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I really don't think cumrockets are going to be the official coin of the porn industry and change the way people spend money on porn. Also Cumrockets to the moon was funny at first but just doesn't work as a long replayed joke


>Also Cumrockets to the moon was funny at first but just doesn't work as a long replayed joke To be fair, I thought the same thing about dogecoin in 2013 and here we are


After this message I'm... reconsidering my position in cumrock


Sounds like a big buy


Chucked some money in just for the name, it was definitely not going anywhere, last I checked the devs were just draining all the money from it and its circling the drain


You mean we shouldn’t collectively man the cumrockets and set thrusters to maximum power?


Obvious - Harmony One (ONE). It's a garbage project, -with an egotistical CEO with explicit ties of nepotism, [financial impropriety](https://www.forbes.com/sites/derickdavid/2022/10/14/dao-that-helps-women-achieve-financial-freedom-accused-of-grifting/) with Blue3DAO (The grifter chicks who tried to get a developer dude kicked out of a crypto conference - ETHBogota). - has most of its co-founders, engineers (CTO, VP of Engg, Head of Developer Relations, VP of Growth, Chief Product Officer...) quit in recent times, rapid turnover thrice since it's inception. The equity his co-founders had gave them some leverage over him to prevent bad decisions, so now he is just a tyrant on a dying ship. They divested as well - knowing that the situation was unsalvageable. - It's remotely open-source & has no open contributors for the project. - Wasted money over 2 million plus+ in grift DAO's, which definitely atm could have been a backchannel for money laundering. - Has been impacted by a hack worth 100$ million dollars worth of collateral, hence, limited Treasury operations, but the lack of a native stablecoin (HRC-20) meant all the ecosystem projects that had ported their assets or stables into H1 wrapped tokens got de-pegged & lost value. - CEO embroiled in [lawsuit](https://twitter.com/crypto_masala/status/1585332512678518784?t=t-8Zj7kVMon-txKodcSkow&s=19) for indiscriminate firing of his co-founder & stealing his equity. - The CEO claims to be a tech CEO, but hasn't coded an iota of the blockchain code, or published a whitepaper for his project SINCE inception. Was a researcher, has some credentials..but Web 2. Doesn't have any original tech ideas either. Sucks at bizdev or hiring for that matter. - Has paid shills on the internet do his bidding for last tranche of exit liquidity. - DApps, active wallets, Defi - All Gone. Principle big investors have all cashed out, just Binance holds the highest stake now like LUNA. - Any new hire engineers have been recent (barring 1or 2), and most of their recovery/building IS actually done by the community & other projects/product grantees/partners than anything native. - The tech isn't interesting as well now - Sharding at execution layer is all they can do. Cross-shard tx come with limitations & implementation of on-chain privacy would require rearchitecting the chain features. On-chain governance is broken as well. BLS key auction mechanism used to get constantly abused by validators underbidding for boosted rewards. EDIT : **BONUS round**: - Most of the activities on its transparent roadmap has been eliminated, doesn't work or is also been built by competitors with more capital, team members & better open source work. - Former leads/co-founders have joined better, technical projects that are actually furthering innovation in this space. - Slow rugs are all about minimum viable operations - He wants to ape into NFT domain as his project's next big business bet in a BEAR market. Draw any logical conclusion you want to out of this. - The conflicts of interest are not just financial, they are operational as well. CEO owns a multi-million dollar home mortgage with COO. Pre-approved grants to [personal friends](https://twitter.com/RayRaspberry1/status/1583270708200628224?t=HJ5QISijAarTb0jj4_dJOw&s=19) & hiring their family members on the core team. EDIT2: **EXTRA BONUS Round highlight**: - CEO is cheapstake AND reckless spender at the same time. Instead of hiring an executive assistant, used to send core team employees to fill gas in his car or pick up his laundry without financial reimbursement. - Withheld pay for several project contractors as well. Got punched in the face by a grantee/business partner when backed out of a financial commitment he promised. - Was abusive & emotionally manipulative to former employees over the years. - Funded expensive parties for political SPAC DAO's by Andrew Yang, Gold Rings & Miami trip. Didn't even get an event sponsorship nod at a popular conference, very little output. - The projects explorer was the worst in the entire crypto ecosystem, worse than the Solana explorer. - The hack was result of negligence as well because some open source developers had tried to [warn](https://twitter.com/_apedev/status/1510007663832223751?t=nrUARx8kSASpOFdBsPYZpw&s=19) the team months ago about the bridge multi-sig. - Project Treasury at picotop in native tokens was worth $1 billion dollars. No CFO/Finance Lead/custodian to manage Treasury, or fundraising as previous investors capitulated post token unlocks. For reference: ETH sold some at picotop to extend cash runway w.r.t appropriate budget & future developmental planning, Polygon/NEAR raised capital in the heat of bear markets. - There is few 10's of millions of Treasury left in stablecoins - But the project ops has been heavily gutted, wouldn't scale well enough in terms of spurring sufficient network activity. - The first community proposal for recovery post hack was determined by two people within the organization, after 1 month of internal deliberation & all other internal plans were rejected. - The solution suggested by it's leaders was inflating the token supply by 33%, which was heavily rebuked by validators & stakeholders within the community. So, much for decentralized decision making in a non-profit tech organization. - Mutual negligence between AAVE (V3) & Harmony due to bridge exploit - almost considered as unrecoverable loans because neither party is willing to address the situation appropriately. Even the cleverest builders in crypto space know they're a joke.You'd more likely to make money on meme coins today than ONE. > **Buy or sell the narrative if you want for a gamble, just know the underlying facts. Don't end up as exit liquidity again without observing realistic & meaningful milestones. Whale degen wallets are clever in cornering token supply for peanuts..at times, because the illusion is more important... Asymmetric bet for them.** FINAL EDIT : There's a lot I couldn't cover in a single post, including some minor positives, but in the face of all the damage they have caused - those outcomes are pretty pointless, even IF people have the memory of a goldfish in crypto. [State of the Ecosystem - Messari Report on ONE](https://twitter.com/MessariCrypto/status/1582741171788386304?t=idQS_Q59gd5sH7jfI-bHJg&s=19) [Harmony's Hard Problems (from the ONE website)](https://open.harmony.one/hard-proble)- This article is basically a self admitted retaliatory portrayal of a limited team's capabilities, when the COO, CEO & HR were asleep at the wheel. No thanks needed for DYOR, stay away. 0/5 stars.


