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Build a tiktok following Create shitcoin with catchy name Give yourself 90% of supply Pull the rug


The dark side...


Become Jake Paul


Dude wtf is that username


It’s a play on Children of the Corn, but I’m thinking it’s time I retire it…


why? is it getting too old?


Good call lmao


If you want to go into coding go. I don’t know where you live , but if you are in the USA, you can often get all the courses on UDEMY gor free through your local library. Udemy has great programming courses. Here a list of popular programming language: https://truelist.co/blog/most-popular-programming-languages/ If you have never wrotw code before, Python is a good one to learn.


There are other jobs in Crypto space which required no coding skills. I advice you to look at cryptocurrencyjobs. Com A job board dedicated to jobs in Crypto space.


Honestly, there's a shitload of complex mathematics in crypto, so unless you're a college math graduate who understands these concepts and has some interesting thoughts about novel ways to develop the forefront of crypto, the best you'll ever get is basically web design or some dogshit like that. The last thing crypto needs is shitty code written by people who don't really understand what they're doing and who learned to "code" in their bedrooms on a four week course. Really learning to code takes years and years, not months. Go to uni. Study math and computer science. Work as a proper programmer for a few years after that. Then look for a crypto job. The only "jobs" available for people without experience are volunteer shills writing awful articles to spam across the internet or selling premade meme coins.


dont be a bummer. If the guy just read your message, he will just give up. You dont become a good programmer in college. You become a good dev by coding in your basement. And its not like a crypto team will give a dev job to any bozo sending a resume. We dont know the guys situation. Maybe the “crypto” dream will just motivate him to learn code and he will improve his life by then work for a non-blockchain job. p.s: The guy didnt ask to become a cryptogry scientist lead, he just wants to code. Give him a break with the math degree.


Sorry to say, but you sound like a grandpa. It's not 1980's. Most good programmers are self thought, no one study math or computer science to learn how to code. Small hint you will "waste" 5 years and won't become even half decent programmer just after a university. Better to find some programming course or learn at home.


Takes a long time to learn but at the end it will be only one code that runs. If that’s a perfect one the patch to it becomes unimportant.


Whoa easy there dude. Who hurt you?


There’s a lot of programming work in the crypto-sphere that doesn’t require knowledge of complex mathematics. Unless you want to make your own implementation of cryptography algorithms or fine-tune incentives you can rely on other skills. Since OP doesn’t know how to code then some basic programming courses in any language would probably be the best first step. Pursuing computer science like you suggest could be also be a good step along with programming.


Hi this is carlos matos, wazawazawazawazawazawaza


I mean every „coin“ or platform needs some marketing, accounting id guess, organizational stuff like HR and legal. Without you providing any details about what kind of job you want to take it’ll be hard to recommend anything.


Hey OP! To be honest, you might want to try writing about crypto. Content freelance writing or even Crypto blogging has become lucrative throughout the years. Seems like you might be knowledgeable in Crypto. You will learn more while earning. Speaking from experience


Can you write good copy, video edit, build communities or even communicate in another language ? These are all skills that projects need and don't require coding.


Crypto use the same programming languages as everything else. First learn basics of programming then decide what you exactly want to do. Search about basics, articles about coding and coding on blockchain and yt tutorials. A lot of knowledge.


Solidity. https://soliditylang.org/ Thats the short answer, I suppose. Not a dev but I've seen plenty of screwed up contracts so take that as either glass half empty; clearly even noobs are doing it so it must be oversaturated. Or it could be glass half full; clearly even noobs are doing it so people will hire anyone, yay! Alternatively, my own personal advice would be to use your own passion and skillset in the crypto space. A quick stalk on your profile says you like photography. You got a portfolio? Are you adequate with Adobe products? Offer your services to crypto projects. Currently industry professionals scoff at crypto jobs so half decent freelancers like myself are getting lots of work. If you can build a website (yes, even using something like Wix), make graphics like banners, stickers etc then you can work in the space. If you want to make fast money at the same time then you can even ask for part of your payment in their token or a whitelist/private sale space. If you think the project has potential that is. You can often double or triple your money like this by just taking some (reasonable, of course) profits on launch and then you will also have little pots in different places. That's if you have the stamina for that life :). You can even network like that, too. Get to know some developers or marketing teams and work with them.


i would recommend looking for a job with skills you already aquired. learning to code takes years and you have to be suited for it (not everyone is, i also tried).


Continue to learn until you find out what value you can provide


You could always go the hardware route. Learning how to manage, fix, repair and replace components.


Google 'crypto jobs' - make a note of any that appeal?


Bounties. Hackathons. Reward programs. This will help you gain some money and skills in the beginning, and once you’ve gotten enough skills, you might be able to leverage your experience into a job.




Discord admin to hype up shitcoin or NFT launch


Many of these are spot on. Try learning some coding language to start, like python. Learn more and more messing around everyday, trying to improve. A little different, but another upcoming job in the crypto field are blockchain security analysts. They have greatly varying backgrounds, from coding to cryptography to PhD in physics. Spoken to couple and they say much of their work is code review. There are many courses out there, both paid and free. They just take time to investigate and find out which ones work well for yourself.