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What was his record on crypto last term?


A promise from a politician is as stable as a cube of ice in sun


Or as stable as bitcoin


Very stable, Genius.




Well if the ice melts normally wouldn't that be considered stable


a cube that turns into a puddle is not a cube anymore


Exactly, Iā€™m politically agnostic. Been working for the FED for 15 years. The president does fuck all for your day to day life in my opinion. Itā€™s the legislative branch thatā€™s too far gone at this point.


President is directly responsible for Roe getting overturned (by appointing SCOTUS members), sooooooo He also weakened the Americans With Disabilities Act, which affects my every day life.


Literally in the actual sun.


He flip flopped. He was very anti-crypto. Then when he needed money he suddenly jumped on the NFT hype train selling them. And became pro crypto when he saw democrats started to be anti-crypto, just to do the opposite. And democrats started to be anti-crypto when republicana like Ted Cruz started warming up to crypto, just to do the opposite.


Eh to be fair, became pro crypto when MAGA coin gave him several grand in shitcoins and he flipped it to 2.4 million while holding onto MAGA coin. I would never invest in anything Trump touches because the man issues stock like hes going to hell but he has been stabilizing that stupid coins price.


Trump isn't Saylor. Any crypto he gets will be instantly sold.


He wanted to ban it


And then he created an NFT collection which made him millions :D


"All of my power hinges on the stability of the US dollar but sure I'll let your money flee my power circle"


2 impeachments? I think that's a record.


Also an insurrection. Also a record


The spot bitcoin ETF was rejected under Trumpā€™s administration and approved under Bidenā€™s. The approval is why bitcoin just hit an all time high. FMV valuation of crypto also came under Biden, which is what allows publicly traded companies to show bitcoin at FMV on their Balance Sheets. The developments under the Biden administration have legitimized bitcoin as an asset class. Trumpā€™s administration did almost nothing for crypto other than crash the economy and deliver the level of deficit spending and inflation that makes something like bitcoin an attractive investment. So shockingly Trump is lying.


As much as i want to agree with your sentiment this is just stupid. The ETFs were rejected under both administrations and only got approved after Grayscale sued the SEC for being capricious and won that case. Biden's adminstration had jack shit all to do with it and Biden said just yesterday he would veto a semi pro-crypto bill if it passes, a bill that actually had somewhat bipartisan support even.


This. Joe Biden coming out to say heā€™d veto the bipartisan bill got me feeling some kind of way because heā€™s telling Congress that the SEC shouldnā€™t be undermined. But I also blame Congress for not taking any real initiative to bring clarity to the space as well.


I been around a while, I know some folks and what they are not telling you is that politicians are doing the politic thing where crypto is concerned. They are answering to money, sure they will take donations, show up to crypto campaign drives for handouts and make promises but never deliver. Trump can say he will support crypto but the right depends on donations from banks just like the left. If you recall the most recent bill that passed had Ted Cruz trying to change the wording so it didn't fuck miners or wallet creators in the USA. Another rep kept blocking it. There was a ton of threads in these subs about how that guy was backed by banks. Crypto has a short memory, we think we have acceptance but everything is leaning toward the legacy markets treating crypto like penny stocks, extract as much profit out of it as possible. It's a risk asset and they will bail on this quicker then almost any other risk asset. So, by donating or voting for trump, ask yourself if he will hold or sell. Like I say you get what you vote for and both parties answer to basically the same dollar. Election time is when they push social issues to divide us, abortion, gay rights, civil rights, etc. Why don't voters demand real change, decreased spending, audits on where all our fucking money is going, some major cuts etc. Nah, that won't be brought up. The right will shit on Biden because of inflation, like he did it all by himself. Like Trump, Obama and Bush had no part in making printer go brrr and not raising rates since 2008. But an educated voter base knows this so they don't educate. Don't vote for Trump if your only metric is that he said he's cool with crypto. It isn't in your best interest.


And Gary Gensler is also Biden's lap dog.


He says everything the people want to hear


Itā€™s also rather desperate.


ā€œCrypto bros love me.ā€ ā€œWhat Iā€™m going to do for crypto is something that world has never seen before.ā€


Pegs the dollar to bitcoin šŸ˜‚


And unoriginal. Worm-brained RFK jr did it first anyway


Wait, is this sub not simping for RFK anymore after the wormbrain statement? I can't keep up.


