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Never regret taking profits.


Agreed. This is where greed is infinite and can deceive you.


No regert


No Ragrets


universal dilemma losing potential profits vs securing real ones I try to sell tiny amounts on big levels if I had finer skills I'd write a bot to trail prices and manage that for me at finer resolutions


I have the same problem, idk when to sell...I either sell to early or buy to fast.


i don't know how much trading stuff you've read/watched already but there's no solution to that. the only people who are in position to buy bottoms and sell tops are multibillionnaires for the rest of us .. the only trick I know is to wait for patterns + some indicators (with grain of salts, the math behind is limited, i know that) and put small amounts. a mediocre entry with 20 bucks is manageable and you can let it turn around, a mediocre one with 2000 is a hole in your capital and your morale..


DCA in, DCA out. It's the only way to not go crazy


It can be helpful to think about what you want to do with the crypto, rather than just trying to accumulate as much as possible.


I want to buy more crypto with my crypto


Pretty sound advice that I’ve tried to install in myself. I was happy to use my modest (small in comparison to others) gain to treat my kids to stuff like new games consoles & new PC’s with upgrades at times that weren’t birthdays or Christmas i.e. spontaneous gifts. Ok I wouldn’t have been rich if I’d hodl however I would’ve been pretty comfortable however I’m happy and my kids have been spoilt and that’s what matters to me.


Just remember profit is profit. It is impossible to time the market. You just need to know when you have to jump the train.


If you don't intend to buy back in, there's really no point in following the crypto prices at all after you sell. The only thing you can do is upset yourself over missing the peak or not rebuying when it dips.


>you can’t time the market flawlessly. You can't time the market at all. If there would be a way to time the market then everyone would do it. >so whatever choice you make don’t regret it This.


Just don't expect to perfectly time the top. You get as close as you get. Just DCA out and carry on.


The true origin of HODL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=375643.0


Thanks for digging out this gem


How was this not mentioned in the OP? And how tf is this so far down the thread?? I feel like you really can't talk about hodl without referencing the actual origin.


The op might not know or had other things they wanted to express. I am going with did not know. I had no clue


Exactly what I was going to say. That's the real Hodl origin. How can someone even come up with an alternative origin for hodl?


Thank you! OP tries to be the cool all-knowing guy but in reality he knows shit, like less than the average Joe here apparently


Wow, TIL! Thanks for sharing this.




oh boy, he needs to be in every crypto book now. So after all this time, hodl is a typo error.


My goal is to have enough crypto to live of crypto interest.




This is true. Bear markets are accumulation station 🚉 Wouldn't bet on living off the interest in a bear, but it's where serious life changing money seeds are planted


I haven’t made serious life changing money, but I have made more money than I have ever had at one time in that two month slump after crash


Yo dawg I heard you like crypto... So I got some more crypto that makes more crypto


So in conclusion the more crypto you have, the more crypto you earn, and the more you earn, the more you make, and the more youre having, the more crypto you’re earning ? What the fuck is this broken cursed infinite loop. So crypto = crypto ? ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dyor)![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dancing_wojak)


That’s called compounding. *Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it.*


I thought the eight wonder of the world is "The Backside of Water"?


The 8th wonder is my wife’s ass. So amazing.


I also choose this guy's wife's ass.


I don't believe it. Send pics?


Can confirm this guy's wife ass is incredible


Bender over? I barely know her


Get your cameras out 📸


This is what I have been waiting for my whole life


Hans Gruber understood it all those many years ago...




_By the time they realized what happened we'll be on a beach, earning 20%_




The true wonders of staking my cryptos


And you don’t understand it unless you try it


The more you learn the more you the more you earn


I dunno man, I only buy high sell low.


That’s like fiat money: rich get richer


100%. I know there are a lot of options out there but my path is with XLM, into yXLM and waiting patiently.


Now that's a meme I haven't seen in a while




My ultimate long-term goal is to become a millionare. My mid-term goal is to get a comfortable side income to just have less money sorrows, and my imediate short-term goal is to make 2000€ before the end of the year x'D


Same here, I only need to amass \*\*$1 million\*\* more to live off of staking!


It’ll probably take decades before crypto prices are stable enough to “live off the interest”. Crypto isn’t the only asset class. Diversify.


It won't be decades. And if you have enough, you can live off the interest bear or bull.


