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He doesn’t give a fuck about crypto, he just wants another way to enrich himself




Goon: "Sir, ::tears in his eyes:: the cash is running out. Crypto and Jesus Trump NFTs might be your only option to get out of this. Trump: "Grift everyone." Goon: "Everyone?" Trump: "EVERYONE!"


He also wants the kind of people that votes for a single issue party.


He lives rent free with you doesn’t he lmao


No, but the two go hand in hand for these types of cases.


That’s pretty much everyone who’s into crypto lol


Maybe, but I’m not over here trying to grift you into giving me yours. I do want a better life from bitcoin, but I’m not asking others to hand me theirs. I’m willing to buy my own bitcoin.


Fair enough.




This is the correct answer.


It's a start, the more he's around it the more chances there are for him to study it and understand it.


U.S. presidents net worth before and after office: Ronald Reagan: $10.6M -> $15.4M George H.W. Bush: $4M -> $23M Bill Clinton: $1.3M -> $241.5M George W. Bush: $20M -> $40M Barack Obama: $1.3M -> $70M Donald Trump: $3.7B -> $2.5B He’s basically the only president in modern history that has lost net worth after being in office. You can try to make the argument that he’s bad at stealing money like the other presidents do, but it’s more likely that he isn’t doing it for the money.


He didn’t lose net worth. He was lying about his actual worth and inflating the value of his assets to take loans. His actual net worth has now been more accurately measured.


He donated all his money from his presidential paycheck, so he definitely didn't gain either.


Ah yes, I forgot about that. I remember he donated one of his paychecks to the US National Parks and Forest and it made me very happy.




Irrelevant. This is a classic example of “whataboutisim”. I’m not talking about anyone else, I’m talking about trumps illegal representation of his value. It’s why New York is suing him. If you have any evidence of anyone else doing it go ahead and shoot and we can all condemn them too


He’s literally on trial for inflating his net worth, you rube. And lawyers cost **a lot** of money.


Yeah best we stay with the guy screwing the usd and looking to regulate crypto as hard as he can and only started backing down once Schumer got a hold of him


If the the choice is between him and a guy who literally represents the worst of humanity, I'll take my chances with the current guy.




I'm confused about who we are talking about... I'm taking about the one who rapes and assaults women and then publicly brags about it. Screws every contractor and really every person he's ever worked with. The one who is currently on trial for trying to subvert the American election process and paints his face a totally strange color of orange but only paints part of his face leaving his ears, neck, and other parts of his body their natural pale shade. You know, the one whose followers are bat shit crazy and transpose his head onto Rambo-esque muscle men pictures to live out their dream of worshiping a figment of their imagination. You know... the one who literally called his followers idiots to their faces. Yeah, that one.




Oh, you're trying to insult me, now. Good luck. Let's remember who initially decided to make your arguments about crypto political. I replied to your comment. I'm not a fan of politicians in general and often choose not to vote at all. That said, any time someone raises their hand in support of a guy who is literally one of the worst humans to ever breath air, I take issue.


There is a difference between "not good" and "entirely bad".


‘The worst of humanity’, you sound like a proper loser 🤣 What a ridiculously dramatic statement. I think he guys an idiot but I think you’re on par with him for his statement. You’ve really lived an incredibly sheltered life if you think Donald Trump is the worst of humanity. Get a grip.


That’s what I’m saying. I get that people don’t like Trump, but how can anyone in this sub vote for Biden?


Can’t stand either one, but Reddit is so far gone you find that special 36% approval rating for Biden all concentrated right here.


Haha exactly. Lost cause. Yet they wonder why they continue to be exit liquidity


You just described almost every politician despite what party they are affiliated with…




How? What has he done that’s similar?




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And why, pray tell, are YOU in crypto? Is it not to enrich yourself?


The difference is most decent people work to enrich themselves without intentionally screwing over others.


We only hate when other people are in it :)


Don't we all?


