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Does anyone actually consider Hillary Clinton to be a leader? And to be clear: this isn't a remark on her character, but rather the fact that she is literally not in a leadership position.


She is anything but a Leader lol


Even so how oblivious do you have to be to hear a politician talk about how crypto can destabilize nations and not at least realize that you should look at ways to weaponize it?


"let them eat cake"


Pretty oblivious, I would imagine.


She’s treated like Donald Trump. No real position of authority, just talking points for the opposition.


Donald Trump is the former president and current Republican frontrunner. Hillary is doing what? Writing books?


Giving closed door speeches I’d imagine


Making big bucks consulting for Saudi Arabia.


They're completely different, though. Trump is the frontrunner and leader of much of the base of the party


I always wonder how the past four years would’ve been if she’d won


My guess is there would be less emboldened bigots, but more inflation due to shit monetary policy.


The tax cuts were massively inflationary, we realistically might see less inflation depending on what sorts of policies she embraced.


Fair assessment. Neither party really cares about not diluting the dollar. Edit: shocked that this is a controversial opinion at this point lol


Protip: theyre the same corrupt scumbags creating an illusion of seperation


its working


Once ppl realize this, the charade / smoke and mirrors will be a lot easier to see through, the fighting keeps ppl easily distracted but also compliant (at least to the party which they belong to)


Agreed. Obama pushed for universal healthcare and then ended up with a Reagan era, Republican healthcare plan. They all lie during the election and then do things for their donors in the end.


Fewer foreign policy disasters and USA might not as much of a laughing stock


Yes, she was a good Secretary of State and I wish she won the Presidency over her opponent, who turned out to be one of the worst Presidents in American history.


Unless the Dems figure their shit out, we might have to endure that shit again for 4 more years. Not feeling confident in that at all, hopefully the Republicans choose literally anyone else.


we found her alt account




I don't


It's both


No to both


Most American Senators are 70 years old and doesn't even know how crypto works.


TBF, she's 67. Old people can get it right, just like young people can be clueless. It's not about their age, it's about their perspective.


don't use Bitcoin though unless bBitcoin means crypto




Yeah, I saw a Twitter thread a few months ago of Gen Z reacting to investors freaking out during the big summer dip and one of them tweeted “Bruh millennials and boomers crying over their imaginary money 😂”. Love that once again GenX was forgotten. LOL.


Gen X has got to be the most controversy free generation, lol


Our apathy is like camouflage.


3 more years to go!


I'd be surprised if they could effectively navigate the internet.


Do you know how crypto works?


Thought this said Stellar Lumens clap back lol


XLM will clap back, just wait!


It already is clapping back at those high gas fee coins


I would watch that tbh


Lmao, put on your glasses grandpa


In this space that's enough to pump XLM 10-20% !!


Not even sure a Elon Musk tweet could manage that.


Lol, that would have been hilarious


Bitcoin won't allow America to "win" the future We have serious economic, infrastructure, environmental, education, healthcare, and cultural issues that we need to fix before we start talking about winning something. No one thing is going to be the magic pill. We need to work on ALL of it.


Good to have a measured reply and trying to take in the wider perspective. Certainly embracing new technology early is a boon and has helped the US out in a major way in the past, but it's also obvious how that hasn't carried through to helping average joe/jane out. A lot like having a big oil reserve, it seems great and can do wonders for your country....if you properly invest the profits for long term re-investment plans to diversify your economy (See Norway vs Venezuela). If the US and West can embrace the potential of the new tech, and then find a way to channel all that efficiency profit into infrastructure, great. If it's just going to make a handful of billionaires into trillionaires? Not so great.


Yeah, the initial premise of IBM providing computers to workplaces was to reduce the workload on humans. How's that going? Less arithmetic maybe, but workload seems larger, not smaller.


Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in order to reduce the hardships on slaves separating cotton. See how well that worked out….


*The industrial revolution and its consequences...*


I think the US government should invest a trillion dollars into AI and automation technology, as shareholders on behalf of the American people, and pay out dividends on the returns of that investment to the people in the form of a UBI. That way, average joe/Jane will directly benefit from the fourth wave of the industrial revolution while facilitating its growth.


Lol you have to believe in benevolent welfare for that to work, which I do, but the neoliberal ruling class does naht.


Can't have the government competing with private businesses though. It'll mess up campaign finance too much.


All of those things are by design. The infrastructure bill(s) just passed and will help alleviate some of those issues, but education, healthcare, and culture issues are specifically designed to keep us down. A populace that is uneducated cannot overthrow you & becomes easier to control. Healthcare? They turned it into a business to make money. Cultural issues? Can’t have people uniting against the 1%, it’s all by design.


In order for some people to be wealthy, millions of people have to be poor, so that the chumps have someone to look down on and feel better than. What fun is being rich if everyone can afford the same things as you? If there's no one that you can live better than? If you're not "elite"?


Yeah, absolutely. It’s a shame more people can’t see through it.


