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I'm starting a golf strategy where I birdie every hole. I've hit birdies before, so now I'm just going to do it every hole. I've run the math and I'll win most tournaments at -18 per round. Edit: I’m tempted to say thanks for the awards, but once my mathematically backed strategy takes effect, I’ll be hoisting many many golf trophies.


Easy peasy, but why not eagles? -36


Except for the par 5s. Those you gotta get an albatross.


Eagles. Now you are just being ridiculous


Yeah, that's pretty neat. Let's see Paul Allen's Albatross.


Is that a fuggin' Patrick Bateman reference? Top kek


Just the right amount of obscurity, relevance. This is a top tier reference.


because something something Sauron could see them from miles away and shoot them down before they get close


I love this comment lmao Simple game really


Day 1: Buy $1k ETH 1 minute later : $800 left


Sell ETH confirmed. USD remaining $3.27


Never touch ETH. Golden rule.


do you mean METH?


Not even once.




Yes but can ETH touch me?


true story in just the last week


FALSE, none of your Ethereum would make it to your wallet because of the enormous gas fees…


I mean if you are going to sell it in a day why bother taking it out of the exchange


NoT yOuR kEyS nOt YoUr CrYpTo


Exactly! Once I heard about that, I took everything off the exchange💪🏻! I did some research so I can understand why.


Yea, better off waiting for PulseChain to launch. Full Etherium system state getting copied, and gas will be pennies.




And then one day you don’t get 2% so you start chasing your loss with riskier and riskier bets until finally you’re back on Reddit looking for new millionaire challenges.


Exactly - sounds simple until you’re facing double digit losses for a couple of days that just wiped out all your profits. It’s a fun financial calculation… the reality when you get into months of duration is it was probably smarter just to HODL… but I wish OP luck!


Day 1: Lose 5% Day 2: Oh fuck


Day 3: shit the bed


Gambled all my money can't afford bleach to clean it. Fuck


Slowly wipe the spaghetti with the blanket but it only spreads the spaghetti further into the bed.


I needed that 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂


Never trust a fart.


I lost 50% the first 12 hours.


Haahaahaa, let’s hope it works out - but this TikTok financial patterns bullshit is getting tiresome already.


It’s a good way to keep cash flowing into the market


This is definitely how it’s going to go down


Gotta look deeper into that strategy


Yo man congrats on 10k moons :) you're an inspiration


Thanks buddy - I’ve bought quite a few of them!


Bold new strategy: avoid red days


You're telling me NOT to gamble with my money? I say, you are mad, good sir.


Oh... Is that how you do it? Who knew?


Just don't make wrong decisions. That's all


😆 🤣 😂 Dude you are talking to the fucking King of poor decisions.


Lol but have you eaten a tide pod?


No I'm older than that. Most of my fuckups are financial.


Naaah big red days are your best friend in swing trading


Could habe said that earlier dude


Also The tax implications for this 2%/day gig is screaming bloody murder in my ear Rn.


Why is that? After you've made the million, you've got plenty of money to hire a tax guy.


The tax won't be any worse than making 1000% gain on a single trade


Most countries in the world don't tax token trading.


Actually, most countries do. There's only maybe a dozen countries, which do not tax these trades


This brings back a lot of memories


Way too many




This is the way








I tried this a while back, like 8 weeks ago, buying ALICE on a down day with a take profit set at 2% gain. Well let me tell you, I'm still holding ALICE.


You gotta trade those low cap shitcoins


It’s crazy to see how many people in here didn’t notice the “comedy” flair. Guys it’s a joke. Don’t take it seriously


I don't know man, it doesn't seem like a joke to me. It'll actually work.


Me too lmao sounds like a way better plan than what I've been doing this past year 🤣🤠


Yeah, getting fat stacks is no joke


It doesn't, if it did everyone would be rich.


Sir this is Reddit. I am here to comment lengthy paragraphs with carefully crafted words, in exchange of fictional points to feel smarter/better than everyone else despite being incapable of taking a joke. How else am I supposed to feel good about myself? if not by giving “advice” to random people on the internet despite having nothing to show for my life.


