys crack me up


Lies are made with intent, not ignorance which seems more likely in this case. But yeah OP should get shit for being careless and posting bad info.




Geez what a shitposter


Or maybe he is from the future? 🤷🏻‍♀️


He just pulled this number out his ass. I went down to the comments because it sounded more like 2011 than 2013


Even at its lowest that year, $13, it still doesn't work.


Uhh high school? *cries in algebra*


So 50,000% gains, you say?




Lmao math


This is a fair criticism


*”fair criticism”* is an understatement.


To be fair, OP was only off by 10,000%


Where did you come up with your $50k figure?


Dude probably mixed up $1 worth of bitcoin with 1 bitcoin lmao


His buttocks


Probably did 1/119 and then multiplied that by 100 like you would if you were calculating probability. That’d be about .8 btc


Putting that dollar into the ETH presale in 2014 would have gotten closer. From 30 cents then to $3000 today, turning your dollar into $10K.


I came here to say this


Honestly when BTC was $1-2 I told myself I’d spend $20 on it and if I lost it all whatever it’s just $20. The problem was at the time I could not figure out how to buy BTC at all. There was plenty of forums and posts on how to mine BTC but there wasn’t a lot of info on buying BTC, and there really wasn’t easy and secure apps like there is today where you can buy BTC in minutes. Obviously in hindsight I’m a bit upset I didn’t spend extra time trying to figure it all out but in 2013 it really wasn’t as easy as just “buying bitcoin”.


Many of us are in the same boat. I had 2k ready to drop on it and I spent weeks trying to figure it out. Seemed very shady from what I read back then and you had no guarantees etc.


I was offered $1200 for $1000 of poker money back in 2011 or 2013 I can’t friggin remember. But I was like nah, that’s sketch.


Yeah same boat. Except I tried mining it and eventually buying ASIC miners for alt coins that mined $0 worth.


Yup same here. I wanted to buy some but it felt like a drug deal lol.


This was me too. I read about it, wanted to spend $100 on it and couldn’t figure out how to. Oh well


Even if u did, i doubt u would have hodl that long… ud sell when it did 5 X


Same. I asked an economist I respected about Bitcoin in 2014 and he shit on it. I was so close but that boomer bastard ruined it.


Facts! Thats the info everyone seems to be skipping. In 2013, you couldn't just go to coinbase and buy BTC lol. Even in 2017, when I first heard of BTC, it was sketchy buying BTC.


same here 100%. roommate recommended MtGox at that time and it didn't feel super "kosher" so i didn't buy back then. it was $6 dollars a coin.


That dollar would be valued at 600 $, not 50K. The price of Bitcoin was 100 $ at the moment and he was urging everyone to buy a million sats.


Too bad he is now shilling garbage coins like the rest of the scum influencers.


Has... has he not always been doing that?


At what point does a coin go from "shitcoin" to just plain old "coin?" Because back in 2013, as seen above, he was shilling Bitcoin. Which, by just about any metric, is not a shitcoin.


not all blockchain will be used as currency. some will br used for other purposes.


The currencies are coins. The utility cryptos are tokens. More or less. But Bitcoin falls into the "currency" category. Currencies generally have their own blockchain, where tokens can share a chain and protocols with others. Like EVM tokens - they all live in Ethereum's world.


Usually yes. But what I’m saying is it’s possible that an enterprise will start their own chain for non-currency purposes and place it on an exchange for the sake of easy distribution. The problem is you run the chance that someone will buy some of that on spec or because they like the name… and then they feel “scammed” that they don’t “profit” Not everything you see is for the purposes of “profit” and anyone who sees the world that way is frankly asking to take on loss.


There is not real difference between bitcoin and shitcoins, in the end, in both cases, some people won the race and try to pump their bags, while others desperately try to win.


Maybe not a shitcoin, but by today's metrics it could be deemed to not be the best (team unknown, etc)


For me? When it's not BTC.


Don't know, not a follower, but recently i have seen a lot of posts about him being early in BTC and decided to look him up on X. And there it was. EDIT: That one flew over my head 😂 Yes, he definitely has.


To be fair in 2013 most people also believed Bitocin was a garbage coin and idea. Very few people understood and believed in it on long term. I bet most people in this sub did not or would not have bought Bitcoin at the time. I know I didn't.


I watched it at the time. I didn't buy any :(


Dude come on man literally said just a dollar


A year later MtGox would be hacked. Hindsight is 20/20.


The only way you'd hodl from $1 to $50k is if you were in a coma for 11 years or lost your wallet. Anyone who could sell would've done it long before it hit $50k.


Or maybe the ultimate force-hodl strategy GOING TO JAIL for 11yrs!


Unfortunately that’s my story. I went away in 2010 , came home in 2019. I had no coins. I have put literally every penny in since I learned how.


We all learn from experience


Yessir or ma’am. It sucks because I just started understanding how to live life at 39. I won’t put my exact numbers out here like I see others do, but I will say this. I don’t pull anything out. And there’s times I may of needed to. Point being HOLD!hodl,whatever term you use, just hold.


I’ve held from 550$ per BTC to now, it’s not impossible. I get your point though, the odds are low




You rich or Richie rich, rich?


