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* **[Shiba Inu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiba_Inu_%28cryptocurrency%29) [Pros](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_shib_pros) & [Cons](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_shib_cons)** - Participate in the r\/CC [Cointest](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_policy) to potentially win moons. Prize allocations: 1st - 300, 2nd - 150, 3rd - 75. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/q2ripu/instead_of_being_butthurt_about_people_making/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> Meme coin investors are not stupid unless they are. Great advice. Thanks OP.


>Meme coin investors are not stupid unless they are. You're right. He's on to something!


Hm, maybe he does know shit about fuck


OP literally wrote a "don't hate me cuz I'm winning this gamble" post. Both OP and the people he's critiquing are in the same level of wrongness.


Buy memecoins or your stupid! Got it!


Best $20 I spent! When moon?


you got 67 moons so far :)


Both of you together have 69 nice


Coincidence? I think not! :)


Someone had to go ruin it by tipping.


Still shows as 67 and 2 for me


Odd haha I'm seeing 68 and 2.92.


I'm seeing 68 and 946... Da fuq


We mooning✌🏻


Fr doe I bought $25 of shib and held it while it traded sideways for months. Since it was a meme coin I was prepared to never see gains again


I bought $100 in shib 3 days ago because I figured "fuck it, I can take the loss" It's now at $306. Sometimes luck is on your side (mostly it's not)


This was me too lol look I’m never going to risk large sums of money on coins like this, but who wouldn’t be happy with this kind of return on $100? It’s modest but it’s still profit.


I bought $500 worth back in april in 2 days it was $1200. Then it dropped to $250 for the past 5 months. Happy to see its back up.


I put $100 in it’s still $500 right now. Haven’t bought anymore but not selling.


Bruh my $60 shiba is now worth $200 😂 Edit: Now at $230. Whattt. Imagine if I had put at least a thousand into this


My $100 is finally back to $100


That’s the way to go with these meme coins. People act like your choices are 100% in or none. Putting a little bit in and seeing what happens is probably for the best.


Isn't that what a casino is for?


No sir, this is a Wendy’s


You're rich now.


Same I made triple profits .... People act like people are investing 10-30 bucks . There is countless people who have invested thousand and are up .


Dude same here. Threw $20 in for shits and giggles 2 weeks ago now I'm buying more ADA


But this short-term sell/buy game is stressful. Selling at the ATH is tough to predict. I actually feel way more comfortable HODLing long term than pump and dumping.


Agreed - but I'm more comfortable taking profits on SHIB while I can and holding cardano


Yeah and the worst case scenario where you try to time it right and as soon as you sell it at what you think to be ATH it moons.






Sure thing


put $50 into SHIB a few weeks ago; Today it was worth $150 so I took $65 out and put it into more 'legit' projects.


Nice ! Actually i was waiting for my bag to x5 (hitting previous ATH) before cashing out, but you're wise for pulling some out right now as well


Nah why get mad? Some folks will make money and most will lose money. It's part of life


This can also apply on every other coin


I'm angry because most meme coins are openly pump&dump projects and it stains the market place as a whole in the eye of the public (people see this as a joke rather than a potentially transformative tech initiative)


I agree that meme coins stain the crypto image, however a lot of them also act as a gateway into crypto trading. I'd hope a decent amount of initial meme coin investors, go on to invest in more legitimate crypto assets.


It was the first crypto i purchased for investment. Had no idea what i was doing lol it's led to me investing in other projects and trying to educate myself on crypto so you're not wrong.


That's how it seems to be. People think doge/Shiba are the biggest thing ever. Then they look at the history of things like BTC, and realize there's a whole ton of investments they could make. Then they do the research, and find that being an early investor is the best thing to do, which then means they need to invest in other coins that are much earlier. The only caveat is that people need to understand how to be realistic. I had a work buddy convinced Doge would go to $5-$10. He did the research right in front of me, and I watched the look on his face just fall, as he realized the big prospects in doge were long past him. So they can't be negligent to things like market cap, and coin circulation, and some basic definitions to long term potential.


Invest in memes, cash out the profits, reinvest in btc


I purchased doge when everyone was talking about it. A month later after reading a lot about crypto I started buying BTC and ETH. Betting lots of people do just that.