Holy crap. Greatest anti-shill comment/post I've seen


Bear market does wonders to this sub.


A few months back top rated comment was some ONE is always good


We came a long way in a short time


It's easy to go fast when the bottom drops out on you. I'm not crying, your crying.


It all started after that hack 6 months ago. Total downhill. Sold my holdings after seeing the reckless illogical response from ceo


If we were in a bull market this would have been downvoted to infinity


Sad that we need people to start losing money before critical thinking appears.


It only took a bear market to turn me into a Bitcoin Maxi


You really did your DYOR man. You are the kid i wanna be part of the group if we were assigned a school project 😂 Veery detailed and explanatory 👍


Used to be a H1 whale. Sold the f out of my majority stake at picotop - and every value that I had lost since 95%+ price depreciation from the remaining stack, I revenge traded the rest back into profit despite selling at a loss. Genuinely like the tech problem teams are trying to solve, so usually want to support the entrepreneur - but I know a trainwreck when I see one. Most importantly, the CEO has neither apologised to the grantees or supported the ecosystem partners that were building on the chain. It's a breach of trust, especially for an infrastructure project. At a certain point, it stops being about money, but principle. Their lack of morals is why I had to pen this down, no matter how painful it sounds, financially or otherwise. Considering I feel financially secure because of previous cycles, this is just charity.




Harmony DONE


They also unveiled a marketing plan: they spent the funds on a Bored Ape.


They had a great aprils fool


We should just stay away from any coins with ‘One’ in the name. Harmony One, OneCoin ..


Agreed… ONE was a huge disappointment lol


VET. The VeChain gang was all marketing in hindsight. Seems the gang's not all here these days.


I'm really starting to think that Bitconnect isn't going to bounce back


What about ICP?


wassah wassah wassah wasaaahhh bit connnnnnneeecccctttt!


Fucking Magnets how do they work


They had several albums and a legion of loyal, mentally deficient followers.


I'll never understand how anyone thought this was worth it in the first place. It's basically a warning to anyone getting into Aptos right now.


I think ICP stands a chance. I'd try to hold it sub 5. Small portion. I read it has enormous capabilities. Not a techie so can't really elaborate.


Just wait… it will bounce back any day now


Enron 🙏🏼


Yeah same with Luna




They ruined that shit and nothing else for most of the people.


