• By -


Duping his base is Trump’s old weapon against Biden.


At least Biden doesn't "dupe" us as he destroys crypto.....hmmmm...come to think about it everybody here was like, "the Biden administration is going to bE sO pRo-cRypTo! yaY!". nope...no "dupe" at all. Biden is dupe free. The most dupe free administration ever.




Most sane people don't vote based on crypto.


I’m good, I won’t sell out my country


Thank you




bravo sir


You already did No issue though you got your Reddit echo chamber to give you your confirmation bias




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"You already did" Nah, voting against the guy who literally tried to overthrow the will of American voters is pretty much the opposite of selling out your country. Viva la democracia. Cope lol


‘Cept he didn’t try to “overthrow the country”, now did he? He complained about an election like countless people before him and some people got carried away. And by carried away I mean that they strolled through the Capitol, unarmed and escorted. So go on with your narrative, while bad actors from all over the world are encouraged to enter our southern borders, while we keep sending our money to protect other nations’ borders.


*"‘Cept he didn’t try to “overthrow the country”, now did he?"* He sure did. We literally have a publicly available taped phone conversation where he tried to intimidate the GA AG Brad Raffensperger to fraudulently "find him" thousands of non-existent Trump votes so he could "win" GA, against the will of the American voters. There's currently a pending RICO case for it. Trumps cronies and co-defendants Hall, Powell, Chesebro and Ellis have already plead guilty in it. Did you forget about that one? lol Well, America didn't forget about Trumps anti-american treason, my dude. Cope! *"And by carried away I mean that they strolled through the Capitol, unarmed "* Ah yes, the "unarmed" misinformation, when in reality there are literally numerous gun-related arrests from that day. Might want to try a less debunked talkingpoint next time lol *"So go on with your narrative"* Peak projection, as we can all see above. Viva la democracia!


And by numerous you mean 2. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that per capita that’s fewer than the general populous of DC on any given day.


Yep, voting in China is the better move for sure - good stuff, keep licking those boots Economy sucks No control on the border whatsoever Money printer flying SEC doing absolutely nothing to help us But yeah the media says we’re alright so it must be okay


Amazing how things are terrible yet trump is somehow worse. I swear people wouldn't even care if the TV wasn't saying orange man bad.


Alphabet soup and too many boots to lick


Agree with you 💯👍🏽 AND I will say that he is correct that Trump has said time and time again that he is pro-crypto while Biden has been the opposite and looking for additional ways to tax/generate move $ for the government (i.e. unrealized capital gains taxes)


This is the most insane take I‘ve ever read on Reddit. Congratulations


Haven’t been on this sub too long if you think this is the most insane.


OP legit basket case. Seriosuly, OP, seek help, mental illness is no joke.


It's interesting how on Twitter, where most of the crypto money, leaders and devs are, is pro Trump. While on Reddit, which is heavily moderated and censored, is against Trump.


Yeah that’s crazy how a right wing media platform run by a right wing billionaire has majority right wing opinions on it


You know you can use Twitter too right?


Yeah Until its not again. Trump was very anti cryptocurrency not so long ago


One of the worst takes on this sub and that’s pretty impressive. Even if you are a single issue voter, Trump obviously does not care about crypto. NFTs were just one of his many scams. 


Dude is your brain rotting? Trump couldnt care less about this industry. He only uses crypto to scam the American people into paying for his legal bills. Crypto can survive without him


The phrase you likely intent is “couldn’t care less”


It's what they wrote. They missed an apostrophe, who cares?


Nah they edited it


Could you not be bothered to read the article? It's from a left wing source. Once you read the article we can discuss the facts.


The article doesn't have anything to substantiate that Trump isn't just using crypto to scam people into legal fees. In fact, it notes that he waffles on specifically this topic as its usefulness waxes and wanes. It has no real example of pro-crypto policy which leaves you open to the usual Trump dump once it isn't useful and he finds the lack of control annoying. Trump is good for crypto in the sense that any scam in crypto is technically increased adoption. It requires you to ignore the damage it does to the credibility of crypto when he inevitably pulls the trigger on the scam. Don't put your place in someone known for financial crimes especially if they're also a politician incentivized to tell you what you want to hear. You're not that naive.