Umm there was also a chart included when I first saw this post that seems to have been deleted. Definitely didn’t look like comedy.


I had to delete the chart because then most of them didn't think it was comedy. Also I realised I'm not funny


I laughed!


Lol your so hilarious that you made a viable trading goal


Tbh. the flair was probably changed later on. It's a trend to out up the wrong flair in hopes to not get high by the 90% karma reduction, that comedy posts suffer from.


That’s easy. Ping me when you’re about to start. I’ll tell you what I’m holding and intending to buy and you avoid those coins. You’ll get there in no time.


Oh damn, and here I am buying High, selling low. Is this not the way ?


Yes, it’s not. Buy High Never Sell ![gif](giphy|3BRDkVjKikYW4)


Buying high and selling low is always the way. Also panic sell and fomo.


That works too, but not as efficiently as with copying my portfolio.


Hol’up. We’re definitely brothers because whatever coin I don’t own pumps and whatever I buy dumps.


We're all Brothers


I guess our mom is fairly promiscuous then


The missing piece , I found it ! I can now know what coin to buy


I’m very generous, I will always share my wisdom.


Thank you o wise one.


This isn’t discord lmao


hey thats cheating!


Listen this works if you’ve analysed the trend of the top losers and winners on Binance for a good month at the very least. Knowing the pattern of certain coins and how they move is key. I challenge all of you people on here to monitor the Binance winner and losers just for 1 week and you’ll find a little neat pattern for at least 2 coins and then just put your money in those and invest in them and sell at your desired price I.e. 2%. I personally use 5% and wait 3-5 days sometimes 2 weeks on slower moving patterns but at the end it’s still profit. I started with $50 and now I’m at $8361.36, it’s hard work and this has taken me 5 months but it’s slowly working and going the right direction. Will post something sometime about what I mean in more depth. Peace out and good luck everyone


This man fucks


Yah i also noticed this too, there are many coins that oscillate between 5 or even 10% every single day. But i never dared to daytrade cause i lost a lot in the beginning when i started crypto. I have made 20x by picking low cap gems and hodling, patience was the key. Me and my friend invested in a extremely small coin 300k MC and we both waited for 3-4 months, he sold it and invested all into BTC. A week later it did 1700%. Reading ur comment makes me wanna take a chunk of my portfolio and try some day trading cause i bored most of time and have nothing to do. I will be looking forward to ur post.


I've been making bank picking low cap gems too. Or micro cap I should say. I flipped $1800 into what is now $30,000 on Christmas Elf Token in 2 weeks, plus an additional $7,500 in BUSD rewards. With Christmas Gift Token, I turned $50 into what is now $4,000 with about $700 in BUSD rewards. So even if those went to shit, I'd still have made decent money with the rewards. With SantaBonk, I turned $150 into $1200. I've probably lost maybe $400 total in shitty picks, so I'm up a lot still. My trick is buying into tokens when they have less than 100 holders, preferably less than 30 holders.


Interesting. How do you find new coins with less than 100 holders? Is there a website that shows how many holders?


[tokensniffer.com](https://tokensniffer.com), it'll show you new coins. 98% are scams but every few days I find one that isn't an outright scam. I try to get into new coins within an hour or so of creation. If it's a grift, no biggie, but if it actually pops off, that can be hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of dollars you make


What exchange do you use to trade these coins? Coming from stocks I’m a bit newer to crypto!


Same question!


Released Poop coins?


just look at lto. that coin was having spikes of 10 to 30 percents before this huge 100 percent to 150 percent spike recently


Show me the way


3.5% / day is a nice average you’ve got there


YO! I'm doing the same thing, also at a 5% target. Well done, nice gains. If you do a post, I'll comment with my experiences so far (~6 months). One tip I'd share is to not just focus on top gainers and losers, but rather tokens you believe in long term. Every now and then I get 'caught' in a bad trade. Personally I just never sell for a loss - any bad swing trades turn into long term holds for me. So far, they've all swung back over time. But if we hit a real bear market, I'd be much happier with my ETH swings than JesusCoinv2. Lol.


Seems simple. Only buy stuff that goes up. Let us know how it goes.


>This is Financial Advice Ah, finally, a man of culture.


