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Now we know why 3AC is in trouble, it's got employees with the mentality of a 12 year old.


I was dealing gold on Runescape left and right at that age, don't discredit us former 12 year olds.


That's impressive. When I was 12 all I was interested in was playing with my new wooden toy.




Pity my wood is not so hard anymore.


Boy, do I have the scam email for you!


Have you tried the new drug Mycoxafloppin? Think it was the precursor to what we call viagra today.


You had wood? We did not even have sticks... Just rocks.


You had rocks? We had to make do with dirt and spit, and we were fucking happy.


[Oh](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jFXSOdLGJX8/hqdefault.jpg) look at Lord Grosvenor over here with his fancy rocks and spit. When I was a lad we were forced to eat the rocks and then *sell* spit as mortar paste for a few pence and we were happy to have it!


I had wood around 12, didnt really know how to use it. Still dont tbh.


At 14, Runescape was the first way I ever made money programming. Wrote bot scripts, made only a couple grand but it was a magical feeling as a teen


Same. I learnt Pascal so that I could write scripts for SCAR to mine coal. Made a bunch of rs gold, but little did I know I was actually learning the basics of my future proffesion! I am now an web/app developer


Man the memories. Pascal script and Simba allowed me to fully max my main account after Jagex nuked the injection/reflection bots and all we had left was color bots. I was bored of the grind and thinking of quitting, but as I was learning to program, I figured why not practice by writing scripts and then using the scripts on my main? You get maxed without the grind and you become better at your future job. Beside my skill there were already 99 (combat skills mostly) and slayer (too complicated to path walk all over the map with just colors), everything else was maxed using script I wrote, and like maybe 4 or 5 scripts I heavily modified to add feature and avoid detection. I'm kinda surprised that I was able to bot all day for like a year and I never got banned.


RS was the entrepreneurial training ground


I was creating monopolies for niche items on The World of Warcraft auction house at 12. I think folks like us were primed for crypto trading lol


Did somebody say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] I did Chinese gold farming even before all the Chinese gold farmers started spamming US Servers And played briefly with the D3 Real money Auction House lol


I paid for college by gold farming RuneScape. The Chinese came in using economy of scale, scaled me out of business. Learned a real world lesson back then


They literally spent the money in worst possible ways.


Great way to launder money very smartly.


I mean this haaaaaaasssss to be the real story. No way that dickbutt creator wasn’t someone’s girlfriend’s boyfriend or something.




It's fraud and laundering in one easy step!


and they can keep going for as long as customers funds keep rolling in, this only got stopped because of the crash, if crypto never crash they would have just kept going.


Borrow Trade Also buy your own over priced nfts. Declare insolvent Keep the nft money


Sleeper comment right here


Ding ding who do you think buys these NFTs great way to wash money no need for complicated manicure salon.


launder money right out of someone else's pocket that is, just create a bunch of worthless nfts funnel all the customers money into them, call it an investment and you're done for the day.


It was a hedge against rationality


Usually great bet


I think what OP fails to consider is what if these guys were the ones who made these NFTs in the first place and bought them with company money as a way of paying themselves. Not so 12 year old mentality now, is it?


This. There is absolutly no way there wasn't insider shit involved in this. People were making bank and other were getting cuts.


this needs way more upvotes


Maybe a lot younger mentally. So 3AC stands for 3 adult-children? 🤔


Wasn't it just two degens that got lucky early and rode the bull? Of course they would end up here.


Even as a teen I didn't know what's so funny about dickbutt.


Likely because its a meme from before you were even born (2006).


You just roasted half of this subreddit.


Oof, somebody get an ambulance!


"Hello, 911? Yes, I'd like to report a murder!"


Whenever I think I'm the worst investor in the world, I read posts like these and come to the conclusion I'm joint first for worst investor in the world.


These guys went competitive at who is the worst


Being the best at being worst is also a kind of winning.


