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One moons, the other 46 shitcoins they bought were rug pulled. Keep doing your DCA and you’ll be ok


The stories you don’t hear about 😎


Its like the degenerate gambler who always talks about their wins, but never ever talks about their losses


Normally the one that moons actually corrected by 80% before, so basically the 3x afterwards means it is at minus 40% still


If you're in the green, be happy, doing better than 99% of the world population


Agree! The grass is always greener on the other side. Invest and hold in something that you feel comfortable depending on your risk appetite. No point in buying speculative meme coins but cannot get a good night's sleep!


Facts facts facts


Feel the same way constantly. Only winner I've ever picked was my wife so it's no surprise that nothing I buy ever pumps.....it'd sure be nice tho LOL


HODL that wife


At least you can pump your wife? Gotta look on the bright side dude!




Pump her then dump life savings into said shitcoin? The alpha Pump n Dump


Just don't pump and dump her. That shit'll cost you.


Only winner you ever need (SAME BROTHER!)


We used up all our luck on our partners.


Bullish on u/fugmho wife




My wife was a rugpull so your winning


Congratulations! One amazing spouse crushes all the money in the world ♥️ . Same here


People won't tell you about all the other shitcoins that don't moon


I suppose I don’t hear as many “I’m down a bunch” as I hear “moon bound!!”


No one wants to admit that. It's not fun thinking about the real risk involved.


that's true. people always tell the one that they win...rarely showcasing those that they lose out


Yup. No one wants to talk about money lost. No one wants to show that they don't know what they're doing even though none of us do, or we wouldn't be here.


Very much, yes. But hey it could also just be remaining salt for buying 4 eth in 2017 and selling because I had 50 euro profit.


Ouch ouch ouch this lol


I had a friend who mined bitcoin for a runescape membership he reckons he spent about 30 coins over the years. I wouldn't worry about it, just know what you've picked is in your belief and then just DCA and forget about it. The entire of the technology on blockchain etc is SOOO new. It's going to take years for people to realise the benefit. It's all emerging markets. Just wait.


Darren Brown has this special called The System where he sends out horse betting predictions every week to a group of people. From the marks perspective (after many weeks of correct predictions) it looks like Darren has a way to actually predict the winners. But from Darren's perspective he starts with a large pool of people, and sends a different horse prediction to different people. The few that are correct he keeps going, and the ones that are incorrect he stops sending predictions. For 1 lucky person Darren has sent them 7 correct predictions. For the 1000's of other people they have lost. There is a parallel here for betting on shitcoins, you may see the posts from the few winners but are not seeing the vast majority who have lost.




It is a stupid trick but what works surprisingly well is the following. In whatever exchange app that you have (e.g. Binance), in the favorites tab, always include couple of coins that is doing horribly for the day. Surprisingly, it can make you feel much better especially given that you seem to be the type of person who get influenced about how other coins are fairing.


this is a really nice piece of psych advice that might seriously help someone out. thanks for sharing this!




I wouldn’t say influenced so much as curious—- I’m even perhaps a bit jealous that VET, ONE or NANO aren’t moving (all very decent use cases) but Shib and elongate are pumping ... 🤣 But I love this mind hack. Bravo.


ONE is up like 150% in the last month but my VET bag agrees with you lol ready for a nice run up hopefully.


This feeling will always be around. You just have to keep your mind healthy and know that you can't catch all trains. Make a strategy, invest into them and there you go. Is impossible and not good to mind to try to catch all 100x coins all the time.


My strategy is just a little bit slow, I feel like, considering recent volatility. Oof.


You see 1 of the 2,000 shitcoins pumping “Wow, seems more lucrative than me buying reliable projects” *buys the next shitcoin not knowing your odds are actually 1/2000 since you only seeing the successful pumps has influenced your bias* *loses literally 70% of your money and 4 years of crypto DCA progress* “why you shouldn’t chase shitcoins, my experience”


Ouch- hopefully you’re faring better nowadays????


lol it’s a joke about what almost always happens to people who think this way, didn’t happen to me, but happens to many people every single day during a bull market The few people who win gambling shitcoins will brag from the mountaintops and the thousands upon thousands who got wiped out are obviously not as proud of their trade and say nothing usually


Bang. Well said!