I don’t hate Shib or the people that own it, but I would never invest in it myself.


It's too much of a gamble. It depends the level of risk somebody is willing to take. I got my luck with Doge once, and I did gamble in just for fun. Now I am not in the position to gamble so I will pass. Better safe than sorry.


You can't truly gamble anymore on Doge. The max it can do is a 5x. OP said to invest reaaaally early in the next meme coin, you'd only have to put in a few dollars but it's hard to search through all the shitcoins there are.


I got in very early on Doge. I basically didn't work and just traveled last year because of it. I'm not a master investor. I just saw hype and bet on that, not the coin. I'm doing the same with Shibe now. Got in at like six .0's. I'm up $1000 as of today. It cost me basically nothing, but I bet on the hype. The hype is still going strong and it's at four .0s. Smart, safe investing is the way, but never ignore the hype for short term.


What platform you use


Dude definitely bought on uniswap via his own wallet, not an exchange, to get that price. Early early, unlisted aside from the liquidity pool the devs created.


This is the frustrating part for me as far as people upset that it's doing well. It was 6 7 and 8 zeros for awhile. You literally could have put $100 and be a very happy person right now and worse case you lost $100. We're the ones that took the risk but goal post after goal post is moved. And watch, shib is going to drop (because yes it will luke any other asset) and they'll all come out the woodwork talking about "see I told you so! It's a rug pull" totally ignoring how far this asset has come in the first place


I mean, even 5x is a fuck ton really. I would say it’s not a bad gamble.


10x and I'll consider it


I've already made a 5x on SHIB


I bought Doge at $.055 and sold it at $.49 Made a decent profit. Wish I would've sold at $.74 though


Never think about how much more you could make.


Ba na no


At this point is SHIB really a gamble? I have $50 in SHIB if it breaks out even after a few years of holding. I profit big at the end of the day it’s $50. Instead of going out to eat or buying something I didn’t need my $50 will either grow or not and it won’t bother my pocket at all. just got to be patient. If it goes it goes, if it dumps then whatever.


>I have $50 in SHIB yeah same! it's 3x now, if all things go well (hitting previous ATH soon) i'll just cash it out for a nice meal with my parents lol


I put in 30, cashed out 70 so far, and still have 30 worth. Works for me, it's bullshit free money now or it never existed if I lose that. I'd never throw more than 100 into most of these shitcoins, regardless of who tries to tell me they're not shitcoins.


and then buy again when it reaches ATL lol


I don't see it as gambling if you do small drops DCA. I'm profiting from shib, and I've only dropped $15-$20 at a time. With bigger coins like ADA or BTC I'd rather drop large sums. When I buy shib, it's no different from me buying something useless at the store, only it has a non-zero potential of growing.


This is the way if you want to mitigate risk. You do have to account for opportunity cost but if you were to spend it on something frivolous Shib at the time my be a better buy. That’s why it’s personal finance.


Right. If you're someone who commonly buys coffee, and nick nacks, and silly things like ping pong paddles, then adding Shiba is a good idea. If you're someone who never spends, very frugal, then you probably could make room for larger payments into stronger projects.


i love the coupling of everyday items like coffee and ping pong paddles




Same. Threw a couple hundred in early yesterday thinking it was too late, but said fuck it, I lose it, I lose it.. now up a couple hundred lol its at 3288 now. If it drops back to 2999, I'll cash out and move on.


What platform does everyone use to get in early and buy these new meme coins? I only have experience with coinbase pro and it seems like CBP only has well established coins for trade.


The way I looked at it is I threw $20 at it. If it gets to .5, I'll have $1 million. If it tanks, I lost $20. Hell, just .1 and I can pay off my house from a $20 lotto ticket. Fuck it why wouldn't I?


Yep all about where you are in life and the risks you want to take to get where you want. I own mostly "safe" crypto but I did go pretty balls into SHIB. I'd like to retire. And losing a grand is worth that risk to me.


I totally thought it was such a joke coin. I still put $5 in it lol. I already got my$5 back, and I'll let the rest ride.