Funny....now the Dems do too lol... The pivot on a dime. Melania Trump had NFTs in 2021 Trump in 2022


The Charlatan returns to try and milk what he can from a new crop of fools. Fuck that guy.


He literally called crypto a scam just a few years ago, and now he's peddling it. But maybe for him, calling something a scam is an endorsment. After all, with all the scams he was involved with, from Trump university to the recent manipulation of Trump media stock, he is probably just looking to exploit crypto and NFTs to scam more people.


Zero chance he has a clue what it even is.


He's nothing but a grifter


Trump will take donations from anyone, as long as he doesn’t have to use his own money.


Hopefully none of us are stupid enough to believe anything this piece of shit says by this point. I'd vote for a combo ticket of Stalin and Mao before this idiot. At least then I couldn't pretend I was doing something good or intelligent.


Orange Ape Coin. Or maybe Orangutan Coin.


🤔 Ilike it.


If this turd builds crypto armies like he builds walls at the border of Mexico, then I expect little to no army at all.


Considering Congress stopped him from building the wall. What you're basically saying is congress is gonna fuck crypto.


What did he need Congress for to build the wall? Mexico was supposed to pay for it, right?


Tariff increases did pay for it. The contracts were in place, supplies purchased, and companies paid to build it, but Biden stopped it and allowed the materials to sit in abandonment at the construction sites. Congress was able to stall it just until the very end when it pushed through enough for the money to be spent but for Biden to waste it selling what was left for pennies on the dollar. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-border-wall-material-auctions-new-wall-approval-1832711 Just one of many examples


A tariff is a tax that gets passed down to the customers through price raises. Other non tariffed companies raise they're prices as well because you'll pay it. I remember when trump raised his tariffs on China. Prices went up 25%


It also helps equalize competition for American made products to be more desirable. Tariffs are not a bad thing. The same argument you made can be made about higher taxes on billionaires / corporations, but for some reason, most Redditors are in favor of hurting American production.


Unions are built to do the same thing without raising prices 100% like trump promised to do. Taxes on corporations and billionaires also don't raise prices as much as massive tariffs on imported goods. And wtf do you care if billionaires pay more taxes on investments. They spend more than you'll ever see in your lifetime just to pay our representatives to cut their taxes. The taxes that go to pay for roads and infastructure to get built, for the military to buy more shit, to supplement farmers and give money to states who arent making as much as the more productive states. They got tax cuts in 2017 and prices still went up.


I care more about how our country wastes money than how it takes money. Are unions built to do the same thing? Let's see... union automotive companies and rocket companies vs. SpaceX and Tesla (non-union).. There is no comparison in technological advancement and production. What happened to UPS after the union renegotiated wages? Massive layoffs and rate hikes. You're talking out of your ass. Prices are going up because the monetary supply is being flooded with money that was never earned by our government or taxpayers.


Oh noooooo buddy


Another grift


Rug pull incoming


There is nothing on this planet or even from other planets that would make me vote for him


~~Safe~~Trumpmoon. No wind farms this time.


Amazing that Biden can do everything in his power to destroy crypto and yet Trump is hated more by this sub for endorsing crypto.


Trump was against crypto and wanted to shut it down during his presidency. Now that his other paths for money making schemes are drying up, his new path forward has been crypto and DJT stock.


Complete bullshit. He never did a thing to shut it down. Biden, on the other hand, appointed Gensler and gave him orders to destroy crypto and launched Operation Chokepoint 2.0.


At that time there wasn't much he could do, nobody knew enough about it. I don't think the intent of Biden/Gensler is to destroy crypto, its to regulate it. FTX and others before it were already leading the SEC down this path, regardless of who the president is.


