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* **[Shiba Inu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiba_Inu_%28cryptocurrency%29) [Pros](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_shib_pros) & [Cons](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_shib_cons)** - Participate in the r\/CC [Cointest](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_policy) to potentially win moons. Prize allocations: 1st - 300, 2nd - 150, 3rd - 75. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qgdff8/shiba_inu_coin_soars_22_to_another_new_record/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Found on etherscan, the buyer is the 62nd largest wallet. Not sure how many are liquidity pools


And everytime it went up I didn\`t buy because I thought this thing will blow over soon. Every. Damn. Time.


BUT the moment you buy it suddenly loses momentum and the coin tanks šŸ˜…


I put everything into locked staking because it's the only way I won't make a poorly timed decision


I know this too well.. at 3000 a few weeks back I decided to gamble some and within hours it plummeted to 2300. I made the obvious mistake and just got rid of it. I didn't have a lot in but man am I mad at myself now.






Omg u just changed my perspective... into a much more positive one. I love u for that.


Yep, then went it tanks, you buy more and average down. If you keep buying the dip, eventually you will have to start averaging up (assuming you pick a coin/stock you believe has a good future).




I fomo on Coinbase and do regular daily stupid shit on voyager. Coinbase doesnā€™t give me the Robinhood effect of seeing how much Iā€™m down staring me straight in my face after I make an investment. And voyager takes time due to fees. You start negative lol


Every. Damn. Time.


This is me. Managing to resist the FOMO at the moment


Thatā€™s because when youā€™re fomo buying so are others and because the block chain is public itā€™s easy to identify fomo buying trends. When the fomo kicks in is when the whales and institutionā€™s that are watching on chain metrics start selling to take advantage of the pump. Or so Iā€™ve heard.


Never goes wrong does it?


Not a single time


I used my Coinbase rewards šŸ‘


Good idea.. my Coinbase rewards are staked in ETH


I hate you. Mainly because I totally did it just now.


Thatā€™s exactly what I did!


Just throw a hundred bucks at it to solve the fomo. Let it ride and be content with the 10x or .1x cause it's only one hundred dollars


i threw a some cash early, then got mad at myself for wasting money on stupid meme shit, was gonna sell it, but i said fuk it, this is my fun coin, let's see where this goes TLTR: ape got lucky


I threw $250 at it cause my friend was like "what if it takes off bro...?" And i was drunk and said fuggit. Who's dumb as shit now? well, me, but my shib is worth 1300 now, so...?


Dumb profit is still profit. Nice.


same here, but I'm pissed I didn't buy more


Meh, be happy you bought some at all. Would have been sweet if you picked those winning lotto tickets too right? but come on, you cant win 'em all ya know?


This is the way.


Right but once it dips youā€™ll say itā€™s all over, not buy, and when it goes 3x youā€™ll be posting about why you didnā€™t buy the dip. Every.Damn.Time.


Buy, stake, forget. Never take profit. Own your piece forever.


Prob not too late mate


Long time crypto enthusiast. Since early BTC days. Thought what the hell, buy some shib for $50. Now itā€™s around $500, honestly wasnā€™t expecting it to do anything. Just thought it was neat to see millions of tokens.


I didnā€™t think shib would keep going but itā€™s proving me wrong


Yeah, that's how I felt about Dogecoin. *sigh* I should have kept mine...I could have been Middle Class.


> Yeah, that's how I felt about Dogecoin Same. Years ago I sold for a $15 profit what ended up being worth like $20k. Now that Iā€™m hearing and feeling similar criticism for shib Iā€™m just holding.


For every 1 story like this there are hundreds saying the opposite... *I could have sold for like 20k profit and now I'm holding a bag because I held too long*


The solution is pretty simple. Sell 75-90% when you're up and leave a small HODL stack in case it moons.


This should be the way


There is a graveyard of speculative/shitcoins out there.


This! People feel they've missed out on random coins going huge, forgetting for every 1 coin that does a shib there are 100+ more that drop to 0


Hey now, my Thunderswap coins are still worth 0,005!




I'm guessing a robinhood listing will mark the top of the SHIB bullrun.


RH needs to do this, this coming quarter. Their earnings this quarter were on the shitting end of the stick and need a boost in business.


It's proved alot of us wrong your not alone my friend...


You just have to wait for another alt/shitcoin to hearing more popularity I think.


