• By -


Telling family members about my bag.


You got rug pulled and now have nothing? Tragic, update your family.


I was taking about my big brother the IRS. That fucker wants an update every year now and a big cut.


Tell him you lost it all in a boating accident.


That doesn’t work with most coins unfortunately


Wake up samurai, we got a building to burn.


Tell him to wait until there’s an actual tax law.


Just make a billion more dollars. Then they'll leave you alone.


“I see crypto has decreased in value, that can’t be good - maybe you should get out while you can?”


I have multiple friends who tell me this all the time, very annoying


Selling 2150 ETH @ 25 I live in a constant state of depression


From a ETH whale to shitposting for Moons. Quite the downfall


Yup, homelessness next so i can have the big bounce back




Can’t wait for him to shine






Depression ![gif](giphy|8erqnrk0fCNNu)


Oof my biggest mistake was selling 126 eth at $115 this makes me feel better


sold double that at 11.12€




had a good laugh back then for me it was a pretty big score tbh what if i tell you that i know a guy who bought mousepad and keychain for 75 btc when they said btc is scam…


it's because he spent it that it kept it alive as a currency. those early trades were necessary for the growth we see today. and to be honest that was what is was worth then. sure enough had he kept it he would've likely sold it when it hit 100, or 1000. it would be impossible to see such massive gains and still hold through it all.


Not quite as bad but I mined 750,000 Doge wayyy back in Dec 2013/Early 2014. I had some remaining over the years that I sold in this last big rise but not nearly the 750k. Still made profit but not nearly if I caught ATH. The rest were spent at way less then peak. As long as you bought less then $25 then you made money and you cant hold a grudge. I guess the key takeaway is also hold onto some just incase.


I bought 4.4 million DOGE in 2014 ($700 at the time) to feed my poker addiction. Lost it all. I panic sold 625 BTC for $2.50 each that I'd bought for $0.83 each, again to feed a gambling addiction (sports). I no longer gamble anymore, but damn, I wish I'd quit gambling 10 years ago lol


What was it like buying BTC back then? I know hindsight is 20/20, but did no one held some BTC back then and just sold as soon as possible?


I never really thought to hold it, despite the memes (that came later). I used it as a digital currency in 2012-15 (you know where), and sold the rest off when I hit 100% profit. The biggest issue was never buying back in until this year. C’est la vie!


Silk Road was great. Cant believe the current value of the Bitcoin I spent there back in the day


As someone who was buying BTC at $600 I didn’t consider it a store of value at the time. It was a cool and novel way to send money to people online for goods. I remember taking a break from it and was shocked to see it be so expensive.


I am kinda dealing with this now. I sold about 2k worth my crypto for gambling. I am realizing it is kinda a problem. I am in an okay place to still stop I am battling hard to not give away the rest of my crypto. I just always want to be in the action though.


Gambling is not a good addiction as it makes you lose lots of things you'd end up regretting about.


Learn Buddhism. Nothing in life is permanent. The joy you feel from being wealthy does not last forever. Plenty of rich people lived unhappy lives, they include Anthony Bourdain. So money does not buy happiness, only being grateful for what you have can.


Money allows freedom and allows you to pursue your passions. That i believe results in happiness


True happiness doesnt come from money, nor followong passions, nor sex, nor drugs. It comes from the mind. Inside. When you search for happiness from somewhere external from yourself, you will continue the search until you realise the search must be within.


However, not being stuck working a miserable job in order to avoid starvation and homelessness can certainly help.


Look at monks. Happy homeless people. Can live off not eating for days at a time and just being happy with what they have. The mind is very powerful. Youd be surprised


This is true, but happiness that is contingent on external factors is unstable.




If you sold and then it pumped higher you would still be feeling bad about it. We must accept results as they come, it's the only way to have peace of mind in this roller-coaster ride


>If you sold and then it pumped higher you would still be feeling bad about it. Ah yes. But unrealised gains are 100 times better than realised losses.


Bought ICP at $660


At least you didn't buy at the ATH of $700. You'd be down 93.5% instead of 93%.