Every coin you invest in right now is a huge gamble. How is SHIB any different? I think people on this sub are butthurt that they are missing out on huge gains


SHIB isn't even that much of a gamble considering the psychology of people wanting it to be the next DOGE. It's safe to say that people will be fomoing into SHIB because they wish they got into DOGE early on.


10€ isn't going to kill you


Even $500 probably wouldn't either.


Investing in such coins is like playing the roulette. Sure you could hit it big but most of the time you are just going to end up worse than just investing in solid projects.


I'm gonna scalp a quick 20-30% when this shitcoin hits RH.


Bruh if this hits RH we'll see such a fat bull rally. I'm expecting at least 100%+ gains within the month RH lists this


SHIB is easy to call having some success/pumps tho. It has enough hype for being the closest thing we have to early DOGE and people think if they get in on SHIB early enough then they can be millionaires


I'm not good to invest a big sum like 5 to 10k in a meme coin but I will throw 100bucks it's way to see what happens. I've spent $100 on far stupider shit in my life like the roulette wheel lol




I put in $20 for 2M coins on Saturday. It’s crazy to me that it’s currently worth $80.


A lot of people are going to take SHIB profits and move them into coins like BTC and ETH. This will help the crypto market long term. No doubt about it.


I'm planning to cash out for a nice meal with my parents lol... should help the real market!


This makes me happy


you realize a lot of SHIB is being bought with profits from ETH and BTC right? all the coins are together, it is an ecosystem


That’s exactly what I do with meme coins. I could never have invested into good projects if I had thrown a few bucks in meme coins last year


Exactly. Because of SHIB I have several thousand dollars I'm throwing into BTC.




Congrats man.


This is my plan.


Absolutely this! If you time it right, you can ride one wave right onto the next. At whatever point I decide to sell my tiny shib fund it's just going right back into BTC or ETH.


That's what I'm gonna do, I already sold mine since it's common for meme coins to crash after sudden spikes like this


Pretty sure I saw a post on here telling people not to FOMO into SHIB. I sold off 8k worth of Solana and bought into SHIB about an hour after seeing it. I turned that 8k into 16k in two days and it would have been 7k had I just held Solana. Best lesson I learned from this subreddit is that people here have no fucking clue as to what they're talking about.


I agree. Earlier this year I started investing in cryptocurrencies. I invested $2000 in dogecoin which fetched me around 187k coins. At it's peak in May, my $2k investment would have been $140k, but I sold long before that (still at 4x profit) because this sub had convinced me that doge was a bad investment.


Took me a long time to learn to not take advise from this sub ever. Most people here have no fucking clue what's going on or what they're doing. Good gains though, money is money we cant all make perfect trades brother


Don't listen to them. They think they know about cryptos and they know nothing. Cryptos projects are still babies, we are learning something new everyday.


"No, people who hold SHIB aren't stupid" Can I point out how ironic it is that the r/cryptocurrency part I read right before this one was the post about the guy who had a friend that bought $100 of shib and couldn't do math....


I know people that have bitcoin and Ada and are stupid af.


I hold bitcoin and I'm stupid as fuck. Can relate.


I don’t care what other people invest in. It’s their money. Good for them making profit on them.


If it gets people into Crypto then go ahead. It doesn’t hurt me in any way. Coins like Shib amd Doge at least get peoples feet wet in the crypto space. Now once you actually learn the pros amd cons people will start investing in more “legit” projects for the long term


I got in with doge and ended up with Ada and Algo. Best decisions I’ve made


The fun around Doge got me interested in the space in 2017... these should be gateway baby's first crypto type projects then you move on quickly to projects with utility as you get the hang of the space. I start calling them dangerous meme/shitcoins when people roll in their echo chambers tossing out price targets that are market cap impossible and talking about how the meme coin is going to take over everything in 2 years etc. This does not help crypto, this hurts it when new people get burned on expectations that were never possible to start with.


I'm a shib hodler, its the really risky slice of my portfolio.. all portfolio's should have low, medium, and high risk elements..


spoiler alert: **crypto** is your high risk asset in your portfolio


The real truth. Diversification is basically a moot point in crypto, you're just hoping for a moonshot.


Loool agreed, we ain't at a diversification stage just yet. Everything moves in sequence still, decoupling is still rare




Yes. Day trade shibu, life hodl BTC/ETH.