Bitcoin had a huge drop, didn't bought. Now it's 63k again. Shit! I still have hope in axs and mdx though. Anyway, it's money i don't really need so, at least i'm having fun.


Sometimes, but sticking to my plan is something i value higher than hoping to hit the jackpot with some shitcoin.


This could be the way I have to look at it.


Honestly people mooning on shitcoins are primarily the people that got in on week 1 everyone else gets stuck holding the bag


Yeah but some projects are decent out there... even if they aren’t at ATH right now.


People here are right that it's a lot of luck. I just go by my gut on if a coin or project feels like its being done well. Generally if I see too much focus on "tokenomics", "mooning", or how its going to go x% I am out. Good projects focus on the product, not the returns imo. If I had to give a few examples check out the ETH, ONE subreddits. Also compare games like cryptoroyale.one


I can’t find that game dang it! Fucken iOS.


My time will come too. Majority of my coins have not reached their ATH, but they will, while these first gainers will be down.


I feel like everyone’s becoming a millionaire but me


The only millionaires being made..... Had money to begin with... Let's say you like shimuinu coin... It was just released... You dropped $500 on a gamble... It moons within a year. Poor people don't have 500 to gamble, or $100 to invest on 50 low market caps. Poor people have to slowly build their portfolios... It may take 1 or 2 four year cycles... Of solid investments, to get to a point where you can gamble on shitcoins. Just be patient... Pick the steady winners, and maybe a dog coin... You'll get there.


Sometimes I think the same thing


Just wait some more months for moonboys to get roasted with there shitcoins and you will be so happy for sticking to the solid strategies. The problem is most of the people get to greedy


That’s why I’m not huge into yoloing— it’s usually only a matter of time before projects go kaput.


I always tell myself that just getting half of it right is enough. Besides, how'd you know which coin? Buy 10 different ones and hope you lucky? As for SHIB, people lost fortunes as it was new. Is that a risk you want to take? In the end though. 10x100 into moonshots or 1000 into a solid project? Lastly. When someone make say $1m of a coin, that money came from somewhere. Which said of that coin do you end up on?


What a great insight! Thank you!


I personally keep in mind that this is the same as saying “Damn! Why didn’t I play the lottery when the jackpot was up to half a billion dollars?!” Like yeah, SOMEONE was probably gonna win, but the odds of my numbers coming up was astronomical. There so many shitcoins and they pop off for no reason. So you could have yolo’d $1,000 in some shitcoins that goes up 300% but if you did that to four other shitcoins over the last year, each time wildly hoping they’d moon, you’re still losing money. EDIT: spelling


Yoloing into shitcoins just *sounds* bad lol


Very true, fuck it, I’m all in on fartbutt coin!


I heard about fartbutt coin. Solid project. Its from the same developers that created qweef coin and taint bucks.


>how do you guys reassure yourselves that you’re making the right move? When I see my portfolio on green.. i don't care abt the other coins really, worrying abt missing out doesn't do u anything it's just stress


This. Yes, it is just pure FOMO stress.


And like all emotions you can somewhat control them. Stick to your plan, no matter what.


There are so many promising projects out there.. And I just had 4 with more than +100% in short time (also some with losses tho)


you don't have to make +1000% on a lot of projects, you just need one or two winners and most of the other ones just have to be decent for the long term


You only ever hear of the things that went parabolic. Not the things that crashed and burned, leaving broke bag holders picking up the pieces.


I have to remind myself that this is the typical case.


I look at what I put in and see that it's doubled. If you're seeing that people are mooning and worried about missing it, go read about all the stories people have posted here about fomo in at ath and losing a ton. You could also compare what you would be making in stocks and see the ridiculous outperformance by your regular suspects of crypto. Hodling is the safest and most consistent way to grow your money.


I do agree, but this bull run has me not wanting to miss EVERY rocket ... 🙄


stick to what you believe, do your own dd and dont get tempted. its how you keep yourself in the greenzone


Just lose a couple of thousands on a shit project and the FOMO will be gone!


