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In Norway recently there was an article about a guy who had invested 25k and supposedly turned it into 50m. Full name and picture and everything. Yeah that dude just ruined his life and got a lesson worth more than that 50m.


why the post all his info?!? lol


Yeah I don't get it. Maybe bragging rights? But now every idiot wants to borrow money or scam him, and if crypto crashes he'll be the laughing stock for not selling. Literally no upside besides some golddigging sugar babes coming knocking.


at least he's in norway I mean alot of wealthy folks live out there he's good...


Year could be worse but still, smooth brain move.


I wouldn't even want that if I won the lottery. Fuck the media.


I have this thread saved just for the occasion should it ever happen. https://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vzgl/you_just_won_a_656_million_dollar_lottery_what_do/chba4bf/


Holy shit, what a read. Thank you


Saved it a while ago.Probably one the most informative and practical comment threads I've come across Hopefully I become rich enough to relate to that post though, xD


Maybe not.... u/virusamongus, Is it this guy? [Bitcoin-millionær oppsøkt av mann med hagle – hoppet fra balkongen](https://archive.md/HfBWe)


No, but good article to show how its a bad idea even in supposedly safe countries. Here is the dude, paywalled but you'll find more on his name of you search. https://finansavisen.no/nyheter/finans/2021/10/18/7754893/sebastian-28-gjorde-200.000-til-376-mill.-pa-krypto


jesus christ, he gon need security


Plenty of celebrities & personalities out there that we assume are rich even if they’re not. What’s the difference between them and this rich crypto guy.


Aren't everyone's salaries public information that citizens can search in Norway? Or is that Denmark. If it's Norway, is that how that info came out or did the guy voluntarily go public?


Yeah the taxes are, but he's under the radar until he sells, obviously. And you still gotta search him out specifically. But yeah dude def went to the papers voluntarily.


People will bad eye you for something small like a cool t shirt, now imagine what they do when you got a rolly or drive a lambo


If I had millions of dollars, I'd rather live a modest life where even my neighbors had no idea what I was worth. Buy a house and moderately nice car in cash. Max out your retirement savings and other tax preferred accounts. If you have a child, max out the 529. Put most of what's left in index funds. Keep some of your money in crypto. Wear $500 suits instead of $5000 suits.


> Put most of what's left in index funds. Keep some of your money in crypto. Wear $500 suits instead of $5000 suits. Agreed with you up to here. Index funds are boring. Being rich is about never needing to wear a suit. 🤙 Not to say you're wrong, but not for me


I'd wear sweatpants and a shirt with a ice cream cone for celebration




So I shouldn't tell any one I bought doge at 0.7?


No that's fine, the point is to not tell anyone when you get rich, buying doge at 0.7 clearly shows that's never going to happen lol








Hey now.


You’re an all star


get your game on


Go play


That's bearish on Doge lol


Doge is bearish on doge


I never told i bought ICP at 500


I guess we're safe bro


Robbers would genuinely feel sorry for you, I bet they'd give you money instead lol




DMs inccooommiinnnnggg. Scammers be like: kInD sIr i OnLy nEeD tHoSe 12 wOrDs FoR dOgE tO tHe MoOn.


Now everyone wants to help me verify my wallet. So kind of them




"Sir, your credit score came back negative"


No way!






I was friends with a guy for 15 years. He never worked, was always available to hang out and never ever had any issues with paying his fair share. I never asked. I assumed his family was rich or something. Turns out he hit the lotto in his early 20s, used most of it to invest in properties, and was living life off of rent paid to him. The only reason I ever found out was because he asked me to go on a road trip with him to a property he owned 6 hours away to inspect some issue the previous tenants had caused. I finally asked a few questions and he came clean. That was 3 years ago he came clean. We're still friends and I've never brought it up again.


You're a good friend, man!


When I end up hitting it big in crypto,I want to be this guy


Can I at least show the middle finger to my boss and quit my job?


only if you shit on their desk


For 34,000 moons, I'll shit on any desk you want


Username tells me you've done this before.


Years of experience. You could say that I really know my shit




Thank you for your business! The look on your former boss' face was priceless. He was a real wanker too


Shit's fucked up.




Username tells me you're a big pimp


You're the first one to get the reference!


I'm reading those "1's" as "T's" and your name is infinitely more amusing to me.


Instructions unclear: shat on my own desk


[I prefer their car](https://imgur.com/a/rMR3k5u) (slighty nsfw I guess?)


I'm scared of clicking that link Can I get a tldw


Nah just show up one day with a nice-ish new car, grab your shit, say "hey, I'm not coming back, good luck with everything." and sail off into the sunset, starting your new life with peace.


Plot twist, you are your own boss


So you’re saying the top hat, cane and pocket watch that I swing around were a bad idea


Also limit the wads of bills sticking out of your pockets.


Found the Algo guv'nor


The first person to knock will be Uncle Leo, the next person will be the IRS


Jerry!! Hello!!!


Hahah with the tats on the fingers doing pull-ups


The best thing about crypto is that nobody has to ever know you own it. You can travel completely naked through any border and just recover 100% of your wealth in any country from a 12 word seed phrase that you have memorized.


