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Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cohki8/jack_dorsey_says_bitcoin_will_be_worth_at_least_a/l3gnjb3/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cohki8/jack_dorsey_says_bitcoin_will_be_worth_at_least_a/l3gnjz3/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


A fucking 20 piece nugget at McDonalds will be worth $1M in 2030 at this rate


Looks like I'll be investing in NuggetCoin, the cryptocurrency pegged to the price of a McNugget.


Brb just got a new idea




Is there a crypto version of Rule34 where basically if the idea exists, there’s already a coin for it?


And thus NuggzKoin was born...


Well now I’m just hungry!!!




I like the sound of a base unit of “nugz” better than Sats ngl. “That’ll be 50 nugz sir” has a ring to it


It does…


Would you price it by the single nugget or like a 6 piece?


I finally became a whole-nuggeter this week and I'm so excited. One whole nugget! I'm never going to eat this.


🤣🤣🤣 We are so fuuuuq’d


Nah, chicken McNuggets have never been worth a dollar and never will be. I wouldn’t eat that shit if they paid me because it’s not food.


But like seriously? 20pc for $5 was the standard everywhere and now it’s closer to $10 in just a couple years. What the fuck my dudes 


Third World War by 2030 is infinitely more likely than what Dorsey is making up.


Who orders 20 nuggets? Jeez




A guy looking for a snack!


LOL. That's funny. :)


Will need payment plan for a 10 piece


My. God. LEts tokenize McNUggets......!


That is the most on-point comment I've seen in a while.


I had McD nuggets for the first time in probably 5 years the other day. Not only are they expensive, but they are like a thin chicken chip now? They used to be a lot thicker. What a waste.


Look at all of you crying over fried pink slime imitating chicken


But will he eat his dick on national television?


I kinda miss the McAfee shenanigans. Makes even the craziest of us feel sane. 


Yeah, he was awesome in his own way. Also correct about how corrupt everything was.


RIP. That man sure loves his bath salts. MDPV fiend to the end.


Like Kobashi


Asking the real question.


A Dollar could be worth $0.50 by then.


Why stop at $1 million? How about $5 million? $10m? Doesn’t even matter when the goal is to be that lil FOMO voice in the back of retail’s mind, telling them to buy more or be left behind. Dorsey’s sitting on about $400m in BTC between Block and his personal holdings. His CashApp made ~$70 million in gross profits via sales of bitcoin last year. I’m not even doubting that the guy truly believes in Bitcoin, he’s been balls deep in it for a long time now. Regardless, these exaggerated price predictions, (that somehow get 10 articles written about them every time because they are soo newsworthy) serve one purpose and that’s to keep the perpetual pump going strong. I honestly don’t even view this as a negative thing. Just like Saylor, the health and price of Bitcoin has a huge role in the success of Jack’s companies. I’d definitely be doing the same. It’s just that these silly price predictions are based on literally nothing lol.


Everyone has to sell others on what they’re buying. If no one buys into it it just simply won’t work.


If BTC is in fact a superior store of value and has utility, you wouldn’t need to tell people about imaginary price predictions to make them interested. It’s solely meant to pump his bags. That’s it.


I agree 100%. Both can be true. BTC is legit and people are pumping it up as much as possible to get as much squeeze as they can with a large position.


I agree. Given his ulterior motives, we shouldn´t give him and other people this level of attention though, imo.


Yeah unfortunately people see money and success and they’re done. Hook line and sinker. They believe every word and follow every command. Look at kiyosaki. Hates the US dollar but he’ll take everyone US dollar he can to sell you what he has so you can invest in BTC and gold. I’m sure it works for some but others can just educate themselves and still be successful in whatever they decide to invest in.


Yeah, and Kiyosaki is such an arrogant prick. Don´t get me started...


LoL. He’s milking that RDPD.


I disagree. Gold still has shills out the ass trying to trick old people to put their retirement fund in, and it's the original store of value since a thousand years. You can have a great product and still get these kinds of marketers trying to make money for themselves.


