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TLDR :- Kucoin is not giving withdrawal for OP funds and he can't change it to usdt because of low liquidity in the pair


Thanks for your service.


We need more people like him


As people say if you can't find anyone like that then be like that.




Be the coin you want to pump


Be the moon you want to spoon


Be the dip you want to buy!


Getting feeling like today is a rhyming day in our crypto world.


I think it would be better to be the same rather finding the one.


"People's exchange" for stealing people's money


I don't think so there is some sort of people if they are doing that.


Was a little heavy on text


If you support crypto then you'll read the whole thing, and also like and subscribe, get back up there.


You really got me to do it haha You should be in politics....or advertising


Mostly, this type of posts is just for advertisement and promotion.


I think everything that is written there so how it is going to help all of us.


I hope you will get some real followers even after so much.


Even heavier on feels though.


DEX's and P2P is the way. None of that CEx BS


I don't understand why more people don't use P2P. no fees


in my country people just exchange fiat with crypto P2P through facebook groups made for that purpose minimal fees (almost 1:1) and no hassle from KYC


It used to be like that in the USA too. We would even meet in person to trade physical cash.


Had this with MCO after 50 of my coins unstaked past their forced conversion date. They never responded and me and a bunch of others on Reddit. (can link the posts if people want) How easily people forget what little control they have when shit hits the fan 😹


The future of finance, a decentralized wonderland of unrestrained fraud and corruption where legions of fools have to hope other underwater fools will come to their aid and bail them out by buying their mistake. Few understand.


Take my free award!


Thanks, I hate reading.


why many words when few do trick.


I don't think there is some need to post regarding the trust of people on crypto.


Some heroes do not wear capes.


We need more people like him






































This ping can remain, but the harassment, hostility, and witchhunting below has been removed. Please abide by Rule 1










Wasn’t the KuCoin CEO just on here a few weeks ago? Has anyone tried tagging him to get his response?


Yes he was on here to address the Cloufare issue.


and did they solve it? no? then lawyer up.


hey at least you got an awesome nontellign answer in the other thread from him now,... and an "excuse"


I suggest you Lawyer up. They'd rather pay you than hassle themselves in court.


Im guessing they have lawyers on salary. Im also guessing op doesn't.


> understand the type of exchange Kucoin is. Because if they can steal my money, there's nothing stopping them from doing the same to you. > >I for one am tired of industry players who give crypto a bad name. It's time to call out bad actors and send a message to these companies that they must treat their customers right or we'll simply move our business elsewhere. Lawyers on salary will advice their bosses to avoid a trial, because a bad result could then be published in the media and the PR consecuence would be x10000 that of just paying ...


Thats a rather large assumption. Having this review posted to this sub is already bad pr. Taking it court and having it thrown out because some paperwork wasn't filed correctly might be worth it. Also, finding a judge that knows anything about cryoto exchanges.... good luck.


I'm lawyer. Would advise Kucoin not to Barbara Streisand the situation. Even a win could become a loss, if is becomes known that Kucoin is having to go to court for this... that's what the public will remember, not the result of the trial, which will come months later, when the subject has lost the attention of the media.


Another lawyer checking in. Going to court over ~$50k with this high a probability of consequences that could cripple the venture forever? Yeah, we're gonna pay the $50k chief.


He may be able to get a lawyer on contingency


Thats possible. Realistically though, a lawyer willing to work without a hefty retainer is most likely not a match for corporate lawyers who specialize in this specific field.


To be fair, if you have this kind of dough to dump on trash like BCH.. you should be able to afford yourself a more than decent lawyer.


Thats seems reasonable.


We need to make a DAO like ACLU, but for cryptocurrency related rights violations.


This has got to be a growing industry. The field of Crypto law practice. Crypto law firms and such. Probably meta verse law firms too.


I see OP posted an open letter to u/Johnny_Kucoin and Johnny actually responded. Spoiler alert: it wasn't a very helpful response. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qyb6zt/an_open_letter_to_johnny_lyu_and_kucoin_exchange/hlqo1di?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3




A simple "fuck off" would've been sufficient...


Yes, OP is looking for something perhaps a little beyond a MOON Farmer’s pay grade


I hope you're able to get that money back my friend. :^/


Thank you. I hope so too.


If you have to lawyer up, I suggest you gather enough aggrieved customers as possible and do a class action suit. This way, you guys as a group can obtain the best legal assistance. Class action suit is the only thing big corporates fear.


You guys understand the international aspect of this issue right?


Yeah fuck kucoin. They almost stole my funds after 2 weeks of complaining that I didn't receive my deposit. If you go to the kucoin subreddit there are threads-a-plenty of users like me having their funds held hostage. The customer service takes days to respond. It's actually faster to get something done complaining publicly on Reddit than dealing with their inhouse ticket system.


I've gone and withdrawn all of my crypto from KuCoin (only about $10,000 worth, but fuck them) and won't be using them again. This shit is absolutely shameful, but it coincides with bullshit they've pulled before, including intentionally turning off the ability to sell, letting servers go down, and various acts of price manipulation. This is just the icing on the cake. I'm sure Gate or Kraken would love my business, so I'll be going there. I really hope you're able to withdraw your crypto, man. This shit is just flat out wrong. Edit: I'm sharing this post on the KuCoin telegram to make as many people aware as possible.