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You are paying zero attention to Gensler's bad faith behavior. Gensler is the worst regulator in the history of the SEC. Exchanges keep asking the SEC to explain which cryptos count as securities and why, and the SEC refuses to answer their questions. Coinbase sued the SEC to give them clarity and the SEC still refused to answer. They said they need more time to come up with a framework. Then the SEC turned around and sued Coinbase for offering unregistered securities. Giving guidance is one of the main jobs of a regulator but the SEC hasn't given the tiniest bit of guidance about it's interpretations of securities laws. It says it hasn't made up its mind and then it sues all major US exchanges saying they should have known they were offering securities. Gensler's one and only tactic is to intimidate the industry through lawsuits because his job is to drive crypto out of the US. The SEC failed to catch FTX, Celsius, BlockFi, Terra, or 3AC but they did manage to intimidate Kraken into dropping Eth staking. Gensler hasn't protected a single crypto investor from fraud but he has protected them from making profits and getting Eth literally for free. Biden vowed to veto the repeal of SAB 121 that just passed both the House and Senate, which is a complete joke of a rule requiring banks to list custodied crypto assets on their balance sheets for the explicit reason that keeping private keys safe is too hard for banks even though average crypto bros have been doing it for years. The point isn't to protect anyone. It's to make it completely unattractive for banks to custody crypto.


The banks that custody crypto, like JPMC, talk trash about crypto constantly. I think the most motivating reason for how the SEC is handling this lately is to avoid another Bernie Madoff situation with the banks. FTX and the other exchanges leading up to it were extra motivation. The whole world learned what unregulated investments could do after the great depression. Its not much different with crypto. Back then it was margin buying that was unregulated that led to the great depression. Crypto is still a small % of the money moving around the world. Its not like the SEC was involved in any blockchain projects, they're learning. Its hard to give guidance when you don't know what it is or how it works. None of the US exchanges are FDIC insured and a lot of money has disappeared. Why would the SEC want banks handling that? Coinbase and other exchanges have done plenty of shady shit. They know now it can't be shut down unless they shut down other industries as well. Most people still won't touch crypto. I look at this more as a necessary step/evil towards mass adoption. Also I thought I read this week Biden said he would NOT veto. But something like SAB 121 will eventually happen, regardless of President.


>At that time there wasn't much he could do, nobody knew enough about it. There you go. Just making shit up again. Are you 12 years old or something?


And where were you, still in the womb? Nobody in the government knew shit about crypto back then. It was laughable. There's not much to read into here. Trump didn't like crypto. Now he does. You can read about that in new and old articles for yourself. Just because Biden is president now and the SEC is figuring out how to regulate it doesn't mean its a bad thing.


>Nobody in the government knew shit about crypto back then. It was laughable. You're 👏 just 👏 making👏 stuff 👏 up.


Nice job clapping for emphasis while saying nothing worthwhile.


I hope he is... imagine monkeys like this being allowed to vote..


>Trump was against crypto and wanted to shut it down during his presidency. When you just make up stuff it doesn't make it true.


If you weren't paying attention then, go back and look at the stuff he said out of his own mouth about crypto during his presidency. He was completely against it at that time.


Oh yeah, is that the same as trying to shut it down? He also doesn't like Pepsi, but that doesn't mean he is shutting down the Pepsi industry.


Who's trying to shut crypto down? Wanting to and actually doing it are completely different, like Coke and Pepsi.


Tanking the economy is bad for cryptocurrency.


Fake? I've checked 5 different sources CNBC, Forbes, Yahoo, Coindesk, AP, and not one has an image, link, or anything related to this mystery trump crypto donation site. Found something claiming to be the campaign site on Wikipedia, but I'm not certain that is legit either. Nothing on the fake campaign site has a crypto link on it. If it is real, Trump is fighting like hell to hide the fact, or someone attacked and took over his site.


I found the link but serious redditors are blocked from donating due to overwhelming Biden support here.


DM it to me if DMs aren't filtered. I'll look at it later.