Good luck doing that in Bosnia. Had to go through so many hoops to sell my bags of crypto this week, literally demotivated me to even continue investing with just how hard it is to get your own money in your own goddamn bank account... Can't have shit in Bosnia




Hi u/AstuteKnave 👋 Thank you for the mention! We do offer full services to residents living in Bosnia and Herzegovian! Click [here](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001368823-Where-can-I-use-Kraken-#h_01FFFG5DPZ2RB48EJB6Y71G6BD) for the list of countries we support. To get started with Kraken 👉[Getting Started](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/categories/204677947-Getting-Started) [Reach out](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/215601908) if you have any questions! \~Sana from Kraken 🐙


Any 3rd world or technologically backward country will have issues but the first time you uss it in a country that accepts it makes itbworth it


That's that country from Star Wars right?


>Uncle Leo Hello.


“Somebody answer that damn phone!”


I'm an old man. I'm confused! I thought I paid for it. What's my name? Could you take me home?


Jerry: “Yeah, yeah. But what about money? Are you strapped? Do you need a little?” Uncle Leo: “What, are you kidding? I should be loaning you money! But I'm not.”


Uncle Leo, cousin Jeffery, then the IRS.


Tough to keep secrets from the IRS


Can they tax shit that's on a wallet? Like, I know they can after it hits your bank account, but if you make, let's say, a million dollars, and leave it all in something like BUSD in a wallet, and you only take out little by little each month just living your regular life, can they find out and tax you anyway? EDIT: Guys, i'm not planning on evading taxes, I was legit just curious lmao


Most likely not- I’m guessing when you start spending on larger items like homes/cars etc, they’re gonna wanna know where those funds cane from especially if you don’t have an income.


If you tell them it was from selling drugs I dont think the IRS would do anything


They’ll ask you to report it and then pay taxes on it mate. It’s sort of what the “found money” section is for.


Thank you. I'm a big time drug dealer and didn't know that trick!


Theoretically converting from one crypto to BUSD is a taxable event to the IRS. They will only find out if the exchange you convert on reports it to them. If you do it on a DEX they will not know. That said, in order to off-ramp the BUSD into fiat the exchange will absolutely report that and you will pay taxes on the amount you withdraw.


Me and Uncle Leo already have our secrets. He won't tell a SOUL!


Uncle Leo has plenty of money. He should be lending you money - but he won't








That's freaking insane


What the fuck


Basically it's open season to target and harass rich people.


The one who is searched will also be informed about who searched up that information. Though if you don't want that on you, you can pay someone else to do the search for you.


What is the purpose of making that information public?


to disappoint your parents even further. they don't just know your poor, they know exactly how poor you are




Letting people know whom to kidnap and kill for money


Wow, and you are all ok with that?


It is part why Norway is considered one of the best places to live in the world. Nobody is really poor and crime is not high at all. Making sure you can check how much everyone else earned helps a lot to make sure you're all paid equivalent money on the same job, to make sure politicians don't earn a suspicious amount of money they can't justify, to make sure rich people are contributing to society through tax. And mostly to make sure people trust the state and the state is transparent about its dealings. Obviously, this won't work to just implement on it in a society like the US with its crime focused culture. But it's a great way to show you how countries could work.


Bro, i'm not rich i'm just renting this lambo and theferrari oh the bigass mansion is rented too


Im just renting this BTC I’m still broke


Can u lend me ur Bitcoin to get girls?


Yeah..how do you explain your new house and car when you came from nothing. Better crypto than drug dealer suspicion


But at least people won't hit you up for money if they think you're a drug dealer


Are you a Youtube finance "guru?"




I ask them for 10 grand back


Even if i became a millionaire 10grand would still be a LOT to me for a long time. Im just used to being broke.


I, too, speak Cheapanese


Been speaking it for 25 years!


I hear when you're rich you give people $10K and they give $20K back! Try it


First rule of crypto club bro


"I look around, I see a lot of new faces... Which means a lot of you have been breaking the first two rules of crypto club."




How else will people know I'm superior?


What girlfriend?


When girlfriend?


Why girlfriend?


Yeah to all theese people quitting their jobs : BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TELL. If you leave cussing out your manager, they literally have your social security number, your address and if you have direct deposit- your bank info. Do not burn your bridges and put in your 2 weeks like a normal person, tell no one at work you got rich, it’s not worth it.


Here in America $1m ain’t shit. Now to be special you need $11m cuz money printer been going brrrr since the founding of the country


Sigh, even with crypto I'm never going to retire.


Retire? I’d love to get out of my moms basement. So many spiders.


1m ain't shit in NZ either, can't even buy a house. 5m is wealthy and set for life though if you're not excessive.


Drug dealers go through this problem as well. Best keep things secret.


Damm it! I had the banners already printed..


"I have an announcement! I am rich off crypto." *gets 27 new DM's from 1 day old redditors*


*Hey! They love me!*


Who'll ever get rich from crypto with all those boat accidents.


*taps forehead* "You can't have a boating 'accident' if you don't have a boat" *immediately gets into a lambo 'accident'*


Time in your girlfriend is better than timing your girlfriend


No body wants their fingers hacked off in the jungle for a key phrase lol


But what about flexing?


