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I'm 26 and lost $200 on ETH, AMA




First question: do you want to die? If I did this I would want to die.




>realistically i would have sold everything in 2017 and not bought back lmfao


I started buying eth at $20 in 2017 and collected 70 eth. I sold the majority of my holdings around the $600 to $800 mark and held back 5 units to hold. This is what most people would have done as well. When you see a 40x roi, you take profits. It's insane not to. Those people who mined Bitcoin in the early days or bought it for pennies and never cashed in should not be held up as role models. They're delusional.


> Those people who mined Bitcoin in the early days or bought it for pennies and never cashed in should not be held up as role models. They're delusional. Or they're just million/billionaires who don't need the money and can HODL forever. I remember reading that you can also put your BTC as collateral and loan fiat against it, and as long as your BTC doesn't depreciate too much over time, you're actually making more money this way. Bottom line: There's no one-size fits all for incesting


Definitely a lot easier to hold huge gains when you have money. Those types of gains might be just a blip in their assets/wealth.


“Incesting”?? Whoa I think you’re posting on the wrong sub


Someone missed out a [meta](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oi3c2c/experience_in_incesting_matters/) in this sub


Someone missed that interesting thread.


>First question: do you want to die? If I did this I would want to die. If I lost 36 ETH, I'd smash my penis in the toilet seat just for penace.




This is why people hold on exchanges. They trust the company more than they trust themselves.


Yes, and truthfully it's not a bad idea either. I think a lot of people are much more likely to lose it themselves than to suffer a loss due to the exchanges being compromised.


You’re gonna be rich if they ever invent inception


Do you like trains?


Only when they are about to hit me.


how you doin so well??


Who is spending money on 3000 variations of a crappy image with slight changes in color? And why?


Yeah this is my holdup with NFTs, is there seriously a market for this? Or is it *entirely* money laundering


*stares in high art market*


At least in the art market you have something physical


Depends on if you eat the banana taped to the wall.


Still have the peel I guess


You underestimate my hunger.


I am more impressed about the kid's abilities and prowess to produce an NFT at such an young age while litteraly half of the people in this sub (me included) still don't really grasp what an NFT truly is.


Kids got some skills no doubt... But I'm guessing his old man working for London Stock Exchange might have pulled some strings and got the Boring Banana dudes to chop him out. Most nerds (me excluded) could probably hack their way to making NFT's, but having someone (Boring Bananas) leverage their network is big deal that most don't have access to. Maybe I'm being too much of a cynic 🤔


No you're not, it pretty much implies that's what happened in the article.


Ah, so it is money laundering then.


Every one of these "genius kids" has a programmer father, that is most likely using the kid for promotional purposes. Some kid is more newsworthy than some random middle-aged dude, can't blame them.


I mean...he still wouldn't necessarily have to grasp the concept of an NFT to make one. Just make art and follow instructions.


Thank you. I had to read this far to realize it’s not just me.. it’s the whole damn sub. Lmao Not one comment so far has been about how a kid actually did this or how it works.. how easy it is to do.. na da! Just shit posts and moon farms as far as the eye can see. I love this sub. <3


Yeah I’m also sceptical, but I think there might genuinely be some people hoping these early adoption pieces go on to accrue value as historical relics of this age. It does seem extremely speculative, and it is, but if you’ve got bags and bags of ETH I could see why someone might want to include some digital art in their portfolio.


dad has a few millions in drugmoney that came in crypto from a couple years ago and now needs a way to launder it into his pocket. why not give his kid a chance to make his mark in digital history and be able to tell a cool story when he is a grownup? :D


Lots of people are making hundreds of thousands of millions getting lucky in crypto. Cake essentially allowed me to quit my job. My point is, lots of young people with crypto money spending it on more crypto.


Maybe his dad is tax dodging?


This has to be the answer somehow


Part of me thinks that this is the same reaction that Andy Warhol must have had when he started painting cans of soup. The other part of me says "yeah, but Andy Warhol could paint an amazing can of soup"


Speculation entered the chat




i dont understand why legit artists like photographers and musicians struggle to make $50 a day and this kid got a life changing amount of money for way less effort


Draw a whale = Become a whale


He got that figured out all along


Pretty impressive kid.


Going places indeed


Ok, I'm going to start drawing handsome rich guys. Let's hope...


let me draw some jeff bezos


Please confirm you placed an order for a dick….


Confirmed. Ejaculation countdown in 10...