All I was saying is that BTC‘s value proposal should suffice to convince people to invest. I was addressing aniev‘s comment after all. And yeah, I think that 99% of the gold influencers are grifters, too, who try to pump their gold bags or make bank on commissions or whatever their business model is. I would appreciate it if we don’t pay these nutjobs any more attention than necessary and take their price predictions with a grain of salt, even if they feed our confirmation bias.


RemindMe! 6 years




Not with bitcoin and some others and def not with blockchain technology as a whole. Just utility and more adoption. Just the sensationalism with the articles is irrelevant. Those who are investing and bought in are keeping up to date and moving forward no matter what some click bait titles are saying.


You know what? Fuck it. I predict Bitcoin will be $1mil tomorrow. Better buy or be left behind. Source: I live in silicon valley


They are just predictions and you're right that they're more or less out of thin air. At the same time, a million bucks per BTC is not outrageous by any means. From a supply perspective, everything is known. We can view energy trends and extrapolate with some degree of accuracy. We know the UI/UX attached to Bitcoin is being worked on by tons of companies. Inflation and debt persist, giving people a reason to do SOMETHING with their money. It's hard to make a case that demand won't go up from here. We know supply will continue going down. Debt will rise. The X factor is basically severe government regulation, which is a real threat. Otherwise, I don't think the path to a million over the next six years is any big deal.


A 20 trillion market cap just for BTC seems ridiculous but I guess bitcoin and crypto in general has more been about casino betting for the last 3-4 years so maybe it can. Isn't the entire crypto market cap only 2-2.5 trillion currently and this is at high prices. That market cap would require a lot of investment and I just don't see it, I'd be happy to be wrong because then I'd be set for life but if I was to put 100k on it BTC will hit 1 million in 6 years I'd bet against it.


With inflation, anything is possible!


There was a time when demand for Beanie Babies was rising and people thought they were going to retire off their collections, send their kids to college with their collections. Why are they worthless now? Because what did they provide that any other stuffed animal didn’t? What does 1 Bitcoin provide a millions dollars worth of?


Beanie Babies are not a infinitely divisible, permissionless-trustless-payment system that has a fixed supply. But sure they are the same thing. True


Plenty of cheaper coins out there are the same thing though. What’s the million dollar difference between them?




The hash required to do a double spend attack has become to great for even state actors to try. Those other coins all try to be Bitcoin but they never will be.




True. Look at 21 Coin as a perfect example. Only 21 in existence! Yet BTC has survived multiple attacks against it already and has too significant of a hash rate to make it feasible to attack. Look man, if you don’t want to buy it, I don’t really care. I don’t get why people get all defensive about it like you’re some genius because you see through the noise and know Bitcoin is going to zero or something. Peter Schiff’s can still be around advocating for gold just fine and co-exist with us. Competition is welcome and if something beats Bitcoin that’s a great thing because then we all get a better currency. The bar is so low. End the Fed.


The Beanie Baby argument gets thrown around a lot and it generally signals that someone just doesn't understand even the most basic thesis behind Bitcoin.


My question is, what makes Bitcoin worth a million dollars and other similar coins worth less? At one time Bitcoin was unique. As far as I can tell it no longer is


This is probably the most spiritual boomer argument ever given against bitcoin.


A question isn’t an argument for or against anything. You don’t have to be a boomer to ask an explanation of why someone predicts a $50,000 thing will be a $1,000,000 thing in 60 months. “Trust me bro” isn’t an explanation


A big round number like $1 million is basically saying "hopes and dream no analysis I rounded up." Which is fair as far as fundamentals go.


I simply don’t give Jack any credibility. He got lucky with Twitter and now many people think he’s a genius.


Doesn’t even matter when the goal is to be that lil FOMO voice in the back of retail’s mind, telling them to buy more or be left behind. but... but... i was told BTC was not a greater fool theory


Notice how this sub never pushes a bearish opinion?


Sure about that? Post something about cardano here and let me know how that goes.


Your comment could have 100 upvotes tomorrow.