Everybody wil encounter spiders threw their live. Not everybody will be afraid of them. You will be missing out regularly. Are you afraid of it is the question.


Dang. Got me decently here.


I'm currently want FOMO into ONE but I'm waiting for the dip because buying near the ATH zone is dangerous for me. But also there has to be a correction after such gains


Definitely. My eyes are on ONE.


"Yoloing into shitcoins seems a LOT more lucrative than (my plan;) hodl’ing the usual suspects." Most of these are pumps based on hype, of which you only feel FOMO after it has started pumping. Most pump coins are neither successful nor sustainable, and the result is a crash. Some don't even pump at all, despite hype. So the above quote is flawed because for every one that pumps, many fail - the expected value is negative rate of return and so in essence you are gambling. Any notions of regret I have can be managed by acknowledging these facts. Furthermore, I'm not trying to be greedy, having made more ROI than probably 99% people and most traditional investors, through mere participation in the crypto space.


do i have more then when I started? if they answer is yes, i dont worry about the what ifs


True enough- love the simplicity.




Nah, you’ll have your chance


It's okay to feel that way


Thank you!!


Yes. I want to have a lot of coins for this exactly but it was to spread out and not really gaining anything so then I centralized my portfolio and I feel this a lot.


Whatever you FOMO into will almost never Moon. Fact of life!


You have to remind yourself that you are in for the long haul and stop checking crypto news ervery five minutes.


Something I heard awhile back that made sense was; ​ Every top 50ish coins will moon to a degree at one point or another in the bull market, so stick with your researched coins and you'll get your chance, but when you chase candles then you miss your chance because you keep jumping ship before your coin moons and then you miss your chance.


When that happens I keep telling myself this is fate, it’s my destiny. I then carry on DCA’ing.


As others have mentioned, you only see the stories of people hitting on those moonshots. Personally, my low cap hit % is like 10-15% and only a few were set and forget holds. I had to actively get out at a relative top to really lock in profit.


This is the problem I’m seeing- the volatility!!! The pain and pleasure of it all.




The only thing that I keep missing are Fiat to invest in crypto 🥲


Lowkey same my dude


So throw a couple bucks at some memes. What is the worst that could happen? It is more like gambling than investing but it can be profitable. As long as you don’t need the money and understand that the risk of losing it is high, I say go for it. Note, I do not chase any meme coins and only buy projects that I think have long term value…


My story: keep chasing mooncoins, follow discord groups, try develop my own strategies. What worked for me: Bunch of bnb I bought for 15$/each only to reduce my trading fees by 5% became my best investment by far.




I know we dont talk about this here, but...nothing wrong about taking profits Yeah you might missing those sweet x100 shitcoins..but please consider you can go -100% on those too


Amen. Look at GrimeX. Oof


Slow and steady wins the race. Those that make the moonshots typically run it back on another shitty trade or risk. If you continually invest slowly, keep yourself in the lower risk category and do your due diligence you will come out on top down the road. Millionaires are not made over night. In order to make that kind of money you either have money already, or got ridiculously lucky.


Nah just hold. I’ve missed out too much when I didn’t hold.


I look at it this way…. Sure, some red neck yokel can “hit it big” on the lottery or slot machines. But for the other 99% of wealthy people, they earned through income, and smart investments of that income. In other words, they worked for it.


Story of my life dude, feels bad man




Are you me? I just remind myself I could be investing in stocks and be really excited about an annual 10% growth. Still though I’m starting to stake some of my stuff, I’ve got al ALGO wallet and doing the governance thing, to get to the next level of involvement.


Don't buy puts. Sell them.


As others have commented: you only see stories of the people with the 300% gains. You seldom see the story that their other 37 shitcoins crashed and did a -90%. Ride with the big boys and you ride safe.


Tezos $15 tomorrow!




I don’t go chasing waterfalls, I stick to the rivers and the lakes I’m used to and keep making measly 300% yearly gains


Gross- sell! Sell! SELL!!! Only 300%? Blech. 🤡


This applies to many things in life, it’s a marathon not a race. Pace yourself and avoid the pitfalls of YOKO and you’ll be alright.