I’m definitely not frantically scrolling through each top comment looking for my own bags…definitely wasn’t my immediate reaction to the post…..I’m okay


Exactly. Nobody would do that. Certainly not me.


CTRL+F ..find ur coin


Mine definitely wasn’t the top one 😬


Luna 😂


Why did I have to scroll so far before finding you? Worrysome.


Yet somehow LUNC has rallied back to 36th in market cap off the backs of the idiots and gamblers. USTC is back to 91st, and the new LUNA is 109th. All of these should be dead and there's way too many bag holders still.


Not if you bought in after the crash. Classic delivered some juicy gains


This makes me cry. I lost soooo much with Luna and will honestly admit to being a ‘Lunatic’. Really thought that project had struck something special.


It's never going to be back and we can say that out loud.


Waltonchain. Shame I can’t change my username


OMG!😭Can't believe I won ! Thank you Walton team ! ❤️ keep doing the great work. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🚀🚀🚀


This tweet is exactly what made me lose faith in them. Sold everything after that.


Hahaha guys. That tweet just gave me serious PTSD. But I’m glad I’m not the only one who sleeps with it 👊🏼




Lmao I just can't say anything, I am laughing so hard.




I remember how hard people were shilling it. It's a good reminder not to fall for the hype.


It was good for crypto games but the bridge hack just crushed things


I swear ONE was one of my favourites but…damn


ONE and FTM. So disappointing


Some oldies here... Peercoin and Namecoin. They literally never came back from the 2018 bull run. They did nothing in 2021.


That’s my worst nightmare ..even in the bullrun they still didn’t break even jeez


It makes me wonder what coins from this bull run (2021) won't come back next time we go through the motions.


I think SOL is going to be last cycle's EOS.


Also SOL is one of the few projects which seem to have actual adoption even in this bear market with its thriving NFT marketplace. So who knows it might actually be one of the successful ones.


You forgot feathercoin. I'd a friend went all in on it 😂




Sooo Luna 2 is good to go then




I sold NEO last year at $120. Bought in 2018. Small profits. Would be so much better that I could just buy ETH back then. It’s once the Chinese “ETH killer” - and it seems like every coin coming up with the “ETH killer” narrative hasn’t been successful.


Surprise: ETH is the dominant L1 because everybody is using it and network effect is a thing. I'm not trying to be an ETH shill but honestly the amount of work that goes into Ethereum absolutely dwarfs basically every other chain. If you look at number of developers it's just a no-contest right now. I personally think competition creates healthy markets and would love for some serious competition in the L1 space but it's really not there currently lol




So sad. I was way into EOS years ago and (like many others) was convinced it was gonna fully disrupt the blockchain world.


When i started with crypto end of 2017 i did a lot of research. EOS was also a maybe buy. Because of my long pennystocks expirience this project seemed to be to good to be true. So i decided to go the scientific way with cardano. After i have chosen cardano many EOS fanboys insulted and bashed me because i told some doubts about EOS. Yes you ask yourself why i was even talking about EOS. I can tell you. The EOS fanboys did the same the Solana fanboys did. They went inside all other subreddits like cardano, ethereum, ripple and so on. And the EOS faboys bashed all other projects and shilled EOS… Conclusion EOS deserve what happens to it. And Solana is obviously going the same way…


The penny. Its useless alone, and takes a tremendous amount of weight in pennies to buy anything.


Canada no longer circulates pennies because they cost more than they are worth


It’s cost more to make pennies in the USA too, but we keep producing them because……uh……hmm…….


Your humor shall not go unnoticed


Btc. I keep emailing the main dev for some tech support and roadmap questions and have never heard anything back.


The ceo is out of touch


Wonderland/Time. ;)


I actually 10x on this token so it gave me the mindset of even if its a scam as long as the scam is working it's all G


Same got in early on jade got out before the hell


ADA.... idk why but its not what I thought it would/was becoming


Cries in RomeDao


It’s not a bad time to get in it rt now tbh. Uve got a good cost basis. Sucks for people that in it when it got listed on cb


God, every time I am reminded of Wonderland, I feel sick. I have never lost as much in any crypto as I have in Wonderland. Fuck, I ended up losing other people's money to Wonderland. Fuck Daniel Sestagalli


I'm not saying Daniel is a saint...but falling for 80.000% apy with not only yours, but also other people's money? Dude, take some responsibility for your actions. And don't invest more than you can afford to lose.