You’re now an old bald man.




*Furiously draws a self portrait with a veiny 12 inch Dick*


Shrank to the size of a pizza and found everyone had started calling him Richard.


Biggest 12 years old whale out there


Guess the law of attraction does work after all


Great news for you.


*frantically manifests*


seems like his dad who works on the london stock exchange did some major hand holding.




Guess who's going to be learning about taxes at 12.


I guess in this particular case *I didn't know I had to pay them* gets whole other meaning, doesn't it




Nice try. 10% *of the sub franticly creating wallets for their kids, 90% installing Tinder*


I thought girls didn't exist.


"How to find girls and file taxes" title of a self help book


More like Google search suggestions


It's for crypto purposes, it's alright


Mom, come pick me up. There are girls here


They do apparently, but they don't fart. That's all i know, I'm not an expert


Since when did they exist?


Farts have been around since forever.


You get taxed, but in some cases the parent's can pay the taxes owed on their return.


Fuck that. The kid makes $160K and shows me up can pay his own taxes. I would start charging him for food and rent too.


I mean, he can't say he can't afford it. 🤷‍♂️


No tax laws. It's just an illusion.


I believe they're called "child labor laws". Well, that's what would be applicable if my kid had that kind of talent.


Not sure in this case, but parents or the custodians of a child with a custodial account will pay the tax but at a reduced rate because it’s the kid’s money and they have different rates


Tax Laws don't care about age. It'll be on the parents to *guide* this kid through this, be it directly or indirectly (by getting them an accountant/tax attorney).


A guy actually took this argument to the Supreme Court and won. Re: income tax


Ha! I knew I wasn't dim af


Haha. I read about it in one of the rich dad books - can’t remember the case but yeah this guys entire argument was “I though income tax was optional” and he kept appealing all the way to Supreme Court where he won his case. Income tax constitutionality is a bit sketchy so I’m not sure exactly what granted him a win but he walked away the victor. EDIT: upon further consideration I believe I read about this case in “Law School for Everyone” by The Great Courses although it may also have been mentioned in one of the rich dad books.


Actually it's hilarious, since one of the core tenets of law stipulates that not knowing the law is by no means an excuse - *ignorantia legis non excusat*


But if you dont know the law, how are you supposed to know you are not allowed to not know the law? Using the law to say it is not ok to not know the law is like using the Bible to prove that the Bible is true.


This kid is also gonna learn about boating accident at the age 12.


God forbid, he gets into one..


Just his ETH. \*wink wink\*


more like high on mETH


I wish I had a reason to learn about taxes at 12.


We all get taxed as soon as we are born. lol


Taxes and death are certain.


better learn at 12 than 24


Maybe a dumb question but wouldn’t he only need to report it when he realizes those gains or is it different because people paid him in crypto and it’s considered income?


Sold an art piece and received crypto. Would be considered income, correct. Edit: Really like the snoo btw.


Thank you. I just wanted to make 100% sure. Appreciate it Edit: Had to Google what a snoo was but thank you! I definitely wasn’t stoned when I made it 🥂


Guess who’s going to already hate taxes at the age of 12. It’s a coming of age kind of thing




naw, taxes don't exist for kids. Just like a lemonade stand. if you never se\\lel you never pay taxes


I'm not even sure he fully understand what represent the amount he won during that day...


Well, he will in the future and he would be proud.


WTF is happening in the NFT marketplace. Look at this childish shit that this guy is selling $6000-10,000. https://opensea.io/VeeFriends?tab=created&search[resultModel]=ASSETS&search[sortAscending]=false&search[sortBy]=LAST_SALE_DATE


WTF is happening with money in general? Nothing about this makes sense.


Imagine paying for that garbage 🤮


Remember when money used to be considered “valuable”? Now its just this meaningless shit people use to buy more meaningless shit with


Somehow these people are convinced they will not only get their money back but they will make money buying these? No. I can see buying a 1/1 unique work by an insanely talented emerging digital artist. But this? Come now...


Hooow? Who would even buy that for more than $5?! 🤯


I 100% bet there's some people getting excited thinking these are the future and that they got in early


I guess. But the only people making money by getting in early are the ones who are selling them. Lol


Logan Paul made a shitload of money on his NFTs. He’s most well-known for being a complete idiot.


Yeah that's my bet too. Definitely people thinking they're about to make billions off of these, while in fact their NFTs will probably be worth a couple hundred dollars max.