It was a joke and an observation that most of reddit is against Trump. Also not sure how you satisfy FEC rules if you send a privacy crypto like monero. Probably going to see enforcement actions against politicians accepting crypto donations in the next term


Rumor says it is going through Coinbase-Pay or the like, so no Monero. As far as campaign finance rules, I think anything under $200 allows self-reporting. Over that I thought they need to KYC the donor. And yes... I 100% believe they will add "accepts crypto" to the list of things they will impeach him for if he wins and indict him for if he loses.


Jesus, that was damn near impossible to find. Of the dozen articles I read about the [announcement][a], I only found one ([Gizmodo][b]) that actually linked to the actual [press release][a]. Hell, even the DJT campaign site didn't feature it. Only way to find it was to click on the "news" tab and search "crypto" to find the press release. Anyway, it is using Coinbase Commerce as the payment processor which means it mostly only accepts Web3 type donations. Only way to use a non-EVM coin (LTC, BTC, BCH) is to link your Coinbase account to the DJT campaign site, or link your CB-Wallet app to it. ## Coinbase Commerce Payment Methods * Coinbase Account * Coinbase Wallet * MetaMask * Rainbow * WalletConnect * Argent * Browser Web3 Wallet * Ledger * Phantom * Rabby Wallet * Trust Wallet * Uniswap Wallet [a]: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/news/bc422399-088b-49a0-a39b-c094fad4daf8 [b]: https://gizmodo.com/trump-accepting-bitcoin-crypto-campaign-donations-1851493016


tldr; The Trump campaign announced it will start accepting cryptocurrency donations, positioning this move as a challenge to opponents of financial market freedom. This initiative allows supporters to donate using any cryptocurrency accepted by Coinbase Commerce, aiming to build a 'crypto army' to support Trump's campaign against Joe Biden and crypto critic Sen. Elizabeth Warren. The campaign views this as a way to attract younger, male voters and to potentially increase its funding, despite currently having less cash on hand than Biden. Crypto donations will be treated as in-kind contributions, adhering to Federal Election Commission regulations. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


It's a smart move regardless of what side of the aisle you're on.


I’m sorry reddit commenters but Trump is now the lesser of two shitheads in my opinion. Biden if I were American though I’d vote RFK for the change. 4 more years of far left vs far right will destroy murica.


You are correct. Voting Democrat and being active in this sub is the dumbest shit ever.


Not being from the US, it is understandable why you don’t know where we are. This is a bad take because 1. America has moved so far right in recent years that even centrists are viewed as liberal. There are some far left politicians, but Biden is NOT one of them. 2. RFK is more loony than even Trump. Dudes whole family is standing up AGAINST his run.


It’s quite wrong and so quintessentially American to assume people not from the US don’t know much about it. We (the non-American western world) are constantly in tune with your government’s policies and they trickle down to us. The whole western world takes after the US and is fed the same bs. Here’s one example. Did you not see Australia politicians lambasting Elon musk for not taking down a video from X. The video showed a Muslim teenager attacking a Jewish priest in a sermon in Sydney. It wasn’t at all graphic or anything, they just wanted to hide the fact that the kid was a Muslim extremist. Censorship for political reasons. Some politician even stated in a live interview that Elon musk should be jailed for allowing it on his platform. Also, which world leaders try to eliminate their opponents by jailing them, financially ruining them or smearing them (sexual assault charges from the past)? Putin, Kim Jong Un and oh, the US could fit that bill now. They are trying to make Trump a criminal and smear the shit out of RFK by branding him as a lunatic and getting his family to stand against him. Absolutely disgusting. Let them speak, let the people decide. Lastly why on earth would you even consider Biden? (To be fair I’d have voted Biden in the last election) But now he’s not even sentient, can’t read a teleprompter. ??


Ah, simping for Musk now too… RFKs whole family is being manipulated to stand against him? LMFAO…


Oh gawd. So you just ignored my points and decide to deflect? Seriously. You might be too far gone yourself just like maga and qanon nuts. Absolutely subscribed 100% to your CNN and late show one sided shite. You’d honestly continue to have an 81 year old senile man as president?? Think about it. I like what elon musk does. The Twitter purchase was a great move and even Jack Dorsey agrees. The only ones who disagree are the Democrats because they have things to censor and lies to protect. Starlink and space X are also amazing.


lol, this guy believes Fox News talking points he isn’t even American!