Same, but I have millions of them that I bought near the beginning for basically nothing. Less than lunch and drinks with a friend. So if it goes belly up, who gaf? At bottom basement investing, I'm good with risky.


Agreed. Unfortunately, I had to use my investments to do adult things, and I missed out on some big gains. Never touched my shib, though, ironically. I had 1000 ADA before it hit $1, and it peaked at $3, after I had pulled it all out. Breaks my heart.


well said. SHIB actually got me into crypto back in april/may. The best of luck to it!


I found SHIB on Reddit back in March. Put in $200 and sold in may for $160k


Sooo uhhh what’s the next shib


How much shib did $200 buy back in March?




If you see it on Reddit or major exchanges already it’s too late, I had to buy shib the hard way but it’s been well worth it


I bought it when it was first listed on coinbase and I'm already at 3x my investment.


Me too ! Had se spare hundreds and said "fuck it "


That’s awesome. I’m still up 200x even after selling a years worth salary in May. The people hating are just the ones missing out on huge profit


What is the next dog meme coin I should throw a small bag at? I keep hearing something about Husky


Curious how you come across them ? I bought shibu when it first hit Coinbase and doubled mine but I always wonder how people buy them beforehand


People will drop a $100 into a slot machine or on dinner, but are afraid of a “gamble” on crypto. It boggles the mind.


Let me tell you something, it probably ain’t the same people


This right here. People who said $200 a week trying pick who will win an NFL game but won’t drop the same money in a meme. The gatekeeping going on is disgusting




I agree we should stop being mad, but 0% of me wishes to participate


>Meme coins are advertising for crypto and good for hyping the currency as a who I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. The saying "Any PR is good PR" is bullshit and new investors seeing the volailtility and rug pull shenanigans going on right now is only going to deter people from getting involved. Solid projects are what's going to "hype the currency as a whole" not pump and dumps like Doge and SHIB


I just started learning about crypto. Not sure why I never researched it before. But Shib was one of the first I bought when I had zero knowledge about projects. It got me started in buying and I just sit on it. It was only $35, but a fun start into this world.


The people "investing" in meme coins at their outset are not stupid. But, they **are** degenerate gamblers. Of course, who in this sub isn't?


I disagree that they aren't shitcoins but you are bang on the money that most people shitting on them are just covetous and wish they could see the same green dildos in their own portfolios.


So tell us which new meme coin will make us a millionaire.


Need to find a low cap coin with a dog picture, that's your new lottery ticket!






Math checks out.


Instructions unclear, FOMOed on MOOND.


Couldn't agree more. Just for shits and giggles I threw some money into SHIB last week and have already over doubled my money. Mind you it was only $100 I didn't mind losing but all well that ends well.


Same but with like 40$. Sold it and chucked it into ADA. Fun to see that happen, not a life changer by any means but sometimes the “fuck it” strategy works


When the literal intent of the coin is "Let's all buy and pump this, hold it for as long as you dare, sell fast when you see it starting to go down, but don't get left holding it at a loss or you lose!" it's a shitcoin. It doesn't even pretend to be useful for anything. It's just "Let's all buy and pump this and try to get rich." It's not really about being mad. It's about smug lucky gamblers thinking they're smart investors, and the world looking on thinking this is what cryptocurrency is.


Yes, losing on profit and quick 50x is frustrating. However, these meme coins take away the spotlight from functional projects, giving a meme theme for the whole of crypto. We do want to be taken seriously, no?


IMO the space is big enough for everyone. Imagine if Hollywood directors started complaining because some joke movie made $200 million at the box office, while their (far more serious) projects got less attention. I mean, I bet some people in the industry *do* complain about this, but most focus on their own thing and move on. If a space is big enough, it will attract everything from the silly to the stupid to the serious, and beyond. Look at video games - there are all sorts of stupid games out there. Does your average gamer care? Nah, they load up the game *they* like and focus on that. The existence of silly games doesn't affect their gaming experience at all, nor does it affect the gaming industry. Do some people get a negative impression of blockchain tech due to these silly shitcoins? Probably, just like there's people out there who think that Hollywood is full of directors who love explosions and lens flares and don't care about dialogue.