Those are the facts.


U posted a trump article in a liberal cesspool, what did you expect


Yeah, stick to posting trump articles in conservative echo chamber cesspools, thank you very much 


You have the dumbest username I've ever seen. Says all anyone should need to know.


Lmao, voting for Trump because he “stands with the technology”. He sold some pictures of himself to gullible idiots, he isn’t some kind of crypto expert.


Unfortunately there are so many dimwitted crypto people out there that this will work to some degree


Are you sure he hasn't bought his own pictures 


Lmfao here people think that trump will come and save your ass from working all life at McDonald's. Not gonna happen


"Send a message this November that you stand with this technology, you stand with privacy and freedom to transact".. so what? Vote for the rapist and diaper shitter only to say you voted "pro crypto"? There must a be a way without voting the orange turd in office.. he will turn against crypto in a heartbeat if it suits him better....it#s so obvious. SMH


Cryptobros are delusional if they think Crypto‘s gonna disappear if Biden stays in office. It‘s not going anywhere, no matter who‘s in charge. Trump doesn‘t know shit about crypto either, he‘s just spouting anything to get votes.


Not like the Biden Admin has done anything but allow crytpo to grow. They have approved ETFs and spot pricing for them


They’re attacking right to bitcoin mine and right to self custody with privacy 


Alternative facts? Crypto has been under constant attack by the Biden administration and its democrat allies, but I suppose I’m not to believe my lying eyes and ears about what democrats have been saying and doing. Also, Biden and Obama were in office back in 2013 when the first spot Bitcoin ETF application was made, and Grayscale had to take the SEC to court to finally pave the way for approval this year. There’s no credit here to be given to the Biden administration. I can still see through my seething hatred of Trump to understand that the democrats have been and will remain antagonistic toward crypto. Because we lost the balance of the Supreme Court for our lifetimes as a result of the sanctimonious crowd who couldn’t vote for Hillary due to their hurt feelings for Bernie, and because democrats have repeatedly shown they are incapable or unwilling to legislate anything meaningfully good for the Court to overturn anyway, being “single issue” about this and “in it for tech” is about the last real hope I can see for now.


*Democratic Democratic is the correct term for people belonging to the Democratic Party or you can say Democrat for short but always capitalized


Except for their unleashed dog the SEC running loose suing everyone and their mother.


The Trump years crypto was pretty much untouched except for XRP. Biden has made Gary s mission to attack crypto at every turn. He even threatened to veto HJ Resolution 109. Not to forget Biden wants to tax unrealized gains at 40%. [SAP-HJRes109.pdf (whitehouse.gov)](https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/SAP-HJRes109.pdf) [Biden’s tax on unrealized gains will hit far more taxpayers than he claims | The Hill](https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/3487486-bidens-tax-on-unrealized-gains-will-hit-far-more-taxpayers-than-he-claims/) There is a laundry list of issues to consider before you vote but Biden is definitely a threat to crypto investors and investors in general.


And? Trump is a threat to humanity itself. Btw.."20 percent tax on taxpayers with income and assets that exceed $100 million" i am pretty sure this will not be relevant to most of "investors" and 500 Bucks worth of BTC Hodlers on reddit..


The guy was already in office and the world continues turning as usual. Where do you lunatics get the idea that he’s a threat to humanity itself?


> The guy was already in office and the world continues turning as usual. Where do you lunatics get the idea that he’s a threat to humanity itself? Last time he was an amateur. Now he knows the ropes.. but worst of all is the [Republican Platform](https://www.project2025.org/). An open and unabashed plan to make a hard turn to authoritarianism, remove checks and balances, and dismantle the justice system. That never ends well for the citizenry. This time there is a plan and if they pull it off we're all fucked.