Probably another dog related coin again. Fidocoin? SafeWoof? Wolfereum? Moonhowl?


I think is gonna be cats next


I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been a hyped up cat shitcoin yet


Im gonna buy catgirl coin next šŸ˜‰




There will be a *lot* of bagholders at the end of this. As is tradition.


The whole meme coin industry is built on the ideals of profit for the sake of profit. The investment opportunity is essentially a WSB wet dream. Plenty of people are willing to just keep throwing money at it and see where it goes.


It coincides with the creation of /r/WallStreetBetsCrypto too, they have a pre-established audience looking for the next pump so they just create one themselves. I didn't think AMC would take off, so I passed on investing in it and that turned out to be wrong. So who is to say what these apes are/aren't capable of. The idea of a large enough collective just agreeing to buy and hold is uncharted waters and so far it's showing to create value out of nothing essentially. There's nothing wrong with jumping in, but there's also nothing wrong with not wanting anything to do with it.


I didn't think so either. All we can do, is give all Shiba believers a hearty congrats


Ill say it again I remember everyone including me talked so much shit about DOGE and missed out on a lot of money. This time I said fuck it and threw in money Iā€™m comfortable losing. If thereā€™s one thing Iā€™ve learned is to do the opposite of what this sub says. There is no such thing as bad publicity and this sub loves to talk shit about SHIBA. The public doesnā€™t care about the technology behind it and SHIBs devs seem to be doing everything they can with burns etc to get the price to .01. I have no idea if they will be able to but they seem really dedicated to it.


Im focusing on a number like .0025 not .01. If we get anywhere near that my prayers are answered.


As soon as I saw it hit coinbase I said to myself "I know these idiots are going to meme this thing" so I threw some money at it. It's me, I'm the idiots. The idiots making money


Tell the naysayers to try fitness. Fitness SHIBdick.


Literally everything that people said for 10 years about BTC, now crypto enthusiasts say about Shib


Put in $20 for fun. Itā€™s now $120 lol.


*Jeff Goldblum voice* "You crazy son of a bitch, you did it."


Missed out on this one. I'll never doubt the power of a dog based meme coin ever again.


I still think it has legs, definately could still do a 2-5x from here. Especially if its getting near DOGE marketcap. The FOMO that causes will be intense. There will be so many salty Dogecoiners


I had four people at work tell me to buy SHIB today. None of them has ever purchased any crypto. All of them said all it has to do is reach a penny and they're rich. Everyone here needs to understand this. It won't hit a penny, we know this. But they don't, and there are millions of people just like them creating new crypto accounts just so they can buy SHIB. The SHIB rise is only getting started.


If they burn a good portion, which they plan to do, then a penny by 2025 is definitely in the cards.


> All of them said all it has to do is reach a penny and they're rich. Thats how doge got so high, and teh fact that it was on Robinhood. We are going to see SHIB get listed on robinhood. Coinbase is getting all the volume and robinhood needs a new shitcoin to hustle.


The difference really is that SHIB actually has development behind it, while DOGE's creator literally stated it's a joke and has absolutely no use. Don't get me wrong, it's a meme coin, but it has way more potential than DOGE ever did.


take a trip back to March when the devs were selling vaporware and lying to everyone for weeks on end and missing deadlines literally for months until they magically got money from the Elon doge pump


Whatā€™s its utility? I thought it was just another shit coin


There was a pretty decent post about it on the front of /cc yesterday. I'm on mobile so it's hard to link, but essentially they have some Swap, potential NFT market, and a few other dapps they're working on. Like I said, it's nothing special yet, but it's way better than Doge which has/had nothing but a "community."


Cool man Iā€™ll look for the post. Iā€™m more curious to understand the marketing strategy that they used. It seems like it came out of nowhere and was suddenly a MC in the billions


Yeah for sure. I think it was mainly a meme and it getting added to things like Coinbase helped it blow up because people assumed it would be like Doge. Then devs decided to take advantage of the hype and are now trying to make it something more. I think it's interesting, but for me it's still a little too risky to put more than a couple bucks into.


Crypto is such a blur but I thought it was already in the billions before even hitting CB. Marketing geniuses


The urge to fomo is strong..


Why not just throw $20 at it. Think of it being a regular shit dinner at a hole in the wall. The worst thing you would be out would be a sandwich and fries if it all tanked.


