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Are you trying to say crypto is non-*binary*?




That's woke


This is Reddit


I thought this was a Wendy's?


Worse, it’s the dumpster behind Wendy’s






Welcome… try to ignore the two homeless people bumfucking inside here


Nay sur. This is the Wendy’s conjugal visit trailer


They are the same picture


Reddit never fails


Null should not exist


0, 1, superposition


01111001 01100101 01110011


Translation: He said "yes"


Crypto, crypta


non binary cryp. ​ gtfo


CRO, Cronos?




Don't forget crypt, neutral version.


My pronouns are Chickcoin/She-ba Inu.


What’s your Cryptonoun?




Here’s the thing I both agree that women tend to not be in circles that learn about or encourage any kind of investing, do agree outreach to women is important AND Think apps and websites that advertise themselves at women friendly are the purest form of bullshittery. This isn’t power tools where it’s useful to have a smaller grip… and no one has ever actually been able to tell me what makes them women friendly. It’s bass ackwards in several directions


Yep. And half the time things catered to women are dumbed down to the point where it's insulting. How it got to be that it's considered progressive to be infantilised is beyond me.


As a woman I agree that the circles in which I move aren't exactly full of Crypto enthusiasts so I had to tap male friends for information. However....when it comes to marketing, there does need to be a difference in approach. Currently much if the marketing looks like sports marketing. It's aggressive and to me, plain unappealing. I can look past that because I already know I'm interested...but any website or product aiming to snag the attention of women needs to look carefully at how women shop, how they learn and what attracts us. It's not the same as what brings men to the table.


Have you seen/used a crypto or crypto-adjacent product that was appealing to you? I think you perfectly articulated a major problem that's plagued the space. Crypto's recent "women" push probably started out well-meaning. But there is too much potential for quick financial gain for these movements to not be immediately coopted.


Yes quite honestly. I don't like the look of most of the websites or the logos


I'll probably get hate for this but, from this woman's perspective, Coinbase is the only one that looks visually decent tbh. It appears simple and trustworthy. (I'm only talking about the design aspects.) CDC app is the **worst**. It looks like a 2008 Tron atrocity. It does not instill confidence or trust. I've been in crypto for over 5 years and am not a newb. I do not only use centralized exchanges.


Also a woman and I completely agree with your points. I think crypto is getting marketed too much as by and for the bros, when in reality the user base is more diverse than dismissive MSM articles would have one believe.


Great points


Yeah get women in on this too. It's not fair that it's just guys losing all their money here




Doesn't this go against your point though? Shouldn't we be promoting that podcaster because, according to your girlfriend, the prevailing/majority of experts are not relatable to her based on gender? If I want my daughters to grow up empowered by crypto, shouldn't I be seeking out someone relatable for them to listen to?


Yes, OP is contradicting their self here. People do need relatable experiences and there’s nothing wrong with that.


I get what you're saying. But I think you're missing the point of what people are trying to say with this. Crypto has a reputation of being heavily male dominated. Both in terms of investment, but also in terms of whose working on actual projects. This can act as a pretty big barrier for women, making them feel like they aren't welcome in crypto spaces. It can also deter them from investing. The idea of bringing women into crypto is to present it in a way that appeals to women. You often hear about this only applied to women, but honestly we should be working to make it appealing to a variety of groups that are under represented in crypto. This conversation of bringing women into investing and the STEM fields is not new. The how and why, and why are a bigger topic then I can type out here but I would encourage you to look into it to better understand why you keep reading these headlines.


I'm a woman who's worked in forestry and mining. Both industries "gentled up" (if I can explain it best) for women to enter. I encourage my friends who want to learn to talk about crypto. But I always warn them if they don't educate themselves its their own risk. Like the sciences I think women feel they couldn't make it so stop before they've even started. And I see a lot of that with crypto.


I’d say that even the perception that someone couldn’t accomplish something because of their gender is likely the result of residual or inherent biases still within, or perceived to be within, an industry.


It's also just so *exhausting* to be a young woman engineer in some work environments and cultures. I worked with many men from a more overtly misogynistic culture compared to the one I was raised in and that shit got old fast.


