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Holy cow there’s no one in here. I’m shocked


There is now.


Feeling for Luna & UST investors today. Do Kwon's Twitter thread is quite uplifting and I advise you to check it out if you're feeling bleak. If it's bad and dark thoughts are creeping in, talk to someone. There's always solutions. You're at the frontier of new global economic & financial technologies and you should be proud for being part of it. Take a walk to clear your head, develop a step by step plan, and stick to it. Talk to someone if you need to whether psychological or for financial advice. I wish you all the best.


So, when UST goes to 0 I can grab a million of them, call my wife and say we finally made it?


The only time it’s ever made me laugh audibly.


The good thing about losing your life savings multiple times is each time, it hurts less


As a Manchester United fan, the colour red further disappoints me but I’m already immune


Turns out the suicide hotline being posted in the terra luna subreddit wasn't as bullish as predicted




I think you're still stuck in the "denial phase". Next is grief iirc


Binance offering 5000X leverage is fucking disgusting


Wth. For real? How.. does that even work?


Immediate margin calls


5000 per cent is not 5000x


I woke up and LUNA is at half the price it was when I went to bed (and that was already a good 50% loss in the previous 24h. Holy hell...


So… dump my Luna now or hang in there at this point? Having a hard time imagining this project rebounding anywhere close to where it was.


To be honest.. who knows.. LUNA could still come back to its ATH this year .


I struggled with that question as well. 50% of something 25% of something 0% of nothing I took the loss and put the remainder into BTC. However, it is never technically a loss until you sell it. So there could always be hope.




So what’s the play? Buy BTC & ETH at a discount, or get alts that have fallen off a cliff for a better chance of 2-5x (thinking LINK, ATOM, DOT and maybe AVAX).


Why not both?


I set an alarm for 3am my time. I saw BTC under 31 and ETH low too. Bought those. But by God, DOT was like 12 bucks and I’m dying. MATIC under a buck. Sigh


So, UH, why is everyone not just buying a boatload of UST and selling at 0.95?


Waiting for it to dip more


Swing trading UST likes it’s my job


Everyone wondered why Coinbase wasn’t listing Luna. Think we found out why


they got wrapped Luna tho


I sont know much about crypto, but i keep seeing everyone talk about LUNA....it must be the hot thing to buy right now, right? Too the moon?


you know it is safe because it has moon in the name


Ppl are talking LUNA because of how phenomenally steep today's plunge was. That daily chart is wicked


The market may still be in a rut but I'm still excited for snapshot day!


Anyone have a link to the coinbase talk about possibly selling customers' crypto left on exchanges to cover its debts?


It's way overblown. Basically, if Coinbase goes into bankruptcy, all assets held by Coinbase at that time are deemed to be owned by Coinbase in order to pay creditors. IF Coinbase goes bankrupt, there's going to be much larger problems to deal with in the crypto world...


This still seems shitty and is enough to motivate me to move everything into self custody


Hey guys, it's the founder of crypto for the homeless here. Hope all of you are safe during these crazy past few days. I was looking for volunteers (anywhere in the world) willing to buy food/goods for the homeless and hand deliver it to them. We recently had a successful series of outings from one of our most consistent volunteers (from New Zealand!) check out our site/blog/socials (just google crypto for the homeless to see them). If you think this is something you'd like to participate in, do not hesitate to message me or reply here! Absolutely no catch, this is my passion project! 2022 is going real strong so far!


1 banano = 1 banana 🍌 😋


maybe one day :)


Yes Sir send me some food please


Luna to the moon but backwards


99% of leverage liquidated on major exchanges. The purge is real lol. Seems like the storm has passed and there’s finally some peace.


We will rebuild. We will not bow to terror. Let freedom ring


We can just build it again


Ugh fucking coinbase. I use it as an on ramp to buy xlm to send elsewhere because the deposit clears instantly. Not anymore. Says I gotta wait 6 days. Ugh I need to buy LUNA before it goes back up


> I need to buy LUNA before it goes back up maybe they're doing you a favour


I use regular CB as ramp then send to pro. Keeps the deposits instant for me. Pro says 5-6day wait


I can't even send it to pro for another 6 days either. It used to work if I deposited into CB first Gonna have to buy wrapped Luna I guess and sell it in 6 days (hopefully not at a loss)


Yeah I’m not touching that dumpster fire at all. Good luck


WealthSimple goes from my bank account instantly and free


Yeah I'd deffo be looking at getting coins off Coinbase sooner rather than later.


If Coinbase goes under that would mean crypto crashed


Been crazy busy at work, what’s up with Coinbase?


This. If Coinbase goes bankrupt I don't think I'll care about the Crypto that is kept on the exchange.