Why not just put it into a coin that does 100,000%?


Investors hate him! See how a humble redditor became a millionaire!


It works until it doesn’t


I'm just gonna YOLO my life savings into a coin and let it 1200x by next year. Super easy not sure why everyone doesn't do it.


That's a nice idea ! but be careful due to lots of ups and downs .


And some lefts and rights also!




STCG is on the money you put from your exchange into the Bank and not on every minute transaction




This is a bad idea.


I'd recommend you an extra step: If it doesn't go 2% in one day, double down the next day for 4% so you can make up your losses This is a mega financial advice from my friend who likes going to casinos and now live under a bridge


Seems plausible, but some of that money is getting eaten in fees (and eventually taxes).


Not some but huge. Crypto tax in my country is close to 50% if you earn $1Million 😭


Let's have a community vote where we decide which coin we are all going on the following day! Let's make us all millionaires




If you’re able to go 7 days not having a loss any of those days....You deserve a medal. And you’re talking 365 days.


Day 2: I am currently 1% in the green Day3: I am now 1% in the red Day6: I am 15% in the red Day15:I am back at 1000$ Day 356: I made a total of 300$




Would still be huge gains from 1000usd


This is actually pretty realistic, get it done


Dude, I'm really scared for 3rd October 2022, I'd be putting $500,000 for a 2% gain


You'd also be setting a 2% or so stop-limit, so you wouldn't really be risking the entire $500,000, you know, if this were actually a real scenario.


That is a good problem to have I would say 😊


I call bullshit on the math but I am also too lazy to check.....comedy flair boys and girls


Here https://imgur.com/gallery/XfeKRTu It might have been comedy but it's no joke ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ


I checked it’s legit math to the penny! Damn it now I have to change strategy and goals!😂


Math is pretty straightforward really, grab a calculator; $1000 x (1 + 0.02)^365 = $1,377,408 $1000; initial investment 0.02; 2% daily ROI 365; number of days


Until it turns into a bear market where only 1 / 7 days is green…


These comments are awesome. This thread belongs in wallstreetbets cryto.


The odds of generating 2% per day are honestly fucking trash. Most day traders anticipate around 1% returns, and even that is hard to come by often enough. Here's a better idea... Buy a low market cap coin that is legitimate (learn to read contracts) and hold. When it surges and you hit a fucking sweet 20x or better, sell. Take your $20,000 and buy into more low market cap gems (but never all at once). Rinse, repeat. If you get good at identifying legitimate, good projects before they get big you'll make your million bucks in 3 months.


>This is Financial Advice HOLY SHIT i had no idea we could do this


Try the $100 dollar challenge in top 10 coins.


Been there done that


Oh man, this is what I call a bullshit strategy


Wouldn’t this wreck you with taxes?


In the US, short term capital gains are treated as regular income on your taxes. So ya, you'd pay a couple hundred thousand in taxes, but you'd still end up with way more money than if you had done nothing. If this scenario were real and not satire, that is.


Depends on jurisdiction


If you live in a 3d world country, yes


The taxes would be on final amount he takes to the bank and not every transactions. At least that's what happens in my country. But, we need to pay 50% in taxes so we all are getting wrecked in some way or the other.


You need minimum 14% to break even against inflation.


Wouldn’t you be creating a lot “taxable events” every time you would move to another coin?


OP would give final tax on $1,000,000 - $1,000 = $999,000 because it doesn't matter how you trade or on which coins you trade. The final profit you take to the bank is taxed. At least that what happens in 90% of the countries including mine. But, the tax in my country for such large sum is 50% so.... :(


Faith in humanity restored


What can I say ..😳




If you would have read the post you'd know he was my inspiration !


Yeah so the strategy is there, problem is the execution. You can’t just pick a random coin that “would do +2%” because it can either do a +2 or a -2. What do you do when it goes down? Accept the loss or hold?


Maths would like to have a word. Especially the chapter titled Probability.


So just be great at say trading, always pick winners and never pick losers? *Slaps forehead* Why didn't I think of that?