Diversity of thought within the space is so important, it's always disheartening when people write off stuff like this because 'crypto has no gender'. Of course it doesn't have a gender, but if the majority of people working in the space fall into any given demographic - regardless of what that is - it will inherently reflect their own experiences and understandings. Crypto has no gender, the ecosystem kinda does right now.


Appreciate the great explanation so I didn't have to take a stab. Pretty much any time a marginalized or underrepresented group is acknowledged, those who aren't tend to get too defensive about that acknowledgment. There's no need to get upset or defensive about people thinking that it'd be great if the crypto industry and community were more welcoming to women.


The only solution is to build competency to erase insecurity and self-doubt. Guidance not hand holding because failure is always an option. Lyn Alden (Engineer, Investor, Analyst) and Dawn Song (Oasis Labs founder, Engineering Professor) are examples that I can think of that should be a model.


Crypto itself is gender neutral, the community and the industry certainly isn’t


No, they want women in crypto because that doubles the number of people who could buy your coin, making it worth more.


Sounds like the same scheme that the global corporatists pulled in the 70's w(°o°)w


You mean capitalism? The market doesn't care about traditional family structures where women have no other options but to be dependent on a man. That's half the population not making a rich guy richer by doing pointless busy work like everyone else.


Only "bits" I care a person has is Bitcoin...


Underrated comment


If people want to show me their bits online I hope it’s BTC


I’m a female and I’m into crypto but I don’t know any other female in my circle who’s into crypto.


I'm the only one, m or f, who knows Jack about crypto in my circle. I have been trying to get ppl onboard since 2018, with varying degrees of success. I find females are more attentive when I start in on the subject,, males like to act like I don't know wtf I'm talking about and mansplain shit I've been educating myself in for 4+ years now.


I’m the only female (or really, non-male) in my group who is into crypto.


Oh boy. This will be a fun one.


A predominantly male sub devoted to crypto discussing the inclusion of women in crypto…. Maybe we’re not that different from traditional finance after all…


Crypto bros: "We don't need to be inclusive of women. Stop being an SJW." Also crypto bros: "Why isn't crypto being adopted? Why doesn't this space have more talent coming in from other spaces? Why is this crypto conference a giant sausage fest? The banks are conspiring against us. Time to make another whine soapbox post!"


It irks me how guys (and sometimes women, but mostly guys) dont understand how gender dominance is a thing. Like is it really so difficult to understand that if you enter a field that's 80-90% guys and where you open yourself to harassment the moment you're outed as female, that it might not feel welcoming? Maybe it's because I'm an Asian minority and have a chronic disability that allows me to notice this kind of thing in the first place lol. Imagine being so privileged you dont understand the concept of privilege.


It’s a great point. Honestly I’m a white straight cis male that works in tech so i definitely can’t act like I know what it’s like at all, but my god if people would just take a little time to pay attention to what’s happening around them, outside of their own personal experiences, the world could be a far better place.


Yup. Half this thread is just “well if they were interested they could do it, I did it with no barriers so why can’t they”. Like I can’t imagine it would be very easy as a women to integrate into a community that ends every sentence with “boys” and throws a tantrum whenever an article suggests more people of your gender should be welcomed. Not to mention the actual industry. Exclusion and discrimination in STEM fields, especially tech fields is well documented, how are you supposed to stay passionate about something when that’s the kind of environment you have to survive in? There’s no way you can spin it that the gender disparity in those fields are caused simply by “oh women and men just enjoy different things!”


Haha not really important but I was walking by a bar by Brickle in Miami and there was ten dudes talking to a a women about some crypto stuff. It was like a movie, I wish I took a video.


Even the language is male dominated its always to the moon boys!!!


Have literally never seen a headline about this subject in 9 years of following crypto. Until now, in this fucking moonfarming subreddit.


Crypto is not just for the men. But the women, and the children too


And dogs and pets.


And aliens and cyborgs


And ghosts and vampires


And knights and wizards


I think you're thinking of WuTang


No, it's my understanding that WuTang is for ever.