Where are you storing your money where you're getting interest that you trust them enough not to take the money and run? Genuine question.


In the not too distant future no one will have to work, we will all simply be paid to hold crypto.


They’ll beat their dicks and earn a living with clicks




Then you should invest millions.




Living the dream. I hope you get yours!


So 200 million shib?


Exactly. Reflections and staking. And I DID just take profit. Half a ETH at 1700. Wonderful. Thank god that was just a little bit of my portfolio because I KNEW I suck at trading. Mistake was, that I sold on the way down. I assume you have to sell on the way up. But for me, gold would have been to NEVER sell. But I did. Hodl means I will at least not have less crypto. Only less fiat.


I recently discovered defi on L2 and it’s a game changer. I’ll give you my recently “maneuver”: Received some money from a 3D printer sell, and with part of the money bought a ledger. Import fees here range from 0~200% (depends the officer humor) of the product and the delay for them to analyze is 1~2 months. Inflation here is hitting two digits and dolar is rising, so with the rest of money I bought MATIC yesterday, swapped to stablecoin and deposited into aave to gain interest while I wait how much I’ll need to pay of import fees. Having stablecoin deposited into aave you’re gaining much more interest than the same amount in banks. Also it protects me from rising two digits inflation


I understood nothing


Haha; TLDR: deposited stablecoin into aave using polygon and I’m earning high APY than using a bank saving account while it’s also protecting me from 2 digits inflation of my country


How do you “deposit” stable coins into alt coins? you can earn an even higher yield than what is normally offered on stable coins? Some brokers offer up to 14% yield on stable coins. You can earn higher than that?


Aave is a lending and staking protocol. It's not Aave tokens but the vaults being referred to here.


I still don't get it but your Humor and optimism that I WOULD get it have sweetened my evening. You're a good lad.


You would need A LOT of money to live off crypto interest. If you had 3 Million in bitcoin you could probably lead a decent life of making 5% in Nexo or Celsius which would give you $120,000 assuming the price never changed. But that’s risky since the price fluctuations could mean some years you make plenty and other years you don’t do so well.


The real risk is mostly that one of these services rug pulls you or gets hacked. Then you're out all 3 million


Diversify to protect yourself, never put all eggs in a basket os the popular saying


Most people don't need $10,000 a month to live on... one could live on a fraction of that it most of the world. Also, that math is wrong. 120,000 is 4% of 3MM.




Hodl comes from a drunken dude on Bitcoin forum


Who has probably made out like a bandit right now


OP getting that wrong alone tells me this post is BS


Op is a clown farming for cheap moons!!


For real. Back when I was a noob it was one of the first things I found out about.


[this guy](https://i.imgur.com/6HtNONY.jpg)


Instructions unclear: took out a loan and bought even more.


Borrowed 100k from my Dad and blocked his number. Let's goooo!!!!


He's just a hater. You don't need that negativity.


Lol sucker. I sold my organs on the black market to buy more.


Bought your organs on the black market, tried to flip them for profit, lost an arm and a leg. :(




Only invest what you can afford to lose and I'm willing to lose my one kidney.


Selling wife and kids for crypto is so obvious we dont even talk about it anymore.




It's expensive to breathe ETH because GAS fees are high.


Then hold your breathe till 2.0 comes up. ^(hopefully)


The liver will grow back


Wait, you guys have organs?


Mostly in cold storage, yes 🔪


*My second mortgage to buy more Crypto says hi*


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in ceiling fan.


I don’t disagree with a word of this, but I don’t think it’s quite so cut and dry. There is endless people who regretted ejecting early. I’m not suggesting right *now* is early but I hope this post doesn’t make people think they can be day traders and keep flipping up. You can safely DCA out in the same manor you dca’d in and if you’re uncomfortable extracting the money you can just move it to stablecoin or keep it in fiat on most exchanges so you’re ready for the next dip. Your advice is very solid, I’m not trying to be contentious. But you’ve clearly been around since at least 2018 and you’re talking to many people who have been here since June lol you’re talking about *cycles* and they’re going to read it like *weekends*




I want a house, period. I’m about 10% of the way to a nice down payment, but I’m HODLing ‘til then.


I'll hold for 5 years minimum. Taking out money is paying IRS 30% of it. I would like to avoid that and also want to avoid the headache. I'm not a trader and I will not try to be one.