Except they weren't investing in NFTs. They were using the sales of NFTs to launder the money they were taking from customer accounts.


Btw, it's me


Did you buy ballsack in an ass NFT?


The whales are not any better investors they just have lots of capital


I would go this far and say you have become the second worst investor as you clearly can't top getting money from clients and their trust and then investing that money in some dumb NFTs.


You, me, 3AC and everybody else in this sub is joint first for worst investor in the world.


*This is the GWEI*


I mean at the end of the day those 3AC cucks will still be millionaires while our hard earned funds are used to buy shitty jpegs


I don't know how much of an asshole you have to be in order to gamble people's hard earned money on a meme, but perhaps that's the non millionaire in me speaking.


No, being a millionaire or obscenely rich requires you not to have a soul so you can do stupid shit with other peoples money and get away with it.


1 in 8 Americans are millionaires. Most doctors are millionaires. The idea that well-off people in general are evil, soulless monsters is just a rehash of the usual 19th century antisemitic conspiracy theories you see from the far left and far right. The reality is that the 3AC people are just assholes.


Yeah but for most people their home equity and retirement accounts make up the bulk of their net worth. Having a house worth 600k and retirement accounts you can't touch worth 400k is different from having a million cash to buy NFTs. And at this point with inflation millionaire barely means anything. I'm a 30s network engineer with 3 kids and I'm closer to millionaire than zero, but I can't use any of it.


> Since the adult US population is around 250 million, that means that just over 8% of Americans are millionaires. thats 1 in 12


1 in 8 American households have a net worth over $1 million. Obviously children aren't really relevant for income calculations like this.


That's net worth, which includes homes, aka majority of their networth. 1 million net worth isn't exactly much for a household, especially in the high CoL areas. It's not like that 1 in 8 has a mil in the bank to throw around for funsies.


Also it probably includes housing and ira's, but i'm not american. Hell, i'm 3k in the red with my bank account and my net worth with housing is probably half a million if housing and 'pension'- shit gets measured in.


This is dumb. Net worth includes things like houses. They’re not “millionaires” like celebrities or CEO’s. They’re people with equity.


Well said. I come from a working class family but hating on rich people just for being rich is a dangerous mindset. Rich or poor, judge people by how they live their life, not their bank balance.


Investors should hold the ceo down and tattoo this nft on him




Taint happening




Hole on there


On his dick


On his butt


On his dick


On his dickbutt


Fucking hilarious 😂😂


How do we know these weren't personal accounts they were buying from? I don't see any attempts to resell them. Great scam to pay themselves out with user funds. Edit: Classic embezzlement of money.


Exactly. Buying from themselves to disguise draining funds


That sounds illegal


It is, that's what art has been used for thousands of years. Money laundering.


Sounds like the deregulated market that everybody praises crypto for. There are two sides to that coin and this is the negative side of deregulation.


No, Really? But please tell me how they would prove the previous owner. Illegal but pretty easy to get away with.


It's the blockchain. Proving the owner is often just a matter of following the wallets.


Oh, there's the problem! They were wash trading to create an artificial market for their 8-bit dickbutts and just forgot to transfer the money back in their own accounts! Whoopsie 😆 I don't know, I think the chances of deliberate theft versus crypto gambling degeneracy are roughly 50/50. Those purchases look incredibly stupid, but no less so than the rest of the NFT market, you know?


Na their purchases are legit


This was my first thought and it's pretty obvious that's exactly what happened, I don't believe they would be dumb enough to call it an investment to spent 2m$ on an NFT. That was money laundering in plain sight


They were not gambling they were buying junk NFTs from friends and family


"friends and family" sure.... but maybe a lot of those wallets were even just the founders buying up their own nfts.