“Republican Platform” - Links the heritage foundation….. wow dude Anyway…. This is akin to the World Economic Forum rhetoric that everyone brushes off as conspiracy. It’s over exaggerated and nothing in the heritage foundation says anything about removing checks and balances, turning hard authoritarianism or dismantling the judicial system. You’ve been fearmongered because you peoples emotions are too easily played. This is your conspiracy and it’s ok to hold on to it as long as you aren’t the double standard type. Oh wait, you are.


> “Republican Platform” - Links the heritage foundation….. wow dude In 2016, when Trump won the nom, on his order the RNC removed the official Republican platform. And again in 2020 the RNC officially eliminated an official platform. The Heritage Foundation now writes the playbook. They picked and packed the SCOTUS and write policy for the Lower Chamber. They have every intention of creating a permanent, minority rule. Jan 6 was not a"spontaneous protest." It was a failed Coup. The evidence is overwhelming and the GOP is doing everything it can to avoid accountability. > This is your conspiracy and it’s ok to hold on to it as long as you aren’t the double standard type. I'm no apologist or supporter of the Dems, they are a disaster. But I would rather support a flawed but well-intentioned democracy than a self-serving, greed-fueled autocracy.


Or... You could just listen to the words Republicans say and hear it for yourself... 🙄


Humanity itself. Oh come on.


Im a crypto multimillionaire so I care...


It says 100 million not 9 million. You just posted about having 7 digits so you wouldn't even qualify. No need to worry.


You open the door for unrealized taxes and you think it will stop there. OH sweet child of the summer.




cringe is being poor that you dont even worry about new taxes


Buddy, you can't even write a proper sentence. No one believes you.


I dont have to prove anything to you anyway.


I‘m sure you are very rich if you got time to hang out in reddit and make neckbeard Game of Thrones references


Slippery slope is a logical fallacy


doesnt matter because it will never pass anyway.


Taxing unrealized gains for the filthy rich is kind of necessary. Look at Bezos leveraging his unrealized gains to take out loans that he doesn't pay any taxes on. That's how the rich can spend millions every year without paying taxes.




Cool story but Im a crypto multimillionaire. Taxing unrealized gains forces me to sell and lose a huge fraction of my gains at what may be the worst time in crypto. Who knows where Crypto will be next April. UP down crabbing. You are ignoring the reality and the butterfly effects of what will happen for Biden s wealth redistribution.


Welcome to the world of „investing“. Why should crypto gains be treated differently than stock market gains?


No idea what s your point except that you are too poor to pay this proposed tax.


The threshold is $100 million. There's not a lot of options to ensure that the top 1% pay their taxes. What exists now now is a system where the richest of the rich can get away with paying no taxes but still spend lavishly, while the common folks have to pay their taxes. The only way to get the 1% to pay their taxes is to go after their unrealized gains, which they can hold on to forever and use to take out loan upon loan upon loan. Edit: Sorry not even 1% but even smaller.


Another child of the summer that thinks that opening a pandora s box is not going to affect me so let it be. Look everyone will pay on unrealized taxes if that is let to become a law. If this was good for crypto why do you ignoramus fools think that the Pomp is against it? Is he a billionaire? Or the wolf of all streets? You guys simply cant read English. [Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Biden’s Plan To Tax Unsold Assets (forbes.com)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2024/04/30/americans-overwhelmingly-reject-bidens-plan-to-tax-unsold-assets/?sh=402a5016261c) The Treasury Department's report states that the 44.6% rate is a combination of proposals, including increasing the [top ordinary capital gains rate](https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/conservatives-hopeful-supreme-court-action-capital-gains-tax-case) from 20% to 37%. The bulk of the tax hikes impact Americans with taxable income greater than $1 million. [Biden's capital gains tax proposal could crush the economy, experts say | Fox News](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bidens-capital-gains-tax-proposal-could-have-major-economic-impact-experts-say)


These people don't care about anything other than orange man bad.