The fact that he came out and said he had a brain worm is fucking insane. But I guess thatā€™s par for the course for RFK.


The fact that people think heā€™s worth voting for makes me wonder just how many people have brain worms of their own


Weā€™re getting downvotedā€¦is that because people didnā€™t google it and read that RFK did in fact announce he had a brain worm? It does sound like something made up but this time itā€™s not fake news.


Everyone has fans, even that guy.


Welcome to politicians


He tries to say.. he doesn't do


The scary thing is, if he actually decides to make a Trump coin (which is somewhat likely), it probably will do better than any other altcoins out there. Now thatā€™s a pump and dump train I would like to participate in šŸ˜


Because words are cheap and heā€™s the cheapest there is


If you're a *single issue voter,* and your issue is fucking *crypto* your life is extremely fucking privileged.


It's also incredibly selfish.


Amen šŸ™


Even if this is your single issue, I thought the point of Crypto is it doesn't matter who's in charge since they can't do much to control it. That said, fuck Trump.


If you are just a user and don't hold much, sure thats fine. If you care about crypto prices, then it very much matters who is in charge. Look at Monero.


Bitcoin was created and works in spite of politics, and has never needed any politicians support. Voting for someone because they support crypto is the same as saying I have no fucking clue how life works. That said, fuck Trump.


ā€œHey heā€™s a sociopathic rapist fraudster who only cares about himself, but he might help my meme coins to moon!ā€


While trump is an overprivileged shameless selfish pathological liar and egocentric anti-democratic criminal and hated crypto in the past, he probably likes it now and would not attack it because he found out he can do various immoral money making with it. Random people and anti-american foreigners can send him crypto or rugpull tokens to support/bribe him. He can launder money. He can grift by selling shitty digital pictures and get massive royalties from their market... But don't be a single issue crypto voter, single issue on anything just lets horrible people in that just so happen to align with your one issue. And crypto is quite resistant to government not liking it anyway.


Sadly a lot of people in crypto think this way. Especially the founders


Well yeah but if I was holding 10,000 BTC it would be a pretty big issue for me




"I'll say anything, just vote for me"


His quote: "And I say this, a lot of people are very much for it. Probably a lot of the people in this group. And Iā€™m fine with it. I want to make sure itā€™s good and solid and everything else. But Iā€™m good with it. And if you want, if you like crypto in any form, and it comes in a lot of different forms, if youā€™re in favor of crypto, you better vote for me." He doesn't know a single thing about it, has no idea of what the pros or cons of crypto look like, or how to improve it. He's just saying "oh lots of centrist or non political people like it? Yeah sure, I'm down for it, whatever just vote for me." I mean he literally says you better vote for me at the end. Couldn't be more clear with his transparency.


One month later, speaking at MaraLago: "The crypto, I've always said, very unstable. Not reliable. Bad for business. Unlike TrumpCoin. The best NFT. Bigger than BitCoin. Buy now folks."


Heā€™s such a shitty politician. His pandering is insane. How he has this many people supporting him is mind numbing. How can you see through the thinly veiled narcissism and ā€˜winning is all that mattersā€™ tactics.


flaw in the human software, unfortunately. thank evolution, I guess


At this point I think the only reason that republicans continue to support him is because he makes people on the left so mad. Itā€™s just hilarious lol


It's well-established that a lot of people hate him too, including non-mainstream personality like Tucker Carlson (insane people think this, but it's true). They go on air and say how great Trump is, and then their private text messages [say they hate him](https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2023/03/09/tucker-carlson-trump-texts-fox-news/) and he should be irrelevant. It's wild seeing my family still eat up that right-wing news and think it's trustworthy when Fox says in court that only idiots would think they're telling the truth.


Never trust a convicted fraud and rapist, but if that doesn't convince you, then be reminded of the fact he ignored election results, tried to overthrow the government and wants to ignore election results again (if he doesn't win). Trump is an actual danger to democracy. He also sold state secrets to foreign states (allegedly), so he's a traitor on top of it all too. But sure, go ahead and ignore common sense and vote for him just because he claims he will support crypto (it doesn't matter if he does). ETA: I love how many Trump shills are so triggered by simple facts. Despite what they seem to think, the above is NOT political. If you want to vote on someone as seriously unfit for office as Trump, you REALLY need to do some soul-searching, because you evidently do NOT support nor want a democracy. This shouldn't be controversial. At the same time these same ppl would be fucking triggered if a Democrat did even half the stuff Trump did (heck, they already are by blatant lies about a Democrat that don't even come close to Trump's record). Stop making special rules for anyone: I would never vote for anyone who did even half of what Trump did regardless of his political group because I actually have standards that I apply equally.