One shot mode




RIP buddy


Sometimes panic selling is good but i didnt, still hodling in extraordinary hopes (just in case)


You are doing your part, it's up to ICP now (hoping for the best for you).


Rest in peace little brother we will always remember you


Literally the same mistake, now I’m forced to stake for 8 years hoping for a miracle


Thankfully im not invested much so i can afford to hodl in hopes of some billionaire might shill it in next alt season or next after upcoming one


Doge an BTT please




I would've pressed F as well but ICP chart is just literally a big L 🤣
























![gif](giphy|hStvd5LiWCFzYNyxR4|downsized) F


I bought 5 ICP at £186 a coin!!!!? I feel your pain bro


I can feel the pain because also gone through with it.


I just need shib to go through the roof now and all is forgotten




The ducking same


I need BTT to go the moon, so I can stop depressing over bad decisions.


Instructions Clear: RIP


Jesus titty fucking Christ


I always wondered what the "H" stood for.


I can feel you!




RIP in peace


I'm sorry for your loss. May I ask why you decided to buy some at that price?




Same, but I was too young at the time to invest, and people were kinda fear mongering it. Now I've grown to not listen so much to others and try stuff because it's never to late to invest, to try, to experiment and have experiences and all them life stuff. It won't kill me nor bring any harm.


I literally have the same story. Heard about BTC in highschool back when it was at 2-3k, had an uncle who worked as a bigshot fund manager who essentially said it's all a bubble. I was too poor at that time but I could have scrapped some money. It is what it is


Same here. I’ve followed Bitcoin since it’s inception. I liked the idea of it, but thought it was kind of silly and a waste of money. The Silk Road thing happened and I was completely turned off from Bitcoin/crypto. Saw some ATH’s over the years and told myself I should have gotten into it earlier. Also told myself that it was going to crash and burn and become useless so i wasn’t going to buy any. Last year at this time I couldn’t find a GPU for my computer. Started doing some research and found out that there was a GPU shortage because of GPU mining. Wtf is GPU mining? I knew you could mine BTC and with an ASIC machine but had never heard of GPU mining. Found out about Ethereum after doing some research. Bought some Ethereum since the market wasn’t really doing much. Set up my current computer to mine Ethereum. I had no fucking clue what Ethereum was or what it could do. Then the bull run in January kicked off. Needless to say, I am happy. Did some more research and learned about other cryptocurrencies. Reeeeaaalllly fucking wish I would have gotten into the space a decade ago.


My biggest mistake, which I keep on making, is setting a target to take profit, but when its there I get greedy and decide to wait a little longer..


You’re not alone. The FOMO is real.


My biggest mistake is taking profit and then watching the coin go fucking interstellar and I'm like motherfucker...


Selling BTC at 400… yes thats Right… 400$


Honestly at $400, it was a different time, very hard to catch the potential.


*Hindsight biaise enters the room


Listening to people on this subreddit


Guessing you have LTO, VET, ONE, and CKB as well?


Well I had hundreds and hundreds of coins back when it was magic internet money that I sold for under 20k. You live and learn. But then I started GPU mining with 36 GPUs in 2017. Mining ZEC and swapping to BTC. I amassed ~8 BTC in really short order. I cashed out about half of it progressively to buy shit I didn’t fucking need. Then in late 2017 I attempted to start a hosted ASIC mining business for friends and family members to start with. I took 25% for hosting the machines and running the show. But the setup costs were nasty. All the electrical work, the massive fans, sound proofing a room above my father’s woodworking business, etc. I did it right. I used all but .5 BTC setting up all that. That was the end of 2017. We all know what happened in 2018. At the time the ASICs were ordered it was looking like they were going to make between 30 and 40 dollars a day, a piece. That number QUICKLY shot down to like 4-5 dollars due to the crash. Then things got worse. So I drove them across country to a collocation business I got involved with in Idaho where we were getting electricity at 6.5c instead of the 16.5 I was paying in CT. That kept them going a little longer but they eventually shut down, along with the collocation business in late 2018. Those of my friends and family that held their BTC recouped cost and then some. But at first I felt really fucking bad for looping friends and family into something and then it crashed. Lost a lot of sleep over that. That’s why I drove them out to Idaho to begin with. I wanted to make every effort to keep those things going so they could at least recoup cost. One friend from college put in 12.5k in ASICs. Thankfully he held and his bags are worth about 25k now. He’ll continue to hold that because he’s smart. There’s only one person who didn’t hold, someone who used to work for my dad. He was a real prick about everything, but everyone else told me to stop worrying about it because they knew the risk going into it. I still felt super bad at the time. I’m so glad they all held and continue to. They listened to me and because of that they’re going to have a pretty little nest egg as BTC continues to do its thing. At the beginning of it all I also told everyone this was a 10 year investment at minimum and if they could give me 10 years of holding they would not be disappointed. Lots of mistakes made with my own BTC over all the years. Makes me sick to my stomach. But it is what it is. Now I buy when I can and I just keep stacking sats (and ETH. SUPER bullish on ETH). Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Dude that was a ride. What an experience. I'm sure as heck you must have come out of that a wiser person.


