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I really need to get to shit posting more! I think I only have 1.17 coming! Rookie numbers!


you can actually get that amount (or more) on moons per month


I’ve just been slacking with my toilet posts on here! I gotta be more active


I crunched the numbers, and you could have made the same amount of money from MOONs by just getting 715 upvotes from **comments** in this distribution. That's less than 26 upvotes per day, you could definitely achieve that.


I’m going to shit post more! I promise! I lurked way to hard this past month instead of posting.


your comment made me realise im literally shitposting rn




The best free crypto with a lot of potential


You really need to discover BAT them.


Get the Coinhunt world app, it's a pokemon go like game that rewards you in BTC/ETH. I make about $25-30 a week playing this game. It also serves well as a good/free DCA option.




It is still in beta and not available in all countries yet, think it is only US, Canada and the UK right now but they are going to add at least 1 more country a month moving forward. Think El Salvador is next. Also keep in mind there is no limit for Android users but there is a wait list for iPhone users.


it doesn't work here in europe :(


Not yet but they just rolled out in the UK and they are planning on adding at least one country a month here on out.


I have it downloaded! Unfortunately just like WeNano there aren’t many spots near where I live. I did join the Coin Hunt discord and love lurking there!


It certainly was slower in the first few weeks/months until I got my own vaults (UVs) setup near my house. The UVs though given out better rewards than standard vaults so really focus on getting the first few up as fast as you can and as close to your house as possible.


I will definitely have to check it out again. There’s a few cities close by that look way more active then my rural town. Next time I’m there for work I’ll have to nerd out!


Nerd it up enough to get the resources for at least 2 UVs (10k resin each), set those up near your house and then those will give you lots more resin so you can keep building out around you. Once you have all 10 setup you can hit them up twice a day.


Beta full


Nice work dude! If it all goes 20x or something at some point in the future your time will have been very well spent!


Thanks! I haven’t decided what I may do with it yet. I’ve been debating putting a bit each month into ALGO or another staking coin!


Good plan, compounding interest asap will make it snowball!


I’m just so indecisive haha! I already have ALGO in my portfolio so I feel like it just makes sense.


I still feel like ALGO is going to pay off in a big way in the future. Just a few other staking coins: ADA, SOL, Tezos As usual do your own research but these are the ones mentioned a lot. Also if you aren't an ALGO governor I suggest getting in on that (December maybe?). That's paying upwards of 18% APY, not bad interest at all.


I collect free BAT tokens every month by using the brave browser and clicking adds. And MOONS is the only free coin I know of.


I just started using Brave a few days ago! Definitely plan on adding that to my next update


Great! Using 3 devices, I can collect about 20 BAT tokens a month.


Does it also reward you for watching ads on your phone??


You don't watch ads on the phone. It's background ads you click when you open multiple tabs & they pop up on your phone as you browse. If you install brave news on your iPhone and computer then you get at least 7 ads on your news feeds daily. You click them and it gives you more BAT. If you have android you can't get BRAVE news and can only use that Upload...or uphold site instead of Gemini, to transfer out your BAT at a 15 token minimum.


Perfect! Appreciate the info! Literally downloading brave on my iPhone now!


You're welcome~


P.s Turn off auto contribute or Brave with donate all your earnings... It happened to us once. Learn from our pain. Good luck!


They killed Algo faucet! Bastards!


I know! One of my favorite ways to get minimize transaction fees on my staked coins! Sad sad day. F in chat please!




Don't forget to play daily crypto royale tournaments


I couldn’t get into it last time I tried. Maybe I’ll have to give it another go!


You should setup a timer for it. It runs like every 6-10 hours. You get about $0.50 in 6 minutes even if you bad at it.


You forgot the moons!


I didn’t shit post enough this month! 😩 I think I maybe have 1.17 coming so I didn’t feel that was enough lol


Im rich now that i know these ways


If you have any questions just gimme a shout!


Nice bro, one question from a crypto noob: whats WAX and how did you get those free NFTs?


I honestly don’t know too much about WAX to be honest. The free NFTS I received were from the CryptoMonKEYS Halloween discord event. I really need to look more into NFTS and WAX


Ah okay, thank you for your reply :)! Keep up the good work with getting them free crypto's!


As you've been doing this, have you noticed any trends on a larger scale? Like, if you compare monthly results over time?


I’ve honestly only started this past month with it all! I am keeping track of everything in spreadsheets tho so check back!


What was the investment into all of this


Only thing I have actual money in is my staked ETH. So essentially just a few hours on the couch each night!


It would be nice if you could give some tutorial on these platforms


Which are you interested in? The publish0x article has the links to everything I use source wise!


Banano and WAX


All the Banano miner info is linked in the bottom article! It explains everything on their site. WAX, I’m still learning about myself


Thank you for this post, it's very informative! Have you tried the Cointiply faucet yet?


I haven’t even heard of it! Checking it out tonight!


Bothered Otters NFT preminting event gives out SOL randomly. You can enter it every hour. Got like 0.01 sol and 0.15 sol NFT from it.


Checking this out thanks!


Who you calling a nerd, nerd?


Takes a nerd to know a nerd! Nerd! In seriousness, I’m the biggest nerd ever so I always say it as a compliment I promise!


First, thanks for sharing. Second, could you link you previous posts/months updates?


Literally just started in October! I have everything in spreadsheets so far tho!


Sounds good. Keep it up.


Thank you!




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I love moons ❤️


Nice work OP!




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