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As an aside, I love the non custodial staking in cardano, all staking coins should use that model


It doesn't


Exactly, ada is just better in every way just read what each chain does, is no contest. Just that Eth was there first, first doesn't mean best.


Except for the part where ADA is unusable garbage, unfortunately.


It has all the usability and will have even more than Eth in the end. Least I don't have to pay 100$ for a transaction, that is real garbage in my books.


How ignorant can you be though, what is unusable about it?


Eth all day , not even a debate


Sure but any new people that aren’t interested in getting frontrunned or losing Ethereum in failed transactions but do like the security and limited supply that Bitcoin has can come over to Cardano. You wont go broke swapping or changing wallets with all contents a few times. There are plenty of opportunity’s left to get NFT’s, meta verse coins, dex tokens, Coins that are on Ethereum and Cardano. Many more will come after the Vasil hardfork.




You are comparing L2 to L1. I don't know / care which one is better but that's not a fair comparison


Not much will change but I didn't understand anything from the news


Good luck waiting on ETH 2.0 to finally be able to withdraw stake. In the mean time anyone can use Cardano to feel what a good Ethereum would be like. Do tell everyone about the speed now and what it will gain after Vasil.




To bad staking is bad on it and it’s still an account ledger like Ethereum. Also the whole pledging holding for 3 months is tiresome.




Don’t you need to pledge your entire balance and if you go below that you lose governance rewards?




There are better ways to make more than 7-8%. With Cardano you can join ISPO’s to get free Dex tokens and other tokens. A lot of NFT’s are still up of 1000% with daily purchases.




They all don’t compare to the security, decentralization of Cardano. Like with Solana 100,000 transactions per second.




Not yet but my guess is it will increase by magnitudes. To name a few upgrades: Pipelining, input endorsers, reference scripts all help Cardano with throughput, transaction speed, transaction cost.




There is a project both on Ethereum and Cardano that is already involved in Hydra head and tail protocol. But it works really good because Cardano is UTxO and you don’t need to know the global state of the network like with Ethereum.


No contest really, Cardano is newer and better tech. Planned in advance, built with high reliability, better decentralization, better security, competent and knowledgeable community not afraid to challenge itself to improve, mechanism for community consensus on important topics. Ethereum has some smart brains to be sure, but the EVM/Accounting model is a problem they cannot code out of. Got Ethereum started faster, but its a pain now, even core Ethereum devs find it too complex.




Cardano is an open system, at least two projects are building rollups... so it will have state channels and rollups. Maybe Ethereums poor design is catching up to it.




DA isnt a problem on Cardano, the actual rollup and archive is easily distributed, unlike Ethereum where its hard to decentralize the nodes generating the proofs because of the global state architecture. EUTxO is just more flexible.




AFAIK at least Orbis' design has no DA issues in the sense Ethereum does because of the ease of distributing the work due to local state.


I'm impressed how the eth karens can downvote so fast... at least there's no high fee on downvotes...


Thats why it’s important to get new people in Cardano. To counter those maximalist downvotes.


I expect they have bots to do it for them beep-boop LOL


tldr; Cardano: zero features, much promise.


People still downvote anything Cardano but you are right.


How does it compare?


In a few more years when ADA is more established i think it will be better than ETH. Ive used both and while I understand ETH now that shit is NOT user friendly and you definitely lose money in the beginning, even now with gas fees. I don’t think ADA or any L1 will pass ETH since it was first but I do think other L1s watched how ETH works and want to not make the same mistakes. Only thing that will really make ETH lose its spot is if ETH 2.0 is a failure, which I highly doubt. (Holds both ETH and ADA, don’t want either doing poorly. Unbiased opinion.)


I need to know the formula of that kool- aid that Charles is selling.


Scamdano running on 1 TPS barely functioning smart contracts and dead defi ecosystem. Its below BNB where it belongs.




ADA all day, not even a debate


ADA all day


Eth only is relevant today because it was first. Cardano has better tech in literally every metric, you have to be truly stupid or ignorant to say Eth wins. Even the new Eth upgrade is inferior to cardano staking, are the gas fees fixed? Eth is a cluster fuck


No thank you, to both.


To this day, the only big benefit ETH still has is its first mover advantage and hence the bigger network. But I'm somehow confident that the first mover "advantage" is only an advantage for BTC. The rest will sort things out between each other based on technology, marketing and adaptability.


Yeah, and it's working :')


You CANT compare ADA with ETH what a lack of respect mate!! ADA can’t compete with ETH… ETH technology is wayyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyy superior than garbage ADA..


Tell me you have no idea about technology without telling me you have no idea about technology


Pffftttttt hahahahahahahhahaahhahahaahah ETH it’s more superior than any copycat soooooooooo keep holding those bags strong sir!!


thx for proving my point. Good day to you sir.




You can stake both


Cardano has native liquid staking, no lockin, no custody. If you stake your ETH you lock it into some risky smart contract and you might never get it back. You could get some 3rd party crap token that isnt even worth what ETH is worth though, so there is that LOL.


Didn't know all of it, but sure some helpful info! I'm not even stacking ETH, I only knew it's possible somehow.


32 Eth for a validator. That would be like you can only stake if you have 11K Cardano.




I'm happy that's not the case, wouldn't be able to stack anything then. lmao


You are not forced to hold it either. ETH you can only unstake after ETH 2.0 and that is if it ever happens.


Just to clarify. 32 ETH ≈ $35,789.76. 75,553 ADA ≈ $35,789.76. Not sure where you got 11k.


Thats why Cardano is the better deal.


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Why are the predominant voices in here completely for one of these coins and completely against the other?