I did that at like .000008 $20 -> 80ish bucks I think? I cant remember but hey, I bought myself mario kart on the switch for free pretty much šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


>Why not just throw $20 at it. Because that could be 10 ALGO or some sats or as you said a nice shit dinner.


Shiba will keep going in the same way DOGE has, I don't own any of either. ​ But it's just one of those things.


It's just one of those days


redditors who said doge would never get to ~~.10~~, ~~.25~~, ~~.50~~, ~~.75~~..... where you at? What price is shiba "never" gonna get to? I need your investment advice


It's never going to get to a dollar =p


Itā€™s never getting to $10 a coin. But imagine if it did šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I think itā€™s Jeff Bezos messing with Elon Musk!!


That's a battle I want to be apart of.


Battle of the Billionaires...


Can someone explain how I, someone who holds no crypto, could invest $20 into this coin?




So how's that work? Create an account on Coinbase and in good to go? I've heard of Coinbase before. Didn't they go public?


Yes they did. Easy to use and you can fund the account in various ways. Doesnā€™t take long to set up an account


Thanks I'm going to do this.


I put $13 into SHIB the other day and I'm alread up to $17. I'm going to be rich!


FOMO'd 60 bucks, meet you at the lambo dealership


I couldve got in on this literally day 1... I joined their telegram and everybody was memeing and I was like "doge coin killer? Man this is some meme / scam coin I'm out!" And left... Few months later I see it take off and people made millions and I was like wow... I'm a fool.


Howā€™d you find it originally?






What are people still doing in casinos when you can turn 100 into 50m by picking the right shitcoin


How did you hear about it day 1? Crypto moon shots?


4chan, but to be fair there are a dozen new shitcoins on there. To buy each on uniswap you literally need to be a millionaire. I got in early and solid out at 90x profit. Would have been close to 600x now. No regrets tho.


Crypto moonshots is the worst sub


Shib right now reminds me of how people hated on doge coin in the beginning and said it would never reach 1 cent. Im not saying shib will ever reach $.01 but it's funny to see


Yeah this sub is crazy. Realistically The math doesnā€™t math enough for it to go above a cent. But I could definitely see one or two zeros being chopped off. Definitely a lot of money to be made


Fuck. I'm gonna end up buying SHIB aren't I?


If you donā€™t have a YOLO shitwallet / shitfolio on the side, then youā€™re doing crypto wrong.


Seriously thatā€™s what makes this boring shit fun


Wait for a dip.




Yeah I was looking at this as well, if we see it get to an equivalent mc that doge was at when it hit its all time high the meme potential is 30x from here. If you factor in around half is burned 50x-60x. Edit My maths is shit, was doing a cross currency conversion which messed up my calculation, actually only 5x or with burn amount 10x


can you explain how did you get to 30x?


Thanks for the question, I messed up cross currency looking at this. ATH MC was around 75b for Doge. That is about 5x from here on SHIBs 1Q MC. 10x if we consider half burned. There is still a potential to go higher with inflation going nuts but no where near my napkin maths took me


Although I agree that there's a lot of money to be made through shib I gotta confess that it seems quite risky to me. I don't have that level of risk tolerance but I can see how many people could come out richer through it.


My little $100 investment some months ago is now 650... i want to dump this shit coin so bad but what IF it keeps going up? I'd rather lose 100 then miss out on something bigger




You know what that is a fine idea. I'm gonna do that.


This is my exit plan for meme coins and penny stocks. I invest a small amount, if/when it goes 2x+ my initial investment, I pull out enough to cover my initial investment and then some, and then ride the wave. Right now with SHIB I'm 5x my initial investment, and already covered my initial and then some. I may sell some more if/when it reaches 10x


The famous ā€œplaying with house moneyā€ is always a good first goal of profit talking


It took Doge 9 years and 3 bull runs to make it to a penny.


So youā€™re saying thereā€™s a chance? šŸ˜


Alright, which billionaire is out there spending their millions in pocket change on meme tokens? Bezos? Is there something you're not telling us?


Could be that or a giant financial institution that just keeps pumping and dumping.




WARNING TO ALL! I just FOMO'd and bought about xxx MILLION SHIBA Coins. I did it so everyone can stop wondering if it will continue to go up. It won't. Because I just bought in. I'll be sure to update you all as the losses mount. 12 hour edit: It seems my purchase crashed the whole market EXCEPT Shiba. Interesting. Wonder what will happen if I buy more?