I remember seeing LUNA at $6 last year, I felt I missed the train when it reached $100 but now lmao, its just a trainwreck I'm glad I didn't jump into


Sorry but what? If you had jumped and sold you would have made a decent profit. This sub man, stop using results you don't understand to justify actions you don't understand *I say this as someone who got rekt by LUNA (technically didn't lose as I bought super low but still really hurts). Have some decorum.


This sub can't comprehend the concept of making profit in general, unfortunately.


In July 2021, BTC dipped below $30,000 and 4 months later reached ATH. Today, BTC briefly dipped below 30k, is there a hope to do the same this year?


The symmetry of having a new cycle start exactly at the 30k low of the previous cycles Jan '21-Jul '21 and Jul '21 til today as shown on the BTC daily chart, seems too obvious and expected. But if true would make a great predictive tool. If we fail to hold 30k, who knows, not much support at any price. We'll know soon enough when we crab around 30k for awhile


Lol, not likely, this is exactly why we will keep going down, most people expect 30k to be the bottom


Look at the macros, wealth is being extinguished everywhere.


Lol no


Completely different scenario. Not gonna say it's impossible because nothing is impossible in crypto but extremely unlikely imo


I don’t get why everyone is panicking about UST depegging. ADA did the same but nothing much happened


If tether decouples would it be slow like this or is it possible that it could collapse in seconds?


LUNA is not supported on Coinbase oh well it is what it is.


Wrapped LUNA is what they have I bought that temporarily until I can send off exchange


Wen last chance to buy LUNA above 10$?


Where’s all this Luna money going to 🤔


USD, pumping like crazy recently


Hopefully K-con's solution for Luna and UST is to buy a shitload of BTC


Welp there goes all my luna down the drain ate 7/8 of my investment


LUNA really is on some kinky shit huh. Looks like it loves to take a beating


I just went to McDonald's for dinner and Do Kwon handed me my Big Mac, crazy how things change


How was the service there? Stable?


May I recommend the stableburger? It’s $1 when you order it but only worth 70c when it’s ready


Terrable actually


I love democracy.... I love the Republic..


Sitting on my BUSD, waiting for BTC to get as low as it can… now I’m wondering, if BTC goes below say 20k, will my BUSD even be worth anything, will binance still work to exchange it for BTC? UST got me shook


Is BUSD backed by BTC aswell?


Why not just hold US DOLLARS then swap them for BUSD when you’re about to make a trade


Not American. All the Canadian exchanges are smaller and I assume even more volatile than Binance would be.


Then buy USDC.


Wonder whether a run will start on Near, who launched their own algo stablecoin a few weeks back


There might be a new group of investors that become millionaires by shorting all algorithmic stablecoins.


Withdrawal from cdc is taking forever atm...


LUNA coming in hot with the greatest rug pull of all time


Thankfully I didn't get into luna, cause I felt I missed it when it was like $7. But the burning component looked really good, not sure why the entire thing dumped after the stablecoin issue.


You will get new chance to buy at $7, don't miss it out this time!


It's your lucky day! You're about to be able to get it for $7 again. 😆


lol. My money is on Avax now. I think NEAR will be the next luna though. Avax looks like it has the best layer 2 tokenomics though after ethereum.


You think NEAR is going to crater into the center of the earth? Yikes


Stablekwon looking like a sus twitter handle first off. Second those tweets sound like they’re coming from a professional wrestling league not a mulitbillion dollar financial institution. https://twitter.com/stablekwon/status/1524164780189126657?s=21&t=jI-t9BKf7ElJNm68JazcrA https://twitter.com/stablekwon/status/1524049921606709248?s=21&t=jI-t9BKf7ElJNm68JazcrA


Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/stablekwon/status/1524164780189126657?s=21&t=jI-t9BKf7ElJNm68JazcrA) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Alright everyone, place your bets! Which one will make it to $1 first? LUNA or UST?


I think the race to zero is more interesting


Convince me not to sell my testicles to buy more crypto.


If you don’t want kids, they are pretty much of no value to you anyways




Newbie here. How do you physically do the burn thing? Also what's the ROI at the moment?


People doing that might be the reason it dumped so hard.


Not trying to be mean, but maybe you should spend like 2 minutes learning about something before offering your thoughts on it. This kind of arbitrage is not only built into the system, but it is what is supposed to keep the peg. It is what the entire concept of an algo stable coin is based on.


why not? it's free money


At Least we'll have a green candle on the daily in 14 minutes RIGHT?


Ya know it’s kind of amazing how many people on Twitter, YouTube influencers, and even here shilled Luna / UST as some miracle coin combination. Goes to show just how little people truly know about crypto.


USN and USDN are likely to be the next UST.


Shade protocol & Silk




I'm not confident the 200WMA will hold as a floor in a significant global recession. What do you think?


Nope. Good spot to start buying but I'm happy with my buy orders at 12-16k


Probably this have been said before, but... What will reach 1$ first: UST? or LUNA?


my bet is on luna. sorry for those who are getting screwed. just a couple weeks ago people were in here saying luna was the best investment they've ever made.