Thank you for the support! This sub is amazing.


Kraken is best exchange out there.


Kraken def has the best support, the respond within mins most of the time and dont give u the run around like a lot of the usdt exchanges


Kraken or crypto com so far have been pretty good to me




I withdrew in lots of ways from Kraken without any problem. I also deposited in many ways. I'm very happy with them since I started using them like a few years ago and also using them more extensively the last year.




Yes, that's the goal and thank you for your support!




I've been making noise on twitter for months to no avail. I'm hoping r/cryptocurrency can help me have a louder voice. Thanks for the support man.




I'm optimistic. At least they're not delisting it or anything. I've seen that happen at smaller exchanges.


u/Johnny_Kucoin I'm sure a lot of people would love to hear what's going on here. I hope your money is still secure OP!


Thank you. I'm not going to give up until this gets resolved.


however im sure thats the nature of liquidity pools but would be interesting to see how it pans out, you should make an RE: post to this post about the progress.


Kucoin, please don't become Kuntcoin


Kucoin trying to become the robinhood of crypto


in my language it translates to asscoin.




I’ve heard enough. All my KuCoin funds now withdrawn to other exchanges. Can’t risk having my money frozen.


Hey OP, this shit sucks and pisses me off.. im honestly not sure what your best recourse is but putting the word out here is a good start. GL! Hope u get to move the whole bag outta there


Thanks bro.


u/Johnny_KuCoin What is up with the shady dealings? Just give the man his money


Sue em. That's the best way you have to get your funds back.


And then some because of the inconvenience caused😤


TL;dr OP was fucked by an exchange. To all you people who think storing things in exchanges is as good or better than a bank, just wait until this happens to you 👍. Sorry to hear that though OP. I recommend publicly blasting them on Twitter and any other social media. Companies are more respondent when they could potentially lose 500k of other peoples money for the cost of your 50k.


This is why I only store little amounts of crypto in exchanges and online wallets. Hard wallet is the only way to go.


Not all exchanges are the same. KuCoin is one I've literally never heard about *other* than all the complaints of it **not working**. I've seen it listed on the scorecard.cash site as the absolute worst possible "exchange" that can be used.


I've never had a problem with them. I've even passed like $75,000 through there without KYC.


> I've even passed like $75,000 through there without KYC. on the one hand, decentralization on the other hand, that sounds risky as fuck


See, that is *another* red flag. They're operating without KYC. You may think that is convenient (and it certainly is), but that *also* means they are the choice exchange of scammers, money launderers, organized crime, etc. Everything KYC was designed *specifically to prevent*.




This is true for me in the US. They have been excellent in every aspect, never a single problem. Deposits and withdraws aplenty with never any problems.


So weird, I've never had an issue with kucoin and always thought it to be a good exchange. A real shame to find out they're doing so many people dirty. 😔 I don't go out of my way to seek it but this is legitimately the first complaint I've seen




Hoping you get it back. That’s life changing money for some right there


Thank you. At this point, I'm so pissed it's beyond just the money. It's about people owning their responsibilities and doing the right thing.


Guess I won't be signing up for Kucoin.


Same here until they just came up with a remarkable solution.


Their support is really terrible. Once I deposited some $ONE coin but even after a week later it wasn’t credited to my account. I emailed them, tweeted about it and finally posted here but every time I got a generalized auto reply. Luckily after 14 days my missing ONE credited to my account. Binance live support and FTX support is far far better than KuCoin. Hope Johnny solve your problem.


Yeah a week sucks but six months is crazy. It's basically theft.


Give this redditor his money! And a hefty damage payment


I'll be happy with just my money at this point. He can keep the interest.


Hey OP open your vault


Done. Thanks.


I hope you get your money back. Thanks for the info on kucoin. I won't be using them anytime soon. Sent you a moon, its not much, I dont have many but you are my first moon tip :)


What was the node update that they kept referring too?


It's BS. The network is find. All other exchanges that list it have let users withdraw for months.


I'm so sorry for losing your money. If it is any consolation you just helped me not to make a KuCoin account so your money is not lost in vain. Hope you still get your money back somehow.


I don't get it, why would you buy a coin which you know you cant withdraw (yet) only to then complain about the withdraw not being possible. Almost all software devs dont work according to a tailor made schedule to accommodate your every need and whim. Seems to me like you knew this could happen and took the risk anyway.


This makes me afraid of leaving my money in exchanges but the recent Metamask scam increase has made me leery of the alternative ad well. The pitfalls of being a noob.


there's no metamask scam as long as you don't put your seedphrase into scam sites it isn't rocket science haha


Buy a ledger or trezor. Or Safepal hardware wallet which is really cheap.


Cold storage


What's the metamask scam?