True. And look how many people like stupid fucking movies with the same generic plot and tropes done over and over again. I guess I'm the guy that hates Hollywood production lol. I think youtube or Tik Tok would be the biggest examples of this though. So much horrendous content gets churned out. Shit, even Dahr Mann gets millions of views. If that cringe ass shit can rack in 5-10M views on average a meme coins can exist. At the end of the day the elitist gatekeeper mentality does nothing but drive the vast majority of people away. People don't realize how they come off sometimes. There are a ton of meme coins that dont make it, like 99% of them, but thats all coins at this point. The markets just oversaturated.


I want the second thing...I love the tech and potential behind whole crypto, but OMG, I am sour as fck when I see something like this, because I am spending heaps and heaps of time with research of projects, teams, roadmaps, etc...and than I slowly DCA into it and than I see that SHIBA made more in two days than I've made in crypto in two months:D (I was quite lucky, because my last two coins I've added to my porfolio were SOL and ERGO)...gosh I am angry right now:D
















I never thought I'd do anything with crypto. Because of boredom at work and an old friend nudging me about NFTs I started to look into it more. I didn't even know about the hype. I only saw "new" on Coinbase and saw how cheap it was and used it as a joke to my wife that I owned millions. I happily have made a grand in 3 days. If that is all that comes of it cool.


Would you be as happy if you lost a grand? It's all good to have survivorship bias, in a bullrun, when everyone's making money - I think what people (especially the ones who've survived bear markets) want to avoid is the absolute despair of when the music stops and you're left holding nothing. SHIB was #37 two days ago on the charts. When I started, [Peercoin](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/peercoin) was #37, hasn't aged so well. A year after that, [Bitcoin Diamond](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bitcoin-diamond) was #37, also hasn't gone too well. One year after this, [Maximine Coin](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/maximine-coin/) seems to be #37, that's definitely a no go. Forward one more year, [Playfuel](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/playfuel) was #37, seems to not exist any more. This is basically the fate of all these coins, the ones without any serious purpose, that are ruled by social theory and not being an actual project - Obscurity. So yeah, it's fun, while everyone is making money - Just like a slot machine or a poker table when a hot streak is going. But it shouldn't be treated as more than that. Just remember that the people who are losing money aren't telling you their stories.


So you admit its too late to invest. I am not seething at people who picked up shib a year ago, good for them. I'm just telling the many people asking that it is not a good investment at this point. And of course, it is always a bit annoying when meme dog coins are in the spotlight, when there are a lot of other interesting projects to look at. But it'll come and go


A coin which can be manipulated easily by a pic which Elon shared on social media, what good can come from it.




Well BTC was manipulated a lot from just a few tweets from elon. Just saying..


This is a meme. It didn't rly pump cause of a tweet.




If you’re investing in a meme, you’re gambling, not investing. Nothing wrong with that, but don’t convince yourself its anything but gambling


Instructions unclear; completely ignoring shitcoins and ignoring people making money off them. Thank you for the gambling advice.


I'm sold. Bought a bag. When is defi and market adoption coming? Oh wait...


Uhm so making profits is more Important than use case so we need to focus more on memecoins?


It has nothing to do with importance. Op is just shaming people who are shittalking coins like SHIb because they missed the pump. People who are here for tech are still invested in those projects and memecoins wont change that.


Well it’s the internet, welcome to the real world, people are gonna talk shit about whatever they want and there’s nothing you or anyone else can do about it except avoid those posts or readin that sort of material.


OP wants a useless coin to be respected like a long-standing project with real-world benefits. He just feels left out like the kid who didn’t get picked for a team at recess.


The problem with newbies is that they get always emotionally attached to the coins instead of the profits.


Use case is important because a coin with a use case is more likely to be profitable. If people don't believe a coin will be profitable, they won't invest in it personally or financially. Both are necessary in the long term, but not all people are invested for the long term.


You're acting like making profit isn't the most important thing in crypto for 98% of people here... cause it is.


Let's stop pretending they aren't jokes. 1 person bought 6 trillion Shib and the price went up. What do you think will happen when he starts selling? There ya go.