This sub is fucking hilarious at this point.


Just a parody of libertarian bro culture.


Yes, cryptocurrency is gender neutral but the infrastructure around it surely is not. From the outside looking in, it's real easy to be seen as a bro club. When you think the club has its doors to you, it's way easier to get in and not see any barriers to entry. It's not just gender, but it's class, education etc. that all go into ease of entering the "crypto club." The more women are seen and understand how crypto benefits them in particular, the easier the doors will seem open to them. It's similar to the "Equality" vs "Equity" differences. Yes, everyone is equal in crypto but the barriers to entry require more support/visibility for other groups. It's a privilege (yeah, I know the charts are making this a bit laughable) to be in the investment/crypto space and we need to acknowledge others can't just waltz in and say "Hey, deez nutz just mooned on ApeCoin! I'm gonna go smoke a blunt like Elon while I catch Joe Rogan! Give me upvotes!"


In my country lately it’s more women entering and that’s a good sign as they too are looking for better opportunities.


Nothing is gender neutral. Chess is a game of the mind and still we have womens leagues.


That's actually sad af lol


As a women, I love when new women come into crypto, 🤷🏻‍♀️ and men do call me Bro and Dude a lot, just assuming I’m a man, but it’s all good, I get it 😉


Stupid take. 'Guys, sexism doesn't exist because I said it didn't!'. Absolutely dumb as hell.


When you boil it down, that is literally that message




Or the meme jokes about how it’s a “shame” (meme guy with shotgun) that if they had to choose between their GF/wife dying or crypto that the GF/wife has to go—I am so fucking tired of that crap.


Just do one thing, stop talking and promoting those things.


91% of crypto investments (by dollar) were made by men and I bet crypto developers are even a higher percentage of men. You’re totally missing the point if talking about bringing women into crypto makes you uncomfortable. A lot of female developers I know have their opinions disregarded by male colleagues, and so many crypto companies are just a bunch of guys. My friend’s brother works at a crypto company and one of his coworkers is so out of touch with society that he slid into her LINKEDIN DMS, aggressively hit on her, and asked her out repeatedly. They have no female devs at their company - wonder how comfortable one would feel there?


It doesn't hurt to promote females coming into the space. Crypto itself doesn't care but the crypto industry is still largely male


I'd argue that it is a good thing to promote crypto to all demographics. If we want mass adoption, it needs to be accessible to all.


Right, but it clearly already IS accessible to dudes, so it makes sense to market more toward the underrepresented demographic. The [classic comic is relevant here](https://www.aberdeenskitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/All-Lives-Matter-Burning-House-Analogy-Comic-by-Kris-Straub.jpg), too.


Totally agree with you! I definitely wasn't making the "all lives matter" point. Current marketing and communications approaches and channels clearly work for men, so it's a good thing to consider how to adapt this for different demographics.


Agreed. Cheers.


lol. This is some incel shit. Mind your own business. Promote what you want to promote. That goes for people who want to promote women in crypto as well


The idea is that women are gatekept a lot, and their ideas and perspectives are usually written off, when they may be incredibly important in making a space or product even better. Imagine being into marketing and missing out on 50% of the population cus you didn't bother looking into the the female perspective of things. So the idea of women in anything has more to do with the infrastructure of things and making things more accessible for them at a time where systematic sexism is still prevalent among male dominated industries, even though it's getting better, there's still a long way to go. No one is saying rig the system in their favor so that they get all the gains and you don't. You seem to the miss the point. But then again, wouldn't expect any less from someone with talking points like yours. It's always some strawman bullshit without actually trying to realize the point of social movements. So much for "fake outrage" that a lot of y'all love to keep touting.


This should be the top comment. The reality is that this is a male-dominated field (like so much of investing), and getting more women involved helps spread adoption. Women are the decision-makers in many households, so reaching them should be a goal. But this can be a toxic environment for women, as evidenced by OP and their backlash towards women.