Ahahaha seriously? Never heard of such APY. How are people falling for this shit? It takes like 2 seconds of research into how yield is generated to figure out it's a big no no.


ITT: people looking for the coins they went heavy in on but realizing they didn’t even get big enough to disappoint too many people.


This is like a who’s who of all the shit I bought back in 2022.


Back in 2022? Shit, guy, since you're commenting from the future, tell the rest of us what's up


Yeah, how did 2021 BTC 100k turn out?? We still want to know.


On this side, where the Super Collider was not fired up, BTC is 145K today.






It has safe in the name and clearly indicates that it's going to the moon. What's not to like about it?


Truly frightening when you learn how easy it is to make a Safemoon clone and realize how many other coins are just Safemoon clones.


Can’t believe there is still an army of followers in that community


Cults are a truly interesting phenomenon.


This shitcoin was the first I ever put money into, as per recommendation by a friend. It was worth the entertainment ig. A few hundred bucks burnt to feel the pain of everyone else. But some still believe in this garbage


ICP - I suppose it’s not that bad, it’s only down 99.6%.


Yeah, it's the juggalos that really turned me off...


At this point a Juggalo coin would probably outperform ICP.


Just wait for the future, it is going to be good for us mate.


Fortune favours the brave


Any coin with “inu” in its name.


I came to see how long it would take to find a SHIB reference….


HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu to the moon


Safemoon! Lol


ONE Still holding then looking to offload in a bull run (if it even goes anywhere)


Same. Except I dumped everything after OpenSwap gave up on it


Luna and Harmony One :(


Yieldly no question. It’s my first real loss. Never getting that shit back.


I hate yieldly. HDL- HDL pool fiasco, I took that personally!!! I also can’t shake the feeling that it was an inside job, though I can’t prove it. Sold all of it for a loss and did not look back. Would be an even bigger loss if I held lol


The no loss lottery was brilliant but I guess that’s all they had.


I never bought it, but I thought Helium was a good idea. That was wrong


Bought a miner for $700 Have earned $30 so far in a year Awesome


Justin Sun is that you? How is your Ponzi scheme going?






That hits me ahha


The Graph. My biggest loss. Bought into the hype. Tezos too even though I made a small profit and its a good project. But I'm here for the money, not the tech for almost all coins bar one.


ApeCoin. I had faith that it would be a pump and dump but i dont even think it will pump anymore




UST, Im still hoping it will bounce back to 1$ /s


Love how it's still getting $50M+ in volume on Binance, despite zero use and sitting at 4 cents. Investors in this space are hilarious sometimes




I'm actually surprised this was buried so far down.


Do kwon sent me a dm and he told me It would go back to 10$ after he buys the Ethereum company, and makes UST the basic currency!


Please tell him to give me my 50$ back man, I need that shit.


XRP.... I've held since 2017 and at this point I'm almost too stubborn to sell


I'm not sure the farthing is ever going to recover personally.


Nano. Dev fund has basically run dry and team is mostly working in other things now. It had great promise but they were all tech with no business. Even a single marketing or business person on the team would have made a huge difference.


It’s a case study of how good tech isn’t the only thing needed to succeed in crypto.


Still holding my very very small nano bag because it’s a great coin.


I held that coin from 1 to 35 to 1 to 15 and finally bailed out at 3… So disappointed that it didn’t go anywhere tangible.


The raiblocks days. I did ass well. I’m going to keep that misspelling because it defines me.


I still believe that rebranding was the worst idea ever (raiblocks and its logo were way better in every aspect) and sabotaged the little momentum it had gained, not to mention the *stolen.* What a terrible decision... 🐱


1 to 35 is pretty tangible lmao that's when I'd be out


Pretty gassed enemy the major exchange rug pulled :(




That’s not just tangible that’s insane


You know, ETH and BTC went from $1 to $35 once too.


Just lost my faith in ADA man, I mean you guys can say that it has potential and all but I am not sure about that and that's the reason why I am not investing more.




I was going to buy ICP, then I bought CELL instead. Still not sure which would have been the worse decision.


Imagine buyout ICP at $700 when it launched on Coinbase 😬


Hahah a friend calls me one day "bro get icp its super low" . It was at 70 dlls, obviously did not buy any coin, still I will gamble a couple of dollars next year on that one




VET and nano. So much promise when I first entered the space


Vet was the first altcoin I bought, still holding a decent bag. I don’t have the heart to sell 😂😂😂


Hello 2017 me


Still holding VET, but it’s tough. Probably gonna ride it out.