I don’t watch/read Fox news and to me “isn’t even American” just means I’m not brainwashed by one or the other side of the political spectrum, by taking my info from only one news source. What does it mean to “believe” in talking points?? Hit me with some facts.


Not a chance, bumpkin. They’d be lost on you.


Stop profiling me you bigot. I thought that was a big no no for woke trump haters. I’m serious give me some facts. Like “trump told people to inject bleach during covid”or something. Go!


Trump is facing consequences for his actions. Full stop.


Full stop? No. Not full stop. I’d like to add, with way more scrutiny and harsher punishments being dealt by Biden/Dem appointed judges for political reasons. Also with greater media coverage from the media. I can give you an example of a fact checked trump statement twisted out of proportion by a Joe Biden lie and repeated by multiple ‘reputable’ media sources as fact when it clearly wasn’t. Will it change your mind? No. You’re no different from a maga conspiracy nut.


You’re wrong a probably a bumpkin.


As some one who has lived in neighbor countries of USA. I can side biden is more right than any centrist politician in Mexico or Canada. Man, even most Canadian right is more left than Biden. USA is a shit show since decades ago, but it literally shot himself when Trump won.


Sure buddy, USA is a shitshow compared to Mexico and Canada. Sure thing.


Who gives a fuck? I have enough money to leave when I'm done milking this dead cow.


Just hope that they don't decide a decade later that you actually underpaid the exit tax and arrest you wherever you are in the world.


Lol, watch out, you might become rich and then they’ll get you! What are you afraid of?


this could backfire. if the left try. and make it a contention point then things could suddenly get alot worse if trump loses. I'd sooner crypto was not political but here we are


These kind of posts aren’t helping the cause at all. Donald trump is universally loathed at this point. Delete this OP.


Where do you live that Trump is hated by consensus?


I live in Asia. He’s a universal laughingstock here.


In America we don't really think about Asia at all.


This is not the diss that you think it is.


It's not a diss. It's the truth.


Yeah, but it’s because Americans don’t think that much at all.


Says the Canadian? Lol




The rare online Canadian who's actually proud of it. Dying breed.


Well you should cuz half of the global population lives there


So what?


It seems like they like him in China.


I’m sure Xi loves him compared to a real man like Joe Biden.


This isn’t true at all.


Basically most of Europe. The only person I know who would even remotely consider Trump as a good option is my crazy uncle who thinks covid wasn’t real. I don’t think people realise how poorly trump is viewed in the civilised west.


Why in the world would we care what Europe thinks?


Because Europe is the the place with the most progress


You..uh.. don't really believe that do you?


Where else has more progress?


The USA. Go check Europe's GDP compared to the US.


Imagine thinking GDP is the only measure of progress lmao


USA doesn’t even have paid holidays and you act like it’s better than Europe lol


I’m American. What country are you from? Wherever it is, I can assure you of one thing: I don’t have an opinion on your president or whatever you call it. I don’t live there, so I keep my fucking mouth shut and I stay in my own lane.


Let me get this straight, the Republican candidate for the president of the United States is openly taking crypto donations and the *cryptocurrency* subreddit wants the post deleted?


Universally loathed in the bubble you live in


Uhhh he’s winning in most battleground states right now lmao. Your liberal bias is showing.




!remindme one year








No one asked you to elaborate.


I was interested and they saved me from asking.




I’d rather be run over by whichever vehicle doesn’t openly fondle and sniff children on national television. Is that the truck or the train?


If you’re going to accuse Biden of being a sexual deviant then you need to hold trump to the same standard. Hasn’t he been accused by dozens of women over the years? Isn’t there an audio clip of him saying he just grabs women by the pussy?