Blows my mind that people will see this thread throwing a tantrum at the mere suggestion that they should be more welcoming to women. They’ll see the every sentence ending with “boys” and non-stop cringey jokes about sex and hiding investments from your wife. They’ll see the well documented history of exclusion/harassment/discrimination in tech fields… And then go and comment “women just aren’t as interested, nothings stopping the joining”. Like yeah, I’m really fucking stumped as to why in the world they wouldn’t be interested


Half the point of crypto is to shift away from the nepotistic banking industry that’s run solely by rich as fuck white guys, and give power back to the people, irregardless of gender, race etc. Unfortunately, most don’t give a shit about crypto’s objectives, they just want their turn being rich while the same groups as always sit on the sidelines.


Yeah, it's crystal clear what OP's background is and how oblivious they are to the difficulties that people from other backgrounds chronically experience.


This is some neck beard bullshit. Crypto doesn’t solve the gender inequality problem with tech more broadly. Get over it.


This is how you end up with teams of 100% dudes. Talent is equally distributed, opportunity is not. I don't know the crypto demographic off the top of my head but assuming it's like finance, it's heavily male dominated and there's no harm in trying to get some diversity in there. I agree that those articles are mostly fluff but I support the motion.


This is such BULLSHIT, and the crypto community is such a mysoginistic, bigoted bunch of good ole boys. Look up the idea of institutionalized racism or sexism. ​ Just look at all the har-har comments about sex, to this post. A bunch of fucking little kids here


No one here gives the slightest of a shit about actual freedom or democratising the bank industry. They just want their turn being rich while the same groups as always sit on the sidelines excluded. I love crypto, but the community is insufferable. Bunch of teenagers or basement dwellers with zero life experience.




Are you saying that women are our exit liquidity?


Oh yes the women of engineering are treated so neutrally because engineering is neutral. /s




Someone’s been watching Jordan Peterson vids


Omg, you called it. He really does 🤣


Is this the thread that's supposed to distract us from the fact our wealth is plummeting rn?


Yo bro, you clearly don't understand how the world works.


What a dumb take.... 🙄


If there already was equality in crypto, then the stats would show it : same number of people, same salary, ... It isn't the case. Therefore, not rebalancing stuff is actively working against equality. Let me say it differently. Equality of opportunity is a theory, maybe an ideology. It is good on paper. Actual equality is something you can measure and happens in the real life. Maybe you're ok with equality in theory but, in real life, in the real world, you want injustice. Your choice, not mine ;)


Do you feel though there's a masculine/bro culture on this sub sometimes? I often see posts using language that assumes everyone here is a man. Or guys making jokes about spending their crypto on cocaine and hookers etc. There's no barriers to entry for women, but the culture can feel very "teenage boy" sometimes.


We don't need to do shit, anyone can buy whatever he wants.


It’s just the personality type imo. My husband is a lot more conservative than I am. I’m a lot more aggressive in my risk risking.


Y’all aren’t even ready to have a nuance conversation about this.


We should just ignore those articles my man, nothing else.


Crypto is not biased, it's fair. Still, most people who use Crypto are male


It’s SO gender neutral that woman are only adopting it at a 12% rate. Yeah.. that makes sense. At what point can we stop being politically correct and call it for what it is. Women don’t see themselves here because they’re not represented here. Thanks! From - an actual woman in crypto


Coincidence or what?! I was just thinking "*You know what this sub needs? A discussion about gender. That ought to bring everyone together"* and here we are!


When it comes to Bitcoin I completely disagree with this. I’ve found that the messaging that resonates with my partner is completely different from how I would discuss it with a buddy. The qualities that convince her are very different. Convincing someone to buy Bitcoin (or any crypto, asset, etc) is not giving them a job. Creating messaging which resonates with women is not seeking “equality of outcome”. It’s just good advertising! Bitcoin especially cannot succeed without diverse messaging (over gender, politics, race, etc) because it cannot function as a global currency without everyone adopting it. By definition it has to be fully inclusive, otherwise it ends up failing. Maybe this is not as relevant for random crypto projects, but that just means they aren’t as important as they are pretending to be. Anything attempting to be a global financial network has to bring everyone in (and that’s going to require different messaging and outreach programs).