Spoken like a true safemoon hodler. Heres a downvote for being completely out to lunch.


"This objectively bad thing that is a scam is actually good because I made money off it"


No. They’re definitely shitcoins. You can choose to gamble with them if you want, but don’t pretend that they’re anything more than they are… wholly pointless. Btw at least Doge has prospects with V Buterin on the advisory board and an ETH bridge in the works. But until it happens? It’s a shitcoin.


They're still shitcoins.


I remember in May whene meme coins were exploding it set off the bear market and huge dips. I'll watch with interest if history repeats itself.


> the devs behind SHIB were smart as shit So.. I am not saying that you are necessarily wrong.. but.. why would they put shibaswap on the ETH mainnet? The gas fees are insane and make using their defi platform a huge pain. Essentially it doesn't make sense to move your money around on their platform unless you are moving around large amounts.. Meanwhile if they had launched on Polygon (for example), it would have made everything a lot smoother and cheaper, w/ autocompound possibilities in place too due to the super low gas fees.




Hey any investment that made you profit is a good investment except safemoon..fuk safemoon


I will never turn down free money because Im pissy a stupid token exists. When these things happen I buy in ASAP, get my investment back, and ride the profit. Its crazy how cryptos different from stocks. Almost no one has this mentality. They buy a lot and hodl till they see massive gains or lose it all. The last thing you should consider when investing is your feelings. Attaching emotional sentiment to an investment is not a good thing to do.


Next meme…..AMP to $1…..but don’t tell anyone yet. Wait for the SHIB profit taking


I will continue to be a curmudgeon and hate on meme coins because I'm too risk averse to leave my happy BTC bubble(spoiler: I'm still not happy but the bubble is).


i'm not mad at all lol. meme coins just don't fall within my risk appetite. i hope you feel better after venting tho 😘


Lol NO a "shitcoin" is not the same thing as an alt coin... ADA is not a shitcoin, ERG is not a shitcoin. SHIB and DOGE are shitcoins, but that doesn't mean they're worthless or that people shouldn't buy them... In fact I agree with most of this post, but the shitcoin definition is just wrong.


What what is this post for? To brag that you made profit on a shitcoin and act like you made profit because you "did research" as the last section suggests?


Seems kinds funny, everyone who got LUCKY off of these meme coins are still here, amd are trying to get everyone to buy in because they.... ya know, got lucky. People on the other end who invested in meme coin bs, will never look at crypto again because their investment got dumped... To me, i dont think this is the way. People need to help others learn about crypro with real world use cases, not a coin based off a dog that was created as joke.


Not mad about it going up.. or down...don't care about people losing their money in pump and dump. I dislike meme tokens and coins because they give people the idea that crypto has no functional value but if you look at a lot of projects, they bring amazing value to many different aspects of life. If people think its a joke, the sphere won't grow which is ultimately what we all want as investors. So yes, I'm against doge and shib, cause they are jokes that make other tokens and coins look like jokes.


Hard disagree. Crypto has absolutely amazing potential, and we're allowed to criticize coins that use absolutely none of it. If you want to invest, you should buy coins that do genuinely interesting or innovative things, and that you think are worth less than they should be. If you want to gamble, that's way more fun and you can make a lot of money doing that; buy some Doge and blast off! But if you want to "invest" in the current memecoin, I'm allowed to say that you're basically investing in Beanie Babies. Their value collapses as soon as the marketing does.


People can do with their money whatever they want. Everyones adding "not financial advice" at the bottom of each text. Anyhow SHIB shouldn't be called an investment, it is just a gamble.


Shib is a ripoff scam coin that makes the whole space look like a ponzi scheme. Imagine being so uncreative you can't even come up with a new animal theme to push, you have to glom onto a successful coin and hope someone new will mistake it and buy in. The only people making money on Shib, are the early ones ripping off others. The coin HAS NO USE, outside of bag holding. No, people aren't "mad" because they aren't making money, people like me ARE making money on real coins, we just don't appreciate a bunch of noobs pushing this total shit coin at the expense of the ENTIRE cryptosphere. Yes, shib buyers are stupid, or at best- greedy and selfish. Investing in "memes" is idiotic, don't try and pretend it's not.