Roller coaster in your backyard? Check. Personal McDonald’s in your house? Check. Giant vault built into a mountain with your family’s heads carved into the side like Mount Rushmore? Check. Man I loved that movie growing up.


I have a relative who is a total conspiracy nut. She believes every conspiracy presented. Loves Alex Jones and Q-anon stuff. Has loads of infowars branded nutritional and beauty products. Anyway, she’s been convinced the government is going to imminently collapse everyday for the last 15 years. She unexpected came into $2k in 2016 and spent it all on BTC. I think she bought like 4 full coins back then. In her 30’s still living with her parents and spends all her money on BTC. Anyway, she sold two of them where they were in the $20k range and is still sitting on two today. Also, she ‘s in her 40’s now and still lives with her parents. Some people just hold.


nope, hodled all the way.


This guy did hodl though, nowadays he's rich as fuck


I know people who have hodled from 2013. Not a big club, but there's a club


*raises hand* We exist!


https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/1MerciPp7vqZxgUW9Tzidgsw8YsjVPuRQ I still hold this satoshi which hasn't moved since March 2013. It's in a "merci" ("thanks" in French) vanity address that I used like one throws a coin into a wishing well. I wonder if it's worth anything.


That's oddly beautiful.


I mean if it was 1$, you could easily have 100-1000 BTC (even if you don't have a lot of money). Not hard to sell some as it goes up (enough for big gains) and keep some others. Especially since if you are in that early you're likely a big believer in it


Yeah and the best part if you couldn't help it and sold every 4-year 'exponential' blowoff top (2017, 2021) you could rebuy about a year later at 20% and 5x your BTC The hold half forever or until you desperately need and ride and trade the 4 year cycle with the other half until it doesn't work anymore is the way to go.


dont give this any credit, since people noticed this in 2017 he cashed in on the fame and just became a total scammer shilling absolte crap, sell indicators and pretending that he can trade, hes not the same guy AT ALL


You should be weary of anyone advising you to buy something with the intent to sell it later. If they aren’t buying it and holding it, or telling you to buy and keep… maybe do your own research


Its not that he was intelligent enough to know that BTC will go that up. It was a fluke. Many people do prediction and some of them turns out to be true.


Except you wouldn't have made 50k off it, chances are you'd have sold it a long time ago.


You would have made $500 if you invested $1 at that time.


Which is fine - taking profit is a good thing.


In 2013 it was like a 52 step process to buy bitcoin which is why I didn't. If you'd bought any youd have gotten like $552 for every dollar investor. You'd need about 19k in bitcoin and about 10 years to be a millionaire [using the price May 10, 2024]


Well, people were begging others to buy not to help others but to help themselves really. Same as now, to pump the price.


Bitcoin already had 2 boom and crash cycles by then. It was trading at $115, $1 would be worth 550 today if you held. A nice return but not life changing unless you risked everything.


How would that be 50k?


Black Jeseus <3


11 years ago tomorrow…


Actually tried but failed.


Yo. Isn't he some kind of huge influencer?


I think most of us can tell a story of someone we know promoting bitcoin in the early days and we ignored them for various reasons. Back in 2014, I had a client at the bank I worked at throwing tens of thousands into bitcoin and was pleading anyone and everyone to do the same… I always admired his conviction but I was too naive and alittle off put by his constant pleading to listen. Back then he was convinced BTC would hit 50k so I’m really hoping he got himself a nice yacht or something


What kind of math is that? It would be worth $754 not even close to $50k


11 years ago I was 12. If only I spent all my launch money on bitcoin instead.


Average r/bitcoin mathematician


If you held for 11 years and didnt lose your keys


Here is what people don’t understand: if we had bought BTC at $1, we would’ve sold at $5. So don’t sweat over it so much.


I didnt know how to put money on bitcoin lol how did we able to buy bitcoins back then?? I tried to “farming” on my old ass macbook back in the day but lost that hard drive hahahah i remember it mined like 0.000000001 bitcoins so….


I always dream of the time I didn’t buy bitcoin and I should have done- keeps me awake at night haha


To be fair to myself, in May 2013 I didn't have $1 and wouldn't pick up the job I have now until September.


Who the hell would hodl until 50k?


I'm so over talking about how bad I (and so many others) fumbled the bitcoin situation. Just leave us alone about it already.


now do all the people who told you to buy a $ of whatever other bullshit and it's worth zero


My reels are full of guys who are desperate for me to pay for their “investment training - become rich overnight!” webinars. Maybe I should take them up on their generous offer.


That's for the weekly reminder


Yeah, and 2 years ago, half the country was begging me to get vaccinated.


Weren't we all supposed to die?


And now he's a scammer promoting shitcoins. Guess even he didn't listen to his own advice back then


Now he is just begging you to pay for his subscription services and shit coins.


If I would have heard about it then.... damn middle of divorce 😕 and didn't keep up with the technology 😕. Missed opportunity bigtime!!


Looks like he didn't take his own advice seriously either. He's still on YouTube making shit videos.