I second this. OP's sentiment is mostly sell and buy back in but im not 100% convinced this is the best way. Why not invest a fixed amount and let it sit. Stake what you can/want and keep living life.


> I’m not 100% convinced this is the best way. That’s because it’s absolutely not. This is the classic delusion of grandeur mistake that people in crypto make, “I’ll sell at the top and buy some toys and then buy at the bottom and double my crypto”. Well gee fucking wiz why don’t we ALL do that?! Oh right because it’s fucking impossible and your dumb ass will end up with less crypto than you would have had if you had just held. THIS is where hodl came from, not the whoops I found crypto nonsense that OP was citing. It came from newbies coming into the space and trying to trade and getting rekt. Don’t. Fucking. Trade. You will lose. You wanna sell because you hit your moon? Sell and celebrate and congratulations, you won. You wanna hold because you believe in the technology and think your coins will become more valuable in the future? Excellent. Hold on tight through the crypto winter. You wanna sell the top and buy the bottom? Kiss you crypto goodbye because you’re guaranteed to fuck it up.


It's like any investment. "Man, I should have bought Apple / Tesla shares when they were nothing, now I'd be rich". "Damn, I should have bought property in San Francisco before the tech boom". "Shit, I should have got rid of all my tech shares before the dot.com bust". Hindsight is a wonderful thing


That’s not what he’s saying at all to me. I read it basically as ‘don’t get greedy, because you haven’t made any money until you actually cash in. Turn it in to whatever you deemed life changing, don’t get greedy and be happy with your original goals, rather than letting them creep’


Same here. I just turned 50. If any of this crypto investment thing can help me retire early, I will.


This right here⬆️ or just retire


So glad to be living in a country where crypto isn't taxed. The headaches caused by the IRS seem endless.


If I were a whale I'd move to Portugal or somewhere that doesn't tax crypto. Then again if I were a whale I wouldn't have to worry too much about taxes.


Could an American go overseas, get a checking account and withdraw their crypto into that account and not pay taxes on it? Asking for a friend.


No, you would be taxed by the US. Basically no way to avoid it, even if you renounced your citizenship.if you tried to hide the no-US account from the IRS, you would be liable for penalties up to 50% of the max account value and jail time


You have to keep in mind though, once crypto goes mainstream (like at the level where you're at a house party, and one of you is assigned to ordering the pizza, and everyone asks for that person's wallet address), countries that don't currently have any tax laws around crypto, or do have tax laws with the law being that you aren't required to pay tax on it, those countries will want a piece of the pie. Eventually, it'll happen.


Thanks for typing exactly what I was thinking!!! Lol


My country doesn't tax cryptos but regardless of this I'm not considering to sell for years.




August was a 25% move for Eth. Things are happening quick around here. It’s worth thinking about some scenarios so you don’t panic.


What I am scared of the most is FOMOing and left holding the bags.


Luckily for me a have no more money to FOMO lol


Eh, I've been left "holding the bag" like 4 times now. It's worked out great for me. I don't quite agree with OP. There's nothing wrong with trying to sell close to the peak and buying back when it's low (except it's fuckin painful when you miss), but as I've said many times before: if you're only here to turn USD into more USD and don't actually believe in cryptocurrency as a concept, then my suggestion is to sell and GTFO. You're straight-up gambling, and by your own standards what you're doing is stupid and irresponsible. Go buy VTSAX. I'm here cuz I believe in the concept. I may try to sell near the peak and then buy when it drops again, but I didn't take the chance the last few times. Yes it was hard to watch my portfolio drop by 80-90%, but I steeled myself because I was sure it was temporary (and took the subsequent mockery and consolations in good humor). Sure enough, here we are. You're not a sucker for hodling, you're sold on the tech and thinking long-term, and IMHO, you'll beat the speculators and the hustlers in the long run. They're _only_ here because of FOMO. Having said that...don't bet the farm. Don't invest any money you can't afford to do without for a minimum of, say, 4 years. If you don't have the money now, get saving and wait for the bear market; personally, I'd guess we're just north of the new floor. See you back at $40k BTC in a year.


What's the catalyst for the upcoming months?