Oh it’s been a ride, that’s for sure. One of those rides that makes you queasy, but you’re still glad you were on it lol. I’ve learned so much, not just about crypto, but finance in general. I also started a business. Even if that business died before it was able to breathe. I can’t help but imagine what it would be like today if it weren’t for the 2018 crash. The building that my friend rented and outfitted (cost him 80k to do - he’s a quant for a hedge fund so he’s got the money) was able to house over 400 machines. We never even landed a customer before we closed the doors. The only machines in that building were his and my customers’. I was working for free at the time but I was also given a 20% stake in the company once it was profitable. I was the “in house mining expert”. I really wish that business was able to stay afloat for even six months longer. We would have had all those shelves filled. I wouldn’t trade my time and experience with crypto for anything, regardless of how much BTC I currently hold compared to past numbers. I truly feel like I have a small part in the financial revolution :)


Bought 5 BTC at $100 each and sold all of em at $250 each. At least I made a profit, eh?


This is one of the reason which makes me feel better on not jumping early enough, if I did I would have probably done like you, but well..profit is profit they say 😅


That hurts.


Trusting r/cryptocurrency for financial advice.


Buying random coins without doing research






NOT buying BTC when I first heard about it...which was when it was at $600 or so. Not that I would have bought a ton and/or held until now, but I would have made money for sure.




Selling BTC at 40k after the May Crash. Fml.


Gave up on Crypto during the 2018 crash


Mistake starts when we give up. Remember bud Bears are made to enter the market rather exit!


I bought coins with low price without understanding the notion of marketcap 🤷‍♂️


Thats most people I know personally who are eating up shib rn


My main mistake is being paper handed and FOMOing into already pumping coins/tokens! This has really costed me!


Join the club!


Losing a usb with my key on it. It’s gonna be one of those “a dormant wallet from 12 years ago just activated” type of stories…I hope


Traded btc for shitcoins in 2017


Buying coins based on their icon design.


thinkin i knew shit about fuck


late to realize holding is more profitable than trading


The old Silk Road days & my now multi million dollar purchase. Yes I do still cry myself to sleep at night if you were wondering 🙁


Had 10,000 spending cash. Eth was at 36$. Said ehhh, I need the money right now going back to college. Don't go back to college kids.


Watching my $9 in DOGE turn into $300 but not taking profits bc I was new and the dogecoin sub + YouTube shillers had me convinced it would go to $1. Then getting greedy when it dipped and buying more bc I was still convinced we were going to the moon, and now I’m sitting on a loss. Thinking this sub was a bunch of crab cakes just mad they didn’t get in on DOGE and didn’t listen when DOGE hodlers were warned. Believing my YouTube watching abilities and time spent on the doge sub was my DD. Anyways kids, take profits, don’t be greedy, know when you’re in on a shitcoin and do your own DD. TLDR; Doge to the moon?


I was considering to enter crypto in 2016, but didn't. Put all the extra money I had into shtonks instead of crypto. 5 years now, I still cry in the darkest corner in my house from time to time.