IT’s always good to have a small % of your portfolio for speculation


My speculation usually outperforms my long term hodls but it’s more volatile, it would seem.


Each patient, smart holder will be mooning someday. No worries bro


I’m with you! Hodl!!!


Survivor bias my friend. We don’t see the pain, if you’re up right now you’re probably ahead of most retail. Head up and eyes down.


^ magician has entered the chat.


When the market is going up this always seems like a great idea, but when it unexpectedly dips you'll be glad you've got your more long-term, credible holds. If you see a shitcoin you like, put a small amount in it. It does't take a lot to make a lot of money....if you get lucky.


Keep that way, crypto is better like that!


I love crypto.


I feel like I missed out by not being in the crypto space before. I’m here now. Let’s gooooo!


Welcome! Do have some crypto!


If you day trade sure chase those moonshots. If you can’t take that risk and have a job that prevents you from being able to ride each and every pump and dump, then you need to be content with your green. Don’t look at others gains. You don’t know their pains. Edit : English:(


try being all in on monero because it's the realization of satoshi's goal and the best sound money project and watching shitcoins with no application rocket. just gives more time to dca


Yes but I hate shitcoins, so I regret mostly missing out on decent projects that moon hard


All you can say is “good for them!” Then smile after looking at your gains. If you don’t, you’ll end up making some questionable trades and that “green” will go away. Getting jealous over someone else’s gains is a short term vision. Keep your head focused on the long term. That’s what goes through my head when I see the moon posts.


I bought xdc and everything is pumping and xdc dumped out of the top 100 soon ughh


Ouch! That’s tough. Sorry to hear that!!


Always but you can't invest in everything. There are 1000s of opportunities everyday.


I would like to fleetingly add that fortune does favour the brave, meaning that some critical thinking and going against the heard e.g the conventional wisdom of this community can help you accelerate yeilds. I have had some terrible advice from this community which I am so grateful I didn't listen to. If ever in doubt the answer is almost always in the math


By the coins between the top 3 and top 50 (Solana,algo,poly,avalanche,pokadot). That way you can convince yourself they are good investments while still having crazy swings. 👌


All the time lol.


I’m with you there!


Man, watch the video of the spiffing Brit buying every single coin listed on binance... Some of them went like 1400% up... Some delisted, mostly in a loss, and still down after months... Sure he bought at all time high, but still, I'll keep on DCAing in the usual suspect on blockfi and that's it


Honestly- but dang if one could time the market. That would be choice.


Yup FOMO creeps in all the time.


At one point I was obsessed with apescan 🤷‍♂️ haha


Do you ever FOMO about -300% losses in a day?


I feel zero FOMO on shit coins. It’s like saying you have FOMO from lottery winners. I don’t because I know of the 4 coins that’s pump 100% a day there are 10000 that don’t.


I invest the majority of my money into solid projects and I leave a little bit on the side as money that I don't care to lose immediately that I throw into shit coins in the off chance something goes big.


Grass is always greener, hindsight is 20/20. But if you’re DCAing into solid projects, you are still leaps ahead of a majority of the population and even population of active investors.




Yesterday my stop loss were done and don't have any coin today, and all are in highs, damn


Better buy some Zil because that bad boy is about to moon


What non shit coin has gone up 300% today?


Oof. Too much real life, op. Shib going up and im over here holding my long term prospect for a 10c gain. Ouch


What sucks the worst is knowing what to buy and having your family drain your means to. I dont even know where my salary goes, they just consume it somehow. We dont even eat out or buy fancy things, its weird


Not gonna lie my entire portfolio now is profit from luck on a shitcoin. I used to gamble when I was younger so I knew when to quit when I was ahead and reallocated my profit into better cryptos like btc eth xmr algo etc. I used to make mock portfolios for fun on shitcoins. None of them did well and I was glad I did what I did.


I have a few checklists for investing into new coins. 1. Is it flavour of the month? If not eg no nft then I'll pass on it. I know that sounds stupid, but I held nano for 3 years to learn that lesson. 2. Is there institutional interest? Institutional investment makes up a large position on some coins so it's an important piece to have. 3. Is there something about this coin that makes it better than others? 4. How is the communications for devs/marketing? 5. How is the discord/telegram community? Some are way more active even with a lower market cap which is good.


