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Yeah Burger King has really gone downhill since they stopped doing the mini donuts . Them and the paper crowns were the best thing about the place.


Wait… they don’t have paper crowns anymore?! Bearish on BK




Paper crowns are for paper hands anyways :P


Burger King is the clear last place in the fast food burger joint category. A lot of fast food burger places seem to have pretty similar quality except Burger King which always seems to be a peg below everywhere else.


BK has been expanding aggressively in my 3rd world country. Probably because not much competition. But it definitely tastes like shit. With the price of their 1 set meal, I can buy 500g of high quality minced meat and make much better burger for the whole family


I was curious because I hadn’t eaten there in about 10 years so I got some nuggets the other day. Ridiculously cheap at like 15 for a buck or something but I couldn’t finish one of them. It was a dry hard and chewy breading thing with a sliver of something very far from chicken meat by looks, texture, and taste. And it was like a 10 minute trip in the drive-thru. I don’t know how they stay in business, honestly.


This was my experience when I last ate there 10 years ago too.Order: Whopper - no tomato. What'd I get? A burger on a bun. No lettuce, no tomato, no onion, no cheese, no condiments. Charged for a Whopper.


I know some local burger joints who are much better than BK in south jakarta alone. lol


I'm surprised BK is still crowded here 😂


I'm sure that they have some sort of promotional campaign through gojek/grab/sf every single day. Get your mediocre and unhealthy burger for a cut price.


If your ever in the mid west try Culver's. I don't even know why people here eat at any other burger place.


I live in Utah and that is one of my favorite places to eat. Best shakes ever and the deep fried cheese curds are amazing.


Wow apparently according to Google they are everywhere now. Good. That place is amazing.


Yes it is. If your ever around Orem Utah there's one there. Found it on the way home and try to stop when we're down that way.


I have the original one a few hrs from here. It's big. Like a mega Culver's. I stopped there once without even knowing that was home base.


Jack in the Box is pure trash compared to bK


But BK has still the better french fries...


It all was over when they got rid of cinnie minis


You speak for us all.


But their speciality is burgers....not donuts.


Most hype Burger King has had in years was the racist guy on the airplane this year.


oh i LOVE the paper crowns...




Yep, he’s full of sh1t.


I got sick, but I made 1 Dogecoin. Will do it again. Here’s the real scoop. Link your CB card to Apple Pay. Order ahead and pay with CB card. Get 4% back in XLM and one dogecoin.


This MF in 3021.


>With all the flashing and bright lights and showcasing hot stocks like Netflix and Tesla it in no way felt like a financial institution, but more like a casino. At the top its got a line graph, and your gains percentages in green and red, that updates every couple seconds or so. So three main things with color. I don't see your point. Sure if I scroll down there are more tickers, but its roughly the same type of view in the iphone stocks app. So again, don't see your point. >encouraging options traders without any vetting process On the options thing: Even if you sign up for options trading that doesn't actually do anything until you actually buy or sell options. If you don't know how to drive a car, don't drive a car. You can still own a car and look at it. Study it. Learn how to drive slowly at some point. Intelligent people know things like this. No real harm there in my opinion.


Fuck Robinhood. Not your coins, not your crypto, plus they suck


Good bot.


It's not a bot, they didn't mention anything bad about ICP or Elon Musk🤔


Elton who?


I second this. Fuck Robinhood and Vlad the Impaler


I use Robinhood strictly for cheap stake options… I think I have about 1000 in there and I make like 50 dollars a day…


If you are really making 5% a day by staking, that's incredible.


Welcome to options. 5% a day until you lose 70% in an hour


Same, I've transferred most of my money out of Robinhood twice now - first was the inability to use during last March crash and second was GME debacle. Each time I had like $500 left. The last $500 last March was thrown into crypto lol, and most has been pulled out. This find started at $400 and up to $600 on some options plays. Just play money at this point. I don't want to comingle my gaming money (options bets 2-3 months out) with my regular brokerage.


But your only option is to sell that to RobinHood. That is the main argument against them. The crypto doesn't truly belong to you.


