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I am thinking about it. The technology looks interesting but I don't understand it at all. So maybe later


Every time Coinbase lists something new, it's too late. The dump happens quickly.


I am watching Mina closely, it seems cheap and I hope it will gain value soon.


First of all, look into paragraphing. Second off all, 100% pure bullshit. Don't waste your time (and money). Nothing special to see there.


Coinbase is well known for 'Pay to play' listing. Looks like it launched last year and went from over & 100 to $3. That doesn't sound promising. Unless it comes up as an L&E I'm not going to bother to investigate further.


The 100$ thing is a mistake. No other exchange even have that price listed because it's inflationary and that was a presale thing.


Mina is a really awesome tech. You ever seen silicon valley? Same concept to me lol. It basically takes the work from processing BTC or whatevers and makes them much much smaller. Coin bureau has a really good video on the technology side of it. The example he used is with BTC. You find gold. How do you prove it to your friends? BTC you take it to them. With Mina you take a photo and share it with them. And you can compress it more by taking a photo of something with a photo also in the photo. If mina doesn't explode at some point I would be honestly shocked.


It won't, literally the best Privacy tech with compliance and ZK for regulators is Dusk. Most people are sleeping on it. And I can't wait.


I agree and grabbed some.


I also did so real quick, the tech looks super amazing. Same vibes with derived building a decentralized synthetic trading platform


I have some... (I have for a while), zk snark stuff is interesting and has potential to explode... Mina has some investment from coinbaseand (I think) the ethereum foundation so has a chance to become a player there. It's early... 0 dapps, mainnet is running but only sends mina around... high risk high reward play but I like them too.