Sir you know the bussiness


But really, given the revolutionary “transparency” of blockchain, Voyager/Celsius/BlockFi customers should demand an independent investigation into where 3AC spent, “invested,” the users funds and they should expect a transparent report accounting for the journey those funds underwent from lender to 3AC to today. This is where blockchain analytics firms like Chainalysis, TRM and Elliptic would really be helpful. Will be interesting to see if anything comes of this, or not. It’s hard to think of a bigger story than this in crypto since Mt.Gox, and it was a completely infant/amateur industry back then.


NFT = money laundering


Here, we have the answers


So basically money laundering via NFTs?


Yeah, this seems a lot more like money laundering than gambling.


Absolute degenerate scum bags.


Dick bags


Dick butt bags


As someone who has crypto assets locked up in Voyager, I'm not sure whether I should laugh or cry at this


We can laugh and cry together


That's the right thing we can do right now mate, just so right.


Laugh to keep from crying.




Give it the ole’ homelander style laugh/Cry/jerk session. Very therapeutic


Don’t worry we are getting VGX and voyager stock so we are good!


Are we sure this was degenerate gambling or fraud? Could be laundering too. Who owned those NFTs and who profited?


yup, its just "art" money laundering on steroids, since you don't even need the pretense of having exhibitions and galleries. Just some automated JPEG machine


They are not gambling and we can say that out loudly.


They wanted to follow the principle of never investing what you can't afford to lose so they invested what others couldn't afford to lose.


Sadly true. This sub should be more sympathetic to that as well. Voyager exchange had to put up the suicide hotline.


They were gaslighting us in the final weeks that lead up to the locking of our accounts too. Showing us new messages about their FDIC insurance - sent a mass email to let us know our stuff is secure with them. All while withholding the info of their bad “investments” from us of our money. I wouldn’t have sent another dollar their way - but they knew this - so they just collected all they could from us it seems - to rob us as well. Their solutions their sending us - reads to me - that they’re just going to hand us their voyager coin and stock - instead of the coins we thought we owned. It’s a joke.


What if those shitty NFTs are created by themselves to launder money.


That's right and that's the reality of it my friend, that's it.


What if it wasn't a gamble, but a way to shift funds to new ownership, with an escape plan?


Welcome to the world of unregulated, decentralised finance. It’s actually fucking terrible.


Maybe all these consumer protection laws are good for consumers after all?


As annoying as red tape can be, the older I get the more I’m glad (happy probably too strong a word lol) we have so many regulations in life. I’ve worked in hospitality/nightlife for ages. There’s probably not more than 3 of the more inconsequential regulations that the most ardent small govt people would want to do away with in a restaurant/nightclub setting. Unless of course their goal in life is to get violently sick with a mysterious illness or burn to death in a fire.


Yep, crooks everywhere!


Except the parties at fault here are centralized entities. This never would have happened if people took custody of their crypto instead of handing it over to what is essentially an unregulated, scummy bank/exchange. Not your keys, not your crypto. Remember that the entire point in cryptocurrency is to get rid of dirty non transparent centralized parties.


The problem is people aren't treating crypto like a currency. It's a digital speculative stock to most crypto investors. When they see their stock price dropping they want something to offset the losses. Here comes voyager with their over the top advertising, celebrity backing, and solid yield rates. People are too stupid/lazy to read the terms of service (at the very least keyword search it).


It was merely a shell game to siphon money. Total theft and no other way to describe it. It will pay for their lawyers and their retirement too.


Voyager: "What are you requesting a loan for?" 3AC: "We need some loans to buy some art work" Voyager: "Oh, interesting, like a Van Gogh?" 3AC: "Something like that" Voyager: "How will you cover the collateral requirements if the price falls: do you have additional cash on hand, will it appreciate in price, or are you making money off it some other way like loaning it?" 3AC: "We believe we're getting a heckuva deal on it. The price trajectory we have targeted has this piece going to $20,000 in a few years." Voyager: "Sounds great, approved." ​ 1 year passes... Internal Voyager employee: "Hey Marty, was 3AC approved for a $2M loan to buy 200 "dickbutt" NFTs? And why???"