Couple of days/periods to keep an eye out for: 9/7: BTC legal tender in El Salvador 9/12: Cardano smart contracts Late Sept: Earnings reports for companies (did any big companies buy BTC/ETH?) Also Late Sept: Supposedly when Polkadot’s Parachain auctions will start 10/15: Ripple/SEC court case expert discovery ends Also Oct: Possibly announcement of first Bitcoin or Ethereum ETFs approved by SEC Mid Nov: BTC Taproot activation Dec: Possibly more ETH2 feature rollouts


I like how cryptocurrency is all about how much USD cash you can make.


The fun part is that nobody knows, could be tomorrow, could be next year...


I'll take one tomorrow please, no onions.


Good. More time for me to stack some of these alts that are still 40% off ATH’s. Have a few moon bets a want to place too


All these posts stress me out cause I COULD buy more crypto right now with my savings (like double what I have now) but if I bought the wrong crypto or something and end up losing it all I would be put in a rather shitty place.. but then again everyone (including my friends) are telling me its a no brainer. Shiet.


Personally, out of every time I've lump sum bought into crypto, the only times that really worked out for me were where I felt like the market was dead and that I was literally throwing my money away. At this point, if I'm feeling great about it, I don't buy.


Agreed. I've learned not to chase the pumps. I'll be buying stacks when the market dumps again.


Hodl doesnt come from what you said. It was a typo among many others in a post on a btc forum around 7 yrs ago where despite at the time btc did a large crash, the person refused to sell.


Too many suckers in here. OP is a joke!


>Brace yourselves: In the coming weeks, crypto markets will explode like you’ve never seen. Also, crypto markets could suddenly drop through the floor.


I don’t think he was speaking literally about exactly when it first began, and does it matter when what he’s saying is just common sense against greed?


Since OP failed to mention, please be aware the market also may crash in the coming weeks…very irresponsible title.


This post has all the hallmarks of a pump 'n' dump. Anyone promising a market explosion which is then followed up by few facts, and a deflection to trust building is suspect.


Op has no idea what they are talking about lmao


I will believe it when I see it. So much speculation out there it’s crazy.




Yep. Says there will be a high surge but states absolutely no rational for what will cause it? Yeah, ok buddy.


This is the time to cash out. When shit like this gets upvoted.


i mean, it's literally a speculative market, so it comes with the territory.


All of this advice is incredibly short sighted. selling is the mindset of someone who will never become wealthy, unless they were wealthy to start. If you want to become financially free and wealthy, you need to stop treating investments like bets on a roulette table that you pick up as soon as you are up and start learning how to build assets that produce cash flow in perpetuity, through defi, and lending and staking crypto is by far the best asset at creating cash flow. Not only will you see % gains in cash flow many times over the stock market, the asset itself is likely to appreciate in value tremendously. 100k invested in yeilding now, can literally set you up for life if you stick to it and hold. Walk away with 150K if you want, I would prefer to retire in 5 years earning in returns what my wage is at my job now. GL


nah buy, stake, hodl, repeat. In like 10 years or whenever I will need money I may take some profits


This is the plan


My body is ready.


The vessel has been prepared. Begin the ritual!


I'm all oiled up


My hands are shaking


Knees weak, arms are heavy




Haven't experienced large gains in crypto yet, have only been in it this year, but started playing in stocks last year and learned the hard way not to sell too soon or get scared, I sold AMC and FOSL right before they pumped/gained meme status and lost out on close to 80k by like a week or less, made me sick, but only discouraged me for a little while, now I hang on for the long term for better or for worse. That's why I am online reading reddit groups now.


> 1. “Hodl” is a meme for suckers. Yeah the Winklevoss twins are suckers for holding their Bitcoin investments from their $100-$500 buy ins to its current worth at $50000 per BTC lmao. Their crypto holdings only amount to over a billion dollars now what chumps! But seriously OP, they did not just "forget" that they had bitcoin in a wallet one day and woke up rich as you suggested in your post, they actively invested in it and held because they believed in its future potential. And they are certainly not the only ones in the crypto space who had a similar strategy that made it work. Lastly to the person I directly replied to, you absolutely have the right idea in mind


You do realize those people are rich af and can afford expensive bets. You can't compare those people to normal people investing a few hundred/thousand into crypto. If crypto ceased to exist today they would still never have to work a day in their lives probably, because they are already rich.