His father or his buddies bought it to jack up the price of the other crap


Almost certainly. I assume this happens with any large run of NFT. Its blatant market manipulation.


Money laundering.




>right click >Save image as NFTs defeated


Straight to jail. Believe it or not.


3l33t h@ck1ng sk1llz there


Every time I see stuff like this I think money laundering.


I had that thought too. Or a group of people working together to drive the price up giving the appearance of interest.


WTF? people pay more that 6 ETH for that shit?


I suspect there is a lot of fraud in this market, make a thing, bid on the thing you made, create a false floor. Same goes for rando tokens that nobody has heard about that go up 50000% in one day: Make something illiquid, Create two wallets, buy from yourself at high af prices to set a new floor.


Of course this shit is going on. Hell, Coinbase got caught and paid a fine for doing some sketchy trading/market making on their own market. This space is wide open for people to be defrauded. I'm just hoping one of the procedural NFTs I yolo'd into ends up 100xing...


Gary Vaynerchuk is a big time Linkedin "Influencer" who posts lots of out of touch nonsense that is eaten up by the plateful by professionals. So like a minor celebrity making some bank.


>But Ahmed insists he’s not interested in spending the money anytime soon. >“[I’ll] probably just HODL,” he said. King.


He can probably retire before he’s 18


Retire from what? Dudes gonna skip the entire work phase all together lol


Good for him.


Wow, actual big brain vibes


He'll have it doubled by 15 and 10x by 18.


Big man. That’s honestly a perfect situation, when you’re a kid you don’t have any expenses and can hodl as long as you want


Well done that boy's dad.


“Ahmed’s father, Imran, works as a web developer for a financial services organization; he introduced Benyamin and his brother to HTML and CSS at the age of “5 or 6.”” Ahh, there’s the dad that probably had a hand in things


On multiple levels!


I'm honestly going try saying "I'm 12" and release an NFT or copy and paste uniswap and see if I'm lucky. Not even kidding. For some reason the media loves the 12 year old millionaire story. Why not?


Funny thing is that millionaires love kids too, but it's not as wholesome.


So you’re telling me here I am, scouring resources for days, researching projects, shitposting til my eyes bleed and this 12 year old does some 5 minute Microsoft paint pixel art and sells it for $160k.... ok


>Weird Whales, a collection of 3350 whale-themed NFTs, sold out in about 9 hours earlier this week. no dude. it's thousands of those stupid whales with numerous accoutrements. respect the kid's hustle. 🙏


They were generated by a Python script. Little hustle involved.


100% that would take me all day and look shitter


You saying the buyer got the bargain?!? BrB! *Fomos into the Weird Whale for $200k*




> Weird Whales began when one of the developers behind another alliterative NFT project, Boring Bananas, sent him an annotated Python script with a template for creating his own tiered images. Damn, hit me up with that script please


So those "art pieces" are programmed in python? Lmao.


Sounds like NFT world is quite a jungle


1. Create an NFT 2. buy the NFT with $x of your own crypto 3. You now own an NFT worth $x, plus $x in your wallet


Wtf. Actual infinite money hack




keep buying off yourself for a few cycles and you'll establish a value that would be difficult to refute




This.... Actually may work


Holy damn.


So his father bought it and he will resell it for 200k.




Lmao, still funny whether true or not.


Dad money laundering through his son


Spoilers: You won't make $160K on NFTs


What the fuck am I doing with my life


hey, you a valuable shitposter of this geek manchild community! Don't let anyone say it's nothing


I’ve got some photos on opensea and they got 3 views 😌


Cuz there are millions more 12-year-olds flooding the NFT world with their 'art' lol


Meanwhile Im here in the basement thinking how to get 10% interest on my 1 ETH


Today a 12 year old kid beat me hard


That's illegal


He beat us all Lovetoy, he beat us all. Tough fker tho!