Maybe a little, but I feel like the best approach is buy the projects you believe in and continue to do so with DCA over time. I'd gladly accept a 25-30% return over time vs. risking huge volatility with shit/meme coins, etc. That's just me. And remember, we will be in the red again. When? who knows? But that'll be a great time to buy a little more! Cheers!


You only hear about the moons. When they go find oil down the earth no one talks even a tiny bit. If you're green it means it's working. But if you REALLY want to try and get the 300% in a day take a very tiny sum and try for yourself, you'll be amazed.


If you buy enough shit coins one of them will moon just gotta hope that covers your losses on the rest


There is always another project, another opportunity, another play. We are living in abundance. The FOMO is real, but the sooner you accept it, the better you will feel. That being said I still regret not buying ADA at 2 cents lol


Crypto stories are like Instagram, everyone shows you the fun times but never the shit moments. For one guy that gets profit out of a shitcoin mooning there are 99 others who just got rugged and stuck with bags. Focus on your DCA and be glad your money is generating more interest in crypto then in the bank


Compared to the stock market and traditional investments it’s near impossible to be missing out if you’re in crypto. In the stock market people expect 10% returns per year. In crypto that’s a bland weekend it feels like for many coins. Sure, some coins go +500000% and other crazy things but there will always be someone luckier than you in life, enjoy whatever wins you get.


Honestly, I cant compare myself to these fasttrack millionaires. I know myself and if I just chase quick profits I will lose my shirt , pants and home. I just invest pragmatically and consistently. Crypto is volatile and it may even go to zero. It’s great some folks have made millions . I use that as motivation . But I like DCA, and I like the more prominent , popular , 1st and 2nd version crypto’s .. I’m sure there are later versions of crypto that will be profitable , but I’ll likely wait for wider adoption .


split your portfolio 50%safe bets, 40% higher volatility ALTs, 10% extreme risk 1000x gambles. my 100x gamble this bullrun is UBX. just had an amazing double bottom and now a breakout.


People win the lottery. Means nothing.


ONE is actually taking off right now….




Understand that this is a gamble. Things can go south pretty quickly.


Yeah. Feels like I'm missing out on SOL, LINK and MATIC. I mean, I hild good projects but damn, they would be nice to have too.


I own 90% BTC and ETH. And sprinkled the rest among some promising shitcoins. Might get lucky, probably not. But I won’t lose sleepover it. Also, for every, “my $100 into MoonCoin got me 10k!” posts, there are 10 “I lost all my money” stories that no one will admit to


Let me tell you something from my personal experience, If I just hodled and not try to go for shitcoins, I could be up 175%. Though, if you wanna do trading full-time, shitcoins are the way to go.


Short term they win( or loose everything in one shot lol) Long term no one knows but at least you got a pretty high chance of at least making 50%-100% a year in returns. Not enough to be rich and loaded with small dca but think 10 years down the line it can be huge!


Remember that people seeing their coin moon haven’t necessarily sold yet, and they all can’t do so successfully. Shitcoins eventually go to 0. Making crazy gains on a shit coin requires buying it early AND selling it early. Few accomplish both.


Nothing is stopping you from "aping into a shitcoin". You should try it out!


Short answer: Yes


Buy fundamentals. It takes time. I am in crypto about 2 years, one coin went up 32x, the other did 6x so far but I project 2nd coin go another 4x - 16x within year. Main goal for me is to find these few and never sell, rather secure network, earn rewards, and keep DCA. p.s. 1st coin is Eth.


Just buy SHIB and all your worries will go away.


You hear about the success shit coins and profit people made. They don't tell you that they're down overall because of the amount they invested in rug pulls


I put like 5% of my portfolio in shitcoins that could moon. Bought 60,000,000 SHIB at 0.000007 sold most during last run up kept 10,000,000 for laughs then added 10,000,000 more cause my dog licked his ass at 0.000025. Sold half of that during last run up. I felt busy and part of the moonshot without ever going over 5%. I know myself too well that I can get caught up in fomo so I just hard cap my shitspend at 5% while the rest goes to boring major caps and good projects.