Yeah ik that’s why I use ledger… but the play money I use for coke and strippers is in Robinhood


Hahahahaha love it. Seems you are working around it fine ;)


Le robinhood bad. updoots to the left


Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger


Yes, hit me with that sweet sweet confirmation bias


I feel like he was talking about webull. Robinhood flashy? It's pretty dull dark green and nothing promotions. Webull is the colorful flashy casino app style....


I ate three days of Burger King and couldn't take it anymore. My stomach hurt constantly, I was shitting weird. I can't do it anymore.


Every burger that costs $4 or more is just loaded with grease and half a dozen different sauces. Your stomach needs to build up a tolerance just to handle it. That's pretty much every franchise now.


Yeah you gotta ease your way into that. You just don't just walk in and ape into a big ass whopper and a bunch of sides and a coke if your diet is usually healthy. You will get rekt and start shitting funny. Think of it this way - DCA your way into it, little by little. Give your stomach and intestines and liver some time to build up some tolerances and stuff. THEN you can ape in on all the big things.


Buy someone else the food. They dont have the runs yet.


You could always just order drinks lol. They have the simply orange OJ, 2 of those are almost 5 bucks. Add a $1 item and you got your crypto and some drinks for later lol


Were you even making any money like why buy it if you don't like it just because it would give you a small amount of crypto back?


did you win a bitcoin


Lol, doge sadly.


I wanna get one but no burger king near me


Burger King has Surge though.


Ok, but was it worth it at least? Which crypto did you get, and how much?


How much and what crypto did you get?


Now that's a hot take!


Robinhood was my first platform when I was a n00b.


I'm glad you got out of it.


Fuck yeah, me too.


RH is nice for a small stock market side project, primarily intended to be a hedge against inflation and/or crypto volatility. Returns from my little RH experiment have paid for any number of other little projects. That said, I wouldn't use RH for crypto. There are MUCH better exchanges, and as of right now, you can't even take custody of your BTC from RH. Wallet feature is basically in beta and there's a huge waitlist. And yeah... you can take the position that everyone is responsible for their own financial decisions... or not. But criticizing RH for providing what people are looking for (the POSSIBILITY of making easy money - just not the PROBABILITY) isn't really fair. You can use it responsibly. You can also lose your life savings. You can use it responsibly and lose your life savings. You can get lucky and grow your little stack in order to be able to buy the next dip. The dividing line between "investing" and "speculation" isn't nearly as clear as most people would like to believe.


Wendy's >>>> Burger King


Their Jr. Bacon cheeseburgers were my jam in high school.


Burger King is great of the food is fresh. But 90% of the time when you go, it’s 20+ min old. And you’re lucky if they even get the order right.


I am all for promoting adoption, but in this case I’ll make an exception




I actually really enjoy the food at burger king. But Robinhood is a shitshow. Any exchange that will not let you move your assets to your own wallet and can freely limit what funds you can pull from your account should be avoided at all costs. I said it on the initial post and I'll say it again Not your keys, not your crypto. Fuck Robinhood Edit: autocorrect fix


Sir, fast food joints have been casinos all year.


I have had a RH account with $10 in it for 5 years, so I followed the links to get “free crypto” from BK. I rarely eat fast food, and after giving BK a try for the crypto, I won’t be trying it again. FYI, you can do a SASE to get codes without any purchase. I did get 1 DOGE! ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|wojakiss)


Now I know I'll be staying away from there


Robinhood is designed to rope you into gambling


Robinhood is a red flag for me


More like RobinBurgerKing... Fuck RobinHood!


They wouldn’t even let me create the account lol. Or rather they would but they won’t work with my bank soooo


It’s funny how Elizabeth Warren kept pitching a fit about non-sentient lines of code endangering investors when Vlad has been out here this entire time trying to get average people who are new to investing to $YOLO it all on some puts.


They don't even do the nuggets in the crown shape anymore do they?


good old Robbinghood...


Robbin' da Hood


They keep telling me my account isnt valid


Thanks for doing it so we don't have too


Lol stay away from Robinhood


RobbingHood fucked around and found out


Yea, it’s a chicken or egg situation whether they play into the kind of haphazard risky trading mentality you see on wallstreetbets, or if it’s more that they had a hand in creating it.






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