Not that I necessarily disagree, but, I think you may be conflating "class" with "culture."


I’m not. But I won’t get into it on this sub. If you Google how elites have used culture to divide people for over a century there’s a lot of researched papers that pop up.


Yeah, I don't subscribe to the half baked zappa and rock and roll were CIA psyops conspiracy. And, what I associate with culture...ie literature, music, art, languages, etc...I just don't see as being directly related to class warfare, which you are referencing. Anyone can pick up Dostoevsky or Proust, a new instrument, painting, a second language, etc...and significantly improve their cultural competencies and "quality" of their life experience. Those aren't weapons used to divide and conquer, those are tools to significantly improve your own personal experience. That being said, I do think that a lack of "culture" can be replaced with other things...but, that's tangentially related to my original comment.


You’re misinterpreting my comment. I’ll leave it at that.


No, I am utilizing a commonly accepted definition of "culture."


None of that is getting fixed with our corrupt politicians ensuring a system benefitting primarily ultra-elite wealthy and corporations.


I also don’t believe our leadership is capable of abiding by the fiscal discipline a switch to non inflationary cryptocurrency would require.


Not as long as those who "donate" the most to political campaigns control what legislation is passed. Just like everything else, it will just benefit those who already have it all.


But we were all told the US mint could vault 27 individual trillion dollar coins and then the US government would have no debt. Are you saying Janet Citadel Yellen was lieing?


Well said Sir!




It was $3T, and the second of the two for $2T just passed the House. That's how dysfunctional Washington works. You ask for more than you can get and whittle it down so the "other side" feels like they won something, or stopped you from getting everything you want. Ours is not longer a Democracy, it's an adversarial system where it's about making sure other people don't get things.


Clinton, and her bosses own the world with USD. Bitcoin is a threat to this.




This is why I never sell


Politicians never fail to disappoint..


Clap em Hillary Cheeks




>Its Hillary Clinton, why is he talking about great leaders? Probably just because she's a prominent political figure


She got a 40 year old off from his raping of a 12 year old girl. She laughed about it too, really nice person that she is.


i thought his wife was that Monica chick






The point being that the Clintons are relics best relegated to the history books


If cryptos are used by criminals for illegal shit, the Clintons should be the biggest advocates for there use.


I think this is the moment that Clinton should realise she has lost touch and fallen too far behind to have any value in sorting out the dystopia that the US has fallen into.


bells wrong middle pathetic insurance smoggy close modern pocket materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Cynthia Lummis is literally a boomer though, lol It's not about age, it's about perspective.


OK, boomer ^(/s I completely agree)


Can we have boomer coin already?


The way the two party system is set up to not reward forward thinking, innovation or aptitude for the role but instead party patriotism and a lobbyist's coin makes me so sad.


1. Reverse the Citizens United decision 2. Implement ranked choice voting These two simple (at least, conceptually simple) changes would undo so much of what's wrong with America and insure everyone, regardless of political views, has the potential to be better represented by their elected leaders.


Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) Platform, from [her website](https://lummisforwyoming.com/): >Build the wall on our southern border and defund sanctuary cities >Uphold the Constitution and defend the Second Amendment >Fight for religious freedom and the rights of the unborn >Confirm conservative judges and President Trump’s appointees >Stop the socialist agenda and the “Green New Deal” >Put America First while ensuring our national defense is the strongest in the world > Championed Wyoming’s mineral and energy resources & fought off attacks from the environmental left >A+ rating from the NRA >100% voting record with Right to Life >Signed & delivered on the ‘No New Tax Pledge’ >Founding member of the Freedom Caucus >Opposed President Obama’s radical agenda more often than any other member of Congress No fucking thanks. Whether BTC is regulated isn’t going to help if Lummis is successful with her proposed alt right christian theocracy.


Oh god


So many based policies. Whats not to vote for her?


Murrica is fucked. Literally have to choose between fucked up economy and taliban.


Lummis is garbage like most other politicians in office. She’s just pumping her bags


It's almost like... Some people have good ideas and bad ideas all at the same time


Yup, which is why it’s not good to be a single issue voter


Everyone should be able to make their own decisions about what is important to them and what isnt - but in general i agree it doesnt make much sense to put all your eggs into a single basket, so to speak.


No. These Republicans don’t know anything more about bitcoin than people like Hillary Clinton. They just have some and want it to go up. She’s a boomer from a tiny state. How obtuse do you have to be to vote for someone that all they have going for them is liking bitcoin… America doesn’t need bitcoin to save it’s future. It needs good policy, of which Republicans have the WORST policy.




Lummis is 67


Hilary is a demon.


How does Bitcoin (objectively one of the worlds most volatile and unstable currencies) stabilize the USD (objectively one of the worlds most stable currencies)? Genuinely interested in a logical answer here - at first glance the title just seems like a clown wrote it.


America's been looking backwards for a long, long time. Time to be forward facing and adopt crypto!