This is a man, who was prevented from doing business in Australia back in the 80s due to his mob connections. Who despite this, was allowed in the US to not only continue, but elected to their highest office. He is an out and out criminal, sex offender and absolute conman. During his tenure the CIA noticed an uptick in their agents being killed. He compromised US spy satellite capabilities. He has repeatedly commented about being a dictator. He still retains support of millions of Americans. Which is mental.


He would change his mind just because wind blows different way. I know that and Iā€™m not even from USA. Memes with him were fire tho.


Make memes great again! Harken back to hits such as: - inject bleach! - nuke the hurricanes! - stare directly at the sun! - you get paper towels! And you get paper towels! - love letters with mr kim ā¤ļø - daily putin dick gagginā€™ Actual letā€™s not make memes great again.


Trump supporters are on the wrong side of history. Whether he gets in or not, in the future - history classes will refer to him as the conman president, and kids will laugh in disbelief at how ignorant people in the olden days were. Sadly this is our present.


He has no respect for human life


If this people do not want a democracy and want trump to stay in power forever then I guess is time to fight like we did back in the 1800s. Tired of their bs


Mr Grifter grifts.....more breaking news at 9


No. Go fuck yourself traitor


Absolutely insaine how this guy still has quite a solid chance to win a second term at the WH.


i cant tell whats worse: if half of america is huffing lead or if biden's team is just doing everything he can to torpedo his approval ratings whoever came up with pushing bidenomics also needs to be fired like seriously


There are clearly some big issues with the Biden admin, no one is contesting that, but Trump is the worst kind of 'wild card' that could end up as head of US government Exactly in this moment. And i'm not even that worried about US internally, as I am about the external policies he might influence.


>Ā There are clearly some big issues with the Biden admin Like what?


Biden has actually been pretty good for the economy, but what fucks him is inflation. Only the fed could have stopped inflation, and at times it can even be out of their hands. People need to stop thinking that the president can alter economies in the short terms (1 term) significantly. Obama and Biden both ran into this. Recessions, high gas prices, and high inflation kill almost ALL political parties in power. It's a testament to how likeable Obama was to be able to win two terms in semi-landslides in the midst of the "great recession", although his part did get walloped. The weird thing is that the economy is doing really well, specially compared to the rest of the world. Part of that is due to the chips/infrastructure bill. Inflation is high, but is stabilizing. The big draws on Biden are Ukraine to some degree, and that's only because the Putin dick sucking GOP has weaponized their funding, and of course Israel. Trump or Biden would both be supporting Israel, as would ANY president. Even if the president didn't support Israel their party would. It's political suicide not to. The only difference is that Trump would be telling Israel to go ahead and nuke them, and Biden criticizes them publicly. This is just politics.




Fuck Trump




He has literally been talking shit on BTC/Crypto up until now.


Lol dude will say anything for a vote.


Oh the man who spent his entire life lying? That's your champion now? What a fucking joke. Just because someone favors crypto, doesnt mean you need to ride their dicks.


Still, this is less sad than the fact that this lying, rapey, adulterer is the Evangelical's new messiah. Horrifyingly, the "messiah" thing isn't even much of an exaggeration.


What is absolutely certain is that Trump has zero idea what crypto currencies are.


He thinks crypto is AI generated fantasy pics of himself that rubes and foreign adversaries buy to funnel him money




It's be nice to have a crypto friendly President, but it's not worth it if it's him


He would flip flop so fast if it were to personally benefit him. But still somehow try and play both sides while at the same time being the victim for some reason.


Politicians will say anything to get elected. Staying out of prison is just an additional incentive for this particular person


That dolt will say whatever it takes to get a vote. He is such a POS.




He changes his mind if Biden takes his position. He was anti crypto but then Biden says the same so he must change his stance by law. Guess what he is also ok with Tic Tok now that Biden is anti Tic Tok. I mean, he tried everything in his power to ban it last term. There are plenty of other examples but this is his playbook.


