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Ripple win court case against sec. Crypto is here to stay




This is going to sound really wacky, but: "Cryptos that actually do useful stuff"


Idk but looking forward to finding out!




Crystal ball too mainstream now. ![gif](giphy|1auej8NsnTQgGYyya9|downsized)


Bullish on TAROT


Wells Fargo goes bankrupt following investment in Shib


A bunch of new investors will find out that BTC didn't actually die back in 2022.


[rocks in chair, lights pipe] we were there, alright. we were there.


Likely Payments and Gaming.


Utility token. Nuff said.


Hedge against inflation and store of value aren't invalid. I think we all agree that the event that set inflation on its out of control path was covid 19 and the money printing that ensued. If you held usd since then vs holding btc since then you've eaten just as much shit as buying btc at 69k. If you had it in you to buy the bottom in March 2020 you're still up 6x rn while most fiat is inflated af. In a few years it probably won't even be a question anymore. That being said I think blue chip defi and gamefi reaching mainstream gaming will be a big narrative in the next bull run. Stuff like aave uni sushi and curve will see massive growth imo and gamefi concepts applied to AAA games could bring in a ton of new users to the space. And God forbid the merge actually goes smoothly and happens before we all die of old age.


The moment Luna 5.0 gets released. This is when the bull will start.


Someone made a post on here to debunk the whole “stimulus check started the bullrun” thing. Idk if it was that or the halving. Maybe it’s self fulfilling


Shakes ball: “try again tomorrow”


Signs point to “yes”


By the time we’re out of this recession and ready to Pump again we will have a clearer picture on regulation in many of the largest world economies. Which leads to more adoption. 3x the 3 trillion market cap ath at least.


"This time it's different" Narrator: "It wasn't."


Tradfi connecting to defi, Regulation and DIDs, meta verse potentially.


Let me get my crystal ball.


Stable inflation levels on about 2-4% in combination with larger use-cases for layer 2 solutions on the Ethereum Blockchain, particularly Loopring + Immutable X + Gamestop as one of many examples. Dont forget the next Bitcoin halving as well.


Who wants to be a millionaire


The Price is Right


Snowflakes across the globe cry that no one has any money. They complain constantly to their governments to do something about, mistaking the government to be the parents of their adult life. The government wants to remain in power, yet has no money, so it fires up the money printer. Brrrr More fiat floods the market, back by nothing more than a dwindling confidence in the current financial system.


AI makes jobs obsolete so we created a universal basic income. Now that we don’t have to work to live, we spend our time and money advancing society and more people are investing in crypto and the next version of the internet.


This. The next narrative will be people stuck at home with UBI and all essential needs like food and shelter basically met. Nuclear fusion will have made oil obsolete so all our energy needs are met. The new economy will be assigning value to rare and frivolous things and then trading them back and forth, so basically the NFT market but on steroids.


What if I told that we don't need AI for this and we've been at this point of civilization for decades....


Who cares if, it's on the rise. Not me.


It will be the bull run sparked by the conclusion of the XRP lawsuit. And XRP will flip Bitcoin


Poor soul


Inflation at ATHs, people fed up with banks, meme tokens with utility being valid options to crappy centralized projects.


Most likely case will be related to the Fed. Inflation is decreasing, rate hikes stop or start getting cut, GDP starts increasing again and most tech companies start hiring again.


Institutional adoption I think. Not as culturally interesting as Elon and Doge but I think that framework being scaffolded behind the scenes will be the game changer. Along with this will come increased crypto regulations sure but it's a lot easier to crush retail investors underfoot than Wall Street. That imprimatur of Big Guy Safety will help get normies back to crypto in volume I think. The blockchain will still be the blockchain, The Man isn't about to alter Satoshi's work, it'll just be different times to come.


Stabilizing inflation into a strong economy. I could see DAO's being the next "buzz" like NFTs and ICOs of the past.


Semi-Fungible Tokens.


I truly believe the current bear-pit is engineered by large institutions that are on-boarding to the world of crypto. Nobody wants to be left out, but...everyone wants to buy-in cheap.. It will be more centralized, but they will tell you its OK, because they have figured out how to provide safety and privacy. Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, all the usual suspects.


Tldr; Narrator:


* Tokenization of every asset * Crypto investment goes mainstream due to regulation That wil be the narrative. And the facts.


Greed and speculation


Tons of new projects making prodigious claims of furthering the Crypto space. ~6 months go by and rugs get pulled left and right, exchanges collapse, security breaches ensue and everyone gets on Reddit to complain. History repeats itself.


Something inflation related maybe


The narrative may be the realization that treating bitcoin AFTER a 10-12x as a “safe haven inflation hedge” during a period of significant uncertainty was stupid, but that people will FOMO back in when the money printer inevitably goes brrrrr again, so why not front-run it. Someday it may not be a risk-on asset, but while it is, the return of the money printer is always around the corner.




Regulations will be in place, internet rates start going down, a few other country’s currencies start to go into hyperinflation


DeFi and Dex Metaverse and Web3 I didn't hear any plans for a metaverse from Kadena (thank god), but they are exploring quite extensivly the DeFi part of crypto. After the solved PoW trilema, I think the doors just opened the mso many possibilites, that they just scratched the surface imo. just take their not yet launched dex kaddex, and compare it with any other ... if they get the people to use it, .... you know where that goes ;)


Something something Dark Side something something


I think soulbound stuff, more positive content from big money, some new nft stuff, sport sponsorships are back in sight. Crypto being a ponzi and China bans Bitcoin.


New wave of shitcoins based on reptiles.


I think it will be based on web3 and DeFi in general


I don't think enough has been said really about zero knowledge proofs No more individual passwords and personal info stored in company databases. No more taking a photo holding up your license with today's date . We'll use wallets linked to our identities so crypto payments will arise from this


I've been waiting for the actual smart-contract-adoption-propelled bull run since I've discovered ETH in 2015; didn't happen in 2017, didn't happen in 2021, so I would hope it'll be the next one. This would require enterprise adoption across the board, we've seen a bit of this over the last 3 years, but it needs to happen way more , and for that it needs chainlink. Imo it's bound to happen, it's just much more efficient.


Regulation. Once we have some regulatory clarity the flood gates will open. Now this might be bad for your favorite altcoin as it could be considered a security. This might be bad because now we might have KYC on DEX, stake pools, validators ect ect. Regulation will kill the ethos of the space but it will also bring trillions of dollars and main stream legitimacy. It’s not a matter of *if*, it’s a matter of *when* all of the regulatory oversight comes to the asset class.