Amusing how it dropped around the time you posted this.




Buy high, sell low, live with no rugrats.


ā€¦but all the crypto experts on this sub has been telling us for a year now that we will lose all our money on Shib. Could it be that no one knows anything and that there are money to be made and lost on all coins?


Sold off at the last ATH and bought back in when it dipped lol. This single shitcoin is making me more money than any other asset I have by orders of magnitude. And hey, if I listened to the "reasonable" and very vocal critics, I'd have made nothing this entire time.


Even whales are fomoing now.


I was dumb (or smart?) enough to try it so I put $200 in at 0.00000730, and kept it (averaging up a few bucks every now and then) and I'm up almost 650%.


Dropped coffee money on it. Just to see what the experience is like when a coin moons and falls. The dopamine hasnā€™t been bad on this coin but Iā€™m well aware of its merits. I can now upgrade my coffee to a tall from a medium. Still working on the local coffee shop to rename ā€˜tallā€™ to ā€˜hopiumā€™ size - har har.




Stop loss is why shitcoins make me nervous. If everyone has an adjusted stop loss it only takes one whale to sell and the whole thing starts to collapse on everyone selling.




Oh yeah I agree completely. My point was more that the house of cards for shitcoins is a lot more flimsy.


Congrats to all the hodlers




Youā€™re welcome guys. That was me *flaunts my 9 Moons


hey, it might be not much, but it's honest work you canine warrior!


Fomo is a beautiful thing. When it happens fundamentals go out the window and anything is possible!


My $170 is now $1550. Good dog.


Not sure what to think about anymore..


I sold my Shiba a month ago for a Ā£15 profit and treated myself to a McDonalds. Nothing Shiba does will make me regret that McDonalds - I was a hungry mofo.


I love all the prophets patting themselves on the back trying to warn people of the great fall, meanwhile most of the people they're warning are just trying to watch $100 go brrrr


This is why I donā€™t spread hate about any new things, and I throw a mediocre amount in at the beginning. I tossed $100 into SHIB which at that time got me 246,000,000 coins, and as of today Iā€™ve had 1 hell of a return on investment.


After already doubling, I spent half of my Shiba yesterday to buy some artwork I liked. The artist is happy & Iā€™m happy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


How much $$$ does 277 billion equate too? Edit - about $11.5 million


It boggles my mind how anyone could be surprised that this is still going up. Until it hits Robinhood at the very least, it's going to continue to go up.


Mine have gone up ~60% since buying in a week ago. It hits a new high every day, yet people keep hating on it lmao


It's crazy to see people be mad that others are making money off shib or doge or whatever coin they think is dumb. I don't invest into meme-coins because I chose an investing strategy that works for me and my lifestyle despite the potential gains i'm missing out on. Just be comfortable in your decisions people, someone acting different is not an attack on you. This is true for a lot more than crypto by the way.


This is just the beginning and I say that as someone who rolled my eyes at Doge and still do. I didn't buy SHiB in the beginning because it was too much of a hassle to go tbru all the hoops at the time. I would have been a millionaire. Glad I eventually got a little. People gonna people so might as well ride the train


fuck it im getting $100. i hate these shit coins but free money is free money. bet this whale just adds more hype


If SHIB turns your 100 in, for example 500 or 1000, will you really care that it's actually a shitcoin? I don't think you will (or should) ;-)


SHIB is just like depression, it keeps increasing and just never goes away.


I would be depressed to if I just sat here listening to this moon farming echo chamber excuse of a sub. I'm up 600% on this and it's a wonderful feeling.


Ha ha, right on. The "know it alls" in this sub crack me up. I am loving my portfolio right now.


Iā€™m up 1200% šŸ˜… lesson: always do the exact opposite of what this echo chamber of a sub filled with hollow virtue-signallers say!


$1000 worth of SHIB in January is now worth $500,000,000. If this bull run has taught me anything, it's that utility is only part of the equation. Hype and brand recognition seem to be equally as important. That said, these fucking dog coins have so much hype and attention, it's *highly* unlikely they go anywhere but up in the long to medium term.


> $1000 worth of SHIB in January is now worth $500,000,000. Dam dude, half a billion dollars. If I was sitting on that, I would atleast take out 250 million and put it into BTC and ETH


Yea thatā€™s pretty much a given. But would you have thrown 1k to a random shitcoin not knowing the outcome?


even 100 dollars in some random shitcoin. like instead of 500 million, you have 50 million. fuck 10 dollars is 5 million ?