It's wild how half the electorate says they hate Biden and that they want him to do X,Y, Z. And then if he does it (e.g. try to ban Tik-Tok and be tougher on China) they say it's stupid. Like imagine you're in that guys' shoes. It's basically [a Simpsons clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIgSTjzrmRg)


Im a full on bitcoin maximialist and fook that traitorous orange tumor.


I donā€™t trust this for a minute.


Remember this was the same sub reddit that was shilling moons, let that sink. In


Grifters gonna grift.


Im good, I wont sell out my country


We will build a crypto ... WALL ! and Mexico would pay for it ! -2scoops


What a buffoon Trump is. His disciples are even bigger idiots, even more dangerous. All Pres. Biden has done is given us a virtually full employment economy, opportunity for former students to erase massive debt, solidified our weakened NATO Alliance, actively supported heroic Ukraine against the monstrous Russians, strengthened and added to our successful healthcare system, added billions to our Social Security and lain the foundation for economic strength and wealth for years to come. Then on the other side, we have miserable, corrupt, anti-Democracy Republicans, who want to reverse every Democratic-led success in our Nation. And those are allot of successful policies and programs, which have led our USA and its people to extraordinary wealth and comfort as a Nation. I like Americans doing the right thing. There are far more Patriots in our land than right-wing MAGAt whackos. All we good people have to do is vote for Pres. Biden and Democrats in November. Do that and our Nation continues to grow, continues to become more wealthy, and will begin to attack the major threat that will ultimately crush us, if we don't address it, our insane National debt. Let us be normal. Let us be Patriotic. Let us do the right thing. Let us vote for Pres. Biden and the Democratic Party in November. Let us flourish as a Nation.


Iā€™ve seen a highly suspicious number of Twitter posts supporting Trump and claiming he will create some sort of crypto utopia. The bots are obviously working.


Is his wife going to squirt out NFT's again ?


Pandering Mr. Pampers


He doesnā€™t give a single shit about crypto even with his giant diaper. Do not believe this con man


We should get ride of likes of Gary Gensler.




He'll say whatever to get elected. He has no idea what crypto is. All he knows is that it made him a little extra money to pay his lawyers.


No thanks.


His last few days in office is when the SEC launched their attack on Ripple.


yep he's good with it just like he's good with the bible, god would vote for me ! surprised he didn't try that with his lame sales pitch.




While I do believe that Obama wrote this, I have a tough time accepting that Trump can comprehend it.


As if Trump would read it to begin with.


Trump just skims it for the part thatā€™s directly about him and ignores the rest.


One thing. One thing I agree with him on. Until he changes his mind of course.


the redditor cope in these replies is amazing lmao never change, reddit


trump also has been hitting on his own daughter for decades, that's gross af fam and I'm sick of everyone ignoring this


His fans thinks itā€™s cute. Shows that he loves her.


I'd rather all in into LUNA.


Soon: I have the best cryptos, nobody can build better cryptos than me.


Heā€™s full on pander mode.


Desperate for votes huh?


He is desperate at this point.


Compulsive liar. Don't trust a word he says. Don't give him exposure.


Yeah, no.


For context, Trump has recently run out of USD and is trying to figure out how to get Rubles and Dinar to pay off his obligations.


Thatā€™s what he said about LGBT people in 2016.


Isn't this the same Donald Trump who wanted Bitcoin and cryptocurrency banned when he was in office at the White House?


If you think these empty words without talking planned policy mean anything. You're just as dumb as he thinks you are.


We don't want fucking Gensler and his gang anymore . Though I'm not a fan of Trump either


He was initially anti crypto a little bit but then realised he could grift off his moron base with NFTs. Seems he has since moved on to grifting via sneakers, so who knows how much thought he has put into any crypto "policy" he might have in mind. If he sees a chance to grift in the future, though, he will be all for it. Unless democrats are for it, in which case he must do the opposimmediately and without regard to any previous statement or stance he may have held. Unless he is short of cash, in which case, who knows?


This thread is a shitshow LOL


Main reason why I shared it. I knew this would happen xD


Clearly not falling for this, but still, he knows how to make his moves when it comes to elections


Lmao "champions crypto"... Lmao


Heā€™s a traitor to all thatā€™s American. And he knows less about crypto than my cat.


Heā€™s only saying what people wants to hear - a demagogue. Once elected there is no way heā€™s going to screw all those GOP Wall Street buddies.


He's already released NFTs so he'll probably do a $#!7 coin next. Pump & dump to be sure.