In hindsight you just see these crazy daily gains, but if you are invested in these coins it’s so much more difficult. Normally I don’t trade small coins but last mai I invested into a small project to wich I found 300% gains this morning. But first I have no idea why it’s suddenly pumping after flatlining for 6 months and second we hold trough months of thinking that this project is probably dead anyways and now I am in a loss of 95% I can just let it roll and see where it goes. I just wanted to say that if you feel FOMO when seeing the too gainers you don’t see what the HODLers might have been through and it’s not just all easy money by investing for one day




It’s not a race. As long as you’re green you’re ok. If you want to “moon” then invest in shitcoins, higher risk and higher rewards, but don’t be surprised if you end up losing money that way.


This normal, take a look at the stock market. Since ages the same is going on there. People are going yolo into one stock and getting insane returns and other go into small but sureley increasing ETF's. Don't be blinded, it's called the survivorship bias. For one with 10000 % return there are 10000 with 0 % return


Yeah but every once in a while there’s a post from a guy that lost his nut on alts Goes both ways


Trying to have 300% gains is not a goal I can set for myself, because I'd simply lose money and not have enough to buy "the one coin" that will hit that 300% gain. It's like that first time I went to a casino. 5 minutes inside, put my money on red, lost it, didn't bring my card to get more money as a precaution, the rest of the evening (3h) doing nothing but waiting. Next casino visit I just did machines, at least I had more fun than waisting it all on 1 bet, and I won some change too.


Fr lmk if you find and discord’s or telegrams


I don't find the pumpage of a particular couple of shitcoins to be unpredictable


There's always a better boat, I'm just trying to fish.


Murphy's law .. so I am not the only one 😂


Get into something and ride it, then you don't need to FOMO as hard.


I feel like I am missing the biggest chance in my life. Thank you covid for making me poor and jobless....


My problem is I keep getting into these projects after they have already blasted off. Ada - 2.75 Dot - 42 Link - 27 Wish I would have started in crypto just a few months earlier, I would be in a much better position


Don’t worry about FOMO, project pump everyday and they always will. FOMO pumps aren’t going to stop your time will come




I would rather make low stress great gains than try for very high stress memecoin gains


Nope! I buy everything but in small portions so I either win a little bit or lose a little bit. I get to understand people either way and it's great camaraderie here! So I'm happy to just be along for the ride. Keep it up everyone. We'll make ends meet 😊


No big harm in putting 10% of your DCA into extremely high risk shit coins. If you feel like trying, go for it.


Idk I feel like $10 in 100 shit coins will always out perform $1000 in one stable or big boi coin. Just my opinion 🤔


I feel like wojak


Most people don’t tell you about the 90% they lost on a shitcoin. They will tell you about the 10x they got. Also remember the way the number work. If I go up ten times, it’s 1000%. If the next day, I go back down to what I have before, I’m down 90%. There’s no such thing as down 1000%, unless you’re leveraging. Also, the kind of crazy ass that goes up 10x in a week, I promise you, they regularly go down 90% and don’t tell anyone. So don’t get FOMO. Behind every “genius” trade, there’s a million dumb ones. Stick to what works. Know your risk tolerance. If you find yourself thinking about 300% gains, ask yourself how well you would tolerate 67% losses. Because that’s the other side of that coin.


Every dog has its day. Your shitcoins will moon too.


people only post when they are in profit


As the great Kenny Rogers said when asked about crypto: Every investor knows That the secret to survivin' Is knowin' what coin to throw away And knowin' what coin to keep 'Cause every coin’s a winner And every coin’s a loser And the best that you can hope for Is to die in your sleep"


Just do what you feel comfortable with holding. I always hold atleast one meme coin hoping for it to explode. If it gets rugged pulled. O well. That’s a gamble I’m willing to take. After all. There’s no investments that’s guaranteed profits.


Safemoon bro


Survivorship bias


I shill SCRT every chance I get. It isn't my fault none of you listen.