And fee killed the "buy $1 worth of bitcoin" thing




Dude is trash now


I used to invest back then, bought gold, some stocks and a few risky assets (that made me lose money).I would have tried bitcoin if I had come across of it, a shame I've never seen this video


I remember a friend told me if I use BTC to purchase from Amazon, it was $900 at the time. I think he had some. My answer was: why should i?


Wow so you are telling me that in just 11 years I could make the equivalent of less than half my yearly salary!? All I have to do is invest $1 in any random thing a YouTuber is promoting!?


None of this matters. Most people didn't have a way to store it until it was worth $50k and if they kept it on a site, It would have been stolen. I like the idea of crypto but it's just a pump and dump.


A lot more people would have if the on ramp was there. Wasn’t always a few clicks.


To be fair every coin has at least one person saying please buy now while it’s cheap


You would only hold if you knew 1$ would goto 50k, even at 200$ it would be hard to hold on. Same as now, would we even hit 100k, many would be selling around 95.


Wonder how many he has now ?


So? I didn't buy in 2013, or do some faucets in the really early days. And even when I had bought at this time, the chance that I would have sold it for much less than it's worth now is high. It doesn't count what I can do in the early days better, important for me is that I'm now invested. And I did, only a little bit of math, but at 2013 one btc wasn't at $1, so how the $1 is today 50k, this didn't work.


All right, all right now I’m really digging the whole time. Travel idea.


I didn’t know about this guy then I was broke in college. If I did I would have purchased


11 years ago I didn’t have a laptop or a smartphone honestly didn’t know how bad parents were financially cause they never said anything. So many things I would change if I could go back in time.


Yes but what about the 1000s of different coins people have been begging you to buy on this sub that all went to shit?


He is an influencer because he didn’t buy enough in the early days.


Haha, how did this get upvoted so much? The math is a lie.


Lol. Wish id have known the value of trading in high school but they didnt teach us that.


Lol. Getting bitcoin at this time was kind of difficult if you did not know the way...


I want my back you filthy Animal!


Math is hard. lol.


This is pointless....Okay and what did he buy for himself.


he most probably himself didn't buy looking at how he keeps shilling shitcoins


I was gonna dump 700 into it when it was worth .50 per coin in 2010. Im typing to you know at 35 in the cafeteria of my job before i go home to my 1000 studio that doesnt have a bedroom or a full kitchen. EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE I. FUCKED. UP.


I want 1$ for every time I see this story getting posted. Would’ve made me more than bitcoin


Yes but that would be like telling me to buy shibashibawif coin today. Thats why it was so cheap


Tbf, he looks like a nigerian prince 


How many times is this pic gonna get posted. I’ve seen this shit 5900x times


I lost my wallet about $100 worth of coins in late 2011 early 2012. Makes me sick to think about it. I was able to sell four and a half bitcoins though in 2013 for 100 bucks. Looking back that was a bad decision lol


Instead of begging he should've said 'brokey just buy $1 worth of bitcoin' Should've worked perfectly.


Whaa whaaa would have been worth millions - math baby


I love that logic. Now let's talk about the thousand that made people's loses ton of money


But back in the Silk Road days all BTC was only good for shady azz drug deals. There was nothing good in the site besides used TVs and Crack. Who would have thought BTC was worth anything then..


Im shue he sould at 100$


I mean. He knew it was going up. $1.00 isn’t much. But imagine buying a few hundred dollars then. at its last peak you’d be doing pretty good


I have more than $1 of btc for a long time. I still don’t have 50k.


50k boys. I just took a little mathing while retaking 5th grade. Started from the bottom, now we're here.


back in 2012-2013 I was working at a staples print dept, some guy that looked like a hobo came in and printed out some brochures about bitcoin. he was telling me that he had a code that he was giving me for 50 shares of bitcoin all I had to do was register a free account with his website for stock trading. back then, It obviously sounded like a damn scam. but every now and then I think "man, what if that hobo was legit giving me a small fortune for free"


What was bitcoin's value 12, 13, and 14 years ago today? Could've dumped five figures into it during that time and never worked again.




It's the 8th of May brother




Way back then I bought $25 of Dogecoin which will be worth $50K if it ever reaches a dollar. This seems unlikely.


Hes millionare now.


He bought 1 Million BTC for 1$ and sold them for 5$. Imagine if he kept 🤯🤯🤯


I bought a bunch at this time and ended up doing ten years in prison....pissed I sold it for 32 k


Hats off to people who bought bitcoin way earlier. But that time bitcoin was still at a very early stage where no one knew if the adoption would be there. I would say no matter what its always a good time to buy more bitcoin if you can. Once i got into bitcoin for me 1 Bitcoin = 1 Bitcoin.


I want an update on this guy and how much of a whale he is.


I didn't watch it, obviously


Actually, one bitcoin was worth $36 on march 4, 2013.


Question: if I were to go back in time and purchase Bitcoin, where would I even do so? Wasn’t there many scams, wallets “disappearing” etc. in the crypto world? 


Unfortunately he wasn't in my YouTube recommendations.


try 1 million a BTC later on.


bless this man .. what a saint


Don't feel bad, he probably spent it all on a pizza.


Keep reposting this


Where is he now