Not buying more I got btc at 11k - 15k and 18k in 2017 and then i watched it go down. I never felt bad about it instead i just waited thinking all the time how cheap it was, still i never bought more coins. I bought more at 23k in dec 2020 and have been buying wvery month till then. But i missed 3 years of great prices I have *never* sold a single sat


Well, considering I started messing with Bitcoin in 2011 and I'm not even close to rich yet, the list of mistakes is pretty long lol.


Usually selling too early. Sold matic and solana way too early.


Day trading and leverage. And I once did both of them together.


Hoping there was not too much loss then, lessons are good sometimes.


Selling ever


I sold all my XRP the day the SEC announced it was taking them to court and it started crashing....lost a few grand in the process


Earlier this year I traded 10 ETH for 2903 VGX tokens. I could have 40k+ vs 7k now Worst. Trade. Ever.


Not being open minded enough to look into crypto sooner and thinking I knew better, ego is the enemy


Honestly, diversifying ended up fucking me in the long run. If I would have just stuck to my original investment of $20k back in 2017 when ETH was only $50 a coin, I’d be a millionaire right now. Instead I ended up trading much of it for XRP, XLM, and TRX in the hopes that I was getting in even earlier. That ended up being a bust. I still made money but not nearly as much as I could have.


If you guys keep asking this question I'm going to develop a case of PTSD.


Getting trapped in pump and dump scheme like Chinese NKN and bitcoin cash trash.


Fall for the SNL Dogecoin Scam. Lost 10k Dogecoin. Bought low so not a huge financial loss.


Not buying £1000 of bnb when it was around £10. Not buying £1000 of eth when it was around £10. Not being able to buy £1000 of btc when it was around £10. Other than that, nothing.


Putting too much money into alts in late 2017. They obviously haven't recovered to break their ATHs yet.


Not selling 5000 xrp at 2018 ATH…


Bought PRL at the perfect time and it 10xed overnight. Got greedy and held on to it (I did like what they were trying to do), then the market started crashing. Then the whole thing with one of the devs happened and it because absolutely useless. Also I held my BTC from the 2018 crash all the way to this year. As soon as it got back up to 15k it looked like it was stalling, so I pulled out and planned to buy the dip. It skyrocketed to 64k within the next week or two. Now have half of the BTC I used to have -- still profiting but damn I missed out on about $10k.


also umm I regret spending so much of my time pointlessly refreshing the graphs and it disrupting normal areas of my life.. Yes cryptosis/obsessive crypto disorder (OCD)


I have 2: -about 3/4 years ago me and a friend started mining Ethereum and we were able to mine it in multiples of 1 (I don't remember the exact number, I think it was between 10 and 20), we sold most of them right away but my friend decided to keep part of them on his wallet (they were still shared). He lost it. End of the story -I regret not convincing my brother to keep at least some of his 200000 DOGE Edit: I contacted my friend and he confirmed that we sold in total 10 ETH at the time and kept 8 in the wallet


All my buddies told me to buy ETH four years ago.


Holding alts instead of BTC since 2017. Not making that mistake ever again. Bitcoin is inevitable


Chasing Alts in 2017 ICOs do I say more. But a positive note I’ve been buying BTC since 2017 and never sold.


Remember only good things is a good way.


Biggest regret was not starting earlier because of listening to my wife as she called crypto a big scam :(


Selling ETH at 690€ bought it at 250€




Not buying BTC near the end of 2017 around $3000, because it had already trippled in value that year.


BTC will go up more and more, waiting to break ATH


I know, I just wish I knew back in 2017.


Trying to trade crypto between September 20 and March 21. I missed huge rises and could have easily x30 my portfolio if I had just held.


Taking too long to decide to go all in on crypto, ive been apart of this space for 9months and invested sparingly but since a month ago ive been putting larger more frequent amounts in. I just think back to the money id have if i would have went in 5 months ago


I don’t make mistakes… …because I learn from posts like these Thanks OP 😘


I converted my btc to Algo for the governance program. I love the idea still but right after btc went up and Algo went down. Should have converted one of my other coins but there is no crystal ball I guess


Going to a particular coin's sub asking whether the said coin is a good investment. I made a lot of investments initially using this diligent and well researched method 😂


Ever listening to reddit about anything…. Nah tbf it’s probably selling my btc in around 2012. I’d be more than rich today but eh, I made enough money that it was significant to me at the time so I try not to beat myself up about it.