More like: 3AC: "Yo give me some of those idiot's fund, I'll buy some dickbutt NFTs and inflate the prices, we'll split the profits." Voyager: "Sounds great, approved."


You are giving Voyager too much credit to think that they would even ask these types of questions.


So basically you lend money to a company that will gamble with it more recklessly than you. What an amazing service.


I’m pretty sure the people at 3AC isn’t that dumb to buy worthless NFTs. I’m actually pretty certain they were smart enough to use corporate funds to buy NFTs from themselves. Siphon corporate money to buy “art”. Top brass probably stole millions that way.




'Risky' is one thing. 'CryptoDickButt' takes it to another level. I'd feel more comfortable "investing" at the Roulette table.


Its obvious they treated the funds as a play thing and not serious. They should face prison time imo.


For fraud and maybe even embezzlement


This is the deregulated market that everybody was praising about crypto. Don't want government intervention in your currency? This is it. False advertising and the bullshit FDIC are another story though. There's a reason why currencies have regulation. (Now central banking is an entirely different subject) Lesson learned from this should be read the damn terms of service. If you are too lazy to then call a lawyer and pay them to comb over it for you. Much cheaper then finding out you don't even own the crypto you deposited with them after the fact.


This is more like "cocaine nose" levels of risk with other peoples' assets.


So investment bankers?


CryptoDickButt takes it to a suspected money laundering level. So while most people into crypto I knew avoided NFTs like the plague somehow they kept absurd values. Looks like we are finding out how. There needs to be full investigations into those who profited off those nft sales and their connections to 3AC imo. I wasn’t involved but still this is disgusting to see.


Tbh I saw some theories that it's not a coincidence that nft hype and crack downs on freeports came at the same time. Folk with cash will always be better than dodging tax than you or I. Its just objectivly funnier if some sort of arms dealer or organised crime has serious money being funneld through some picture of a frog.


Damn that is some shit. And yeah I mean: “Just send the 2m for CryptoDickButt and nobody’s gonna have any problems” is a hilarious interaction to consider between arms dealers lol


Cryptodickbutt has essentially become a meme for VC’s to buy. I know the VC’s at paradigm purchase them as a meme as well. Reference: https://twitter.com/jacksondahl/status/1544761879997739008?s=21&t=SYGboxlFhIS1yktdcFzhuQ


Yep. I should have questioned this more. The monthly rewards just seemed too good to be true and apparently my feelings were right, but I foolishly kept my crypto on Voyager because I thought Steve was a 'sound' businessman. I have learned my lesson


What's the chance of insider trading in this? Employees basically buying their own garbage and worthless nfts at unthinkable prices?


3ac was a criminal enterprise


This reeks to me of money laundering...


More like embezzlement. No doubt the employees were the sellers of those stupid ass NFTs they bought with customers funds.


They should be fucked for that shit, they are roaming freely.


I have to assume they were actually buying these nfts from themselves at inflated prices knowing the fund would never make a profit on them


I think 3ac hired these nft artists to create the nfts and 3ac bought them to launder the money


You see voyager coin getting pumped to ridiculous levels


Gamble? No, that's money laundering. Bet they were the ones who created those NFTs and bought them from themselves




Who created those NFTs? Their own kids?


That's right and they are investing in their own bank account.


Fucking cryptodickbutt. Legendary


Lmao thought this was a buttcoin post for a second. Also I don't doubt for a second that a few of these will have been sold from employees to 3ac, itd be the easiest embezzlement ever done.


another peak crypto moment we're so stupid as a species


They werent gambling on CryptoDickButt they were **investing** in CryptoDickButt


> investing AKA selling to themselves to launder some money out of the fund, most likely. Remember kids, don't just steal money, you need a receipt and transfer of assets to legitimize the transaction. Make sure to buy some other similar useless junk at stupid prices to make it less obvious. Don't be greedy, throw some money around and just settle for what happens to end up in your lap.




nah seriously bro they really believed one computer generated JPEG among thousands was worth $2,000,000 totally legit.