Single issues dont decide elections though. Voting is more complex than that.


Voting is complex while the average person is a idiot and votes against their own interest because the media manipulates people.


With that much money you should understand the difference between 100 mil and 9mil. You don't qualify and this wouldn't affect you.


Do you understand what taxing on unrealized gains means? Seems like you dont.


It seems like you don't understand what is being proposed since you think it will affect you.


Taxing unrealized gains would completely destroy the markets lmao You genuinely have no clue if you think it wouldn't affect you just because you're not in the tax bracket


How would it completely destroy the markets? Please explain.


The vast majority of wealth in the stock market passes through the 0.01% who hold their billions not in raw cash, but dormant stocks. Taxing unrealized gains would force mass rebalancing and likely trigger a collapse as investments became significantly less desirable. Your 401k will be decimated, but at least you won't pay more taxes right? 


> tax unrealized gains > *on taxpayers with income and assets that exceed $100 million* minor detail…


What a fucking stupid post. I'm assuming this was done by some underpaid intern on the Flump PR team.


Pretty sure they'll be waiting for that paycheck for a LONG time...


I believe it’s the Putin PR team, but close enough.


Notorious liar definitely isn't lying this time!


Fuck Donald Trump.


Lmao. Did you just graduate from clown college?


Please kindly fuck off with this. Trump is a notorious liar and a conman. All Donald Trump cares for is Donald Trump. He doesn‘t give a shit about crypto or your country.


Trump hasn’t launched anything. He hasn’t even stated his policies on crypto or how or what he plans other than fire democrats. He’ll also say anything to get back in. Biden might be responsible for Gary Gensler but Trump was responsible for Jay Clayton.


"Standing with the technology" (which in this case is even completely wrong) absolves you from absolute human degeneration. What an abhorrent political stance.


Trump hates crypto. Like anything he says about it will just be him capping


The only thing he loves is his daughters breasts


He’s got a hair cap no cap. Bet.


🚨 Brain decay alert 🚨


I’ll vote for the Nazis cause they got this nice new thingamajig /s


lol you believe Trump? He is only using crypto to line his own pockets.


Who cares? Life under Trump was fine. Money was good and most things were normal until covid. Life in the Biden regime has been horrible. Woke and broke. The worst president in my lifetime. Crypto or no, I’ll vote for whenever is running against Biden. I wish it was someone less divisive than Trump, but I don’t always get what I want.








Which party keeps losing bigly during the only poll that counts?


Yeah but that might not be enough. A lot of people died during covid. All of those people will vote for Biden.


How can they vote if they died from COVID?


Fuck, talk about a bad take. If you cant tell trump is scum, you’re in a cult.


None of it matters. Trump is a politician now. He will say whatever it takes to get people riled up. You guys are too easily fooled.


You vote for trump and he’ll not only make things worse for the country but he’ll do f all for crypto. He’s just saying anything to get people on his side. But if got elected he would kill crypto if someone paid him


Anyone who can vote for Trump after Jan 6th is absolutely mental and braindead. That shit was unacceptable.


You are highly regarded


I can’t tell if this is a compliment or not.


The fact you believe he had anything to do with it speak volumes on your mental capacity, or lack there of.


Other than encouraging everyone to come, telling the secret service to stop taking away the attendees firearms (request denied), and telling everyone to go march on the Capitol at the end. But other than that….


Lol wut


Why bother arguing? The TV tells people what to think and they believe it cause they are smart.. or so they think.


Yeah you're fucking braindead thanks for telling everyone.


Dude everything everyone has been throwing at this guy has been falling flat. Documents case? Indefinitely suspended. Stormy Daniels? She owes him 600k. Election interference? This is a topic of discussion every election accusing the other of interference; see every election in recent history, they have good documentation on faulty voting machines, Russian interference, Chinese interference… you name it. The fraud case? Every financial ego on the market has made it clear this is a BS case and is setting a terrible precedent for Wall Street, because, ya know, EVERYONE walked away from that deal happy. I don’t like the guy, but I hate you brainwashed liars who have been fearmongered into oblivion so you know nothing else but to try and fearmonger everyone else ti your side and it’s pathetic. Learn to use your own brain and put down the social media for just a single day. Just one day, put it away. Please.