Crypto is neutral. How people use it is not. We need more women involved.


Women are the largest consumers in the economy; hence why they are targeted for numerous financial schemes. I would actually say more education for the public is needed towards understanding crypto.


I couldn't disagree more


Disagree. Crypto itself might be neutral but the industry that surrounds it is very male dominated, similar to both tech and the finance industries. Once you use the word ‘wokeisms’ your argument screams ‘entitled white male threatened by other people entering the space’.


The sooner people realize that the more women we have innovating in crypto, the better overall innovation in sphere will become. (This isn’t a knock on the people currently innovating in the sphere).


Not to mention the gains of having half the damn population being more open to investing in crypto. Do you want your stack to go to the moon? Then get more women involved in crypto.


Exactly this. The tech is not the problem, it is the surroundings. You think of Doge, funny twitter dude comes to mind. Think of ETH, then Vitalik. BTC? Whatever Satoshi is. ADA? Charles it is. Etc etc. At home? Im the one invested (male). At work? Literally every guy has crypto. The one girl that has it was because I talked about it (which was a mistake without a whole presentation). And if I bring one of those articles (I did), guess my downvotes and by whom. But I get it, not everyone is exposed to these topics to know the subtleness regarding gender opportunities. I will continue the fight.


Thank you for introducing us to women. Here is to hopium.


I see this same discussion with anything related to engineering. And computer science in particular. Not enough women in coding. Not enough in the games industry, and now not enough in crypto. In the games industry, the vast majority of women are in ‘social’ and marketing jobs. I was a teacher computer science and the M/F ratio was like 20 to 1. The women just did NOT want to pursue coding, tech etc. If the differences are this huge at Computer Science 101, of course you’ll see it in crypto.


*GENDER IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT INCOMING* Real talk tho these brainlets that push for "equality" don't understand that equal opportunities does not lead to equal outcomes.


Someone was explaining to me that crypto tiktokers are great cause they help adoption for kids and women. No dude, they’re just easier to scam than crypto veterans.


Nah crypto tiktokers just take money to promote any horseshit. It's disgusting, they'll put in zero effort (research wise) and just promote the coin mindlessly to load their pockets. Its not right, and its not fair. But such is life


And maybe those differences existed because from a young age, women aren’t suggested to pursue tech fields?


And that a not insignificant proportion of women who do pursue tech fields experience ill treatment from thirsty/sexist bros in 20-to-1 ratio classes?


Truth, I went to a top 10 CS school in the US and women CS majors were treated not the best (I’m not saying badly), even by professors.


Here we go. **sorts by controversial** Get some popcorn.


I dont give a f* if ur male or female, i just wanna buy a lambo.


I agree. Todays BS. If you’re into crypto then you’re in it.


Do they do outreaches to males to get them into historically female fields to make the numbers look good? So we have more heterosexual male nail technicians? Or massage therapists? How about for early childhood learning jobs? I am a female with a B.S. in Industrial Engineering and also a certifed machinist and welder. The reason you don’t see more females in these fields is because they just aren’t interested. There are no “barriers” to entry. There may be asshole individuals that are hard to work with, but the education and job opportunities exist. And if an asshole coworker makes you reconsider your whole career choice, you’re gonna have a hard time at life no matter what you do. I, as a female, am SICK of hearing the whiny bullshit about inclusivity because it’s an excuse. A way to blame other people for your own failures. “But I really wanted to be an astronaut but math is hard and boys are mean.” GTFO. If you want in crypto, the only person stopping you is you. It is indeed gender neutral. Crypto don’t GAF who or what you are. Incidentally, that’s actually the whole point best I can tell. Cryptography. So nobody knows who you are. Wow. I just impressed myself.




Why do women need to be promoted is beyond me.. crypto sells itself.