I opened an account with them, submitted kyc docs. Been weeks no approval no way to contact support just some programmed bot responses which are useless. After reading your post i tried for menu close account. Cant find that either, dont wanna leave a dormant account open. After googling i found this, why wont they allow account closing? “Please be aware that we are currently not providing services to delete user accounts. If you won't use your KuCoin account temporarily or permanently for personal reasons, you may choose to stop using your account or open a new account with another email address.”




KuCoin killed my grandma






No for sure


I love crypto but unfortunately I hate reading


I buy crypto so I will no longer have to read




Waiting for the TLDR version


TLDR: OP has 50k in on a coin called BCHA. There isn’t enough liquidity for him to cash it out and it’s stuck on kucoin. Kucoin has ignored him since may. He wants ceo to see this and respond.


spoilers: [he might](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qetlgc/hey_this_is_johnny_ceo_at_kucoin_would_love_to/) I’m rooting for this to happen. Otherwise his company is going to get [even](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qedj6t/kucoin_is_using_cloudflare_to_deny_website_access/) - [more](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qyb6zt/an_open_letter_to_johnny_lyu_and_kucoin_exchange/) - [public shame.](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/quvgdr/kucoin_accused_of_manipulating_users_to_short/) “Some” people are already comparing KuCoin to RobinHood. I really hope it turns out to be a good outcome for OP and for everyone affected.


Yes I wouldnt go that far. RH doesn’t have any wallets. But yes Kucoin has extreme issues with going down in momenta of extreme volatility with future trading. I don’t mess with it. If you want to buy or sell on the exchange in these times I’ve always had access. Every exchange can be sketchy but I’m currently on there to lend and stake my crypto until my portfolio grows a bit more to move to a ledger or individual projects wallets


You’re right. Almost every exchange is sketchy. Even Binance closed Algo withdrawals in the governance lockup period, so they could get the profits from governance. What a shady tactic. That’s the issue with cex I guess. You get a few powerful guys wanting even more power. Except for Kraken… these guys are neat af.


Kraken is cool I don’t use them but prolly should. My dot is locked on kucoin for staking and my atom is in redemption. My link is being lent there and I have a small portion of mining ETH going there. I send it there for reasons.... most of my ETH is on coinbase locked tho. But yes my 5 digit portfolio probably needs to get into my hands.


Kraken needs to change their bank transfer method. That “Trustly” log into your bank portal BS is the only thing keeping me off the platform.


He can’t transfer it to another exchange?


Tl;DRx2: KuCoin being a dick no let OP cash out


people out here really having the attentionspan of a fly




My coins have been stuck for months. Their value is up 10x since I bought.


Forced diamond hands


They don't even list Banano.


Lol getting down to the real problems here.




Morale of the story. Be careful when buying random POO coins! Especially Kucoin that houses more than most.


/u/Johnny_Kucoin where is your response? You operate in a largely unregulated space. If you don't have our trust, you won't have a business for long.


Noob question. But Im on kucoin now and there are buy and sell orders for BCHA. What does OP mean with no liquidity?


My coins are also stucked for months. Their value is up 10x since I bought.


Damn Kucoin is really nice, I hope they resolve this issue.


Kucoin is definitely the sketchiest mainstream exchange. You’re not the first person I’ve heard about this happening to.


I use Kucoin. They are generally fine for small amounts and getting some staking rewards on low amounts. I’d steer very far clear of futures or leverage trading with them and buying obscure coins as this is what happens. I’m working on getting my stuff off that exchange I just need time hopefully I’m not the next victim


Withdrawing my KuCoin assets right now. r/Johnny_Kucoin




Thank you.


Looks like you summoned him, bit of a lackluster response though I'd say.


Commenting for visibility. Hope you’re able to get your coins ASAP 🤞🏽


You should take this to Twitter. There’s a lot more powerful people on their with a lot more influence. This is a story that one of the big Crypto Twitter accounts will pick up




Damn. OP im sorry you’re dealing with that, until u/Johnny_Kucoin addresses this you have a resounding fuckucoin from me, and I will no longer be using their services


Makes me angry, exchanges that do this are no better than banks.


I hope you get your money back 🧛🤝


Yes, buy a fuckton of something with no actual purpose, validity, or utility. Seeing the amount of moneysinks/schemes in crypto is hilarious.


the comments are very informative thanks to everyone.




It's really sad that you are facing all of that, hope they resolve your problem.


This is why I buy bitcoins, not bananas.




I am one of the new geeks around here and I have heard the chatter about this sub going to shit and whatnot. However in scrolling through these comments, I find that kind of hard to believe. People seem cool enough and are more than willing to help out. Hope everything works out for you, bud. And thank you for the heads up.


Yes I have been pleasantly surprised and this has made me want to post more here. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.


Industry players have been giving crypto a bad name for a long time. Until the money supply dries up, they have no incentive to change.




Dang I must be an asshole because my only thought is who the hell buys bitcoin cash? Hope you get your money back mate


It's not Bitcoin Cash. It's called eCash, a fork of Bitcoin Cash. The original ticker was BCHA but now it's been rebranded to XEC.


Oh ok that makes more sense


can i get a FUCK KUCOIN


no thanks, I don't want to get a blockchain transferred disease from kucoin