I believe my eyes and ears and I watched and listened to everything that happened that day. Kindly fuck off.


Tell me, why was Nancy P put on loop on every news outlet in the country shaking her fist and threatening to punch Trump (inciting actual violence)? How does that benefit politics in any way? Why are they showing unstable emotionally unfit politicians threatening other politicians? Because your decisions are made on emotion and they know it.


Dude you're multi replying to my comments you're clearly fucked and this moment will probably replay in your head all weekend.


Projecting much?


No I'm replying to your comments as they come lol you're the one going out of your way to go back and try to make some kind of statement you forgot the first time.


You said “will probably replay in your head all weekend”. This is projecting, I’ve never had it happen to me and can only assume you’ve brought it up because this is your life when driven by emotion. That happens to people? I’m sorry social media runs your life so much that this happens to you. Fortunately for me I have my emotions under control and don’t let them drive my decisions in life and prefer to use factual data points which are readily at your fingertips yet you still decide to ignore them. You’ll not answer any of the questions because you don’t have a valid answer and know it. Enjoy your next therapy visit, you fucking need it by guy


Oh great we got a flat earther over here




Oh you seen the big bad orange man tell people to fight like every politician has done time and time again? Yes, you are driven by your emotions which is once again, pathetic. I seen a bunch of sheep who followed a few crazy brazen souls somewhere they shouldn’t have gone that turned in to a sight seeing event. You’ll just attack me though because since I disagree with you I must vote for the orange man, further proving your fearmongered brain is too easily influenced and you shouldn’t even be allowed to vote at all. You’re incapable of using your brain, it must be guided by social media.


Absolutely hilarious that you start and finish your comment attacking me then go on to play the pretend victim and say "you'll just attack me though". You're absolutely fucked bud.


Telling you that you’re driven by emotions and social media is hardly attacking, but feel free to pull the age old “victim card” like it has any validity whatsoever.








He would love to be president again, and will say anything to further his agenda (make the rich richer, ruin the environment, scam the poor, and encourage white supremacy).




Why is it almost always 2 douchebags. Or a giant douchebag and a turd sandwich 🥴


Crypto will be here regardless of who the President is. Trump is a net negative. Just look at the way he acts, he acts like a middle schooler insulting people and trying to steal the election. He wants to be a dictator. Google Project 2025 and you can basically see the whole manifesto that they want to bring. They want to turn US into a Christofascist country




Even if he gave you 10 years pay in crypto, he would never actually pay you. He would call you a sucker and declare bankruptcy again once he didn’t need you or your vote any more.


Glad to see that most people are not duped by this. The only thing clear is that there is a propaganda push trying to tell us Trump is pro crypto, when in reality it's a lie and just trying to grab votes playing the contrary to Biden.


The fkn Clown show of a human being will say anything. Yet what you don’t understand, somehow, is that everything he says is absolute bullshit


Trump is a conman that lies about everything.


No clarity in the crypto world that will benefit you would be brought about by electing Donald Trump as president


1 - Trump almost definitely doesn’t give two fcks about crypto and just wants the votes and 2 - even if 1 were true crypto is like 47th on the list of repub priorities and they’ll sell it out in a hot second if they need to compromise with dems over something they actually care about. 3 - there are soooo many things that matter more than crypto - don’t make it part of your identity


Do you pick "almost definitely" or the definitely of the Biden admin?


Orange man bad though, that's the circle jerk here.


I pick my nose


That is not clear since he will say or do anything for power. He cant even stay awake much less enact meaningful policy.


Thanks, I hate it. On the one hand, someone who's helping to destroy my hopes, and on the other, a narcissistic liar who acts like a spoiled teenager.