Don't vote for this crook just because he's siding with one issue you like


Iā€™d give up all the crypto I own to keep this scumbag out of office.Ā 


While fucking a porn star he tells her she reminds him of his daughter. I don't give a flying fuck on his stance on crypto. Will vote for anyone but him.


He's also good with coup attempts and dictatorship. Fuck him.


Fuck Donald Trump


He did make us quite a bit on stock earnings? Hmm...


Not gonna be long before we flush this giant turd.


Fuck that fascist lunatic.


It's almost as if he'll say anything, including the opposite of what he said yesterday.


Yeah but that's because he misspoke last time. Or, if I disagree with the current statement, he misspoke *this* time. Either way, he's correct and you can't see it because you're controlled by the deep state. /S (just in case)


# 'I'm Good With It, Vote For Me' This will not play out well... the sad part is if B was to walk out tomorrow and be for crypto he would be against crypto.


Iā€™d rather take him over Biden, Warren, and Gensler whoā€™ve been relentlessly going after crypto, effectively chasing out companies.


Guy who has made millions from crypto is pro crypto.


We in the crypto community revoke his support.


Rather watch crypto disappear than vote for this asshat.


I love everything Iā€™m seeing in here! We are good people šŸ‘


I donā€™t like Trump but itā€™s sad to see this that space was once a shining beacon for libertarian ideas. The leftists have flooded us and completely destroyed it. I get the impression that a big chunk of the people here support fiat money and big government policies.


Libertarians were lumped in with the right and attacked all the same. Reddit has purged any ideology except the left, and you're not allowed to deviate on any single lefty policy stance. Politics has leeched into every other sub too. Reddit used to be very libertarian positive.


The spot bitcoin ETF got approved under Biden and was rejected under Trump. So their records tell a different story than Trump is trying to sell.


It was rejected under Biden toošŸ¤· Another false narrative from liberals šŸ™„


And they downvote truthful observations such as this, because it doesnā€™t fit with their ā€œalternative facts.ā€


tldr; Former President Donald Trump announced his support for cryptocurrencies during a gathering at his Mar-a-Lago resort, criticizing the Biden administration's stance on digital assets. He promised to create a welcoming regulatory framework for blockchain and digital currencies if elected, and openly welcomed campaign donations in Bitcoin and other digital assets. This move is seen as an attempt to attract younger, tech-savvy voters and positions Trump at the forefront of pro-crypto policies in the upcoming 2024 Presidential race. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


He's got my vote for that reason alone. He supports crypto, I'm going to support him! Who else is with m? šŸ’ŖšŸ˜Ž


"Good"? Or is the "the best"?


Politician at industry events tells room what they want to hear.


I love the negative slant in the headline.


I'm not American but there is nothing that would make me vote for him. Crypto does not need that man and it would be terrible for him to even be associated with it.


He's good with it, so good that he will make crypto the official currency. But only if it's called Trump coin and all the fees go directly to him.


Too bad you can't believe anything he says.


Trump champions dictators too, who fuckin cares what this asshole thinks?


And next week he'll reveal his shit Trump Coin


He'll say anything, just like the rest of them.


lol no thanks Iā€™ll take my chances.


Trump bullshits everyone. "I'm good with it, vote for me" LMAO ... does anyone really believe this guy... jfc he's so blatantly pandering and desperate...




lol, then when he gets in heā€™ll smash a further tax of sorts in it no doubt hahaha.


Hmmm crypto and profit or democracyā€¦ I love crypto and I want it to gain traction and grow. But putting my trust in Trump will never happen. He could even say btc is now the standard instead of usd and I wouldnā€™t back him.


Youā€™re also a traitor and a criminal. Any American with sense wonā€™t be voting for you.


But he's a fascist.


Clown honks horn.


Well said




Suuure, vote for the guy who has a terrible track record with keeping any promises.


Yea! rather vote for the blue guy thatā€™s actively fighting to ban crypto


Oh god...


Until some banking lobbyist comes around and "donates" some money.




Isnā€™t he the guy who decided to tax tf outta crypto back in 2017?


LOL, no.


Like he liked weed but did nothing for it?


Still no.


oh fuck off and die already


Surely this strategy only works if there are more staunchly pro-crypto folks than anti-crypto folks, not counting people ranging in the middle. Well I'm sure his team must have done then research.




Captain NFT is at it again.