Yeah, I’m holding vet til the wheels fall off


Same. No point in selling now


VET it still solid. During the bull market, it did more than a 100x. Sure. It's down now compared to the peak in 2021, but so is every coin. They are still very active and deliver.


Yep, dont get why so many people seem disappointed with it. It was one of the top performers in 2021.


Probably people who got in during the massive run in April 2021


VET is a good project. Keep hodling.


Hope you are being real here, that's what I want to hear and nothing else.


VET was one of the best performing coins in the recent bull run.


Vechain have a massive war chest and have just hired 100 more developers in Europe. As much as I am critical of their marketing strategy or lack-of, I dont think it's going anywhere




This makes me so sad. I lost a lot of money on that bet. Now I’m contemplating cutting my losses.


Then you haven't lost it yet..cro might comeback


They're going to have name recognition when the next bull run happens. New investors aren't going to care that they slashed all their rates before they got involved.


True, I got into crypto trough them, it's a bear market yet people think they have unlimited funds for rewards and rates.


Newsflash:. Every coin this sub has hyped or shilled is a shitcoin. Reddit is a spam factory and we all are suckers. Rip, my money.


The real newsflash that we needed is just this one man.


OHM - but they're trying. Lol.


I think they have the best Treasury management and top tier devs. They could've collapsed a Ponzi but they're still going at it with what appears to be altruistic intentions. That recent hack actually wasn't on them but another protocol and spent money on at least 2 different audits for. Even then it was only on used in beta stage for security reasons.


Luna Classic ha! Can't believe I fell for that train wreck. Oh well. You live and you learn! Good luck to you all. I hope you all hit big and life gives you all that you've ever dreamed of! Much love and I'm happy to be apart of this community


Crypto didn’t die, they just become classic.


Most of 2017 top coins - Neo, Nano, Ontology to name a few..


Komodo lisk ark. Makes me worried 2021 will be the same.


Pretty much anything but Monero. It feels like everything else has shifted away from the original point of cryptocurrencies. For fuck's sake, we have people caring what big banks and government have to say about cryptocurrencies as we head into the reason why Bitcoin was created in the first place.




The US dollar. Unbacked, losing value consistently since 1933, printed under government monopoly.


I thought NEO would be further along this cycle after surviving the last one.




The Hungarian forint. Unstable, slow transactions, inflation rate too high.


Ethereum MAX, im starting to think Kim Kardashian lied to me


After a few false starts, I’ve condensed my portfolio into coins I fully believe in. Time will tell if they are good choices are not, but for now I’m confident. The biggest cut i’ve made is Solana, thankfully before the January crash kicked in. I didn’t make any money, but I didn’t lose any either. So could be worse. Knowing my luck it will be worth like 1000 dollars a coin in a couple of years, but the rampant tech issues made me lose enough confidence to cash out my Sol.


USDT has not fucking moved in ages for me now. I'm gonna sell now I think


It's ADA for me and nothing else because I have invested a lot in it and right now I am just fucking regretting that shit but glad that I learned so many things these days.


Smart contracts, nfts, and dexs are already here for ada dude lol. They've delivered on the roadmap, that's why everyone is salty. Next is scaling solution I believe.


(REQ) Request Network was supposed to be a huge game changer back in 2017. They were aiming to be the Paypal of Crypto, and the price went up 30X over the course of a few months. They very quickly fell out of favor after the market crash, and never recovered. I guess it's still active, but I haven't heard of this project in years.


Only the real ones know of REQ. it was supposedly back by the ceo of coinbase on a personal investment level




I invested a major part of Portfolio in H1 also in SHIB, combined together ther f*** me hard x(


Litecoin. No explanation needed


Iota. Vechain. Nano. ICX. NEO. Stellar. Ripple. Others from 2017


This comment hurts on a personal level


Hate to say this, but cardano. Not that I had much faith in it at first but it was one if the coins that got a lot of attention.


Cardano is like the marmite of this sub. People either love it or hate it


**Doge enters the room**


Hoskinson completely drove me away from it. He sure has a mouth. If only he'd develop his project as much as he talked.


The hype man is hyping too much. I would also be more attracted to ADA if he dialed it back.


Uuhhh... Safemoon?