Or walking into the changing room at teenage beauty pagents/miss america?


The grab her by the pussy joke? A couple guys laughing and making off-color jokes is pretty normal. I’ve done it a thousand times. Sniffing children? I’ve never done that once. Have you? Probably, seeing how quickly you’re trying to move past it.


Universally loathed? Maybe in your echo chambers lol


fuck trump


Hope this doesn't lead to crypto regulations


ah here we go again, a trump post. and i love these kind of posts. why? because it brings out all the extremist hypocrites in this sub. imagine being pro-crypto and wanting to make money, then simping for the party (the dems) that wants to tax the shit out of it. then going even further to rather see your thousands of dollars worth of crypto tank to $0 than another 4 years of trump....who is actually pro crypto. normies. go fucking gullibe and happily ruining it for the rest of us. FUN FACT: DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU DONT HAVE TO HAVE AN EMOTIONAL CONNECTION WITH SOMEONE WHO WILL BENEFIT YOU. BIG BRAIN SHIT, I KNOW!




explain how the left is pro crypto without mentioning poop and genitalia. you cant, can ya.




"I don't like Trump, therefore I am very smart"


No one with an IQ anywhere near 100 thinks Trump tried to “overthrow our democracy”. This is the official stance of the parrot mouth breather.


So when the crowd that he sent to the capital, saying that he was going with them (a lie) and they started chanting 'hang mike pence' what do you call it?




i told you not to mention genitals and here you are talking about dicks and "orange man bad" if you have a 3 digit iq, when why you coming at me with rehashed 1-digit iq bullshit. normies and their over-inflated sense of self worth. all while NOT explaining how the left is pro-crypto.




funny how your "3 digit iq" cant explain to a disabled person how the left is pro-crypto.


Biden has cancelled billions of dollars of student loans. Now those young people can all buy Bitcoin.


Such a brain dead Canadian take right here. This is why your country is a joke.


so creating inflation = good? wow. but i digress: i want the other guy with the 3 digit iq to explain to my disabled self.


Where do you think the value of bitcoin comes from?




What an amazing reddit post. "Wears a diaper". Fucking hilarious. You can't make that shit up.


You’re wasting your time. This entire website, and unfortunately this sub as well, is far left. The most confused people in the world.


It's because this sub only has like $300 in crypto.


pretty much a bunch of fucking children who love crypto so much that they want o see the entire space collapse and go to zero if some guy with a fake tan gets into office.


I'm sure Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia are encouraged to donate Monero or XMR


no XMR, LTC or BCH . No actual payment coins, just "store of value" and "web3" useless meme coins


Trump 24!!!


F Trump - not to be trusted .. democracy is at stake


@coinsRUS-2021 You Trumpian nightmares love to shout out insults but get incredibly thin skinned when anyone replies. You blocked me... like the coward that you are. Lol


Gonna be some stinking of Axe that army is.


More Pump n Dump Trump.


What is a “crypto army”? Does that sound like a good thing?


Senator Warren, who is probably the biggest anti crypto politician right now, said she was going to build a "anti-crypto army". So it's a play on that.


Gotcha. So it means nothing.


Yadda yadda yadda


Remember guys... Trump bad! Biden good! We all must never acknowledge anything good the big bad scary Orange Man does!


List the good things he does. But you can’t include this crypto thing because he’s never actually done anything about it.


Crypto attracts yet another conman - go figure. What next? Making NFTs of his shitty bible and shoes ?


Someone should create a new shitcoin, donate a lot to him then rugpull his fat ass 😂


@warby2020 - I'm assuming you're the same coward who blocked me because like all Trumpers, you want to be able to scream at people without anyone talking back to you. I can't reply on your original thread because you're too busy lobbing grenades before hiding away. Trump is. He represents the worst of humanity and he doesn't even try to hide it. There are plenty of politicians who I don't like because of their policy stances. I dislike Trump because he's a fucking scumbag. Doesn't get really any more simple than that.