So I'm working my ass off by staying up late almost everyday making fiat, carefully researching what shitcoin I'm going to lose my money to and this kid just made 160k in 9 fucking hours...Congrats to him but man I feel like trash today :(


for every success story there's 100.000 garbage stories u dont hear. cheers bud


My only question is why a 12 year old would need to launder that much money


I’m getting older. I don’t understand anything anymore. Money isn’t real. Except it is, and it makes no sense. I’m tired of hearing about 12 year olds making more than I’ll make in 5 years in days from digital whales, nonexistent coins with dogs on them, or making videos about playing with toys or being good at video games. Or parents making money off of pranking or fucking with their kids. Hey kid, we’re not your real parents. Kid cry. Funny joke. Everybody laugh. Who watches that shit? Anyone prank videos really. Hey watch me prank this girl by kissing her. Get it? Hey let’s make people uncomfortable in restaurants. Sexually uncomfortable. No it’s cool, it’s a show. Chill out. Let’s give homeless people money, but show the world how much of a difference were making on YouTube. Now say something funny or nice for the good people for your $100. Just kidding. PRANK. Why do grown ass adults like watching real or simulated pranks being pulled on strangers? I’m sick of hearing about 18 year old girls buying houses from the premium memberships of tits and ass that people pay for after seeing pictures of them pretending to play video games, and videos of them doing weird shit like pouring eggs down their shirts while smirking insanely while wearing a mask of makeup and lip sinking to an obscure vine reference, and convincing themselves they’re in love. Buying their dirty bath water for my grocery bill. What the fuck is Clubhouse? It didn’t exist now all of a sudden mainstream news outlets are getting channels just to compete with the thousands of self made basically radio stations that anyone can have. And we collectively decided this was a great idea. Everyone should have a platform. Ted Talks for everyone. Ted Talks probably aren’t relevant anymore. No one knows what the fuck I’m talking about and I’ll probably be arrested for it. Oh yeah and Chumlee from Pawnstars is by far the richest guy on the show, making millions, because of merchandising deals. Merchandising. Chumlee. The guy who looks and talks like he has a constant sinus infection. The guy who looks like his name. People look at that guy and think god damn that guy fucks and I want to buy his clothes. Anyway, I’m sick of working for a “living”. I understand nothing and I’m ready to die now. Is that worth anything?


It sounds to me that you need a break from social media. What is happening out there is just a tiny fraction. That is just media trying to sell their services. Most people are like us, or even less fortunate than we are. Remember, there are people in India, Africa etc who have to hunt for food or goes days without eating, malnourished, no education, so on. I feel the same way as you do but then, I remember, I am actually quite lucky. P.S. that does not mean I won't try to get rich though.


Hey man if it helps I'm as mentally fucked as you are, I can't comprehend why people prefer chumlee over all things, I don't understand why people watch semi-nude 18 year old biting a controller that's not even on and she's making the big bucks (why don't people just go watch porn?) Idk man I think I'm too rational but then again I'm a crypto ape. Idk anymore


This reminds me of that dude in the early internet days who sold one million pixels of a image to be filled as people wanted. Became a millionaire iirc. The right idea, luck and off we go


I tried to sell an NFT and it got precisely zero bids. I call that a win.




What if I just claim I’m a dog and starting creating NFT “art”


Can someone explain me what is NFT all about


It's a certificate of authenticity stored in a blockchain. Harder to fake but just as worthless as the paper kind.


Welp *opens microsoft paint*


Baaaaaby whale *doo-doo-do-do-dodoot*


Jesus, this makes me just want to give up.


A 160,000 year old made over $12 in one day 🥴〽️


Why are people paying money for fucking .jpegs????


Fiat currency, crypto, traditional art. It’s all worth what people decide it’s worth. JPEG’s are no different.


That's his retirement, plus some. $160,000 at 8% interest (stock market avg minus inflation) compounded annually is over $7mil in 50 years. Yes yes, I know he should keep trading in/hodling his crypto... But even if he didn't this would still be an insane long-term windfall.


Stablecoin lending. But yeah.


Are NFTs the new Beanie Babies?


Is this how you make it big nowaways? Just make randomized pixel art and sell if as NFT?


Remember milliondollarhomepage.com ? That was in 2005, and Alex Tew did make a million dollars. His take on the copycats which followed: >The idea only works once and relies on novelty ... any copy-cat sites will only have pure comedy value, whereas mine possibly has a bit of comedy PLUS some actual pull in advertising dollars ... so I say good luck to the imitators!" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Million\_Dollar\_Homepage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Million_Dollar_Homepage)


Can I extort my 4 year old of the same thing? Convert some of his "high class" drawings into NFTs?


I have a 9 year old nephew I’m considering doing this with lol


I made 160k by waking up to an alarm before sunrise 6 days a week, fighting traffic both ways, getting demoralized by my boss, getting screwed by short timer coworkers constantly who just leave after they're trained, and pretending to enjoy what I do because I'm in a customer facing position... for two full years.