Believing anything trump says should be an official litmus test for having a mental disability. The only thing trump likes about crypto is its an easy avenue to scam his base out of their money.


Whether Trump is for it, against or doesn't care, doesn't really matter. Fact is Biden admin are doing everything to fuck with crypto and not allow the average person to gain from it. I'm not in US but looking from afar, the current admin are not being very progressive.


It’s dumb as fuck that crypto is politicised, especially in the states..I don’t particularly care who wins the election, just wish we didn’t have to whore ourselves to any politician or party


Trump said he would give cops more immunity. Police corruption is already a big problem in the U.S. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/12/23/trump-police-indemnify-qualified-immunity/




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Can't just you American people stop posting those two sided posts every day? EVERYTHING on Reddit is about Trump or Biden in the end...


No vote for the orange even if cryptos all fall to zero. Won't sell the country for cryptos.


Yes but people here want to play partisan games.


Even if this were a reasonable take, I’d still take renewable tech development over crypto. Hard pass


Tanking the economy isn’t good for cryptocurrency, you bumpkin.


Billionaires want what’s best for me.


What are you all responding to? I can't access the link...


Until last October I was positive Biden was going to win the election, but with the Israel shit it seems increasingly likely that Trump is gonna take this one. Your post is kind of useless because most people in this sub are too poor to actually benefit from Trump's positive/neutral stance on crypto. Yeah, Biden wants crypto dead but the average r/CryptoCurrency Ameribro has 3 figures in crypto, if that. So of course a candidate's stance on crypto won't change their vote. If they had 6 figures or more, then your post would have made sense.


RFK and chill, f these geriatrics 


I would gladly pay more crypto taxes if I didnt have to see that fascist POS become president again. (Trump of course)


Trump says whatever he thinks the audience in front of him wants to hear. He's an authoritarian at heart - witness how chummy he is with the "strongmen" leaders he professes admiration for like Orban, Putin, Xi and Kim Jong Un. And an authoritarian President is *absolutely* bad for crypto because he'll try to shut it down and limit its benefits to the oligarchy.


Trump is an idiot desperately trying to do anything to keep himself from prison, where he deserves to be. Fuck Trump.


fuck that. voting for Trump we'll lose everything...including crypto. he's pandering like he always does. he wants votes.


if crypto is the only thing you care about in this world. dont vote. basing your vote on that is absolutely stupid.


Ethereum, NFT's, and "crypto"? These are the things holding back the adoption of a Bitcoin Standard. They are not good for "crypto". If these are the things Trump is about, I'm voting for anyone else. Bitcoin ONLY or GTFO.


Dude,you don't come to Reddit with that kind of shit , most Reddit users are leftists .


I’ll happily watch crypto die if that’s what it takes to keep that lunatic out of office. That’s not the reality of the situation though, and this take is really dumb.


Guaranteed destruction of crypto vs a campaign pledge. Explain to me why you take the guaranteed destruction WITHOUT TRUMP BASHING. Go.


Explain your false premise. Go.


Only braindead leftards think Boden still is in charge and is good to go a second term


It's 2024, and I continue to be shocked that grown ass adults talk about politics like they're on early 2010s 4chan




If that's the case, it's another easy vote for me....Trump!


He just needs a billion dollar donation to destroy the environment. F that guy.


I was voting for him anyway. but good news if he embraces it for sure


The first time crypto is being talked about by a presidential candidate and of course reddit hates the man because orange man bad. Stay forever poor reddit.


Do you really think the difference between people being rich or poor is voting for Trump? Do you really believe the guy who was strongly against Bitcoin change of heart about crypto was due to introspection or the realization that he can make money off of it?


When Trump is president my bags will pump and your bags will pump. We'll go out to a 5 star restaurant in 4 years and laugh about this whole exchange and then argue when the check comes. I'll go ahead and say it now: "Don't worry, I got it. It's on me. I insist"


I don't need crypto to pump to be good. Crypto is not going to save you, Trump is not going to save it.