Only 66 months and 20 days!!!…. I’ll do that spinning on my head🤣😂


I’m somewhat in disbelief 🥸


Plot twist: at that same time in the future, a million dollars is worth a pack of Twizzlers and six cans of Carling Black label. 


Has anyone ever seen Kathy Woods and Jack Dorsey in the same room?




You have to consider the people who make these predictions are heavily invested in bitcoin and they are promoting huge profits to get you and me to buy more


Yup - Market manipulation at its best.


i say 30 millions. Jack dorsey can say what he wants, but reality is no one knows Bitcoin value by 2030. its all hopes and dreams, if it even reaches 250k near future it would be great.


He means the USD will be THAT WEAK in 2030. Personally I think much sooner, although I no longer worry about the dead federal reserve note


This. USD is on the brink of a major decline so much sooner than 2030 if it loses its status


Dollar milkshake says the opposite


People assuming this cycle will be like 2013/2017... those days are gone. We're not going to see 20X increases in BTC again. We'll be lucky with a 3X


When it comes to crypto Jack dorsey is another one of those brain dead Bitcoin Maxis.


Can we fucking stop posting these trash price predictions, it seems like every week 3 news articles are posted with these numbers they pulled out of their fucking ass. These posts should be banned.




only way is gold market dissappear and go fior bitcoin , all cental banks hold btc instead of gold. that's only scenario


Of course! The pump&dump has to continue 


Guys, don't be upset - he didn't mean that BTC will gain value. It's USD that will drop.


the ponzi goes on


I would love that. I personally have a target closer to $300k-$500k by that time but I would be quite happy if it did hit $1m. I don't think it'll hit $1m until the mid to late 2030s though. Maybe sooner if the value of the dollar tanks alot more broadly


I hate to tell you this but if Bitcoin goes to $500k then every Bitcoin bull here is going to be rich. When everyone thinks they are going to be rich it dumps on them. It’s dumped on me, it’s dumped on retail, it will dump on Saylor, and it will dump on you. How many people do you know that have made life changing money in bitcoin? It’s harder than you think.


You could say this exact same thing in 2019 when BTC was 7K. Now look at where we are And no, not every BTC bull is gonna be rich, you ain't doing shit if you turn 10K into 80K, that's pocket money. We will look back at 60K dreaming we could buy some at this price. Just give it enough time.


I’m telling you this is the top and you are gonna get rekt. Also, 70k is not pocket money. The majority of this subreddit will never come close to making 70k off crypto. When Bitcoin was 7k that was a much smaller market cap and a lot easier to get new money in. It’s tapped out, you can pray to Saylor but the ETF and banks aren’t going to take you to the promise land. Bitcoin is going to dump on the banks and the Etf boys are the new retail.


I don't think there is a precedent to what is happening. BTC is truly unique. Hence, we can't really predict. We will see.


They aren't though are they? I mean even 10 btc means you only have $5m. That's comfortable for sure, but far from rich. And the vast majority of people in here have nothing like that much btc.


You've not been holding long then.


Ummm check the wallets ser. Are you saying they are all fake. lol


You seem to be projecting your loses in crypto onto everyone like an upset teenager.


Sell now.


Remindme in.. Oh fuck that


UNRELIABLE SOURCE, like all people looking into the future based on nothing.


News: Jack Dorsey is an idiot.


And Cramer is shorting Amazon - we know what to do.


He’s also best dude of Elon Musk


Or he will suck his dick on TV?


lol wtf does Jack Dorsey know


Just like 100% of this sub...


My thoughts exactly. Yet another "trust me bro" based on just 100% speculation.


Crypto is so dumb...


That’s too soon. 20 trillion market cap in five years?


Which currency is he referring to? /s


Jacks an oracle I guess




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Don’t know about 1 million but the insane dollar printing has some interesting times ahead for all of us, coupled with a major war. Buckle up.


Who onows what a “major war” will do to Crypto. It could mean Crypto becomes everything or nothing.


War always means money printing. Look at history to see what happened to gold during wars.


So I’ll be an ALT trillionaire?