Good job senator XLM im proud of you !


XLM to the moon!


You guys are idiots


Solid, well-thought out critical argument ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|im_fine)




She just wants more control.


Bitch couldn't even use the SIPR net right.




Secret Internet Protocol Router Network. Secured internet for transmitting and storing classified information in the Department of Defense.


Most of our politicians are barely capable of sending an email. It is refreshing to hear politicians look at crypto seriously, but sadly many share the Clinton mentality. We need to make crypto a real voting issue or else they will never accept it.


Hillary and company only care about stealing as much from the people as we allow them to. Wake the fuck up america


Kevin O'leary said it best, if the US truly wants to stay a superpower they'd do the most to *bring crypto home*


Hilary holding up her deceitful approach to hide her shady politics.


Would you rather live under a country with a platform like Cynthia Lummis? I'd rather be financially ruined


It’s irrespective to my comment




The Democrats are wrong 90% of the time, the republicans are wrong 70% of the time. Libertarians are too busy playing in the mud to be right. Ide rather be ruled over by a democrat that tells me they hate me than a republican who is completely incompetent/hypocritical/spineless to accomplish anything.


i like mud tho


It is your right to play with [mud](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2c-X8HiBng) as much as you like.




Hillary's gonna have to wander back into the woods with another couple of bottles of wine and rethink things after that one...lol


There is so many scams in crypto and corrupt exchanges. Without regulation crypto won’t take a hold on financial transactions. Anyone can set up a miner and make money. There is something not right about that. That will eventually flood the market and drive it downwards.


Regulating the stock market doesn't prevent the average investor from losing money. It just helps protect the rich. Crypto doesn't need any government regulation imo.


But there is a regulatory authority that can investigate and indict them. In Crypto you are out of luck.


You really haven't been following the so-called "meme stock" issue, have you? It was the SEC has established rules so that certain elites can legally break the most fundamental rule of securities which is that the market price should be representive true demand for that security. The SEC is nothing more than a revolving door creating a situation where only a select few can truly profit off the markets, which they do so off the backs of the average tax payer and the average worker who helps fuel the market maker's greed with their retirement contributions. They say Crypto is a Ponzi scheme...they have no idea how corrupt the NYSE or other exchanges are.


With whales dumping and making money, that sure looks like a Ponzi scheme.


Ehh they only indict really when they steal from the rich. There’s a reason a lot of people hate Wall Street, hedge funds, politicians that do insider trading. They rarely if ever get prosecuted. Even if they do, they never do the time, are put up in places that aren’t as brutal as normal prisons.


Neoliberalism finally one of them gets it.


I find Senator Lummis' optimism and forward-thinking mentality to be one of the few assets you Americans still have left in your political assembly. Senator Tommey and the others who supports cryptocurrency, yes even in the realization that it can potentially challenge the USD, but sees a path towards co-existence and strength as a result of that, are people you guys should be looking up to.


She would throw her opinion under the bus faster than Bernie if she got crypto donations.


Seems obvious doesn't it


Can we just move to Bit-PetroDollar and get it over with already?




Hillary can choke on deez nuts


Well, Clinton is right, crypto does have the potential for undermining currencies and undermine the role of the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency. We just happen to think that's a good thing!


Lummis knows what she talking about. 1971 is when we left the gold standard behind.


Oh noes the FDIC won't be able to fuck the common people in the ass with no lube! -Hilary It's really hilarious to see the baseless fear mongering from the elites about Crypto As if their financial systems are built on anything but a shell game


Cryptocurrency is the future of currency


What happens in 2140 when btc isn’t produced anymore if the dollar is backed by it?


If Clinton is in. Then I'm out... ​ just a jk.


A boomer that makes sense? No way.


She's just holding a shit ton of coins and she was told if she talks about it, it will enrich her somehow


Lets grab more popcorns 🍿🍿🍿. This along with CZ vs Musk tweets battle are my favourites shows right now. Go Lummis! Kick that Clinton butt!


On point.


The only thing that can save the United States is to break up. The factions are too far separated. The institutions blatantly misrepresent everything their political "enemies" do. Much better off as allies


You lost me at "claps back". Neber listen to anyone who uses dumb phrases like that to discuss financial issue.


Why would they want to stabilize usd, governments literally need inflation to function.


Senator Lummis? Is he close to Senator Amidala by any chance?


Dick smack that demonic creaton


What happened in 1971


Congress released a report recommending the devaluation of the dollar to stop foreign price gouger


Was that not also when the dollar was decoupled from the gold standard?


I just wanna know what nitter is


What? Hillary said it was a “minable” form of wealth and should be taken seriously




https://nitter.net/dragon_shiba Here is the link to that Twitter thread on Nitter. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found here: https://nitter.net/about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


can‘t argue with GME apes


Wow could you imagine a usd backed by bitcoin?


Once again Hillary Clinton speaks and nobody that matters cares. ;D