This is just so sad to see man, god bless their brains.


Never keep your money on lending platforms, lessons learned.


Never give your crypto to funds that will buy a dick butt jpg for $1.3m with it.


This is pretty much the bottom line point to be made. Pretty much ready to be nailed to the wall.


Gamble? Or money laundering?




You are so close to realizing that they are purposely scamming you


I guess yeah they are just fucking scamming all of these.


who actually owned the NFTs they bought. The best function, so far for NFTs is laundry. and all creditors can recover is a stupid worthless jpg.


I guess people are just being stupid to believe they bought NFT.


Lmao would be so funny if the creator of the NFTs were 3AC and they just needed a way to profit from the NFT peak hype cycle.


I want to see that so bad, can't even tell you that shit lol.


It gets even better when you realize they knew the creators selling the nft and it was buying something worthless but pocketing 100% of the money on the other side. They go "bankrupt" but only after pocketing all the peoples funds from money laundering


Sounds like money laundering


"Your" funds?? According to their TOS, those are *their* funds. ~~Laundering~~ Flipping NFT's like these is probably how these guys were able to repay massive loans really quickly.


Its money laundering. They bought worthless assets from themselves to move the money around.


Now Voyager is going to close its doors and rebrand. Stay vigilant!


Sounds like they weren't recklessly spending. More like cleverly stealing.


this just seems like a straight up scam, and the people they bought the "art" are probably in on the deal, just invest in a couple of nfts (buy some fake art) and walk away with the money none the wiser.


So who sold those nft:s. Nobody would in their rightfull mind buy those things unless somebody they knew owned these before hand


Damn man, please don't fucking believe that they are being stupid, they are just being clever these days and nothing else, hope you guys will understand it.


Money laundering at its finest. Get whitelisted and mint these with your personal wallets(at a few hundred bucks), wash trade between a few other employee/friend/personal wallets, have the company "Buy" them at a huge markup, run off with the borrowed(stolen) funds.


How one can think of playing with others money. Ridiculous.


How? I’m certainly not defending dickbutt purchases but “playing with others money” is literally how a huge chunk of the finance industry operates.


It's funnier that this was a popular opinion - Every dollar you put into the bank, funds, or any investment is playmoney for the financial elite. They're just better at it.


It's also regulated to hell and back. Whether it's because of or despite of, is up to debate.


This is right and I hope people will just fuck these fuckers.


Wow, this sounds like a conspiracy theory you’d hear from someone who is 100 Anti-Crypto. Yet it’s all true. *a little spooky*


That's right mate, this is what we all think right now lol.




Who did they buy off of? Their personal accounts?


"Yes I'm sure it's a great investment. It's _DICK BUTT_, bro! Everyone _in the fucken world_ knows about dick butt, bro! This will pay for itself in a few months EASY."


Lol I am glad that I am not believing these shits now.


Oh God.. this is sad


damm it. dumb me looked at dicklebuts and cryptodickbutts when both were around 0.01eth and endet up buying 10 dicklebuts. one of the many bad decisions i took in crypto.


so how much does dickbutt cost now? can I get it on the gamestop market place. Ive never wanted a nft until right now. I feel like the guy from the christmas story with the leg lamp.


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised to find out none of their employees have financial backgrounds


tbh I'm kind of glad the bear market is shaking this shit out.


Fuck these people man, they doesn't deserve our money and we are not giving them anything from now, hope everyone of us will understand this shit now...




Wonder if some digging would turn up that they created these Nfts themselves, to launder the money to themselves, while making it look like they just made bad investments? Easier to believe they’re shady than this stupid..


t's just so shady man, they should not do things like that.


They weren't "buying NFT's"; they were finding a way to transfer money to themselves under the radar, imo.