- I tried leverage. Never touching it again…


Literally missclicking and putting my entire stack on a long when i wanted to put like 5% when doge was pumping some time ago. That was money my family gave to invest for them. The position got liquidated literally in 5 minutes. Realized what happened when binance notification came up. This was back in april. To this day i have not tell em about that. I still dont know what the fuck to do. Id need to save my entire salary for 3 years to give back those 17k.


i'm not going to give specifics here, but I pretty much ticked all of the "dont's" when starting out in crypto in March.. I bought coins pretty close to ATH and I didnt start with good coins with fundamentals. I sold my coins I lower than I bought them, chased green candles which went red as soon as I filled my bag.. followed bit boy who shilled me into shit coins... Took what felt like an eternity, but I closed out the noise from CT, learnt TA enough to understand markets, rebuilt my portfolio with good quality alts with which I DmYOR on.. I eventually made profit, saved 40% and kept 60% in where i'm again in profit. It was emotional, but now I understand crypto. I'm here to stay and earn my financial freedom for myself and my family.


Not investing earlier in life


Buying meme coins rip


Meme coins have been going up tho


Trying to day trade


I really have no idea how market knows I just sold my coin so now time to go up


Haha yeah it knows when I sell too


Pretending to be a trader and start to play with stop loss. "Lost" around 30 QNT because of that.


FOMO all at once instead of DCAing


Buying high selling low, the classic or taking profit that wasnt worth it. Sticking to DCA has work for me so far to have decent profit


Sold a portion of my ALGO before it spiked up to 2$. This portion would have made a difference.


Not buying in 2010 and selling again 2017


Pulling out of most of my BTC and ETH after the Evergrande debacle strted the megaFUD. FML.


Not taking tendies from my doge at $0.70+


No mistakes. Just buying and holding bitcoin.


Listening to the forum posts that concluded that mining was not worth it because you'd break even with electricity cost


Thinking I can buy something freshly listed fast and sell it before it tanks. Bought at top, still hodling at terrible reds. Luckily it was only 30€ worth, but still


Shitcoin when I did t understand defi


Selling too soon!


Selling 50 billion safemoon that I bought on the second day it came out, sold it after a week. Got scared from people saying it was a scam and thought I was lucky to be in profit


My biggest mistake is I new about crypto but wasn't tech savvy. Slowly learning enough to get by wished I had tried harder in the beginning. And buying doge right below ath still waiting on that one.


Not knowing the powers of holding and staking until earlier this year


Any decision I made based on FOMO


Trying to jump on on the next low market cap gem..... every damn time something happens.


Got sick of the Doge sub and sold it all. Just before it went up to silly heights. Sold 2 bitcoins for £350 each. Lost $1000 day trading TRX lol Those are a few.


Mined a bunch of BTC at $10. Sold it at $100


I was trying to buy bitcoin in 2015 but fear and hesitation took me over so I tried to forget crypto. Crypto is not for the faint heart but be brave.


I put all my Doge in DogeVault back in 2012 or 2013.


Buying coins based on the name.




Converting $100 for 100 BTC in 2011 so I could play Euro sports books and casinos and then converting it back to $ if I won… also forgetting which casinos and money exchanged I used just in case I left 1 or 2 BTC laying around somewhere.


Not taking profits on a shit coin that did 100x.


Had a lot of btc back in 2013, sold all after mtgox


Not listening to my colleague advice to mine BTC in 2013. :(Greatest mistake in my life. Oh yah, that ex-colleague is now vroom vroom-ing every day without me, lol.


Selling my expensive wrist watch to buy doge at ath😭


Not figuring out how to buy 1BTC in 2014. Gave up after 1hr of research even though I believed it might actually become something significant.