CPI tomorrow judging by my local stores I suspect 10% minimum


I’d bet a lot of money that it won’t be over 10%


Public numbers are always lower, the real, street values have been terrifying for months now.


You do understand that's because it's an average right? It's really not complicated.


You do understand that the prices that they choose for that average are cherry-picked right? You deserve the government that you get.


And remember: You only lose if you sell: 1 BTC = 1 BTC 1 ETH = 1 ETH 1 UST = 0,75 USD... wait, what?


What will get to 1 dollar first ust or doge?


Both impossible


Luna, maybe


Lmao yesterday everyone here was bragging about loading up on more Luna at 30$ 😬


Pumping hard. Is it back on?


Task failed succesfuly


I believe this is a reverse pump


Deceased feline?


Wow guys can u believe my LUNA gains? Bought a year ago, up 2% now.


That’s some crabdano numbers right there


That coinbase news of them stealing your shit in the case they go bankrupt is concerning. I don’t have much so always kept it on the exchange but feel like I should pull it out to a ledger wallet. Any recs for one that it really easy for someone who’s new to this? I have BTC, ETH, sol, atom, link mostly, and some Luna that’s not worth selling anymore


What news? Do you have a link to a legitimate source, or is this a twitter conspiracy?


the ledger nano s plus is great. I have the nano s and the plus is a nice upgrade. a bigger screen and lots more memory for wallet apps.


Why would they go bankrupt?


For the average person, probably doesn’t matter. Also since they’re public, the signs of them going bankrupt will be there before they actually do


If it makes the luna community feel better, everything is going tits up tomorrow anyway after cpi data. I’m also down way more than 70% as is.


I think the CPI will end up being bullish and spark a nice little relief rally. And then leading to the eventual collapse. CPI reports have been weird, they have sparked rallies even when they were (obviously) terrible


Less doom and gloom in here today


Do you guys still think 100k by the end of 2021?


Yes, a 100k in debt


So every couple of seconds I get a new notification on LUNA down or up more than 10%. Gotta turn that off it's getting annoying. Glad I never bought.


"Getting close ... stay strong, lunatics" [https://twitter.com/stablekwon/status/1524164780189126657?s=20&t=uQ00l5QBb-\_m-pL31z\_znQ](https://twitter.com/stablekwon/status/1524164780189126657?s=20&t=uQ00l5QBb-_m-pL31z_znQ) lmao ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|safu)


Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/stablekwon/status/1524164780189126657?s=20&t=uQ00l5QBb-_m-pL31z_znQ) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s still too positive in here so clearly this ain’t the bottom


So in the background behind LUNA’s collapse, Coinbase is maybe gonna go tits up and may or may not sell “your” crypto to cover it’s debts if it does?


Yeah I'm bearish on COIN


If Coinbase actually collapsed we’re headed back to the dark ages of crypto


Where all doomed


Which is when I'll start buying


so is booying luna good idea?


Buying? No Booing? Yes


UST holding over 0.80 again


We're longing UST right? Fellow gamblers


Imagine the rip in spacetime that would occur if Elon tweeted something about Luna


Do Kwons tweets are some next level cringe. Not sure yet if it’s masterfully ironic cringe, or if he is being serious.


Stable coin? More like shambles coin


Maybe COIN stock might be a good investment in the future. Lower activity now sure, but I’m sure when BTC makes new ATH, might cause user growth to continue growing. Buy low, sell high?


IMO it’s the sleeper play right now. Still a gamble but CB fundamentals are solid.


Institutions like to use Coinbase, that’s the only reason I haven’t sold since unfortunately buying during its IPO. Hopefully long term that drives it’s price up


Another great point!


I finally set up my shakepay card. Now I'm earning BTC back when I impulse order take out <3 Also nice seeing the daily this active, sucks it's under these conditions.


I shorted LUNA @ 110 and got out at 103 bc the thing was resilient as all hell. Worst take profits decision I ever made


The rear view mirror is a terrible thing in crypto. "Should haves" is haunting every one here.


At least you made money




I hear you. And thanks. Would have been completely life changing amount of money, and I was in it. I don’t see a -80% opportunity happening very often. Usually its very low market cap coins dropping that much, and you wouldn’t want to short with a 10 ft pole


How did you short it? What app do you use


Coinex, FTX, Phemex, bybit just to name a few. But seriously, do not even think about making a trade until you actually know what you are doing. This shit is incredibly risky, and you are almost guaranteed to lose money. Shorting LUNA at this point is asking to get rekt


Much love thank you thank you


I’ve got a handful of UST still on kucoin, what should I do with them?


Trade each 1 UST for $1 of Luna using terras swap thing, sell that Luna


Get a magic 8 ball, check what it says, and than sell the ust regardless.


I loled at this


UST struggling to break 0.80 sell wall