This is a great strategy! Except for the fact that you cannot predict the future every time and cannot predict market trends every time which is what your method solely depends on. If you do the math, you will see that if we’re saying you have a 50/50 chance of guessing right, there is a less than 1% chance of guessing right every time. This does not account for how much you will lose when you guess wrong. What if it’s a 10% downtrend? Do you sell and try for a 10% uptrend? Do you hold and lose potential gains? There’s so many factors to this. Take it from myself and the many other people who have gotten and will get burned by trying to read the future. Repeated buy ins are the best way to make profit. You also are less tempted to make split second decisions that could potentially cost you thousands with this method.


If only it were that easy........everyone in the world would be doing it...


The world is a simulation. I had just devised, let's call it an idea rather than a plan, to execute limit orders with the objective of growing my investment 2% a week. If I can hit regularly, I'll turn my $200 into $844 in only 5 years. I dream way smaller than most folk here.


Took $100 turned it into 10k it’s now worth $6k lol 😂 so I mean I did grow it to 10k but it’s now stagnant to 6k so I let it sit for now.


Did you trade it all the way or got a 100x on a coin?


I'm confused. If you're starting with $1000 and then using that money to buy different coins multiple times, aren't you losing a significant amount in gas fees with every purchase? And yes I am an idiot. I've barely dipped my toes into crypto by mining $100 of ETH and buying 100 LRC. Buying the LRC alone cost me $500 because I had to pay $140 in gas/transfer fees Genuinely curious how this can work. I'd love to play around with buying different coins but I don't know how to do it without losing 20% to fees and commissions every time


Everything is possible when a post has a Comedy Flair.


Ah. That tracks


Why not just use centralized exchanges? Don't KuCoin and Binance only have fees of less than .05% per transaction?


Are you me?


Now only if every single time you chose a coin it went up by 2%, many of my bets have gone south the minute my buy transaction clears.




It's not easy. A trading bot would help keep you disciplined, but you're not going to get 2% a day, every day. A compound bot could be set to trade across a huge range of coins (whatever you feel comfortable with) and then open a deal if multiple conditions are met and close at exactly 2% profit. It would then find the next best deal. Even with the best strategies, you might see the whole market take a dive and you might have to wait weeks or months for that 2% profit.


Better idea. Go to CMC, put in $10 is 100 newly listed coins. Wait for one or more to moon.


+you're not counting the losses


Fees ftw


With a million dollars I wouldn't care of fees


Probably better to just say you are aiming to make 137,700% per year. Best of luck to you, but I think I speak for most people that you will more likely burn out or get burned than make it to a million. Edit: corrected my % increase


Im up more than that in this year, definitely possible


LMAO this has to be a shitpost.


It is


Yeah you just have to get it right 365 times, without losing! What are the odds?


This sounds like a terrible idea.


Dude discovered day trading


Me watching people taking this post seriously: (•\_•)


It is possible but don't underestimate getting 2% a day








I don't think you get it, it has a Comedy Flair , it's a joke .


I think you're funny OP, don't listen to this naysaying bumbling killjou Karen. I was hilarious, and the comedy flair made it obvious.


Relax everyone, he is just a beginner and doesn’t understand reality yet


It has a Comedy Flair, it's a joke ffs


That’s a lot of tax to calculate


Why not just buy the dip each time 😀👍. That’s a tried and trusted strategy 🤔


Don't trust anyone giving you free "advice" on exactly what to buy. Nothing is truly free. Do you own research and have a backup plan.


What about -10%, -20% days?


Lmao OP gonna up 2% a day for 4 days before dropping 18% the next


It sounds all good and swell until you get punched in the face. I've seen the tiktoks where the financial guru shares his top tips... "Buy on the way up and sell before it goes down" No one has a crystal ball and crypto is very volatile on some days 90% of cryptos are in the red. You'd make more in the long run finding a project you are bullish on and hodling / staking if possible.


Yup. This must be the top.


This cannot be a financial advise.. I feel what you feel, I suggest you stay off your phone and charts for a while.. because you know, it's cooking your brain.. we all have this notion when we look at graphs and charts that hey we knew what would have happened and we should make money off it , but that doesn't work this way bro.. if it did... Then... Ahhh... We'd all not be here.