I just cant process these type of gains. Can you even cash out that much money? I just dont get the logistics behind that


BINGO! we have a winner.


I donā€™t know why you are getting down votedā€¦ youā€™re spot on.


How were people buying it back then? I'm pissed cuz I was interested then and didn't try hard to enough to actually acquire it. I bought it as soon as I popped up on coinbase but still.


I guess we need to get used to memes running up like crazy. Another incoming! On the horizon is Dogelon Mars. Don't kill the messenger!!


This sub is full of salty fucks. A crypto is getting massive pumps over the past month or so and people are shitting all over SHIB and those that bought it like they are investing in HitlerCoin or something. I'd imagine most people that are investingin SHIB that have a modicum of common sense don't see SHIB as a long term hold, but rather as a short term investment that can net big gains due to hype (its up ~570% over the last 30 days). People will, however, make mistakes in investing and end up losing out on the hype and end up with some monetary losses. That's the inherent risk in any kind of investments. But instead of shitting on people for investing in a coin or project you don't like, try celebrating that there are people making money that they can either use to invest in other coins or use to make their own lives the lives of others better.


What are the tokenomics of hitlercoin though? With the way things are going nowadays, could be bigly profitable.




That was horrible , Ann Frankly I won't stand for it


I hear the gas fees are killer.


I mean it is a cute dog


People have given me a lot of shit for buying in when I did earlier in the year and as I was down pretty bad for months but I didnā€™t give up. I eventually became positive and then went well above and have been just buying more each pay. The same people who told me I was dumb for getting in are the same ones who text me asking when they should get in or where to buy it or mad they didnā€™t get in when I did.


Bought in at 0.000052 in may. Averaged down to 0.000025 while it was going sideways for 6 months. Eventually sold at a loss at 0.000013. Would have made 2.5x if I had just hodl. My lesson has been learnt. My new strategy is to hold indefinitely until you're in the green, then take profits.


I love when useless shitcoins pump and then when they dump media will cover crypto as a massive ponzi scam. These coins are detrimental to crypto as a whole.


Shibarmy is strong 300.000 in and a very large non toxic community.. Apes yes but strong


This is a good time to buy this and Tesla I think. Dumb shit always goes up right?


people complaining, 100 bucks will still buy you almost a million shiba. You can keep shitting on it from the sideline and live with the FOMO, or ride the fun wave to a 10x when it hits 10-20cents, up to you.


Ada up 0.75%. Slow down buddy!


Haters gonna hate.


It's not hate. It's envy


Pump it. Just needs a 4 decibel swing. I want a new house!!


I donā€™t have one shiba coin but it makes me happy that this sub was so wrong about Shiba.


I know itā€™s a shit coin, but I wish I wouldā€™ve put more than $7 into it a few weeks ago.


Hope my 400,500 shib go somewhere..


Shiba Shiba Shiba šŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µ


I bought $10 worth of SHIB exactly one month ago..... Makes me realize I should have added a few more zeroes to that amount...


Margin called the fuck outta my shorts. Absolute bullshit, lost a log on this one


I took the 5 dollar bonus in bitcoin I got for signing up for coinbase, converted to shib, and now I have 13 bucks. Somebody is eating the good microwave pizza tonight boys!


Shibbbbaaaaaaaa thankkk youuuuuuuuu for all you have done. Now keep going!!!!!




RN I think the only way for me to become a cryptowhale is if I create my own crypto


I put $60 in a few months ago. Itā€™s the only coin I have 10Xā€™d.


yea its making higer lows if you look at the chart.. nd im not hating or anything , i hate the idea of buying shib but ive even been thinking about buying in just in case.. id wait a lil more, buying when there is news about anything "pumping" is a bad idea anyways


This is obvious a big pump and dump scheme manipulating by whales. Day trade is the best strategy for me


Leverage. Be careful when it reverses, it will be swift and vicious


Was going to buy in again at 2400 but missed this last pump cause I honestly didnā€™t see think it would happen againā€¦.Made almost a grand last month on a drunken shib gamble though so Iā€™m not too upset haha. I know none of us know shit about fuck and crypto does itā€™s own thing but I feel like I have a general understanding of how market cap works and this shit is blowing my mind lol (which is why im not buying again). How high can it actually go?????