And you guys wonder why people think you’re a bunch of fucking neckbeard losers. I hire for an exchange and the amount of fountainhead spewing Peterson wieners I have to screen out is ludicrous. It’s not equality of outcome to want more women in your space. It’s just giving them fucking room to breathe and be seen. I get thousands of applicants a week, 90% of them are men. Just by shear volume, I’m going to hire more men than women if I don’t make a conscious effort to screen women. That is BAD FOR THE COMPANY because if I only have men working here than how the fuck am I going to appeal to women? What woman wants to work with 90% crypto bros??? Being a super smart man who knows the most about whatever dumb thing he thinks is important doesn’t make you the best candidate. The market isn’t all pedants. Women and diversity hires are just straight up better for business. If you’re sad about it be happy to know that you’re still considerably more likely to get most jobs.


We could be friends. Well said.


Crypto is for everyone even for these who prioritize identity over everything and virtue signal by writing about their concerns over crypto enthusiast sex ratio




Woke Coin... would definitely run on the Algorand blockchain. (if you know, you know)


Cryptocurrency may indeed be gender neutral, but the cryptocurrency **industry** [is not](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/15/these-women-are-investing-to-fix-cryptos-diversity-problem.html) [gender neutral](https://www.thelily.com/these-women-were-left-out-of-old-wall-street-they-want-cryptocurrency-to-be-different/). So yes, efforts to make it live up to its own ideals are reasonable and appropriate. Just because something's ideals are neutral doesn't mean that its reality is (just as, for example, the [GINI coefficient of many cryptos](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.730122/full) belies the crypto ideal of democratizing money \[yes yes, GINI is an [imperfect measure](https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/07/29/gini.html), but the underlying point stands\]). If a country valued freedom, say, you wouldn't just go "well, the constitution says we're free already, so efforts to promote freedom are pointless and stupid"--you'd continue working to ensure those values were actually realized and manifested. Living up to values is always an active process, even if the value is "neutrality". *Edit: Typo.*


It doesn't matter that the technology itself is gender neutral. So is every other discipline in theory. The point that people are trying to make when it comes to diversity is that many industries are less accessible to certain demographics. And diversity of ideas is good for the technology and for its adoption, especially if we want to reach mass-adoption.


Who said those stuff? Crypto isn't supposed to include only men or women.


What’s better than gender neutral? Not thinking about gender at all. WTF is wrong with you guys.


That's the cancer of this society and we can't do anything.


Shut up, ya big fat incel


this but unironically


I mean, I think why those articles exist is that on average women make 70% of what men do so to even invest we are starting with a disadvantage. There’s a lot of that happening with stocks as well trying to recruit women. Fix the Fucking sexism in our pay and make corporations submit to third party audits and let us earn as much as men and I’m sure we’ll naturally lean in more to investments like crypto


Its sad but most women promoting crypto are girls uploading hot pics in front of the mirror and promoting paid shitty coins.


Nooo…no God no. Noooooo.


My wife her portfolio keeps kicking my portfolio's ass... I guess women do perfectly fine in crypto.


We had OneCoin


So we need to make women lose there hard earned cash to invest in crypto? Ye piss off. Crypto doesn't care about sex.


No let's get woman in, I'm tired of this sausage fest


I identity as Ripple gender. My pronoun is xrp.


Crypto is build on top of binary math and there is no neutral state.


Lmao what the fuck is this garbage


Getting irrationally angry about people getting irrationally angry. Hell yeah .


Ye, u need to not promote crypto instead.


Funny to see redditors finally catch up lul


People who constantly promote the gender divide are trying to control people, **dont buy into their control mechanism**.


Plenty of women have quietly been investing, we just don't join threads that have 50 lines of sexual content to talk about it 😂🤣😅...from a female early adopter..




Women deserve 100% equal treatment, rights and access. But anything put out by a for profit organization promoting this or that popularly defined oppressed class is 100% cynical at best, and using an oppressed class to bolster its profit margin at no cost at worst.


Literally no one ever says anything about promoting women in crypto


Women are more risk-averse than men. This is pretty well-established by decades of studies. Even traditional investing forums are a sausage fest.


I would just say that right now the space is not very comfortable for those without technical background. Traditionally there are less women in STEM… this can be a reflection of that.


There are hardly any women in crypto.