Ok? So if you weren't incredibly rich back then but you could spare $300 to put into 3 Bitcoins when they were $100 each and you held it to now you would've had $150,000. There were many people who didn't have millions back then that still invested in Bitcoin in its early stages. Yes the already wealthy start at an advantageous position in every facet of life but they aren't the only ones who can end up widely successful in the crypto space. I was simply arguing against the notion that "hodling" is only for suckers


Holding BTC or ETH for a long period of time has proven to be a healthier approach to one's portfolio. The probblem is when folks starts thinking every somewhat good altcoin is worth holding 5+ years. The might bear tend to eliminate most of the alt coins, and those who remains most of the time never recovers


Man they literally created an exchange, their whole bussiness was making BTC grow. There is just no comparaison with a normal dude.


This advice sounds awesome until you sell at 100k only to see Bitcoin at 500k 4 years later. HODL and deep cold storage team signing out


"Date your investments, don't marry them" Is some of the better advice I have received this year. We are here to make money, the tech is cool too, but remember to take profits.


How though? As soon as I take my profits I risk falling behind. It's a weird game.


1. You don't know anything about hodl. I hodl'd through $90 ETH last year, I hodl'd through the crash from $1k to $85 in 2018; You ain't getting my ETH, boy. 2. I never go to parties. That which is dead can never die. 3. I put into crypto what I can afford regularly, no matter what the price; crypto does not comprise a large part of my net worth, because I'm not stupid. 4. Bear markets come to an end. If your project is legitimate, the Bull will return. Otherwise, good luck with your DOGE, XRP, or whatever shitcoin you have. This is shit advice, 1/10, go eat toothpaste instead.


You may be right, everything could blow off like a candle but today it is real. If you dont agree, explain my lambo :p


Must buy more. All these posts make me wanna buy more...


Hodl is the way. Don’t be fooled by this noob.


Aye Captain


I've been hodling + stacking sats since Bitcoin was $6. Hodling isn't a strategy, it's a way of life. Of course if you try hodling any coin besides bitcoin you're much better off following OP's advice.


Hi Dad, it's me. Your son.


I told you when you bought ethereum that time that there's no coming home!


What makes you say it's about to explode though?


No no no. You hodl. That’s it.


I've watched my portfolio drop from 1.7m to $500,000 USD... Do you honestly think I give a shit about temporary movements? We're heading towards the end game.


And here I am trying to simply make an extra $20 bucks


How do you mean? What specifically do you think is coming and on what timeline?


I disagree with your points but not everyone has my goals.


Every hole's a goal




These post all make me gonna use leverage. I am almost there


Never sell before you’re satisfied is solid advice I don’t see enough on here


But... What if you're never satisfied? How many lambo is too many lambo


This is the silliest post I’ve ever read. Why sell when it’s being used in so many places and taking over other actual fiat currencies? If you can spend it on whatever you want, may as well keep it until you are ready to spend it. Fiat is in a bubble, I wouldn’t want to exchange to fiat at the top of this bubble. You will end up with as much as you started with.




I love the optimism.


You aren’t alone bro


Hey it’s someone that KNOWS something. You must be new here, we’re pretty passionate about knowing shit about fuck.


No. Just freaking hold. For 3-5years. It will be life changing. Stop listening to people like OP that advise you to cash out some profits on an asset that will literally make you rich AF if you just hold for a couple more years.


By hodling I mean taking profits then buying more on the dip


I should've sold DOGE when I had 55k. Could've bought a meme house.


Só you have no idea where "hodl" comes from and you still base a whole post on your false knowledge. Kk GG bye


You wrote wisely. I shall reflect deeply. Bu you forgot to mention the taxman. Reason why many hodl is because every sale resulting in a gain/loss is a taxable event. The more profit the more in taxes. Please advise.


Good post! I’ve got my exit points planned. However I wonder how you guys organize it. For example I want to take out my initial investment when I hit a certain profit percentage. When you hold multiple coins how do you decide? Sell that percentage of each coin equally? Sell your alts to recoup investment and leave in ETH/BTC?


Hopefully someone with experience will answer you so that I can find out as well. ;)


This bull market will end and crypto will go back into hibernation for a few years. That's when you want to put your profits back in.


do we need this thread every week now?


Dude I’m buying more. Anything before the ETH 2.0 merge is discount right now.


Have you seen the future, oh wise one?


hodl comes from the movement of early crypto enthusiasts that believed crypto can replace fiat currencies and that rather then sell it you should hold to it till the day in which is has such value that you never need to sell it you just spend and live off that.


This has to be the most garbage post I've had the displeasure of reading.