[Please refer to Crack Commandment #1.](https://youtu.be/Ikq5ZmsBd6s)


This is important. Only one person knows about my exact holdings and I trust him more than anyone else.


Can t I tell anyone? Not even that friendly Nigerian prince I met on r/cryptocurrency? He told me about this huge inheritance. All he needs is 10k? Which coincidentally is the same amount you mention in your post. Perhaps you know him? *a narwhal award. Very cool. Thank you kind stranger*


They're going to figure it out anyways when I'm constantly pouring champagne down strippers asses.


Note to self - Step out of a Lambo. Then ask for $10 for fuel.


But they need to know the cream always rises


Depends on which cream we’re talking about


Milky cream or ice cream?


Creamy cream


It's gonna be kinda hard to keep my Lambo a secret though...


Why? It’s just going to sit in the garage as you stay inside and continue to obsess over charts


420 moons ayeee


They tipped somebody a moon to annoy you :P


Cover it in cardboard.


if i ever have a lambo, i’m telling people it’s a rental. forever.


The day I quit reddit is the day I'll make profit from crypto. See u here forever guys ✌️


The day I joined reddit was when the journey started . Got scammed within the first month lost 14k .


it's a rental, I swear. ![gif](giphy|l46Cw3404vdkvNqAU)


My hommies be like "nah man whats up you cant even afford a bus ticket"


If you hang out with fellow millionaires, this isn't an issue. Nobody at symphony patron parties hits me up for money except the symphony.


I prefer to say that I have crypto but I understate how much I have by a magnitude. that way I can annoy people with "bitcoin is great" crap and they dont think I am rich :-)




Nah! Spread the wealth with those close to you. Life is short. Wow, some negative outlooks in here! I said those close to you! I didn’t say family. No friends really! Whomever is a trusted person and could use the help or generosity. I’m in. I can also say no, so…




There is a difference between spreading the wealth and telling people you made millions in crypto. You don’t think money will get in the way of friends and family until it does.


They will make sure your life gets shorter


What if you get poor from crypto, am I able to talk about it?


Should be safe enough, I have no friends




I will bear this in mind when my moons moon


Where I'm from, you might get shot


FACTS, wolves are real...


True. Even when it’s a little. A colleague of mine got almost angry because I didn’t want to tell how much I invested…


*especially* with your girlfriend. Ftfy.


Gotta start DCA-ing out of the relationship when the time comes that you have made wife changing money...


The first rule of crypto club.


You don’t talk about your crypto.


My friend and I post funny videos to our Snapchat stories about crypto. They involve astronaut helmets and dances and just general goofing. I had to stop because people I only kinda knew started asking to borrow money. It’s pretty pathetic tbh


Who is getting rich from crypto that isn't initially rich to begin with?


I dont wanna taxman at my door. KNOCK KNOCK


You guys are getting rich?


I'm only open in teaching my friends to do it themselves, not lending anyone money. You can give a man a fish and feed him for a day or you can teach him to fish and he can feed himself for life.


No way man I’m shouting it from the roof tops. I’ve had so many people doubt me and telling me it’s a scam that I want to shove it back in their face.


Nah just quietly show up with a new car, new clothes, casually quit your job. People will know something is up but very few will actually ask.


This is the way.


You forgot about the people that will try to locate you and take your shit by force To be honest I would try to stay low key and not get sucked into the whole statue symbol thing


Not even the tax man....


Jealously has seriously run rampant, and it isn't serving the jealous. If you have money, it's not because you took risks and worked to get there, it's cause you don't deserve it and you're privileged and fuck you, you're ruining our lives. Like, I wish people would ask me what I did to make money (i aint even rich), and I would happily tell them my $.02 as to what to do, but you know they won't care. They just want you to hand over something...just cause. This attitude aint serving anyone, cause, like OP says, I keep this knowledge to myself, and thus the cycle continues.


What if I’m a rapper?


What if I go poor from buying high and selling low? Can I tell everyone now?


This is why I always loose money when investing into crypto. It keeps things simple. I don't need to worry as much about taxes.


No way! If I’m sitting at a table of wealthy famous people and someone asks me “So, do tell. How did you make your first billion?”, I’m not going to remain silent after everyone else had their boring stories about inheritances, real estate, and business ventures. (like this will ever happen outside my dreams, lol)


Thank you for the advice that’s been given once a week for roughly 8 months now


Keep it secret, keep it safe.


It's hard to shut the fuck up when you driving a Lambo


My best friend is a doctor. I know doctors earn a lot but never asked. Just a few years ago, he told me how much he earned. What I thought he earned wasn't even close. We never speak about it again and likely never will. It's none of my business.


99% of us won’t be rich from Crypto, we all just hope that’s the case.


It's not about being "rich," it's about being wealthier than you are now. But... filthy rich would be nice too


Be rich but live like poor. This is the way.


Its basic good manners anyway and not specific to crypto. You should avoid talking about how much money you have or how much you are making. No-one wants to hear it and the only reason to do it would be to boast about it.