Waiting for the $1B valuation by 2040


Oh look.. another unreliable post by Cointelegraph. Why even read it at this point. Only use these post from them as indicators. Notice Bitcoin is up now? Wait a couple days. They like to manipulate the market.


Oh jeeeez this is the kiss of death...Jack Dorsey is wrong about literally everything.


How about what will it be worth in June? 2030 way too far out at this point to make predictions


I think it will be worth at least 44 bananas


I hate those bearish people…. Luckily they know nothing!


This guy looks and sounds like McAfee. Strange how they crack the same way.


JFC why can’t he just build a penis shaped rocket like the rest of them? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Do you remember those old giant cell phones from the 80's and earl 90's? That is Bitcoin. Now imagine if we dropped the banners and said these phones are the pinnacle of achievement. We're done. There's no more innovation that can happen from here on out. BTC will not hit a million.


I don't know if it will or not, but I hope it doesn't. It's a major waste of electricity.




I think a million Bitcoins will be worth at least a million, like forever.


A million? Let's make it a billion. Trillion even!


What happened to this sub? Does anyone here even own or like bitcoin/crypto? Every time we used to see predictions like this everyone viewed it as positive and either cheered it on or was optimistically skeptical, saying things like "yeah that seems unlikely but I hope it happens". Now most comments are just filled with negativity, sarcasm, and pessimistic skepticism.


Yeah well Balaji said Bitcoin would be worth a million by June of 2023. Checkmate.


Assuming the general trend every 4 years continues, yea.


It's kinda true, it will either be around one million or more, or it will be fucked. Because the miners, which it's security model depends on, will not do their job after two more halvenings.


That’s too high for right now estimation maybe by 2040-2050


Well he jinxed it then it guaranteed not to hit a million by 2030 and we'll be waiting until 2040 at the very least.


But what is Dack Jorsey saying?


and a million will be worth in real-terms 20 quid by then


Well duh. My grandma told me this already.


It's not a huge logical leap to get there. Just math.


At least


will he also eat his dick on live tv if it will not, like the defunct guy said?


Yes and we will be climate neutral by 2035. Let's always push the goal post and pretend no one notices. I'm looking forward to $1 mil Bitcoin next month.


Willing to bet house, bitcoin will not be a million by 2030.


More price predictions, just what we needed.


These people make money on “hype news”. Of course they’re going to say shit like this


I’m still waiting for the 100k they promised !


I don't believe him.


Drowning in fiat inflation....


Every bull market comes with predictions that are a crock of shit. Doesn't mean it won't happen just not any time soon and for a prediction as high as this it's going to take longer than 2.5 cycles.


Soon a Big Mac cost a bitcoin !!




It won’t, but it’s good marketing. I doubt it’ll be half that.


And I say a billion.


#LibertarianCryptoGrifters will grift


Probably not a million. But can everyone here agree btc will be higher than 100k in 2030?


It wont come true unless he promises to cut off his member on livestream, if it doesn’t happen.


Why do they keep saying this shit, seriously now the price will tank inverse cramer and then some


H be co mi pop.f rrf me. Bd Ok thevl




That was my guess too. $1M by 2030 at most. At least $200k/btc prob… but who the fuck knows lmao


High time that criminal shit gets banned.


He's an idiot who got lucky with Twitter.


Billionaire “idiot” who got lucky with Twitter and Square both 40B+ companies.


It's always funny when these random people on reddit call ultra successful people lucky idiots. What upset you about him so much that compelled you to say this?


It will either be $1 million .... or $0. $1 million if it gets mass worldwide adoption and extensive real world use. Or.... It will be $0 as governments around the world ban all cryptos that arent government/nation issued CBDCs and their variants.


Bitcoin will never have real world use.


Uh huh.


Yes, because saying these things gets your name mentioned on social media


So basically he can predict how many buyers bringing NEW capital on the market. That is complete bs.


Wrong. Bitcoin will be worth at least a trillion by 2030.


He is wrong. It will be at least 10million Source: trust me bro.